
Otaku girl in multiverse

She’s just a girl love playing game after having disease. Since she was dead, another opportunity shows to her. Grabbing that one in million opportunity, she travels through all dimension.

Hai_Thi · Cómic
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159 Chs

Open arc 2

"Alo, system. How is my performance? Is that good?" I asked in triumphant tone.

[As long as you don't die. It's acceptable] a cold voice spoke.

"So when I can go to next world. Years of peace dulls my skills and knowledge"

[I don't have to wait so long. Before that, you can check your status. You have 30 points to allocate.]

"Right. Status"

Immediately, a board appeared before me.

Name: Jean Sophia

Experience: 0

Soul: 75

Life: 55

Charm: 51

Wisdom: 145

Mental Strength: 75

Luck: 10

[Use it wisely. It can greatly help you.]

"Wise. Hmph. Let me see." I scratched my soft head while watching the board.

"Soul and Mental strength are two things that I don't understand their role. Charm makes me more beautiful. This sounds good. Luck is also good too. Life makes body more stronger is also one of main thing that I need to invest. Wisdom is so general."

No matter how I think, each one of them has benefits.

"Life is also good but wisdom is more versatile than it. So I will allocate all points into wisdom." I decided to invest on in wisdom to see any change.

[Name: Jean Sophia

Experience: 0

Soul: 75

Life: 55

Charm: 51

Wisdom: 175 (+30)

Mental Strength: 75

Luck: 10]

"Okay. I'm done. What do you have more?"

[I have lucky grab. Do you want to try it?]

"Does it benefit for me?"

[Some really help you a lot and others not]

"What's a tempt offer. Let me reconsider it."

I laid on the space to think should I do it.

"Should I do it?" I asked myself.

"No. My luck is pity low so no."

"System. I don't want to use it."

[Are you sure? It may help you complete your next world easy. If you are lucky enough.]

After hearing this, my brain said "Do it. Just one draw". Years of playing gacha game tells me this is not different from sold your blood.

"Crap. It's too hard to resist this feeling."

"I have a second thought. Let use it for now."


A new board appeared before me.

[Click to draw.]

I clicked it while predicting what I will receive.

[You receive a shoe.]


[Yeah. Shoe.]

A shoe materialized on my hands.

"Aehm. Does it a some kind of special shoe"

[No. Just a normal shoe that you can find anywhere in last world.]

"Then what I receive is trash"


"God damn. Draw one more."


[You receive burn books]

10 burnt books materialized on my hands.

"What's this. Why I keep receiving trash"

[Your luck is low so accept that]

"I will draw one more"

[Sorry. You can't do that.]


[Luck: 0]

"Holy god. Why you don't tell me this."

[I thought you know since its name is luck grab.]

"Now I lose all my luck. I wonder who is unluckier than me" I groaned in panic.

[Don't worry. It don't affect you much.]

"Ha. Why."

[Only luck 100 can impact little on your journey. Luck 10 like stone in ocean.]

"Whatever. I'm not a person replying too much on luck. Throw those 2 things for me." I recovered composed.

[Shoe and 10 books. Are you sure about this?]

I signed heavily.

"I reconsider again. Just leave 10 burnt book"


A shoe disappeared leaving 10 books in space. I reached for a book then opened.

"Yes. Yes. As I expected. Can't read anything." the paper is burnt. Word is blur. Even some languages that I don't know.

I closed the book and let it laying on the ground.

"Are we arriving the destination?"

[We are above it now.]

I looked down and saw a planet below me.

"Let's do it."

[Transmigration initializing. Good luck, host.]

My sight turned dark and I fainted after that.

"Ah. My head." Dazed, I squinted my surrounding. Everything is covered in fog.

"Where am I?" the fog was gradually lifted. I saw I was wearing kimono.

"This clothes. This style. Was I in edo period?" to confirm, I watched through the window. The house is old model.

"Right. I'm in the period that only describe in book. No game. No internet. No comic" I said in melancholy.

"Hell yeah. This will be easy. I can easily become millionaire in this age." I said in cheerful tone.

"Okay then, system. What mission is in this world?"

[Become millionaire.]

"Even mission supports me become millionaire. This will be easy like walking in park."

I laughed out loud.

"Shut up. We are sleeping." a neighbor

"Sorry" I replied in low voice.

"Let me read the history of this body."

The system gave me a transcript. I read it and found that, this girl didn't have any special. Just a normal peasant. Suit with me, I prefers staying low. By the way, this body was only 10 years old.

While I was sketching the plan to become millionaire, suddenly a scream reverberated.


"Oni. Close the door."


