
Origins of the Shadow Realm

It's a co-lead type of story, about a girl and her "shadow" I should warn you now, this is NOT a book of kisses and rainbows...

CozmicCatto · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 5


This stupid lizard been chasing me for an hour, just give up!

When I wondered if I could beat it I got a new skill, Inspect.

And when I used it on the lizard....


Status: Hungry

Race: Giant Lizard

Level: 30


I don't know how to cast my dark magic, so I have no ranged attacks. So I've been rolling away trying to escape this guy ever since I tried to eat him. So much for being "The Monarch of Shadows"

There's a small hole, no time to think! I've gotta try!

I turned myself into the size of a large marble and raced into the hole.



Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Take that ugly! That's what happens when you mess with me! Okay! Onward! Where am I now? Yo, I can see the sky! Woah, that's a long way up. Wait....I could've let him eat me then ate him I've gotta go back, wait what's that?


This chick just fell a few dozen feet, not good, better go check on her.

Waaait, Inspect


Name: Zal

Race: Human

Level: 1



New Skill: Speech


...that's awfully convenient. Maybe I'll gain a way to talk to monsters. Now, time to interrogate her.

[Who're you? How'd you get here? Are you from the surface?]

Why do I sound like that? I sound raspy, as if I haven't drunk anything in eons.

Zal: Please, help me...

Yoooo, this chick is cute, maybe I should take advantage of this.

[Hmmm, ok, but I'll need something in exchange]

Zal: A-nything, jus-, sa-, me ple-e-e...


Would you like to Evolve and move into a human? You need some form of DNA to bond with a human.



[I can't understand you, but I guess this makes you mine now, woah your blood is everywhere, guess I'll use this.]



Merging process will start. Please note you CANNOT reverse this, and you will become one with your host.

Please choose a location to start your reproduction:

Arm L/R

Leg L/R

Eye L/R





[Hope you're ready after this, your life will NEVER be the same again...]

The system is wrapping my body around hers, trying to get around her clothing...

Geez, wouldn't this be a hentai? Whatever, her pulse is slowing, better hurry...


Depending on the part you inhabit, depends on how well you'll survive.

Your abilities should be able to strengthen whatever part you take over, AND you can ONLY move through that body part.


If I take the heart, I'll be able to spread throughout her body, right?

[Well, I guess I'll take the heart. I wanted a good, strong host, but I guess I'll settle with you. ]

[You better be grateful, the Monarch himself is going to share his power, life, and body with you...most people would kill to be related to royalty; guess in a sense you'd die for it *chuckles*]

[...oh, you can't hear me, oh well, probably best you don't anyway. Welp, let's take you home, my bride]

Evolved and got me a girlfriend, I probably shouldn't be so happy the way I got her.

Sorry if the story seems a bit wierd, I'm trying to make it as straight forward as possible, but honestly I don't really know where to go from here, but I shall try my best, if you even got this far...

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts