
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Cómic
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159 Chs

That boy... I will remember his face

"Fu … Fu. How is that? Do you know your place already?" I said in exhausted state.

"You … dare to use lowly trick. Coward. "

"You know. I never name you scarlet or sharp teeth. Do you know why?" I pulled the trigger shooting at his recovering body.

"Cause you are not special. You can't make me feel fear. Instead, you make me laugh. Look around and see. You are the last one to survive but not anymore." I explained while reloading the gun. The landscape was devastated horribly due to the fight.

"Because I'm going to kill you. Any last word" seeing gun pointing at his head, his face went pale.

"You can't do that." he stammered.

"Funny. Why."

"Do you know who is my boss?" his confidence raised back to the heaven. His arrogant voice turned back.


"Don't know and don't care"

He was gruntling in pain.

"How about this. You tell me something. I may let you go. What your opinion?"

"I … I will tell"

"Good. Let me ask you. Does demon feel fear?"


"Any problems with that." the blade was placing near his head. His head was covered with sweat when remembering those 11 people were died from this blade.

"I will tell. I will tell. Take the sword off me."

"Fine" the blade was retrieved back into cane.

Seeing this, he heaved a sign of relief.

"Fear. I don't know what is that but maybe."

Hearing this answer, I still somewhat didn't satisfy.

"You promise to let me leave"


His head was flying on the air.

"You. You promise to let me go." he shouted angrily.

"Let me analyze word 'may'. May is depending on me. If I want you die, you will die"

"You… son of a b.tch" gradually, he turned into ash.

"Tsk. I thought he will entertain me to pass day but who know he is so boring."

I retrieved the sword into sheath.

"Let call it a day. I hope there is no troublesome coming for me."

After saying that, I heard the strong vibration coming from behind. A group of bird fled away despite the night.

1, 2, 3 trees were collapsed behind me. I turned my head towards that source.

Immediately, a big hand landed on the body of tree. From the dark revealing an ugly monster will countless hands washing around.

"Look like I'm really in big trouble."

"I smell a delicious smell from here. Is that from you, tiny human?"

"How offended. I'm not small. It's just I'm lack of necessary nutrition to develop body."

Yes, since I have just arrived this world, I misunderstood this body was only 5-7 years old. In fact, this body was roughly 12 years old at that time. After knowing this, I tried my best to provide every nutrition as much as possible. As a result, my height is 152 cm. This is the best that I can do for now.

"You are too tiny to satisfy my hunger." he said while crushing those 2 poor examinees in his hand.

"You make me feel really angry now " 'Yes. You hurt my pride very much'

"In that case, I'm sorry. To compensate"

There is a momentary pause between me and him.

"I will let you enter my stomach" he raised his voice.

A hand bulged and launched towards me.

I have predicted this kind of situation so I dodged in advance. The blow was so powerful that the tree behind crushed into 2 logs.

In return, I fired the gun right into his eyes but seemed useless.

The bullet only scratched a little bit on skin and it recovered with terrifying speed.

"The struggle before death. I like it. I really enjoy the reward after hard hunting. I don't need 2 meat like this anymore." he threw 2 examinees to the tree. I can hear the bone crash. Like a rag doll, those 2 never moved again.

"2 life lost. It look like I have to revenge for them."

"Revenge. With your strength and your toy. Funny thing."

I changed the newest bullet. The kind that I was developing recently. Anti-demon bullet. Don't know is this work but I want to try out.

I shot out to test water.

"This small fry."

A huge explosion rang out sweeping through the forest.

"You … you" he lost many hands after this explosion. The wound wasn't recovering at quick speed anymore.

"It showed positive result. It will be mass-product after this."

The new bullet was combination between scarlet crimson iron sand, Scarlet crimson ore and explosive substance. I have many headache to create this thing. How to balance ratio to make it perfectly. How to maintain the power of explosion while adding more material into it. After months of seeking, I finally made this bullet and I named it anti-demon bullet.

