
The Joker (2) - A will not of mine.

{Two month ago.

Location: Black Mask Warehouse, Gotham.]

It's currently raining in Gotham, and under the dark sky two men stand, one about to enter his all black limo, the other holding a black umbrella in his right hand.

"Of Course Mr Sionis, we'll make sure the money is counted and ready for pickup tomorrow" says a man in black, holding an assault rifle.

"Good, that's all I expect. You know what I do to those who disappoint me" Black Mask says, the black skull mask on his face alters his voice to induce fear. The recipient of his words, Samuel Horry or as his subordinates call him 'Big Sam', shivers with fear.

The last time Black Mask killed someone, he tore open the woman's back raising the flesh like wings just cause the woman's younger daughter kept crying for an angel.

"Of course sir, we won't fail you" Big Sam says nodding profusely. Black Mask's last point man made a mistake and paid for it with his life. Black mask carefully used a bread knife to slit the man's body from left wrist then across his chest to right, all while the man was dosed on drugs to reduce his blood flow and keep him alive and awake through the entire process.

'Fuck, curse my bad luck for being too slow to step back then. Those bastards had probably agreed to throw me under the bus beforehand' Sam thinks to himself. Black Mask gives Sam an intense stare.

"Good, I'll be on my way then" Roman says, he steps into his limo and Sam closes the door, the limo drives off into the night leaving Sam standing in the rain. Sam turns and walks into the warehouse behind him, two guards close the door as he enters. Sam looks at the forty men in the room.

"The boss wants that money sorted and ready for pickup tomorrow when the cleaners arrive, I want ten of you constantly checking the perimeter. Boss has a deal with the Riddler to distract the Batman but that doesn't mean I want any of you slacking off! Two men on all entrances and ten to quickly sort the money. We're professionals, Let's go!" Instantly the men move into action, Big Sam's words and the fear of Roman Sionis makes them nothing but efficient.

The men move to ammo crates, arming themselves and wearing bullet proof vests quickly. Ten men move outside to be the patrol squad, every twenty minutes to switch with ten men within the warehouse. Another ten men split of in groups of twos to guard the warehouse's three entrances, the main gate and the back gate.

'Already looking the start of a good night. Constant training and preparation. Now even if the Bats gets here, he ain't gonna get nothing but copper in his lungs' Sam thinks to himself. He's survived a Batman raid before and is confident in his ability. Sadly for him, he's getting a different kind of hunter tonight.

In the darkness, the extra wide smile of a man's pearly whites encrusted with diamonds gleam. A literal million dollar smile.

"Get the men ready Harls, we move in thirty" the Joker says.

"Of course Pudding! How bout a burger after this?" Harley Queen asks.

"Well of course Harls, after all what's better to eat after a burglery" Joker says and immediately all his men begin to laugh forcefully.

'Ha Ha Ha Ha'.

Well all but one. Joker and Harley immediately look at the newcomer with a raised eyebrow. The young man who didn't laugh's name is Tom and well... he's new.

"And why you didn't laugh?" Joker asks, immediately a few men sweat drop and the guy who Tom has been asked to shadow curses under his breath.

'You fool Tom, I told you to laugh at all his jokes!'.

"I- I didn't get it" Tom says, his voice shaking. Joker now seems ticked off.

"You didn't get it? Burgers? Burglery?" Joker asks putting his hand to his temple and sighs. Tom instead of playing along and feigning understanding decides to continue being stupid.

"I still don't get it".

"Who is this guy!" Joker says turning to one of his men.

"H-He's T-Tom sir, H-he's new" another subordinate shakily offers. Joker sighs and reaches into his coat.



"-Now he's dead" Joker says looking at the dead body of Tom, his brain and bodily fluids scattered on the floor. As if by routine a few men immediately walk to Tom and lift him, carrying him out of the room. A few others begin to clean up the mess left on the floor.

"Hey Hey, Mistah J" Harley says poking the Joker's purple clothing.

"Yes Harls?" The Joker asks pulling Harley close to him.

"Those guys brains remind me of a ice cream and red velvet combo, Could we get some?" Harley asks giving Joker some puppy dog eyes and a cute pout.

"Why yes Harls, we're gonna be rich after all" Joker says giving her his million dollar smile.

[Thirty minutes later.]

Things all went south for Big Sam the moment when he couldn't make contact with the perimeter squad when they didn't come in to switch.

"Rogers You bastard! I'm telling you man if you're playing, I'll serve you up to the boss on a fucking platter! You know you don't joke with his money!" Sam screams into the radio in his hand. Then a voice comes through the radio in his hand.

