
Otherworldly Boxing!

Pro Boxer on the verge of death gets sent to another world name Astana where he gets powers based on his last thoughts Follow David/Grey Jean in his Adventures in becoming an Otherworldly Boxer

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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Mana Usage 101

"Crisis Averted." I said with a sigh of relief, I wonder how Dad made fire come out of the blade. It must've been some sort of magic, An imbued weapon with spells. That's not right I think it's gotta be Mana usage.

Dad walks in the house dusting off his clothes and Putting his weapon Back. "Hey son... I noticed you were using Air Mana. Where did you learn that?" My dad said with a curious face. I looked at him and said "I don't know actually. I was doing everything I'm supposed to be doing, I don't remember using any magic."

My mom curious as well shows me a basic display of air mana and fire mana, she dries the Plates off by making a blow dryer via combining Air and Fire. "It's curious that you unlocked Air Mana as your first magic and not fire..." Mom said while putting away the dried plates with his Air mana.

"All Families, of any race can use all 4 Mana types. But every family can only specialize in 1 Type as It's impossible to master all. Only one person has ever achieved it..." Mom said looking at old books in the shelf, she grabs one of it named the "The Great Warrior Narzhul"

"This is about the only person to ever achieve mastery over the 4 Types of mana. And this, this is..." Mom said while grabbing another book from the shelf named "The Basics of Mana usage"

"Read up on this, and come back to me when you finished. It's about time you learned Magic." Mom said with a smile, I turn back to my dad sharpening the stone he put away.

"I'll be in my room if anyone needs me." I take the books and head inside my room to study up on Magic, before returning to mom.

As I read up on Narzhul I read how he used his Magic. His style was that of coating his weapons and fist with Mana. The Perfect combinations and how to mix them with max Efficiency. It's intriguing, There's even one where he mixes all 4 Elements to provide both Defensive and Offensive Capabilities.

As I was finishing reading it I saw that he died in a great battle with... The Next page has been torn out of the book. who and why did this, Well the only ones who had this book are mom and dad. Either way I gotta find out what happened.

But for now it's time to Learn about basic mana Usage. The cover looks as if the person is meditating, and Particles surrounding him with the 4 symbols of the 4 types. As I start reading the book it tells me to relax, Breathe, And collect every particle of mana in the vicinity, via imagining yourself putting all the little particles you see into 1 big circle.

As I was concentrating and putting everything together I imagined what the great warrior Narzhul looked like using all 4 elements. and as I did, It's as if my entire body filled up with Mana and Bursted out of my body.

As I Open my eyes I was greeted with the shocked faces of my family as they saw. Stones surrounding me and air Accompanying them to move around me, Fire on my entire arm, And water shaped as bullets to have long range capabilities.

"Mom? Dad? What happened?" I said with a shocked face as I saw my body full of mana. My parents eyes widened, They are shocked awe from my display of control.

"Honey... I think we gave birth to the second great warrior."