
Orion:The Journey To Godhood

If being reborn in a 10-year-old body is not bad enough doing so without any cheats in a world way more massive and dangerous than it has any right to be certainly is. Mature, Determined SI-OC.

ghjggxcfx · Derivados de obras
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7 Chs

CH 2 The Shopping Continues

As Orion approached the impressive white marble building of Gringotts, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer size and grandeur of the place. He took a deep breath and stepped through the doors, making his way towards one of the goblin tellers at the counter.

As Orion stepped up to the counter, he straightened his posture and looked confidently at the goblin. "I'd like to withdraw some money from my family's vault, please," he said firmly.

The goblin looked at Orion sceptically. "And what is your name?" he asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"My name is Orion Eveningshade," Orion replied, standing up taller.

The goblin narrowed his eyes. "And how do I know you're telling the truth?" he asked. "We can't have anyone just coming in and claiming to be someone they're not."

Orion rolled up his sleeve and held out his arm. "You can take a drop of my blood if you'd like," he offered.

The goblin nodded approvingly and took a small vial from his desk. He pricked Orion's finger with a needle and collected a small amount of blood. He then dropped the blood onto a special piece of parchment and watched as it sizzled and turned green.

"Very well," the goblin said, satisfied that Orion was indeed who he claimed to be. "Please follow me to your family's account manager."

The goblin led Orion to a large room filled with desks and papers. A small, balding goblin with wire-rimmed spectacles stood up from one of the desks and greeted them. "Ah, Mr Eveningshade, I presume?" he said, bowing slightly.

Orion nodded. "Yes, that's me."

The account manager pulled out a large ledger and flipped through the pages. "Ah, here we are. Eveningshade, Orion. Your current balance is 98,000 galleons, 2,500 sickles, and 10 knuts."

Orion's eyes widened in shock. "That much?" he exclaimed.

The goblin chuckled. "Yes, quite a tidy sum."

Orion nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Can you tell me more about my family's history? I'm particularly interested in any property or businesses we may have."

The account manager smiled. "Of course, Mr Eveningshade. The Eveningshades have always been involved in magical research and adventuring. It was your great-grandfather who turned some of your family's herb garden and animal reserves from pure research to partly business. The main house of the Eveningshades is tied to your bloodline, and you will gain the location of the house when you gain a certain amount of magical strength and your family magic deems you worthy. Your family is a very ancient house, dating back even before Merlin."

Orion listened intently, feeling a sense of pride and connection to his family's past. "Thank you for the information," he said gratefully.

The goblin bowed. "It was my pleasure, Mr Eveningshade. Is there anything else you require?"

"Now, I'll need to withdraw 1000 galleons. Can you assist me with that?"The goblin nods in understanding. "Very well, young Master Orion. Your balance after deducting the amount for your school supplies is 97,000 galleons, 2,500 sickles, and 10 knuts. While this may seem like a large sum, it is relatively modest when compared to families involved in business and politics like the Malfoys

The goblin bowed. "Mr Eveningshade. Is there anything else you require?"

Orion thought for a moment. "Not at the moment, thank you," he said. "I may be back in the future, though."

The goblin nodded. "Very well. Have a good day, Mr Eveningshade."

Orion nodded back and made his way out of the bank, feeling both richer and more connected to his family's history.

As Orion walked out of Gringotts, his mind was still preoccupied with the concept of family magic. He wondered what it meant in this universe, where the magic was more scientific and less fantastical than the fanfics he had read. Was it just a concept, or did it have a real meaning?

He had to do some research on it later, but for now, he needed to focus on getting his school supplies. The first thing he decided to do was to visit the wand shop. He had heard so much about the intricate details of choosing a wand that he was eager to experience it himself. As he made his way down the crowded streets, he noticed the various shops selling everything from potions to broomsticks.

As Orion entered the wand shop, he was met with an awe-inspiring sight. The walls were lined with countless boxes, each containing a wand that was waiting to choose its owner. The shop was dimly lit, and the shelves were packed with boxes of various sizes, each with a label that displayed the wand's characteristics. At the back of the shop, he noticed Mr Ollivander, the owner of the shop, standing behind the counter.

