
Orphic Engagement: In Pursuit of Lost Love

[All she ever yearned for was to be seen, not just in passing, but to be truly witnessed and embraced by the warmth of genuine love.] [All he ever yearned for was to reunite with her, to love her once more.] ________ Nikolas and his fiancé, Lyle, met a tragic end at sea, their dreams unfulfilled as cold, dark waters claimed them. In this new realm, one forgot their shared past, while the other tirelessly sought his lost lover, holding onto the hope that fate had brought them both to this enchanted world. __________ The Abandoned Princess, Raelixe Klair Herschel and the Great Young Duke, Nikolas Zorana. Raelixe, a princess forsaken by her own family and kingdom. At 18, she faced accusations of poisoning her half-brother, the Crown Prince, and met her demise at the hands of her own father during her execution. "I am certain that not even the devils will want a useless wretch like you." These words echoed as her father's sword pierced her chest. Just as she believed she'd reached Elysium, she awoke in her thirteen-year-old self! Driven by vengeance and the thirst for power, she'll stop at nothing to assume the role of the ultimate villainess in this life. "No longer will I endure the abuse as the meek princess. This time, I shall seize the throne with force and obliterate any who dare to obstruct my path!" __________ Nikolas, the Young Duke of Zorana, harbors a secret he intends to carry to his grave. By the Emperor of Sol's command, he was dispatched to the Kingdom of Haniel, where an unexpected encounter awaited him: the young Princess Raelixe, who implored him for his hand in marriage. "Marry me, Duke Nikolas Helios Zorana!" "It's rather peculiar to wed someone you've just met, but very well. Henceforth, you shall be the future duchess of Zorana." "I knew you wouldn't agree so readily, so I—wait, what?" "I shall accept your proposal, Princess Raelixe. Yet, there is one condition..." Their sudden engagement was beyond understanding. [Orphic Engagement] ....... [EXCEPT 1] Nikolov couldn't help but be captivated by Raelixe's radiant smile. Her gentle, emerald eyes glistened like precious gems bathed in the sun's embrace. "Her true nature is far removed from the façade she wears." This radiant young woman was no villain. She was a child betrayed by those she held dear, craving her parents' affection and the love of her people. She bore the scars of childhood wounds, much like my beloved Lyle. Yet, deep within, I understood she wasn't Lyle. And for the sake of the love I hold for my life's true companion, I could not allow myself to love her. ..... [EXCEPT 2] I often find myself entranced by his enchanting blood-red eyes, wondering why such beauty perpetually conceals a sense of sorrow. Whenever our hands touch, a genuine smile graces his face momentarily. However, an ominous shadow soon clouds his eyes, and he releases my hand. Occasionally, I catch him gazing at me with intense scrutiny—or perhaps, through me, as though seeking someone else. Always in search of that elusive figure. I ponder the identity of this elusive person, the role they played in his sadness, and whether he truly sees me for who I am when he looks at me. Will there ever come a time when he gazes at me without that lingering sadness? I yearn for the moment when I can hold his hand without him pulling away, without that dark cloud descending over his eyes. He remains an enigma that I can't decipher. ............

aehilms_vrtrathan · Fantasía
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2 Chs


THE cold, murky water enveloped us, swallowing us whole.

I clung tightly to her lifeless hand as my consciousness began to slip away. Her face bore a serene expression, as if she were merely asleep.

I tried to speak, but all that escaped my lips was a mouthful of salty seawater.

'I'm sorry, my love.' A searing pain constricted my throat, as if my chest were ablaze.

Our bodies descended slowly, sinking deeper into the ocean's abyss.

My lungs filled with water, and the ability to draw breath slipped away.

Before I succumbed to unconsciousness, I reached out to touch her beloved face.

"I'll find you again, Lai," were the last words I managed to utter before finally closing my eyes.


"The young master is awake! Quick, fetch the healer!"

I opened my eyes to a blinding light.

'Where am I?' I glanced around, finding myself in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by people in outfits resembling maid uniforms.

"Young Master Nikolas, are you all right? How do you feel?" A man with long, dark green hair, dressed in peculiar attire, inquired.

"Who are you?" I asked warily.

"Young Master Nikolas, I am Ibrahim, a healer sent by the Imperial Family." The man slowly inclined his head, as if bowing.

"Imperial Family? What are you talking about? Where's Lai? Where is she?" Anxiety coursed through me as I worried for Lai.

"Who is Lai, Young Master? I have no recollection of anyone by that name." This time, a man dressed in a black suit spoke.

"What? She was with me when I drowned!"

"Young Master, you did not drown. The carriage you and your family were traveling in had an accident on your way to the Sol's Hearth. You were attacked by stray beasts." The man wore a concerned expression.

"What? My family?"

"The Knights of Solaris were intercepted by numerous stray beasts and couldn't reach your location in time. The Duke and Duchess did not survive, my lord. I am truly sorry."

