
changes and mana

While walking down his predetermined path, he suddenly felt a stabbing ache in his head and a numbing feeling throughout his whole body.

That kind of pain that affected both his body and mind was something that, he, as an ordinary person never faced before so he couldn't do anything other than kneeling over on the ground and clutch his own head.

After an undetermined amount of time, he felt the stabbing ache recede, and his previously numb body started to feel a warm sensation instead, like soaking your body on a hot bath after a tiring day.

His somewhat hazy awareness also started getting somewhat clearer, opening his eyes, the first thing he noticed was that the world looked more clear than ever.

 Before this experience of sorts, his vision was always somewhat problematic because he always spent many hours a day since childhood on either reading books or playing video games.

While he could function normally without the need of glasses, the problems that his eyes had was not something that a pair of glasses could fix.

Now though, everything within his field of view looked crystal clear, there were shades of colors that he never thought possible, deeper and wider shades of green and yellows, the tree barks looked like delicate masterpieces of brown glory, there were shades of black that made him gasp at how diverse even black could be.

He was even under the false impression that he could see the fine particles of dust in the air itself, while not that exaggerated, he could view individual ants on the ground full of leaves and rocks without a hitch.

This was no doubt the result of his 'Magic eyes'.

While contemplating the changes in his eyes, he felt a warm current within his body, feeling like he was sweating, but on the inside.

 Focusing on that feeling around his arms, and more specifically the fingers, he could feel that warm current weaving its way through his body and heading there without needing any special focus.

Squinting his eyes lightly, he started seeing a blue, gaseous geyser steaming from his own hand, while surprised, he, for some reason he couldn't fathom, felt excited. 

He focused more on that weird gas and it started bending in shape, bending and drifting like an agile snake along the solid ground.

Feeling all the more excited, he focused even more on this gaseous energy and made it form shapes; A Triangle, a square, a rectangle.

He suddenly got an idea and started compressing that gaseous energy, giving it around, ball-like shape.

The previously gaseous geyser, now, a ball of energy started taking a more solid form, ridding it its previous ethereal like quality and making more tangible.

Grabbed by a sudden impulse, he imagined adding a certain spin to the ball and with a thought, it started looking like a tempestuous storm, spinning with a fearsome momentum. 

Compelled by his previous momentum, he held the ball that produced a low humming sound and through the said ball on the bark of a nearby tree.

The result being, splinters and chips of wood flying everywhere with cracking sounds, the said tree, now having a new bowl sized hole on it.

Looking at the new semi-destroyed tree, he couldn't help but feel excited imagining the things he could do with this newfound power of his.

But before he could complete that thought process, he was overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of exhaustion like he had worked on in the sun for 1 hour nonstop.

Sitting down to rest his tired body, he started thinking;

'Whatever happened to my body, it not only improved my vision, but I can feel that my body is a bit more resilient too. not to mention that weird power I can now use, it also seems that whatever its done to my eyes, it gave them new qualities, changing them fundamentally. I feel that this energy is not something viewable by the human eye, though that part is just a hunch.'

'But boy was it tiring, I don't think I'm using that spinning ball again any time soon'

He then crossed his legs, hands resting on his knees in order to rest more properly and think over some things.

'Now that I can do whatever this is, I'll call it mana, for now, I can at least, on the worst case scenario, protect myself from any would be animals that are roaming in these woods.'

'Though I haven't seen any of those thus far' He thought

When he was thinking as such, suddenly, a roaring sound reminiscing of a slumbering beast of the deep seas was heard. That beast was his stomach. 

After surprisingly feeling a little rested; surprisingly, because it was not analogous to how tired he felt a moment ago.

 He drew a few breaths and stood.

Looking around and by feeling focusing a little bit westwards with his newfound eye prowess, Unaware of them slightly glowing a blue hue, he saw a blue gaseous cloud not dissimilar to the one he created previously, hovering around of what looked like an apple tree.

Overwhelmed by his own hunger and reveling to his own luck,  he approached the said apple tree, and saw that the previously thought apples had a somewhat, glossy, reflective, golden-red hue.

Not being able to resist anymore, he grabbed the apple and throwing caution to the wind,  he took a big bite, tasting the sweet, juicy, thick flavor, unlike any other apple he ever tasted, while also feeling invigorated. He ended up moaning in pleasure.

Focusing a bit on that invigorating part, he noticed that the apple was oozing with mana!

Also getting a better feel from his own body he observed that not only does he feel satiated from just a few bites of only one apple, 'It must be the mana.' He thought, but also, his own body began dissolving the apple's mana and assimilating it for its own reserves while getting a slight increase in volume!

Besides those little benefits, he felt that there was more to it than meets the eye regarding these mysterious apples, but he didn't dwell on it too much as he noticed that the chirping of the birds quieted out.

Looking towards the sky, he noticed, to his great surprise, that it started to darken.

"What!" He shouted. "It must have been when I was semi-unconscious!"

Looking around on the open forest that had an eerie quietness to it, he panicked.

 He hadn't thought of it on how he was going to survive as he had no experience with the wild.

He kept himself busy with his previous experiences throughout the day and that didn't allow him to think things through at all.

He, determined to find a shelter nearby,focused his magical eyes.... (Find out more on the next episode! *Ahem* chapter)