"Ha, jokes on you" the voice said. Big Sam quickly signals his men to push up towards all possible exists and entrances. Five men quickly begin packing the money, roughly five million dollars.

"Whoever you are I'll let you know, it ain't a bright idea to steal from the Black Mask" Big Sam say dropping his threat.

"Well that's why we're doing this at night right, Hahahaha!" The Joker begins to laugh at his joke and Big Sam guesses the perpetrator.

"Call the boss quick! It's the fuck-".


The main entrance to the warehouse explodes killing six men by the large door. There's a huge amount of dust in the air and the lights in the room flicker. Sam lays on the ground after getting hit by the shockwave of the blast.

Then Sam hears a clinking sound and sees a few objects rolling out of the dust on the floor. Instantly a green smoke covers the surrounding area of those canisters and eleven men within.

Sam had always heard there are two ways to die to the Joker's laughing gas and now he gets a good firsthand view.

"Hahahahahaha" Big Sam watches as eleven of his men begin to laugh their brains out.

Five of them laugh and keep on laughing...

Their lungs keep on building pressure...

More and more till the lungs collapse...

They can't breathe...

And yet they keep on laughing silently.


The other six men laugh till they develop seizures...

Then they develop muscle spasms...

Then the brain is overloaded and the nervous system shuts down...

All men lay on the ground their eyes and mouths wide open as if still laughing in death, their bodies stiffening with rigor mortis.

Big Sam slowly gets up from the ground as he hears footsteps. A few short bursts of Jokerz Gang's assault rifles and three of his seven men are dead. The remaining four lay on the ground putting their hands on their heads and abandon their weapons.

"Hello there, well jokes on you. Hahaha" Joker says walking over to Sam who's still holding onto the radio. A few members come over and rough Sam up a bit before pushing him to Joker on his knees. Joker grabs Sam's lower face with his left hand and squeezes. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a switch blade.

"Plea-". Joker immediately uses his strength to force the man's mouth closed.

"Tut tut tut, this is a no pleading zone" Joker says waving the knife side to side in Big Sam's face, then he begins waving the knife in circles. Big Sam's eyes filled with fear continuously follow the knife's motions.

"What's your name?" Joker asks with a grin.



"Mmmph!" Sam's mouth is presently forced shut.

"Ohhh yeah" Joker says and he releases some of the pressure.

"Sam! My name is Sam!" The man says.

"Sam huh, it's a good name" Joker says and he being the knife closer to Sam's right eye.

"Your face Sam, it's so..." Joker pauses for dramatic effect.

"-stiff" Joker squeezes Sam's cheeks some more. Joker takes his hand back a bit and flicks the knife expertly through his hand, the knife closely missing Sam's skin.

"You should smile more Sam. You know, my father used to say 'the wider your smile, the bigger your heart'" Joker pats his chest with the knife in hand.

"You really should smile for me Sam, my cosmetic skills are subpar at best" Joker now forces open Sams mouth for a moment and places the non bladed edge to the side of the orifice.

"I might just make your smile a weee bit wider". Sam nods profusely and gives the best smile he could muster.

"Good boy, good boy" the Joker pats Sam's cheeks.

"You know Harls, you might get a pet after this. Whatcha think?".

"The last one didn't last so long Mistah J" Harley says. She then hits one of the captured with her bat, breaking his knee. The man holds his pain and begins to whimper in silence.

"Only Mistah J looks up my skirt you pig!" Harley says and smiles at her husband who grins back before looking down at Sam once more.

"You hear that? You might make a good dog. Now I need all the info on the Black Mask's warehouses you have" Joker reduces his hold on Sam expecting him to speak. Sam doesn't of course, a lot of thoughts run through his head.

'If I survive this and the Joker hits all those locations, the Black Mask will be after me. Definitely my family won't be out of his reach either. He'll torture and kill em all" Sam is in a difficult conundrum. He isn't sure who to be more scared of, Joker or Black Mask. Joker though doesn't care and is getting impatient.

"I said fucking tell me!" Joker doesn't notice but at this very moment his green eyes glow. However, what he does notice is Sam's plain brown eyes turn green. He is a bit shocked but is gobsmacked when Sam begins to mention all of Black Mask's holdings to him.

"-Warehouse on 43rd down at Bludhaven, hidden cache at the docks-".

'Did I do that?' Joker thinks to himself and is lost in thought until Sam finishes. He turns to one of his men.

