
Otherwordly Dungeon Exploration

An orphan named Kronos lives in a society where dungeons are the source of all authority and freedom. Kronos, however, stands out from his peers due to his unusual gift. He can perceive time at a slower rate than anyone else, giving him a unique advantage in combat and strategy. It is uncertain if his power is connected to his lost parents or a heavenly gift. Still, Kronos is convinced he will utilize it to fulfill his ambitions. He is determined to harness it and become the world's strongest. With an unbreakable and uncompromising will, he embarks on a perilous adventure to conquer the dungeons and emerge triumphant, no matter the cost.

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2 Chs

The Calling

The night was chilly and silent, with the occasional passing sound of cars in the distance or a dog barking interrupting the serenity. Three figures can be seen moving swiftly and quietly through the dark alleyways. Their footsteps were gentle and silent, as hushed as leaves falling from a tree.

They huddled together in the pitch-blackness, their faces hidden by the hoods of their jackets as their breath misted in the chilly air. They carefully avoided making noise as they walked toward the candy store, listening for any warning signs of impending danger. After getting his lockpicks ready, Leo started trying to unlock the door.

"Hurry up, Leo!" Alex whispered with irritation in his tone.

"Dude, relax. I'm only 13, so I'm not yet efficient with my lock-picking skills. secondly, I just learned this last night, and why are you guys always giving me the hard parts!" Leo whispered angrily back.

Kronos couldn't help but feel a sense of tension in the air as his friends bickered quietly. He knew they were all on edge, and any noise or argument could alert the police or the shop owner.

"Guys, we need to focus," Kronos whispered, trying to diffuse the tension. "We have a job to do, and we need to do it quickly and quietly."

"Roger!" The two answered, now having the clarity to focus.

After some time, a soft click sounded, the lock opened, and Leo pushed the door open slowly. They slipped inside, their movements quick and purposeful as they made their way to the back room where the candy was stored.

Kronos couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building in his chest. This was their chance to make money and have fun, but he also knew they needed to be careful and not get caught.

As they filled their bags with candy, Kronos occasionally watched the door closely, listening for any signs of danger. But for now, the only sounds were the soft rustle of candy wrappers and the occasional whisper between friends.

The room was dimly lit, and the sweet scent of candy filled the air. Kronos couldn't help but feel excitement and adrenaline as he looked at all the colorful goodies before him. He was careful not to make any noise as he grabbed a handful of candy, popping a piece into his mouth.

Leo and Alex worked quickly, filling their backpacks with as much candy as possible, and Kronos followed suit. They were like shadows in the night, moving swiftly and silently through the shop, taking what they wanted with practiced ease.

As they were leaving the shop, they heard a loud clanging noise, causing them to freeze. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they looked around nervously, afraid they had been caught. But it turned out to be a false alarm, just a stray cat knocking over a trash can outside.

The three friends breathed a sigh of relief and hurried back to their hideout, moving quickly and quietly through the dark alleyways. They knew the risks of what they were doing, but the thrill and profit of the heist were too great to ignore.

Once safely back in their alley, they sat on the ground and divided up the loot. Kronos couldn't help but grin in satisfaction at their success.

"This one's for you and here for you. Thanks, guys. I couldn't do this without you two," said Kronos, showing his wide grin in joy from their accomplished heist. His two friends, who helped him steal candies from a candy shop, nodded in agreement.

"No need to thank us, Kronos. It was worth the trouble to have more of these candies," Alex replied.

"Yeah, and we'll get our share of the profits, too," Leo added.

"See you tomorrow then." He then bid farewell to the two.

Kronos knew what they were doing was wrong but justified it by thinking he needed the money. He convinced himself he was too young to do other work to get money for now. However, deep down, he felt guilty about what he was doing.

Before, his first attempt at stealing was terrible, and he was caught easily, which led him to only get reprimanded because of the nice uncle. But as time passed, he became efficient and knowledgeable on how to steal successfully. Although it was earning money, Kronos realized his actions were immoral and sought a better method. Before it was too late, he concluded that living off of theft was not viable.


As Kronos walked through the slums, he couldn't help but notice the pervasive smell of decay and filth that hung in the air. The buildings were dilapidated and cramped, with makeshift walls made of scrap metal and old pieces of wood. Stray dogs roamed the streets, their mangy fur and hungry eyes a testament to the harshness of life in this place.

