
Otaku Reincarnation

In "Otaku Reincarnation," meet Kenneth Ponce, the high school superstar, hailed as the next basketball sensation by numerous media outlets. His world came crashing down when he was unexpectedly dumped by his girlfriend, leaving him utterly disheartened. Lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice the looming truck that was about to change his fate forever. As the impact took him by surprise, Kenneth's consciousness shifted, and when he regained awareness, he found himself in an entirely different realm—a world of magic, unlike anything he had ever imagined. Now, armed with newfound powers and surrounded by mystical wonders, Kenneth embarks on an extraordinary journey filled with unexpected challenges and magical discoveries. Will he find a way to navigate this enchanting world and unlock the secrets of his magical rebirth?

Karunezune · Fantasía
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9 Chs

1. Reborn

"Call an ambulance!"

With those three words, my fate was sealed, and the metallic scent of blood oozed from my forehead, the result of a collision with a truck or some other vehicle. In this critical moment, time seemed to slip away, leaving me with just minutes to reconcile my entire life.

As the seconds ticked by, my life flashed before my eyes like a biographical movie unraveling in my mind.

I vividly recalled my earliest memories, like the moment my teacher presented me with my first medal."Congratulations, Kenneth! You have surpassed my expectations. Can you imagine? The best high school basketball player?" His excitement was contagious, and I could almost see him jumping for joy.

The school echoed with thunderous applause and heartfelt praises as my teacher proudly draped the medal around my neck.



Despite all the triumphs and accolades, they seemed insignificant now as the distant wailing of ambulance sirens filled the air, steadily drawing closer.

It doesn't matter now, does it?

With each passing second, reality faded like a distant memory, and I found myself immersed in a mysterious voice, faint yet compelling.

"I'm sorry. But I don't like you at all."

That voice...


As those words echoed in my ears, a rush of emotions washed over me, making it hard to comprehend the situation. Many religions spoke of heaven or hell as the final destination for those who did good or bad, but it seemed that fate had something entirely different in store for me.

I found myself floating, surrounded by a sea of calmness that engulfed my senses. Despite being unable to open my eyes, the serenity embraced every fiber of my being.

Amidst this tranquil state, distant sounds began to filter through the haze.

"*Inaudible!* Get a warm *inaudible*"

Hm? A voice?


The pained cry of a woman reached my ears, as though she was in the throes of labor.

"You fucking idiot. I said a towel."

Her frustration is audible, it feels like she's one of my English teachers...

"I'm sorry!"

Now, a man's voice, full of remorse.

A sudden shift in my senses, and the calmness dissipated. I felt something wet beneath me.

"Katalina, push!"

Warmth surrounded me, and my eyes fluttered open.

Before me stood a woman with a crooked nose, her face radiating with joy.

"It's a boy!" she exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm.

"Calm down, Maria," a soothing young woman's voice said.

The voice emanated from my left, and I turned my head to find a woman with white hair, probably in her 20s, holding me in her arms. Her red eyes gazed down at me with a captivating intensity, and her radiant smile was truly a sight to behold.

Suddenly, I realized the shocking truth—I was completely naked. My initial reaction was to cover my body, but to my surprise, my arms felt small, as if I was not in my own body.

Panicking, I attempted to scream, but instead, a strange noise escaped my lips, "Ahhh."

Maria, whom I assumed was the midwife, directed her attention to the woman who was cradling me, "Katalina, it's time for you to breastfeed him."

Katalina nodded, but I couldn't believe what was happening. I tried to protest, but it was useless.

Without hesitation, Katalina drew me closer to her breast. Though it had been ages since I last experienced such an intimate moment, I knew I had to give it a try. Tentatively, I gently suckled her nipple, a mix of desperation and deprivation coursing through me. Sex deprivation ugh...

The taste of breast milk filled my mouth, and it was unlike anything I had ever tasted before.

After five minutes of feeding, I felt surprisingly full and stopped.

Meanwhile, Katalina and Maria engaged in a conversation, seemingly unaware of the turmoil that I was experiencing within my own mind.