"Did you get all that?". The Jokerz Gang member nods profusely.

"Great" Joker turns back to Sam and removes the now warm steel blade from his mouth.

"You did good Sam, cause of you I'm gonna be a lot richer".

"I'm always willing to serve master" Sam says in a monotone voice.

"Tch, you didn't have to be such a dick about it. You know what, you'd make a good dog" Joker says with a grin.

"You've got my eyes after all-" the Joker says and suddenly flicks the switchblade in his hand and places it into Sam's mouth. He makes quick work of cutting Sam's flesh who to his surprise and anger didn't cry out.

"-And now the smile of a pitbull".

"Ha ha ha ha".


Location: Director's Office, Arkham Asylum.]

"So you're saying my new powers come from you?" The Joker says with a frown, looking at the monster in front of him. An almost seven foot man, green hair shooting up and out, intense green eyes with red flecks, pale skin and green fingernails. The man is a bit on the heavy side and wearing a waist coat and suit pants.

The man gives Joker a grin, a grin that shows all his teeth, a grin that reveals the true monster this man is. The man's mouth is made up of rows upon rows of jagged teeth and when he smiles it's something out of an 80's horror movie come to life. What scares the Joker is of course what comes next.

{Our powers come from each other}. The man has been speaking directly into Joker's mind. It's very unsettling when someone can do that. Makes you wonder if your thoughts are even safe.

"How?" Joker asks wondering how this man gave him his powers.

"And are you a fucking copycat? The fuck are you trying to look like me" Joker grumbles.

{Jack you don't get it do you. I am you}.

{Get out of my fucking head!} Joker shouts in return, his fear and anger fuelled more by the monster calling his name.

{Fine then, I'll let you remember}. The monster says and instantly Joker's eyes roll back.


[A week before Joker's attack on Black Mask.

Location: Joker's Hideout.]

The Joker and Harley Quinn are both sitting in a messy office room. Harley's currently wearing a bra and jeans while the Joker is wearing a vest and trousers. Noticeably, Joker has a lot of tattoos over the ripped muscle that is his body.

Joker is sitting on a desk which is a disorganised mess while Harley is sitting on the couch in the room. They are both looking at two photos stuck on the wall. Joker recently got details about money being moved a week from now. He would love to hit both but they're both happening on the same day.

"So Pudding, Lil Ol' Penguin or Mr Ugly?".

"It's really a tough decision to make" Joker says putting his hand to his chin.

"Why don't you leave it to chance then Pudding. Close your eyes and throw a dart Mistah J" Harley makes a nonchalant comment. Joker though thinks it's a bright idea.

"Great idea babe" Joker says stretching out his hand to her. Harley immediately puts up her head to meet it letting Joker pet and run his hand through her hair while she purrs.

Joker reaches for his Jacket with his other hand and pulls out a card. He closes his eyes and throws the card, leaving the decision up to chance. Well, we know that decision was made for him anyway.


"Guess it's Mr Ugly then".

[Five Weeks Before Present.

Location: Joker's Hideout.

Time: 2:37 am.]

It's dark and quiet in the Joker's bedroom. After hours of drugs and sex both are now passed out from having too much of a good time. Suddenly the Joker untangles himself from Harley Quinn and stands up nude from the bed.

He walks over to his wardrobe and dresses up silently. He wears an all black suit with a brown belt and shoes. The clothing of course made with various hidden compartments containing various weaponry.

As he ties his shoelaces his face reflects in the mirror and you can notice the red flecks in his green eyes. If you look at his nails you'll notice they are a dark green color and sharp.

Joker walks out of the room meeting a guard who's eyes glow green by the staircase. Noticeably, the man's face has stitches stretching from both corners of his mouth to his jaw.

"Everything is ready for you sir".

"Well done Lockjaw".

[Forty Minutes Later.

Location: Metropolis.

Scene: In a limo driving through the city.]

"Good day Mr Edge, thank you coming to see me" The Joker says. In front of him is a man in his forties with a beer belly. The suit wearing man's name is Morgan Edge, mogul of the Galaxy Broadcasting System.

"Joker, we should've had this meeting long before. What can I help you with" Edge says. He's always been one for destruction, chaos and murder. He follows the New Gods of Apokolips afterall, and is their presence on Earth to help Darkseid in his journey to find the Anti-Life Equation.

"I'm in need of some weaponry and tech supplies" the Joker says. The Inter Gang has always been known to be well armed and technologically advanced. They use technology from Apokolips afterall.

