

[Warning : Important Message, This book is about sensitive subject such as Suicide, Death, Abandonment and Abuse (Physical or Mental) to Avoid if you have a sensitive soul you have been warned !] Remember, in this world, every step, every decision you make counts. Your mistakes will only follow you like your shadow. Across the skies and seas, You find yourself in a story you had no choice in, or so they would have you believe. An endless loop, a curse finally broken. You can save them all if you really want to. Can you finally give all these people the happy ending they deserve? DISCONTUNED

KosukeCreations · Fantasía
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26 Chs

The Questionning

We were watching as the interrogation began, Jonathan was the one who was ask to go in there, they sent him in with Itsuky for safety messure, we were on the other side we could see and hear everything.

Satanael wasn't even looking at them he was looking down on the papers were all he done have been writting down it and i'm sure that he knew we were here watching...

-Jonathan : "Could you please tell us your name ?"

>Nael "Satanael Rayshii, my friends call me Nael and the people call me "Asonaky" It's from Halousika it means "Mistake" for the record."

-Itsuky : "That is your real name right ?"

>Nael : "It is."

I hope those two are gonna go easy on him.

Jonathan is looking at Satanael hands, i think he noticed that he a ring, he than look at Itsuky who look back at him.

-Jonathan : "It seems that you are married, may we know to whom ?"

That look in Satanael eyes...

it's pain, sadness, and regret

Eclispe gave me a really worried look...

this has to be a really hard topic for him if he react like this.

-Nael : "That would be none of your business."

-Jonathan : "Right, your birth date ?"

-Nael : "The seven-teen of january, i'll let you guess the year."

Jonathan look at Itsuky once again... they both seem unable to tell the demons age.

-Itsuky : "Well it seems like you're maybe around Arkoro or Xayroka age."

Satanael smile slightly...

-Jonathan : "You have kids by any chance ?"

>Nael : "That's also none of you're business."

-Itsuky : "Let's juste leave his familly out of this Jonathan."

-Jonathan : "Right..."

-Jonathan : "Let me ask you than, what's you're relation ship with Eclispe Asonaky ?"

...Oh right of course they would ask this.

>Nael : "We are friends if you can call it that."

-Itsuky : "He protected your secret because he made a promise to you didn't he ?"


>Nael: "He did, let me ask you what is the point of you asking about him ?"

-Itsuky : "We need to know how much he was involed with you to than decided what we'll do with him."

...Oh no, i hope he's not in trouble...

-Jonathan : "Right than, i'll stop beating the bush around' why did you do this ? why have you done everything that you have done, give me a reason a motive for everything you've done !"

>Nael : "I must apologises for i do not have one. There no motive behind what i do, no reason too, it's just the card i have been given, it's all i can do, it's all i was ever ment to do."

-Itsuky : "You mean to say you're one of those people whom the creator has given up on ?"

>Nael : "You could say that yes."

-Jonathan : "Even so it is no excuse for your action many found a other way than to follow the path already drawn before them."

-Itsuky : "Your friend wanted to speak to you, were going to let him come in here all alone."

Itsuky leave the room as Jonathan get up form the chair he was sitting on and does a sign to Eclispe to come in as he leave.

I was able to watch everything but i couldn't come in with Eclispe...

Eclispe : "Hey...how are you ?"

>Nael : "Eh good i guess."

Eclispe : "That's good to know..."

Eclispe was acting kinda weird to be honest...

>Nael : "What's on your mind kiddo ?"

Eclispe : "Nophing i'm fine... i just... what were you doing in front of that house ?"

>Nael : "Ah yes, i saw that i was empty so you know me, i thought i could make it inside, beside i thought i recognized that house..."

Eclispe : "You recognized it...?"

So he's truly the demon my mom saved, it had to be him... he wouldn't remember seing my parents house otherwise.

Eclispe : "Wait more important than you remembering a house, you were going to break the promise you made, really ?"

>Nael : "I had no choice."

Eclispe : "You had a lot of chances... i'm sorry but i'm done protecting you... They have to know you broke the promise."

What...? what's is he talking about ? this look like a really importent matter to Satanael...

>Nael : "You wouldn't dare !"

Eclispe : "Watch me."

Eclispe was about to leave him like that in the room when the demon yelled somephing that would surprised everyone.

>Nael : "Does Katsumi know that you love her ?!"

I saw Eclispe froze in place at that moment.

>Nael : "Does she know... you're a world creator, the youngest of them, one of the last four ?"

Eclispe : "...She knows..."

>Nael : "Eclispe ! wait !"

Eclispe : "Who even are you...? i can't see the Satanael i knew in you... i don't recognize you anymore, you're not the friend i used to have.

You're his shadown at best ! you've changed for the worst ! Open your eyes damn it !"

Eclispe had tears running down his face... as he run away as quickly as he couldn't.

I couldn't even stop him, Itsuky and Jonathan let him go... i wasn't mad at them thought it's not like they had any rights to try and stop him...

I was mad at Satanael for making Eclispe cry and he didn't even seem to regret what he said... that's when i understood he didn't care anymore...

I went in the room and asked one question...


and got no anwsers...

i left mad, i tried my best to catch up with Eclispe but it was to late he was probably back to his home by now... or with his friends.