People hurried past him, their heads down and faces hidden in the shadows. Kronos could sense the fear and desperation that emanated from them, the feeling of hopelessness that seemed to permeate every aspect of their lives.

Kronos quickened his pace, trying to avoid any unwanted attention. He knew the dangers of the slums all too well. Gangs and thugs roamed the streets, preying on the weak and defenseless. As he neared his secret base, he heard a commotion different from the usual chaos.

He heard music and laughter coming from a nearby alleyway. Curiosity getting the better of him, he peered around the corner to see a group of people gathered around a makeshift stage, singing and dancing to the beat of a drum.

Kronos had always been a keen observer of people, and as he looked around the bustling streets, he saw a myriad of emotions on people's faces. Some looked tired and worn out from a long day's work, while others seemed happy and carefree as if they had no worries.

The music seemed to have a magical effect on the people, drawing them in and bringing them together. It was like a barrier had been lifted, and everyone was united in the moment's joy. Kronos couldn't help but feel a longing to be a part of that unity, to forget about his struggles and lose himself in the music.

As the music reached a crescendo, Kronos was swept up in the crowd, dancing and singing along with the others. For that moment, he was one with them and felt alive in a way he had never felt before.

The night wore on, the music began to fade, and the reality of his situation crept back in. He knew he could not escape his troubles by simply losing himself in a moment of joy. He needed to find a way to change his life for the better, to find a way out of the slums and into a better future. He tore his eyes away from the scene and continued walking through the slums until he arrived at his secret hideout. But just as he was about to enter, a sudden gust of wind caught his attention. He turned to look, only to see a large cluster of wind gathering in the distance.

His heart pounding with fear and anticipation, Kronos watched as the wind started to swirl and twist, growing in intensity and speed. The alleyway grew darker as the wind turned blood red, and Kronos felt a shiver run down his spine. Suddenly, a white dot appeared amid the swirling wind, glowing with an eerie light that made Kronos' hair stand on end. The light, including Kronos, seemed to suck all the air toward it. He tried to run and scream for help but was frozen in fear.

The light's pull grew stronger and stronger until Kronos was caught in its grasp. He felt himself lifted off the ground, his body spinning and turning in the vortex of wind and light. As he spun, Kronos caught glimpses of strange, otherworldly creatures appearing and disappearing in the vortex. Their twisted forms and malevolent eyes sent chills down his spine, and he wondered if he would die.

Just as Kronos thought he couldn't take it anymore, the vortex suddenly dissipated, and he was dropped unceremoniously to the ground. He lay there momentarily, gasping for breath and trying to get his bearings.

*gasp* *gasp*

"What the fuck was that!?" Kronos shouted due to shock as he witnessed an otherworldly phenomenon. After some time, he regained his composure and analyzed what had happened to him.

'Okay, I have no idea what happened, but I sure hope it won't happen again' After a quick analysis, he decided to thank the heavens that he was alive. He proceeded to continue his main goal to go inside his secret hideout. Just as Kronos regained his composure, his heart rate slowly returning to normal, he heard a faint sound behind him. "What now?" Kronos muttered to himself, turning around to see another vortex forming. This time, it was different. It was a swirling mass of blue water, but as the water churned, it began to take the shape of a door.

As he approached the mysterious door, Kronos's heart pounded with excitement and fear. He couldn't help but wonder where it might lead and what kind of adventure awaited him on the other side. As he reached to touch it, a blue board appeared floating before him, startling him.

[Greetings!!, I have answered your prayers, but before that, you must prove to me that you are worthy!]

He read the words on the board, feeling hope and skepticism. Could this be his chance to escape the slums and make a better life for himself? He knew the risks, but the promise of riches was too tempting to ignore.

"I'm tired of barely scraping by every day," Kronos muttered. "I want more out of life." With a deep breath, he made his decision. "Alright, I'll do it. But I'm only going to thank you once I get out of this alive," he said to the mysterious entity behind the door. He stepped forward and entered the swirling mass of blue water, his mind racing with excitement and anticipation. Whatever lay ahead, he was ready to face it head-on.

Fried Chicken...

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