
The Start of Chaos.


Location: Tower Of Fate

The Roth family including Raina was still up. The two little girls couldn't sleep for they had this uncomfortable feeling that something had gone wrong with the world. They cuddled together watching an old romance movie on the huge TV in front of them. That was until she felt the presence of someone downstairs.

"Someone just entered the tower!" Rachel said.

"It must be Daniel" Raina said excitedly, she got up and ran out the room too fast for Rachel to stop her.

"Wait..." Rachel said getting up and turning to her mother" let's go it's not David and the potency of this person's aura is incredible". Arella nodded her head and they ran out going down the stairs to the lobby. There they met Raina standing in front of an old man in a suit with a gold and black staff. She was looking at him curiously.

"You're not Daniel" Raina said as Rachel and Arella came to stand beside her.

"Seems I had visitors while I was gone, sorry for being a bad host" the man said smiling at them.

"Who are you" Rachel asked wary of someone who could enter the place they called home as freely and easily as possible. Her eyes began to redden as black energy gathered round her hands. The man raised an eyebrow at that but showed no fear.

"I'm Kent Nelson and this is my home" He said raising up his hands as the Tower seemed to resonate with him. The tower made its usual hologram and stood beside Kent and the looked like father and son. The tower always took the form of Kent during his younger days as Dr Fate.

"Damn I was a looker back then" Kent sighed shaking his head.

"I was trying to remember, you look like tower man" Raina said happily. Kent smiled at that.

"We would have to chat later, I'm sure you can feel it" Kent said turning to Raven. She could understand what he was implying.

"Feel what?" Arella asked.

"Like someone broke the laws of the world mom" Raven said as Kent nodded his head. Arella frowned, she had been studying magic like her daughter and understood what she meant.

"I need to pick up a friend upstairs, then I'll have to go" Kent said.

"I'll follow you" Raven said resolutely. Wherever this was happening, she knew Daniel would be there and she would protect him till her death.

Location: Abandoned Church.

John vs Demon Group

John Constantine was having a great time, as an adrenaline junky shooting a rapid fire gun into demons of various shapes, was well, fucking awesome. The only ones starting to piss him off were those that could step into the shadows. He started formulating a plan in his head. He switched out the guns for the sword then snapped his fingers then the sword caught fire creating intense light and heat.

'This blade increased the strength of the magic flame' John thought. The shadows around him drew about ten meters back while the other demons hissed. As the shadow demons came out (there were two) of the shadows as they were a bit stunned cause they were the closest when the sword erupted. John brought out the Nth gun (he didn't like the name Hollow had thought of) and blasted it at them. He moved quickly towards them then slashed through them with no resistance. They burst into smoke then it dissipated.

"Enhanced physical attributes it seems" John said amazed at how fast he covered the distance to kill the demons. 'This sword is truly amazing' he thought. He turned to the other demons.

"Wish I had this earlier" John said smirking as they snarled at him.

"Fuck you Constantine!" One of the demons said as they charged.

Rad vs Aeshma

Rad and Aeshma clashed weapons once more. It looked normal apart from a little light show but they were not only battling on this plane. They were also on the astral plane battling it out and that is where most of their energy was.

Rad couldn't lie to himself, he was losing, being unable to use his gift from Yahweh to battle Aeshma was an almost impossible task, but it seems Aeshma was limiting himself for a reason that Rad didn't know. Rad was not happy about not knowing why. They clashed sword vs mace once more and kept dancing around each other and the astral plane was feeling continuous mountain shattering impacts. Aeshma was smiling as he kept piling up the pressure on Radueriel.

Aeshma knew Rad's gift and wondered why he was not using it but he was happy to continue things the way it was. The eyes of the Jin Chan would soon begin to open. It was normally stronger in the full moon but thanks to that foolish leprechaun and how he managed to procure the Enochian gold from someone it would open up slower but stronger than realistically possible. It was pitiful he lost so much soldiers stealing the toad from the Chinese faction, but they were reclusive so only few in the magical world would hear about it. He parried Radueriel's blade then kicked him on his stomach sending him flying back a bit. Rad gathered himself and wiped a little bit of blood coming out his mouth.