I was momentarily stunned. I tried to absorb the information, but it didn't make sense.

Then, a sharp pain gripped my chest. It wasn't like the pain I'd felt when I drowned.

I lifted my unfamiliar white shirt, revealing my torso wrapped in stained white cloth.

I released my shirt and clutched my head with both hands in agony. A torrent of events, memories not my own, forcibly inundated my mind.

One memory after another.

It was like watching a series of events on a screen.

Excruciating yet strangely beautiful.

I understood and yet didn't.

Before I lost consciousness, a young boy's voice echoed in my mind.

["Take care of my brothers for me."]


It's been two years.

I've learned to adapt to this new world by drawing upon the memories of the body's original owner—Nikolas Helios Zorana. Sharing the same name as this original body's owner made the transition into my new life considerably smoother.

I fulfilled his final wish before his soul faded away: caring for his three younger brothers, Nikolov, Nikael, and the youngest, Nikolai.

I had the privilege of naming the youngest since the Duke and Duchess passed away before they could. I chose Nikolai, a blend of my name and my beloved Lai's. It may have been foolish, but everyone, even the High Priest, loved the name.

I tended to the boys as if they were my own siblings. I stayed up through their sickness, let them sleep in my room during thunderstorms, and taught them the things their real older brother would have wanted them to learn.

But I never claimed them as my own. It felt disrespectful to Nikolas, who had sacrificed his life to protect his siblings. I had stolen Nikolas' body, robbed him of the chance to live and care for his orphaned brothers. The least I could do was care for those he left behind.

I let out a sigh as I stared at a mountain of documents before me.

Over the past two years, I'd been embroiled in an inheritance battle with branch families and some nobles.

The sudden deaths of the Duke and Duchess of Zorana, along with their children being too young to inherit their titles, had many nobles eyeing the Dukedom. Some attempted to bribe me, to become my proxies, or even demanded that the Emperor of Sol divide Zorana's wealth among the nobles, despite the presence of an official heir and three spares.

I worked tirelessly, studying day and night to become a worthy heir, despite my age. Not out of greed, but to ensure the three young boys could live comfortably.

I intended to pass on the Dukedom to Nikolov when he came of age.

As I was on the verge of resuming my work, a soft knock echoed, and the office door creaked open, revealing a boy with crimson eyes and light azure hair that concealed his right eye.

"Kael, what brings you here?" I inquired, a smile gracing my lips.

He responded with a shy smile, saying, "Look who's with me!" He pushed the door wider, revealing a smaller child with vibrant sapphire eyes and golden hair.

"Heli!" The child giggled and dashed towards me. I knelt down, extending my arms to welcome him.

I cradled him in my embrace and planted a tender kiss on his forehead. "I see you've just woken from your afternoon nap, Nikolai."

"Lai wanted to see you. I told him you were busy, but he couldn't wait," Nikael admitted, scratching his cheek bashfully.

"It's alright. Where's Nikki?"

"Sword practice."

"I see. Go on and play. I can look after Nikolai." Kael lowered his head, whispering, "It's okay. I'll stay here for now."

I smiled with a touch of melancholy. During the strayed beasts incident that befell the Zorana family, each of the boys earned scars on our bodies as we fought to survive. On my body were the three substantial scars running from my right shoulder down to my left rib. Nikolov bore a scar on his back, long but not as deep as the ones on my chest.

In contrast, Nikael's scar could not be concealed by clothing; it was situated on his right eye. It hadn't impaired his vision, but it had dealt a heavy blow to his self-esteem.

Nikael had become acutely aware of his appearance, often deeming himself unattractive. Once a cheerful child, he had grown reticent, seldom wearing a genuine smile. His head remained bowed, his hair grown long enough to mask his right eye.

Despite summoning the most skilled healers from the Empire of Sol, none could erase the scar.

We had done our utmost to support Nikael, but for now, all we could do was hope that he would eventually come to accept it.

I spent more time with the boys than I had intended, reluctantly setting aside my work for the moment.

That evening, as I put the youngest to bed, I pondered the world I had left behind, the family I'd abandoned, and the love of my life who had died holding my hand.

So many unanswered questions remained.

I made a solemn vow that once I had rightfully earned the title of Duke of Zorana, I would embark on a journey through this world in search of answers.

Answers that would lead me to her.

I couldn't help but wonder if she, too, was searching for me.

Everything that had transpired remained an enigma beyond my comprehension.



Hello! Allow me to introduce the inaugural installment from my collection of fantasy novels, "Children of the Gods," which will soon make its debut. While all these tales are intricately woven within the same fantastical world, fear not, for I shall tread lightly to avoid revealing any spoilers. The spotlight in this story falls upon the enthralling romance between our formidable leading lady and the captivating male lead.

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