"Whatever it is, is it gonna be big?". Joker gives the man a wide smile and pats his chest.

"Of course Mr Edge" Joker says. Secretly since he met the man he's been feeding the man his psionic virus, tethering him to Joker's control. Not that the man won't have accepted for the general fun of it, using whatever will happen as smokescreen he could get away with a lot.

"Good, you have my full support" the man says stretching his hand to meet Joker's. They both shake hands and Morgan's eyes flash green for a moment.

[Thirty Minutes Later.

Location: Jokerz Hideout.]

The Joker trudges up the stairs while slowly removing his clothes. When he gets to the room he meets the nude Harley Quinn still on his bed sleeping. As he puts his clothes back in place she wakes up.

"Mistah J, that you?" Harley sits up and rubs her eyes still sleepy.

"Of course it is baby" Joker says now in his underwear.

"Come back to bed Pudding, I'm getting cold" Harley says wrapping her arms round herself and lying back onto the bed. He looks at the beautiful blonde in front of him, Her perky breasts and curvy waist.

'Who says I can't have some fun while doing this' he walks over to her and grabs her leg pulling her to the edge of the bed.


He smacks her ass making Harley give a little cry, before grabbing her neck and inserting into her.

"Aaah" Harley gives a moan of pleasure as the Joker roughly pounds in and out of her, the sounds of smacking flesh in the room is loud and clear.

'I'll enjoy this to the fullest. What's his is mine'.

[Two weeks later.

Location: Warehouse, Bludhaven.]

The Joker with red in his eyes looks at what he has built around him, after liberating this place from Black Mask. He took over three different gangs to bolster the men in his army. He watches as the men unbox and repackage the items received from Inter Gang.

Those items will be then sent to Arkham Asylum under the guise of supplies. He has a some capable people who would help in creating some fine pieces of equipment there after all.

"Sir we have guests who have now passed the perimeter" a goon also with green eyes asks. He's a former member of the mutates gang.

'More fools who will soon see the light' Joker smirks to himself.

{Ready the testing weapons Friez and Nygma created for use. I want them taken out quickly and efficiently}. One of the few golden eggs in his arsenal, scientific geniuses who have been repurposing and the tech gotten from Inter Gang. It took a while for him to break them both, the Riddler especially.

'It seems the smarter or more psychologically stable you are the harder it is for me to implant my virus'. He thinks of the only person to fully resist his virus till now.

'Poison Ivy' Joker tsks in annoyance. The monster is capable of short distance astral projection and that's what he used to take over Arkham when he woke up four months ago. He moved to every cell and implanted his virus, some didn't take of course.

'Victor Friez, Edward Nygma, Jonathan Crane, Grace Balin and Pamela Isley'. The first four needed more persuasive methods, Joker grins to himself remembering the torture inflicted on all four before they finally accepted his will.

Now both Jonathan Crane and Grace Balin are working on improving the fear toxin. A side project of the Riddler, Mr Freeze and Orca are working with Bane on improving his Venom.

'I love it when a good plan comes together'. Sadly he couldn't get Poison Ivy, all attempts to even try and use his astral projection to mind control failed woefully. She had a natural energy protecting her mind from allowing him to plant his seeds.

He was fearful of her at first, then he got information about her from Arkham's director. She's actually capable of mind control herself. Once he heard this he didn't bother himself with her for the time being.

'She could rot in her cell. Not like she could get out anyway'. Poison Ivy stays in the most secure holding cell in Arkham Asylum. The fear that she could even control microscopic plants in the air or wood or algae made them place her in eight metre thick steel walls and purified air.

"Sir, we've apprehended the intruders" the former Mutants member says, bringing along with him fifteen men holding three intruders. The three intruders are two men and a woman, all in tight black outfits.

"Joker huh, Never knew you as one to deal with Inter Gang. Seems you're trying to climb up the ladder" says a tall blond haired man. The joker grins and whips out a blue gun. There's no sound as a blue ray hits the man's head and freezes it instantly. The guard holding the man releases him due to surprise and he falls on the floor, his head breaking into frozen pieces.

"Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" The woman shouts. The other dark haired man grits his teeth.

"You bastards!". Joker punches the man in the stomach and grabs his face. He watches the man's eyes flash between green and his normally dark color.

"Hmmm" Joker frowns. He tries with the woman and discovers the same.

'Seems they're trained to resist mind control. What organisation are they from?'.

{Pack everything up! We move tonight! Blindfold these intruders and move them to a discreet location. Prepare for Szasz, he'll handle them} Joker telepathically tells his men who immediately jump into action.