The result really satisfied me.

"Do you want more." I warmed him while reloading ammo.

"You little sh*t"

"Hold up. You approach more. I will shoot again" seeing the muzzle pointed at him, he remain vigilant.

"Scare. That's right. You should be scared" outside, I appeared confident and dominating the battle.

In fact inside me,

'Scarp. That's the last ammo. If he know this, it will be very troublesome for me'

I prayed that he didn't notice this cause I was in exhausted state now. I hoped someone to come here and help me.

"You have a very little trick. You know." his eyes tried to analyze me. His arm slowly grew back.

"But that threat doesn't save you."

Instinctively, I jumped off the ground. A countless arm sprouted from the soil. It tried to reach me.

I landed on tree and jumped quickly. A new hand grew on him and stretched out. It swung very fast to me. If I'm hit my this attack, it will be my death but I can't dodge it. I was still on the air.

"Jackpot." he said cheerfully.

I was sent flying until crashing into the tree.

"I can feel hitting but my strength feel something wrong."

"Did you use that gun to save you."

"I see your silence as yes. I decide to kill you very quickly. You are annoying."

I looked at him approaching with broken hand.

This is the worst situation that I met. I should have prepared and practiced more.

"Your stand. Are you so despair that you decide to kill me with your sword."

I just silently stared at him.

"Go ahead. Let's me see how you behead me."

A enormous hand launched towards me. I waited it and threw grenade.


A glaring light radiated surrounding.

"What is this" he raised his hand to block light instinctively.

The light gradually went out.

"You show me something incredible." he complimented me. However.

"hmm. Look like you run really fast. Let's play hide and seek for now." I was no longer there.

"Where are you now" he searched around.

From behind, I leapt for his head.

"Here you are."

I put full focus on this slice.

[1st form: water surface slice] I swung for his head. The moment the sword touched his head, it shattered into piece.

"You're stupid. My neck is tougher than rock"

I was sent flying again. I vomited blood on the air.

"I should practice more."

"Let end our play here"

He reached his arm out for me. I can only watch it in bitterness.

Facing this dilemma, I really hoped someone save me. And my wish came true. Some one swung sword in wheel shape. This style. I recognized it.

[2nd style: water wheel]

"Oh. Here come another fox."

A boy stood in front of me sheltering me behind his back.

"you come at wrong time but I would like to ask. What year of… The meiji era is it?"

"No. It's Taisho era now"

Hearing the answer, he shouted out in anger.

"How long I have been locked here? Damn Urokotaki"

"Why you hate him so much"

I was also curious by this too.

"I was captured by him 47 years ago. I won't forget this humiliation"

I don't know who is Urokotaki but I assumed he must be strong.

"12,13, and 14. You will be my fourteenth."

"14th of what"

"His apprentices. Some of them leave me some impression."

He told about people who left him some impression that are hard to forget.

After he told a part that he ate a girl, the boy before me dashed forwards ready to behead him.

His face was full of rage.

He slashed many arms coming for him. All severed falling on the ground.

"Your right." I said.

His emotion controlled him too much to notice the surround. Immediately, he ate a full blow at his ribs.

He was sent flying like me and went faint.

"That's." I was still confused why he changed 360 degree so fast.

"It looks like it depends on me" I grabbed the sword from the fallen.

I lunged to chop his arm off trying to protect that boy. I used breath of water. After minutes of parrying, I realized my skill was still inexperienced.

I can't cut his head off with my clumsy skill of sword.

While I used time to think a better plan, a boy behind was already waking up.

Not like before, his aura changed. He used second form of breath of water to cut.

I successfully sliced that demon's head. Watching this wonderful scene, I wondered do I that weak.

'Bro. I have lived 2 life but I'm still inferior in sword skill than you. My feelings are hurt.'

However, I'm still pleased that I'm alive.

"This boy. I must catch up him" I can feel something rose inside me.