
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Cómic
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26 Chs


(Edward POV)

'Fk she is horny as fuck,. She can really last for nearly two hours. Not bad.

My stamina is also huge. In my previous life, I can only last about two hours. Now, I feel I can last for a dayy. Huu Huu good it is good that I make my sperm die with ''Will of D skill''. I don't want to be a dad before getting strong. I will only consider it after knowing I am strong enough to protect my daughters. Yes, daughters heeheee. Fk I look like a villain now. Whatever this is my love for my coming daughters'


Quest completed - Conquer Peggy Carter

Original quest reward

1500 lust points.

having lost virginity first time in this world

1500 LP

having sex with one of the protagonist potential wife

2000 LP

making Peggy Carter cums 13 times with a massive squirt total

5000 LP

Total LP for having sex with Peggy Carter - 10000 LP into 1.5x bonus for cucking Captain America

Total - 15000 LP ]


Peggy Carter

Interest indicator - love -125 % (She love you and will be with you until she dies ) ]

'Good extra bonus for cucking. I think I need to become Netori master 69. Haha Peggy also falls in love with me and be only loyal to me.

So, I can add her into my plan. I can also give her a harem ring.

When I customized the lust system, I make it Harem category to work with the harem ring.

The harem ring will bound her with me and she can access to my inner world dimension whenever she likes and she will be bound to me and the ring will also give her protection like the lust system give it to me.

She will be immune to mind attacks and her actions will get unnoticed by higher beings because of the system's protection. She will be able to contact me with telepathy.

Yes, I also got system protection. That's why the bald bitch hasn't noticed me yet. She can use time stone to whatever she likes and she will not find what is the cause of the timeline changing. She can even shoved time stone into her ass and try and still can't see me haha got you bitch.

Somewhere near in Kamar- Taj,

"Ha chooo

I don't know who is bad-mouthing me.

I can't still find the cause of the timeline change.

I only know it starts yesterday.

I can only hope the change is for the better"

Back to Edward,,,

I will clean her and take her on the bed and have a nap.

Peggy open her eyes and memories rushed into her mind and her cheeks become red. 'Oh my god, That was the happiest moment of my life and the only time I was showing this side to someone.' And then she noticed someone besides hugging her. She looks at Edward naked beside her hugging her. He looks at her with loving and caring eyes and asked

"Are you awake my love? Are you ok? Is it still sour and any pain?" .

"No, I am ok. But it is still sour." Peggy replied.

"Ok, I will make breakfast for you. You take a rest now" Without waiting her reply, Edward takes on his clothes and go into the kitchen.

"Amanda how much is the cooking skill in the shop"


it is max level cooking skill for 7500 Lp]

"Oh. Max level only for 7500lp? "

[ Yes. Master because you already know how to cook and your skill was at master level.]

If I don't spend LP for me and my wives, where will I spend? If she becomes my wife, then I have to give the best for her.

"Ok buy it for me, Amanda"

[Yes Master.

Cooking skill(max level) bought

remaining LP - 17500](A/U 10000LP from Gift Package)

As soon as the skill is bought, all the knowledge, all the recipes alongside cooking experiences entered into his brain.

Then Edward thinks about what to make for breakfast because his mind is now running with a lot of recipes.

After deciding what to cook, Edward opened a refrigerator to get the eggs and the butter and gathered all the necessary ingredients.

Edward picked a blow and gently broke the egg and then added sugar and followed by milk and oil. His movements are quick and he doesn't look hasty at all. His every movement is like a professional chef doing his everyday job. It's like a Musician performing a masterpiece, he continues to mix all ingredients with harmony and he ignites the gas and puts the frying pan over, adding a little oil, and heats the flames at medium-low.

After the pan is heated up, he put the butter in the middle of the heated pan.


After a minute or two, the cake which seemed to be pancake is formed. And then Edward flipped the cake and wait for it. After the cake turn into golden brown color, he take the pan out, and then he repeated the same process for some time and stacked the pancakes on top of each other. Until he made identical stacks of pancakes.

The sweet aroma fills the whole apartment.

After making the pancakes, Edward then brings them to Peggy who now awakes because of the sweet aroma. He can even see the star-forming in Peggy's eyes looking at the pancakes in his hand.

"Is it for me?"she asked.

"Yes of course for you my love" He replied.

These words hit the softest part of her heart. This is the first time someone make breakfast for her. She had a boyfriend, they never did anything sexual but they planned about marriage with him but she never had someone who cares for her as much as Edward.

"Come on, eat it or it will get cold"

Edward breaks her thoughts and he gave one of the plates to her.

And then, Peggy took a bite of the cake.

It was like the tastest thing she has ever eaten. She shoved down all the cakes without minding her manners.

After eating the most delicious thing she has ever eaten, she looks at Edward who is also eating.

He seems like someone who falls from the sky.

Oh, he did fall from the sky.

He is too handsome and his manner is all full of charm and his deep blue eyes with his broad chest. He is also the manliest man she has ever seen.

She can spend all of her life with him and with him alone.

And then, Edward shifts his gaze to Peggy who is admiring his looks and he then speaks

"Peggy, I want to tell you something"

After hearing the seriousness in his voice, Peggy also focuses to his words. But she couldn't help but worry. Is he gonna leave? Does he want to tell me that he can't live with me? No, whatever reason he says I will follow him to the end of the world. Without realizing tears came out of her eyes.

'Yoo what the fuck. I haven't done anything. I can't let her cry. Of course, I also like her. I mean Peggy Carter was one of my crushes in MCU. That fking stupid motherfucker with a stupid costume doesn't deserve her. She is beautiful and she looks cold outside but I can tell she always longs for love. She acts tough because all the men around her only want her body and they don't care for her feelings. She tried hard alone only relying on herself to get the place where she is at right now during the era where women don't have equal rights like men. '

"My love please don't cry. I can't watch my loved ones crying. Don't worry about anything. You are not alone anymore. You have me and I will not leave you. I will be with you until the time ends" Edward said bringing her into his chest and letting her cry on his shoulders.


Peggy Carter

Interest indicator - love -200% (She wants to spend eternity with you. SHe will do whatever you say. You are the only one for her life) ]

"But I want... I need to tell you about myself. To be honest, I like you from the moment I saw you. You are the first person in this world and I want you to be with me. But I am also greedy. I will have other women but don't worry, you will be the first and I will protect and care for my every women. I will love and do my best for every and each of my women. I have a long journey and I want you to accompany me. I chose you as my partner for eternity. Will you stay with this greedy guy for eternity my love?"Edward asked.

"Yesss. I will stay with you for eternity and love you my love" Peggy answered.


(Author - I know They just met yesterday.

And what I am doing is a big harem so I can't make all lovey doey with every woman.

I also try not to make mc and the characters to fall in love as soon as they meet.

I am a lonely otaku and this is my first time writing so it is difficult for me to write chit chat lovely romance but I don't want this novel to be like

" I saw her. I like her so I fucked her. By bestowing my dick on you, I expect you to be loyal to me until the end of time"

(As for the coming 'daughters x daddy' part hehe, this is incest romance xD)

So, I tried my hard to be a little romantic and build feelings for each other not to be so empty between the characters..

Thanks for your support.