"Would've been better if this world could take our fight" Aeshma laughed "Let these mortals witness my full glory". Radueriel cracked his neck and wings flew out from his back as a white sheen began to show on his body.

"Good, good put some more effort into this" Aeshma said as his horns grew longer from the top of his head and huge leathery wings erupted from his back. They both flew into the air as they continued their battle.

'Really should've listened to Barachiel on depending on my gift too much' Rad said as he was once again being pushed back and the light show grew more intense. Some residents in the area began to leave their homes to check what was going on. Sounds of police cars could be heard also.

"Foolish mortals, my minions feast on them" Aeshma shouted as some of the demons fighting John left him and flew or ran to the civilians.

As that happened, the eyes of the Jin Chan started to open. The order of the world fell and chaos came in.

Demons Attacking Civilians.

The people who left their homes could view the weird light show in the abandoned church and had quickly called the police. The church was a bit in the woods and against their nature they wisely decided to not be too inquisitive. The police just arrived on the street leading to the church when the demons came out the woods.

All the people stood in horror at their nightmares made flesh. The thirteen demons charged towards the civilians and began to cleave through them as the streets began to run red with blood and screams ran through the air.

"Mommy!" a six year old girl shouted after seeing her mother's torso being crushed by a hammer. The demon that killed her mother sighted her and was moved towards her.

"Come here little gi-". There was a flash and the demon never got to finish its sentence. An old Chinese man with black shades holding a sword in his right hand stood in front of her. He had white hair and in his left hand was the scabbard for the sword. The killing on the street stopped as the demons stopped to analyze their new foe.

"It seems that the ritual has begun" the old man said "the order of the world must be repaired". He took a step and next he was behind the demons. Their body parts began to slide off and they were all dead. They then crumbled into dust and disappeared.

The old man looked at all the destruction and shook his head before he started moving once more towards the church then sheathing his sword.

Daniel POV

Daniel vs Three Demons

I wanted to go and kill those demons but those bloody bastards got in my way. They had perfect coordination with each other and it was almost seamless. They did not use magic against me anymore since I could sense them and move before they could attack. Probably also because of me sucking it from one of them.

"You are weak, because of that those you protect would die".

"Before you die know you fell to Vanth" the tallest one said

"-Titivillus" the shortest one said

"Djall" the last one said. They charged towards me in a triangle formation. I threw my two chakrams to my left and right to face Titivillus and Djall before stretching out my right hand. A little portal opened and I grabbed Stenyxor and felt my powers begin to increase. The two chakrams were blocked and sent back but it gave me enough time to block Vanth, parrying his blade before spinning the axe and disarming him. His eyes were wide as my axe sliced through his right shoulder into his heart. The other two saw this and stopped their advance. I pulled out the axe and began to channel the fires of Muspelheim into the axe using my eldritch magic. I decapitated Vanth and burnt his body.

"Just so you know, you die by this axe there is no return" I said. They all snorted. I was pissed at being stalled by these fools. My senses blared and I turned to the church. I could feel the toad begin to open its eyes. 'This is bad' I thought frowning. I turned back to the demons before willing myself to float.

'Got to end this quickly'. The chakrams began to float off the ground returning back to me. They started orbiting round me.

I charged towards Djall moving far faster than before, he still manage to raise his blade up to block. Titivillus tried to attack from behind but was blocked by the two chakrams which then erupted with the electricity held in them giving her a shock. I shifted my balance kicking Djall back I then threw the axe which embedded itself into Titivillus' head. Her whole body then erupted in flames.

"How are y-" Djall couldn't finish as I grabbed his head before smashing him into the ground as I began to suck him dry of his life energy. I felt his malevolent energy try to go out of my control but I suppressed it. I was getting stronger while taking his power. Now I understood why Osmosians could go insane for more power. I stopped draining him before calling Stenyxor then slicing the axe into his brain also burning him up. They didn't get deported like the other demons but died truly since I used Stenyxor. Their corpses on the ground with the foul stench of their blood everywhere. I turned to go in the direction the demons went before I felt the eye of the toad open a bit more, then felt it begin to absorb the good karma of the city. Basically meaning all the good luck of the city began to enter the Jin Chan. I then looked up as I sensed something. A plane in the sky began to spiral out of control and was going to crash in the middle of Salem.

'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I thought. I looked at Rad who was still fighting Aeshma who I was sure would totally screw me over. Then at John who was doing his best in fighting those demons. I then looked at the sky before flying towards the plane at my fastest speed. I placed the axe on my back then began to do hand seals to help channel my magic better. White magic circles began to appear around the plane. A white glow wrapped the plane and it slowed a bit but was still falling. I finished the hand seals then got under the plane raising my right hand to channel my will into it. My left raising Stenyxor to direct my flight. I was using magic from the magic circles to imitate Superman's tactile telekinesis. The plane did not even falter a bit and kept falling.

I then reached deep into myself and began to channel the powers of The White. The circles and the glow round the plane turned blue. The White is an elemental realm associated with elementals. I was using its powers to fly the plane. Doing this was putting a huge amount of stress on my mind, body and magic. I was pumping a huge amount of magic through the magic circles. I found a clearing large enough to take the plane. Sweat was pouring out of my skin.

'Just a little more' I said as I slowly dropped the plane. Once I dropped it I prepared myself to fly once more but I stumbled and fell to my knees. My muscles and brain ached a lot. The muscles on my arm were visibly trembling and I struggled to hold onto my graphene form. Unlike Kevin Levin who could hold his until he gets knocked out, due to the deal I made with Overvoid it takes a bit of will and concentration to keep it up. It was harder with those rare metals cause each of them had unique powers or uses. No matter how hard graphene is it is still a normal or mundane material.

'Also when I get back to the tower, seems I'll need to drop rune magic for a while and focus on eldritch magic and magic symbols' I thought. I removed the mask, putting my face to the ground as I did so I could hide my face, and took a few deep breaths of air. I put the mask back on then stood up just as the door to the plane opened and people came out. Before they could say their thanks I took off in the direction of the church. As I flew through the city I could see the destruction caused by a city with its karma being absorbed. Car accidents from nothing, a few places already catching fire.

"I want to help but I have to cut this off at the source" I was about to speed up when I saw black beams moving to help the populace. Freeing people from debris and crash sites. I saw Raven helping people with her hoodie on with her mom using some magic she had learnt to put out fires. They both looked towards the sky at me and nodded their heads. I nodded my head and waved.

'They got this, time to complete my part' I thought before I sped off. If the city is this bad already what would happen if the eyes fully open.


Right as Daniel flew off

Rad's normally pristine look was gone now. His suit filled with cuts and a bit of blood here and there. His hat cut in half on the floor. John Constantine meanwhile was still standing although exhausted and now bore a few injuries on his person from a few close brushes with death this night. They all watched when Hollow took off and from where they were see him lift the plane to safety.

"Damn heroes" John said smiling as he blew the kneecap off a demon. Rad meanwhile had begun to use his gift to create one or two lesser angels at a time to help him combat Aeshma. Though those numbers did not do much and was still getting his ass handed to him. Aeshma kicked him back and Radueriel spat blood once more.

"Useless, I felt an angel would've been assigned to this task but you are less than I expected" Aeshma said mocking Rad. "I believe I understand why you are not using your gift, must've been told not to by these mortals no less, they fear the aftermath of your gift, the destruction, the pain, the unnecessary loss of life the full use of your gift would cause". Rad stood up looking pissed and spat out a tooth.

"No it is not that" Aeshma said smiling "it is that you fear proving them right, that you are incapable of using the gift your father gave you, a mockery in the silver city". Rad charged forward with anger raising up his sword. Aeshma dodged and Rad was doused in a dark red mist. He began to cough and wheeze. Radueriel fell to his knees.

"What did you do" he croaked out while raising his head which now had red and black lines on it. His normal angelic aura was gone as his whole body quivered in pain.

"The mist of Akhlys" Aeshma said smiling "this was an insurance cause I knew one of you would be sent here". Radueriel coughed out some black blood.

"You not dying immediately shows that you being a higher angel is not for nothing". Aeshma looked at John as he continued to fight before snorting and walking into the now broken down church. It had felt the full effects of the Jin Chan.

"If you can't kill a mere mortal you are not worth to follow me as I step into power" Aeshma said. The demons became frantic as they charged John like their life was on the line. John began moving towards Rad's side.

"Also kill the angel" Aeshma said smirking as he entered the church.

'Knew I shouldn't have come to the US' John thought dodging the swipe of a demon before using the nth gun on one about to spit fire. He turned the shotgun and blew off the demons head.

'We're surrounded' John thought as he stood beside Radueriel.

"Rad I take it back, you could use your gift right now" John said. His body and his wings shook in pain.

"C-an't" Rad said in pain.

"Then we're screwed" John said. Really wished the Hollow would come back soon but from the huge amount of magic circles that brightened the sky, John felt he may have overburdened himself.

A demon was about to pierce Rad from behind when a figure in white blocked it. John turned around to stare at the old man in white with his sword. The man pushed the demon back and a weak black and white glow covered his sword.

'That would have sliced the demon in half, due to the fact that the order of this city has been broken I am weaker' the man thought 'been a longtime since I felt this vulnerable'.

"Who are you" John asked.

"I-Ching" the old man said "I was asked by Miss Siming to retrieve the Jin Chan". John nodded his head not fully trusting him but his gut was okay with the guy.

"Welcome to the crew" John said.

Daniel POV

As I reached the church I saw a man who I knew to be I-Ching helping out John and Rad. The man looked at me or rather in my direction cause I knew the man to be blind and nodded in the direction of the church. I looked at the church with now broken walls and cracked roof. It looked on its last legs. I flew into the church holding my axe with the chakrams on my back. At the podium stood Aeshma with his hand through Rosa Garcia's chest as blood poured onto the ground, the blood began to pool together and form magic symbols. He flicked her away like a rag doll as her body flew and embedded itself into the wall beside me. Her heart remained in his hand.

"It is almost time" Aeshma said as he moved and burst the heart over her son who just knelt there. He had a look of despair and pain written on his face. He tried to talk but words couldn't come out of his mouth. I put my hand into the pouch in my pocket and willed a coin out. It was a vibranium-protoadamantium-amazonium alloy. I changed into it then charged at Aeshma. "I really need to make a name for all these alloys I create" I murmured under my breath.

"Foolish child" he said swinging his bloody mace at me. I pretend to block with the axe but sending the chakrams out to cut into him. His strength would push me back but I knew I couldn't win in a battle of strength. I ducked and came to his waist and swung the axe at his leg. That was when I felt it. He attacked me on the astral plane. I was in a world full of rage and pain. Although I had mental shields, I always knew that they were not strong enough. Add that to the list of things I need to remedy if I survive this.

"You are not worthy" Aeshma said as he swung his mace at me batting me into the ground. He stopped his attack in the astral plane as I lost my metal form. "But you can watch as I ascend to power, The first of i as a true God needs a witness". The eyes of the toad was almost open. Aeshma walked towards the boy and picked him up by his neck.

"My son, I promise to remember your sacrifice in years to come" Aeshma said as he began to channel his magic into the boy. I could feel him start the process to possess and devour the boy's soul. The boy grew a horn on the left side of his head and his eyes turned golden red. He got longer canines and seemed to add more mass and height to his frame.

"Your sacrifice is necessary" Aeshma said "Just as was your mother's". At that I could see the boy's energy which was docile before began to resist Aeshma's.

"Futile, accept your fate" Aeshma growled to his son.

"Joseph" I croaked out "resist, your father is a demon of rage, channel your rage and resist, your bODY IS YOURS NOT HIS!". I shouted the last part. The boy began to get angry as red vapor began to come off his body.

"You bastard, stop being insolent" Aeshma told his son.

"YOU KILLED MY MOTHER, I HATE YOU, I RESENT YOU, I'LL KILL YOU!" Joseph shouted as he actively began to fight the possession. His eyes turned golden as he began to grip his fathers hand scratching his skin with black enlongated nails. I could sense their battle and really Joseph put up a fight, but I knew Aeshma would win. It was evident already, he was already overpowering Joseph.

