

cheated on the mafia ! Best surgeon in day time, worst mafia nightmare at night .

Aurelia_sa · Fantasía
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14 Chs

White Flag

Third Person POV.

Eros is staring at the monitor while eating popcorn. "God, how cute!" He giggled , "she must love me so much!"

Nick entered the room. "You just comeback from her house , and now youre watching her ?" Nick mocked Eros "you're so in love."

he also looked at the monitor for a moment and found it entertaining

"But what is she doing?" Nick took some popcorn and sat down too on the other chair .

meanwhile Joy was fighting with her pillow.

"damn you Mina" She shouted punching the pillow.

"Fuck you Mina! I have to change the password!" she used her phone and changed the passcode.

"heh! now stay out forever , I got a real romantic kiss and you ruined it! not only that how could you invite him to your house?" she was whining like a baby.

"It's all because I'm a good kisser!" Eros showed off to Nick with a proud pose.

"yes you drive her crazy! look!" Nick pointed to the screen.

Eros covered Nick's eyes and Nick couldn't stop laughing "haha , I didn't see anything I swear!"

"Get out!" Eros yelled

Nick left the room with his hand on his eyes.

Eros glared at the view that was in front of him again. Joy had taken off her clothes and lay down in her underwear so that she could sleep peacefully.

Eros drank the wine in one breath.

"Calm down Eros!" he murmured to himself .

Hope POV.

I don't know when I fall asleep, but I didn't like the knocking on my door at 5.

I don't think I slept enough to bear waking up so early in the morning. I made a deal with myself, if Mina was behind the door I will forget her pregnancy and kill her.

I wore a oversize Tshirt I found on my bed andstumbled to the door, "Who is it?"

I opened the door and the glow of his beauty opened my eyes. "Eros?"

Can I call him by his first name? I was busy calculating our relationship and the right name to call him when...

He pushed the door open and hugged me, attacked my lips kissing me deeply.

he was a thunder, ran with me to the table and put me on it.

I wish I had woken up earlier and brushed my teeth, but he didn't seem to care. I also kissed him back gently.

I made up for the tension of the previous kiss.

he was caressing my cheek with a sweet smile on his lips "What's your plan today?" He asked.

I chuckled "Hi, good morning, Its Saturday so Im free ! what about you?"

He played with my hair. "I have a meeting , but then I will be at your service." He pulled me closer.

that made me shy he keep hugging me and my dress wasn't the best for this situation.

"Aw, what is your VIP service?" I asked while playing with his coat collar, I wanted more of that kissing attack already.

"First, you will put on your clothes and eat your breakfast...completely!" he showed me the grocery that he bought.

"then you go to your friend Mina, or she will come and start your girly conference about me. "I was embarrassed , how does he know about these girly stuff.

"Please tell her that I bring some sweets special for gossiping ! maybe she like me alittle bit more" he gave me a box full of cookies with my name .

"Wow , Thank you muchie" I couldn't stop looking at the cookies.

"after that you will put on your pretty clothes, I will come to pick you up and we will go to my restaurant so that you can try the new menu" he continued "Pleassssssse consider its winter now ! wear something warm." he pleaded .

first disadvantaged of a doctor boyfriend.


"Ok ,You have a great plan I really wanted to see your restaurant. But I don't go to Mina because I'm angry with her!" I clenched my teeth

"Why? because of last night" he had a judging face .

My cheek turned red.

"No hahaha! I was already angry with her because she had spoken badly to me." I kept laughing awkwardly.

"But I think she will come to you in a few hours, don't be hard on her." He pecked my lips.

"I have to go, see you soon... princess!" he kissed both of my cheeks and hurried out.

"Princess? Am I ?" I moved my legs , I didn't want to get down from the table.

I was blushing by all the love I suddenly received.

the sudden thought ruined my moment "what should I wear ?"I ran to my closet and checked everything I had .

Should I wear something to match him or something that matches own style ?

The door lock alarmed for a wrong passcode attempt.

"Humm... there we go! she is here" I opened the door for her .

"yes ?" I snapped.

"you changed your password! how could you!" Mina blamed me and pushed me to the side so she could get in.

"who are you ? I don't remember you!" I closed the door behind.

She showed me a white flag, that's what she does whenever I sulk with her "Come on ! you know I didn't mean to say that."

"yeah you didn't mean to say I love your husband, but you said it clear enough for me to hear" I crossed my arms.

She pouted and started to rub her belly, yes, she is using her pregnancy as a reason to do whatever she wants to.

"OK whatever just for Chilli but why did you invite him?" I helped her to sit on the sofa but she stood up again.

"DID YOU PEE ON THE SOFA?" she was shouting , because she is a cleaning obssesed person.

"hahaha No It's rain , I walked under the rain then sat here." I helped her make it to the armchair.

"If Eros see that he will break up with you!" Mina mocked me.

"Mina why did you invite him?" I repeated myself.

"I can't invite my brother in law ?" she saw the cookies and started eating them without noticing the shapes.

I grabbed them from her "how could you eat that ? it's not for eating. " I put it on top of refrigerator so she couldn't reach it.

she had teary eyes.

I sighed "I mean thats not good for you , eat this instead!" I found something from the shopping bags Eros gave me.

She started eating without checking what it was "how was it ?"

"what ?" I really didn't get what she said.

"your first time!" she had a mischievous look.

"you cant ask!" I didn't answer her and left to the closet again to check my outfits .

"OK, I will ask again when you're in a better mood!" I glared at her , she can't ask about something she ruined

she continued "for tomorrow come sooner we have to cook!" she spoke with her mouth full.

"you can't cook ! you want me to do everything, and I won't!" I wore a dress that I never tried before, It was totally Eros style in my eyes.

"hehe well , I just don't like the foods smell and I love your cooking ,my baby Chilli is carving for your food." she tilted her head with cattie eyes.

"you drive me crazy, How is this dress ? I'm going on a date tonight!" I turn around in front of her so she could see me from every angle.

"Its good but why don't you go shopping?" she is so clueless.

"Mina I'm not rich anymore, I can't spend money like before" I changed the dress I had ,because I can imagine Eros blaming Me for not wearing something warm .

"why ? your family are rich." Mina looked lost , she has always been in a rich family with a rich husband, she can't relate to a broke girl like me .

"I didn't get even a dollar from them in 5 years and I don't want to change that" I showed her my new outfit .

"This one is totally your style! Eros will fall all over again !" Mina cheered.