
Otherworlder (DxD/Overlord/Unknow)

He, Seiya Totsuka, has been reincarnated in this world after his death as an overworked office worker, but although a bit unusual this world was not so different from his past one. The problem is that as a fan of manga and anime, he expected to go a bit differently than that. So he kind of feels like his life is boring, he always has this feeling of void whenever he thinks about it. But, ho well, at least he has a caring mother and a hobby... which essentially is drawing mangas. Or more like usurping those from his past world that don't exist here. ... Okay, something else to add, the mc doesn't know about DXD, but he does know about overlord, so let's see how this goes.

AllBullshit · Cómic
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2 Chs

Another World.

"hm...?" Seiya slowly opened his eyes but his vision was quite blurry, still, he managed to sit down but he was experiencing a slight headache.

"So you woke up kid?" He heard a manly voice not far from him, making him abruptly snap his head to the side.

"Who?" He spoke in surprise but his vision was still blurry so he couldn't make out anything.

Though he could feel the warmth from not far and the noise of burning wood.

"Your savior. You are quite lucky that we happened to be passing by or you would have most likely lost your life. I don't know what happened to you but you got some guts to sleep out there." The man spoke as he maintained the fire by putting in more wood to burn.

"Give the kid a break, Yodd, he just woke up." Another man sitting on the side spoke.

"What... happened..." Seiya didn't answer him as his headache grew fiercer for some reason.

"I told-" The man named Yod was going to speak once again but the other one put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head.

The meaning was clear, let him get his bearing back first.


Several minutes later with the headache having already subdued, Seiya came to discover many think by talking with the two men that seemingly saved his life.

Their names were Yodd and Dorr and they were half-brothers and adventurers. They seemingly fell upon him unconscious while they were on their way to E-Rantel and decided to lend a hand.

This made Seiya realize two things, one he had somehow survived being pierced through, and two, he rather than reincarnating like he expected he had been transmigrated instead.

And the world he was currently in was none other than an overlord. He had to admit that it took him some time in order to eat that fact but, he eventually did.

After this, he proceeded to thank the two adventurers for saving his life and asked them if he could accompany them to the E-Rantel since he didn't know where else to go right now and they accepted.

Looking at his clothes, strangely there was no kind of tear or blood anywhere as if he didn't just get injured gravely before coming here.

As he sat down near the fire in the dead of the night, his thoughts ran rampant, as he tried to figure out what he could do from now on.

He could think of numerous think he could accomplish with his knowledge and intelligence, but in a world where magic and power reigned supreme, a world closely following the law of the jungle, he felt like that wouldn't be enough.

What should he do from now on? He wondered, but before taking any concrete decision, he was going to try something he also tried after reincarnating.

He didn't get a cheat after reincarnation, but perhaps he will get one after transmigration?

To be honest, he didn't have much hope about it but nonetheless he was still going to try.

So for the second time in his life, he called out in his mind and muttered at the same time.


And to his surprise, as soon as he said, he was assaulted by a couple of messages.

|Congratulation for using the system for the first time. You have earned 100xp|

|Your status is being created... Successful|

|Your base stats are being readjusted... Successful!|

|Displaying Status Screen|


[Name: Seiya Totsuka]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Half-Heteromorphic/Half-Humanoid]

Level: 0

HP: 15

MP: 15

Phy Atk: 15

Phy Def: 15

Agility: 15

Mag Atk: 15

Mag Def: 15

Resist: 20

Special: 20

Total Stats: 145


DemiGod (0)



Ruler of Death(0)

Ruler of Dream(0)












He could feel his body changing after his stats readjusted, he became considerably stronger. Way stronger than he previously was.

And looking at his status, he was even more shocked.

Going from the system itself to his race, to his stats, to the available class, and the layout of the system itself. He came to realize many things, but he will need some more time to figure everything out.

Looking at the moon, there were still many hours before morning came around, and he had until the next morning to come to terms with everything and discover as much about the system as possible.

His survival in this world depended on it.


"Kid, we are going." Yodd Spoke to him as he put on his backpack but not before taking out a dagger and giving it to Seiya.

"Take this, we never know, you may need it." It was nothing exceptional, the dagger itself was of rather mediocre quality compared to their own equipment.

One of them was a swordsman and the other was a mage, so they had a really good synergy, which was why they could afford to adventure with only two people. And also they are Mithril-rank adventurers. So it's easy to deduce that they were strong from this world standard.

"You have my thanks," Seiya spoke. "Would it be possible for me to fight as well?"

"You know how to fight?" Doll checked him out, but seeing as his physique was rather muscular, he added. "Well, do as you, please. It's not like I can do what you can or can't do anyway. You are your own man after all."

Seiya nodded as he clenched the dagger in his hand. He for sure was going to level up on their way to E-Rantel.

They had 8 hours of walking before arriving and that was more than enough to level up a couple of times at least.

He already figured out what was going on with him during the night.

So turn out his system is designed like Yggdrasil's, so it was pretty easy to guess how it worked.

He was also half heteromorphic and taking the racial class on his status, he was half God to be precise. So either his father or his mother was of divine origin.

As a demigod, his base stat was pretty high compared to most, so right now he was much stronger than he was before.

Next, the classes displayed on his screen are those he is allegeable to level up at this moment, and not all 2000 are there.

He discovered that by taking a look at all of them and could make out some classes he remembers from the game but some not so much. Though that was not a problem since he could get a description just by clicking on them.