Mr Ollivander looked at Orion with his ethereal silver eyes and spoke in a low, raspy voice. "Ah, an Eveningshade. What a surprise. Eveningshades have always been known for their magical research and esoteric practices. Your family has never purchased a wand from my shop, preferring to make their foci within the family."

Orion was taken aback by Mr Ollivander's words. He had heard about his family's magical research from the goblins but had no idea what kind of research it entailed. Mr Ollivander continued, "In wizard England, an 11-year-old wizard is given a wand and is expected to be able to do some amount of wandless magic by their 7th year at Hogwarts. Ideally, they are supposed to break their original wand during a life-and-death adventure and then create another foci completely for themselves using the remains. However, nowadays, very few people go through this process, preferring safer jobs." However, the Eveningshade process of getting a foci has always been a guarded secret in their family.

As Orion started to try out different wands, he couldn't help but notice that each wand seemed to have its unique melody. It was as if the wand was singing to him, and the feeling of magic that he had experienced when he first woke up was coming back to him with each failed attempt. Despite failing with his first two attempts, he continued to try out different wands, determined to find the one that would choose him.

He told Mr Ollivander about the melodies he was sensing. Mr Ollivander looked surprised and muttered under his breath, "such mana sensitivity." He then disappeared into the depths of his shop, only to return moments later with a wand that emitted a soothing melody of calmness that resonated with Orion's being. Upon holding it, Orion knew that this was the wand he had been searching for.

Examining the wand closely, Mr Ollivander informed Orion that it was made of ebony that had been frozen in the breath of an ice dragon. The wand's core was a combination of Threstral tail hair and phoenix feather, and Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The wand felt like an extension of himself, and he knew that it would serve him well on his magical journey.

Mr Ollivander looked at him with a deep, piercing gaze and said, "This is a very special wand. Take good care of it." Orion felt a shiver run down his spine at the intensity of Mr Ollivander's words. He handed over the 7 galleons required to purchase the wand, knowing that it was worth every single coin. As he left the shop, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the magical journey that lay ahead.

Orion stepped into the trunk shop, taking in the sight of the various trunks and chests that lined the shelves. As he was browsing, a middle-aged man approached him with a friendly smile and asked if he needed any help.

Orion nodded, and the man began to explain the different options available to him. He started with the most basic option - a normal trunk with a decent amount of space inside. Orion listened patiently, but he knew that he needed something more than just a simple trunk.

The man then moved on to the more expensive trunks, ones that had enchantments to make the internal space larger and the overall trunk lighter. Orion was intrigued by this option, as he knew that he would be travelling a lot and needed a trunk that was easy to carry around. The man also mentioned that this trunk was made of high-quality materials, which made it more expensive but also harder to destroy.

Next, the man showed Orion an even more expensive trunk with the same enhancements but made with even more expensive and durable materials. Orion could see the appeal of this option, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to spend that much money on a trunk.

Finally, the man showed Orion the last option - a very big compartment chest that had a whole room inside it, similar to the one that Moody had in the 4th book. Orion was amazed by this option, but the man cautioned him that owning this type of trunk required registering with the Ministry of Magic.

The middle-aged man waited patiently as Orion weighed his options. After considering the pros and cons, Orion finally settled on the second option - a normal trunk with some enhancements. He was not entirely sure if he would need anything more than that, especially since he still had to finish his studies at Hogwarts.

Orion was not entirely comfortable with the third option, as it might draw too much attention to him, and he preferred to blend in as much as possible at least before gaining some basic understanding of the world. As for the last option, he had read enough fanfic to be wary of trusting the Ministry of Magic blindly. He did not want to risk registering with them without doing some research first.

The trunk maker nodded and led Orion to the section where the enchanted trunks were displayed. There were two main options available, each with its own set of features and enchantments. The first trunk was a simple, sturdy wooden trunk with a few basic enchantments to keep the contents safe and secure. The second trunk was more expensive but had the added benefit of being lighter and having more internal space due to its enchantments.

Orion settled on the second trunk. It seemed like the best compromise between price and features, and he was confident that it would serve him well during his time at Hogwarts.

My first fanfic give it a review and powerstones pweese

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