'Tch, I had ARGUS on my trail and I've had to slow down my plans' The monster rhythmically taps his now claw like dark green fingernails on the table.

The monster looks to the Joker who's now looking at him with horror and rage.

'My identity, My gang, Even my fucking woman! He took everything!'. The joker stands up in rage about to punch the monster when he stops and realises he can't move. The monster now has a look of betrayal.

{I did all this for you, for us. We can both be kings of this worl-}.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Joker screams out trying to move. The monster now looks a bit sad and disappointed.

{Hm, I see. You need time to adjust to the information you've been given. I'm sure in time you'll gain understanding}. The Joker is about to reply when he's knocked unconscious.

'Soon he'll understand that all I do is for him' the monster says rubbing his hairless chin.

'And if he doesn't... well... I'll become king of this world on my own'.

'So says I, Bedlam'. Bedlam closes his eyes and relaxes into his chair before he broadcasts a telepathic message to all his slaves.

{Let the chaos begin!}.

[Location: Tower Of Fate

Time: 1:37am.]

Daniel from the top of the tower of fate looked down at his beautiful city.

"It's a quiet night" Raven who's beside him says.

"It really is". Then Daniel watches in alarm as the entire city is caught in a black out. He raises an eyebrow and looks to Rachel.

"Let's see if we could help" Daniel says, him and Raven fly upwards and out of the Tower's protective bubble. They then notice that even on the horizon, there are no lights. This isn't just a Salem issue.

"Fuck is going on?" Daniel says.

"Daniel, I'm getting reports that the whole US is in a state of blackout. All power systems have failed" Amy says into his ear.

"How the hell did that-" his eyes widen in realisation.

"Klarion" Daniel says then his senses tingle as he feels a huge amount of energy behind him. Hollow turns to find the Witchboy with his pet cat Teekl in his arms.

"Right here" Klarion says then he points a finger at both Hollow and Raven. Daniel pushes Raven away and finds himself covered in a bubble made of red runes.

"Tch, and I thought I've been lucky lately. Now off you go". Raven watches as the bubble disappears into thin air.

"Daniel!!!" Raven screams. She clenches both her fists as dark energy surges out of her creating black wings and the Raven symbol.

"You're a hundred years too early girl, but I'm always welcome to some fun" Klarion grins, still petting his cat as he blocks a blast of energy Raven sends at him.

[Unknown Location]

The vertigo from being forcefully teleported is horrid but Daniel refuses to show any weakness. Still standing he surveys the area he's in.

'Doesn't seem like anywhere I've been to'. Then he notices the sky darkening and can see thousands upon thousands of winged monsters flying and screeching at him.




Tried to use brackets to help with scene changes. Lemme know what you think.

Chap recap- it's kinda short by my standards, my apologies. I did end it how I planned to in my outline.

So in this chap we meet Roman Sionis or the Black Mask. You may have heard of him from the Birds of prey. The movie at least gave an insight to his exotic ways of killing and torturing people. In the comics he fed cat woman's sister her own eyeballs after torturing her.

Then the Joker scenes, I think I tried to get a feel for what being the Joker would be like. Cracking Jokes no one finds really finds funny. Joker's powers come from Bedlam, who's the guy Klarion created.

The nationwide blackout is the start of Bedlam's plans.

Hmmm, what else?

Ah, it wasn't exactly a sex scene, I think. I didn't go too deep into it. Also a bit of gore in the beginning.

Okay I got a question about Antiope and Amazonia. As I've said this is an AU Earth mainly based on Earth Prime. It takes some parts from various universes. Earth 34's Amazons live on Amazonia. In some other universes Amazonia is where they previously lived or one of the Amazon islands. Cause well I know of three Amazon island names, but I just chose Amazonia.

Antiope however also varies from universe to universe. In some she's an Amazon general, in some a simple warrior. I went with the version of her who's sister to Queen Hippolyta. They are both sister Queens of Amazonia in my story. Antiope although also hardened is soft and caring. In my universe they didn't leave Amazonia to form the Amazons of Bana Migdail in Greece. In future chaps, the more the magical society builds we'll see how the Amazon society operates in this universe.

Thanks guys for reading Osmosian, check out my other book The Hint. Although it isn't an SI, it's gonna be pretty great and expansive with many characters mainstream or otherwise in the marvel universe.

Tomorrow is my birthday, so chaps might be one day later than scheduled next week.

Later guys.