It seemed that depending on his actions he could get new classes, but that still had to wait to be verified, but he was pretty confident in his conjecture.

Then, his inventory doesn't seem to possess any kind of limit unlike the players of the game who even had to pay to get an extension.

As for the Gacha, he could use it by using gold coins obtained as drops by defeating enemies. Each use of the Gacha would need a Thousand Gold Coins and the prize was completely random, there was no way of knowing what he would get.

That pretty much summed it all up, there were still a few questions to answer but he had no way to get an answer for now.

And concerning his future growth, he spent a long time thinking about it.

Since he didn't know whether his level was also capped at 100 or not, he couldn't be careless with his build. He had to carefully think it over.

At least there were three think he wanted:

He wanted to be able to use Magic.

He wanted to also be able to fight physically.

Lastly, he wanted to level up his Racial class.

So he was going with a mixed build but the question was, where should he start?

It had to be noted that he had three rare classes from the get-to-go.

Demigod. Ruler of Death, Ruler of Dream.

And one unclassified. Otherworlder.

He was going to level those up first and then he would think about the others.

As for their descriptions, they all were kinda related to his race, to put it simply, leveling DemiGod would give him perks and skills in accordance with his race.

Ruler of Death and Ruler of Dream were basically the divinities he held as a God. And leveling them would give him skills related to just that.

And finally Otherworlder and that, he didn't know.

Yes, for some reason there was no description of this class, that's why he wanted to level that up first. In any case, judging by its name it would be worth it.

Now as to how many points he would obtain each level up, he deduced that it would at least be two as he wasn't completely heteromorphic he didn't know if he would get the full 3 stat points for each level.

As he slashed with the dagger a couple of times in order to get a feel of it. Seiya already had an idea about how he was going to fight, no rather he already planned it in some capacity.

With that, he followed after Yodd and Doll as they made their way toward the E-rental.

Merely one hour in, and Seiya with his enhanced stats could make out the some noises in the bushes ahead of them.

Looking at the two brothers he saw them looking at each other briefly, they have also caught on to the anomaly.

With Yodd pulling out his sword, he addressed Seiya without turning back. "There are five goblins ahead. You can join the fight if you want, in any case, there is almost no risk since they are pretty weak."

Doll as if to make them come out of hiding cast a rather basic first-tier spell. "Magic arrow."

A single arrow was condensed out of mana and shot toward the bushes, directly after cries reverberated as the goblins came out of their own volution.

Seeing as their attempt at the sneak attack was a failure, they decided to charge forward together, trying to overwhelm them with numbers instead.

They had some pretty trashy equipment though. In any case, it was still something.

'Aren't they a bit slow?' Thought Seiya, and considering his stats it was understandable. Goblins are really weeks after all.

As he thought, he saw Yodd already engaging them by himself, cutting the first one he met in two without any trouble and blocking the sword of the second.

'If don't hurry, I won't get any chance to even fight.' Seiya thought as he moved, rushing toward the one that was earlier hurt by Doll's spell.

Carefully observing its movement, he determined the optimal course of action in a second. It's not like he never fought before, he was quite the experience boxer.

That coupled with his superior stats, he easily dodged the goblin's dagger before plunging his own into its neck, killing it almost instantly.

|You have received 100 exp and 100 Gold Coins.|

|You have Leveled up.|

Distracted was distracted by the notification for a second before hearing the sound of a spell being cast.

"Magic Arrow." Doll used it to stun the goblin that was going to sneak.

"Thank you, I got distracted." He moved as he spoke and killed that one too.

|You have received 100 exp and 100 Gold Coins.|

"You are too careless, kid." Yodd spoke as he already finished with the three others. "Careful, that's not a good habit."

"I will remember it." He said as he looked at Yodd cutting the left ears of all the Goblins as proof of slaying them. Presenting them at the guild would give them some pocket change.

"Then let's keep moving."

They went on, and on the way, they encountered several more monsters of varying degrees of strength.

Ranging from Monsters Seiya could take on himself to some he had to be assisted with by others, but they didn't fall on any monster they couldn't handle so seven hours later, well past noon they arrived at the city of E-rental.

And on the way there, Sieya grew stronger by a fair bit.


[Name: Seiya Totsuka]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Half-Heteromorphic/Half-Humanoid]

Level: 6

HP: 25

MP: 25

Phy Atk: 25

Phy Def: 20

Agility: 25

Mag Atk: 20

Mag Def: 20

Resist: 25

Special: 25

Total Stats: 210


DemiGod (5)



***(AN: from now on I'll only put on his status the jobs he levels up.)

He obtained three stats points at each level up, but he almost had a misconception about it since the first class he leveled up, Otherworlder gave him 5 distributable stat points, not only that it also gave him a +5 to all stats.

But the strange thing was he couldn't level it up any further, it seemed one was the limit. But it did give him some pretty good skills. No, to be honest, what he obtained was really unexpected.



---The skill |Freedom| has been obtained.

---The Skill |Link| has been obtained.

--- +5 point to all Stats has been obtained.


The skill and freedom granted him immunity to all forms of mind attack. While the skill Link was a bit... To put it simply it made him the link between this world and his past one, giving him the ability to travel between them.

But it was not at will, and there was some pretty strict rule to it.

Every time he jump between worlds, he would have to be there for at least one week and only a week. No more and no less.

The jump will happen automatically and the time in the other world will be frozen. (more like he would jump in at the precise point in time he left, so it's not really time stop.)

And that was pretty much all about it.





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