I was curious and scared but I still chose to watch what happen.

I peaked through the door gap. Suddenly, a red blood splattered on door. Obscuring my sight, I still witnessed what happened out there.

A village got slaughtered by a group of people.

"Bandit. No. They don't look like."

I analyzed the attackers. They were strong, fast and blood thirsty.

"What the hell was I watching?" I saw blood and corpses everywhere. This is not a main point. The main point is attackers eating human. I can see them eat children, women like kind of deserts.

"Does this world have people crazy like this? Should I go out and kill them."

"Oh someone's brave enough to fight back." I saw a man taking a sickle and launched sneaky attack behind eating-human man.

"Yeah. Kill that bitch. Pluck off his heart " I cheered him from behind in silence.

He sliced his throat. Many blood gushed out staining the ground. He continued slicing it.

"Aim his head. Pluck his eyes off" I said while watching him slashing man-eating head in rage. Anger poured his fire to kill enemy. He bisected his head in 2 parts.

"Yeah, that is what I'm talking about. Wait what" unexpected moment happened, his wound on throat was recovered in a blink of eye. His bisected head also restored to original shape. All wound on his body also recovered after that.

"How is that possible?" I was dumbfounded before bizarre scene. The man eating human lifted him like adults lift a child.

That brave man was easily tore into 2 part. Blood bled into the air like fountain.

"I'm afraid I meet something more troublesome than zombies."

"Screw me. I think I will run into forest." I averted my eyes from this cruel scene and walked silently to the backdoor.

"Run. My daughter. Run into forest." a woman's voice spoke.

I turned and saw woman talking to me.

"Mom and dad will hold them. You run first. We will go after you."

I was silent for a moment because I don't know how to react this body's mom.

"Honey. I know you are scared but you must do this."

"Yes. mother" I replied.

"Now go. Ahah" a hand sprouted from her chest holding a heart. Her blood splattered on my face. I froze for a second.

"Look like I hit a jackpot. A woman and a child." the man who killed my mom said.

"Don't worry. I will send you to her quickly." his hand tore the air aiming my heart.

'TOO fast.' even my experience can't save me from this.

His hand was piercing my chest but this scene didn't happen. A new hand interfered his attack.

"You fuck off. This is my prey. I eat father but he is not delicious." a new foe appeared.


"This delicious one should leave to me"

"Are you trying to fuck me?"

I don't know what is going on but at least I can live. They seemed like disputing on eating me.

'I guess it's my chance.' I sneaked backwards in silence.

I opened the door behind me quietly while those two were still quarreling.

"Hey you. What do you think you are doing?" my back was chilled when hearing this.

I looked up and saw those two were observing me.

Having discovered, I opened the door straight and ran out.

"Let's play game. Who made her fear most will eat her."


"Oh my god. Help me." I screamed out. The situation seemed like no one will help me. I can only save myself this time.

I ran in the middle of chaos. Just 4 people enough to cause this. I don't know where to run. My body is still weak so killing them is not my option. My only choice is run away but where to run.

They even easily outran me. The fact that 2 guys were running beside me is the evidence.

"Kid. Who is the most scared between us" Said the man running on my left. His head appeared another eye.

"Absolutely, you scare me most, right" said the man running on my right. His body sprouted more 2 hands.

"What is this realm?" I screamed.

I'm still alive because they are just playing me. But if this continues, they will be bored and kill me.

'What to do. Think Jean. Think.' I racked my brain to find solution.

I ran a long way until I stripped over the stone.

I rolled on the ground for a while until I bumped someone's house.

"Out of breath, girl. Let me help you." He said menacingly. He reached his arms for my head.

"Wait. Let me say who is the most scared one in here" I pretended I'm fear to let their guard down.

"Nonsense" he swung his arm intending to behead me.

"Wait" A voice rang out. His arm stopped 1 millimeter from my neck.

Watching his arm was this close, I swallowed saliva.

"I'm interesting who is the most ominous between us." other man eating said.

"Speaking of this, I'm curious. Let hear her answer. So little girl. Tell me who is the most ominous in here"

"Yes. The one with… " I stammered.

"Most fear here is that man right behind you."

They both turned back and saw old man carrying shovel came towards them.

"Ah ah. This is for my daughter." the old man charged. The man-eating easily grabbed him and crushed his head like melon.

"Nonsense. You piece of shit." when they turned back, that girl was no longer there.

"Where is she?" man eating human 1 roared out.

"I can't smell her scene." man eating human 2 said.

"She must be somewhere near. Separate and find her" man eating human 1 cracked his neck and started to check every corner.