'It seems this world is over' I thought. I searched for something within myself to stand up and fight. In those animes, comics and fantasy stories those guys always won by sheer determination or awakened an unstoppable force at this moment but there was none there. I had almost fallen into despair when I felt it. I looked up and saw the golden light fill the sky. I knew this power.

"Seems he is here, I can leave it to him" I said before I passed out just after seeing Dr Fate tear the roof away.


Aeshma turned to look at Dr Fate entering the church. He actually felt fear as the Sorcerer Supreme and Lord of Order landed wearing his blue and gold outfit.

"Nabu, You dare!" Aeshma shouted.

"You have broken the order and laws of the world" Dr Fate said as his symbol shone behind him, Nabu and Kent's voices sounding at the same time. He began to do hand signs and as he completed each one the symbol got brighter. Aeshma flung his son to the side before lifting his mace and charging towards Dr Fate.

"I've come too far to let it end here" Aeshma shouted.

"BEGONE!" Dr Fate shouted. The entire church filled with golden light for a few seconds then the light receded away and Aeshma was nowhere to be seen. John and I-Ching burst in, lifting Radueriel by his shoulders.

"Seems the battle is over" John said. He watched as Dr Fate walked to the Jin Chan and placing a seal on it. The eyes of the Jin Chan closed.

"Yes it does" I-Ching as he felt his powers return. They were both covered in cuts and bruises. "What of the angel" he asked.

"The angel would live" Dr Fate said as he turned to them "a being with lesser life force would die immediately, all he needs is time". As he finished talking Raven and her mother burst into the church immediately running towards the already passed out Daniel.

"Who did this" Raven said darkly as her hood became darker and her eyes turned red. Horns began to protrude from her forehead. She began to float and the atmosphere in the room turned chilly. Her mother rushed to hug her.

"Rachel calm yourself, he'll be fine he's just sleeping" Arella said soothing her daughter. Police sirens could be heard.

"We shall speak tomorrow when all participants are well rested, do you have a place to stay" Dr Fate asked. I-Ching and John shook their heads.

"You could stay at Daniel's apartment, there's another place he's renting there too, the runes there are not complete so they should allow the angel" Arella said.

"I will teleport you and the three men to the building so you can let them in" Dr Fate said "I'll go there after handling the press to take you back". Raven just kept staring at Daniel's unconscious figure in her arms. Dr Fate stretched out his hands and Joseph, Daniel and his chakrams and Aeshma's bloody mace floated into the air. He turned to stare at the axe and kept trying to enforce his will over it. Nabu frowned internally. He walked over to try and lift the battle axe but it won't budge.

"Don't touch that!" Raven shouted at Dr Fate in anger. He stepped back as Raven stepped forward and touched the axe as if petting it.

"Go home" She whispered. The axe raised itself up before creating a portal which it entered immediately. The portal closed and it was gone. Dr Fate then created a box to surround the Jin Chan and the coins.

"Let us be on our way also" John said. The cops seemed to be outside. Dr Fate clapped his hands and a light shone then it was only him standing in the church.


Before Dr Fate arrives

Klarion the Witch Boy floater in the sky watching Salem from above. His eyes began to give off red energy. His powers began to grow stronger as chaos continued to grow in the city even with the efforts of those women. He noticed Dr Fate flying towards the church.

"So use this energy boost to get in his way or put it into something else?" He asked himself while stroking Teekl. "Having an agent for future plans would be appreciated, would make it easier for myself to be anchored to this world and draw more power into it". Klarion made up his mind and teleported out of Salem.

Location: Arkham Asylum

Klarion whistled as he walked through the halls of Arkham Asylum. He then reached the cell h e was looking for. He walked towards the well bolted door and then walked through it. He then gazed on the man in front of him. Benjamin Stoney a former psychologist in Arkham who had been poisoned and tortured by the Joker before his last escape. He lay there wearing the Prison uniform with an everlasting wide smile on his face, half the hair on his head along with his eyes shining green. Klarion nodded his head returning the smile.

"I have use for you, what do you think?" Klarion asked.

"..." Benjamin was unresponsive and Klarion started to laugh. Waves of red energy began to come m off his body and symbols appeared in the room. He let Teekl climb onto his shoulder and stretched out his hands.