
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Cómic
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26 Chs

Customizing System and Bloodline

[ Create system ] I clicked it.

[Think your requirements and The system will be formed]

30 minutes later........

"Alright GOD I finished"

'wait what where is GOD.'

"Hello GOD I finished where are you?"

'fk where the fuck did he go. I mean he was just there.'

Suddenly, familiar old man appear again.

"My child, you took so long. So, I just go back to my place. Are you finished? Name your system"God said

"Yes finished. I called it "LUST SYSTEM" haha . But I can't choose what will be on shop" I replied.

"Of course. You can only customize which currency you will pay for the shop and which categories you want to add. You can't add items or things to that catagories. YOu can only choose categories.But the shop items will be only from MCU universe. " God replied.

"Ok by the way. The system will also give me gift packs right?"

"Yes one bloodline and one extra power from another fiction world but that will be random. Boy, choose quickly how and when you will go."

"Can I choose the gifts now because I will need to rethink my plan according to the gifts I get" I answered.

"OK OK "

Then a golden wheel appear in front of me and the god said

" Turn it "

and I turned the first wheel and it spins and then it slows down.

I can read all kinds of Drangonic bloodline, phoenix bloodline and some ancient bloodline shit.

The wheel slows down and it finally ends at


'WTF am I supposed to hide until the sun goes down shit.'

"NO boy this is not your random vampire. I don't even know how lucky you got this bloodline. Origin vampire bloodline is the origin of all kinds of vampires. The ULTIMATE VAMPIRE and the most powerful vampire in existence. You can't use origin vampire powers now but it will unlock after you got strong. Your bloodline and your system is a match up haha. But don't worry about being unable to unlock your vampire power because getting ORIGIN VAMPIRE BLOODLINE means you will automatically have an indefinite lifespan and you can also make other people vampires with an indefinite lifespan too. You don't have weakness like some garlic shit or holy magic or silver or even sunlight. Origin vampires also don't need to take blood. For other things just ask your system right quick choose your timeline and fuck off please my child. I will give another gift when you get there "GOd said.

(Author note - indefinite lifespan is not immortality. Immortality means you don't die.)

'I began to think when should I go and now with an indefinite lifespan, I can choose any timeline I want. I also like my vampire bloodline. I can make my harem vampire with no weakness. It also suits my lust system. For my appearance'

As soon as I thought, the interface appear again. This time it is a character interface.

I chose my face the same as my previous life, handsome. As for height, I make it taller than in my previous life, 201cm which is six foot seven inches.

I am four inches taller than Thor and 6 inches taller than Captain America with the serum. But I can't choose my physique. But with Yujiro and Val armorr, I will not be a problem. So, my body is not too thin. A normal body but doesn't have muscles. I chose my age 21.

"Done. Just send me directly."

"Ok When"


"OK BYE BYE my child. Remember to get strong and I will ask you something but don't worry. It will not endanger your family and your harem. Bye fuck off now kiddddddddddd"

As soon as the voice fell, my vision went black.

In the place where Edward left, the old man called GOD looks at the corner and said " You can come out now ".

And then, a black figure comes out from the corner and stood in front of the GOD. That figure is a woman with an appearance that Edward familiar with. Then the GOD also changes his appearance to someone else.

Then the GOD continues " Sweety why did you give him ORIGIN VAMPIRE BLOODLINE. That shit has more powerful potential than me and my ancestors."

Then the black figure spoke" Yes. The most powerful bloodline I have ever seen. Of course, I gave him because he is our son haha. What? You don't want to give him the origin bloodline?"

"of course, I want to give him the origin. After all, he is our son. But the origin bloodline is the most difficult to cultivate and utilize its full power. The last GOD with the origin bloodline hasn't also made it to THE ORIGIN. But I believe in my son. But I mean why Vampire?"

"OH, because you have seen the potential of vampires haven't you? Although he was from only a true ordinary vampire bloodline. He became immortal. What was his name? Alucard Hellsing? There were 8 bloodline lineages between origin and true vampire and also that ordinary vampire kid managed to become a true vampire and become immortal and could also control elementals. What was his name? Cars? Kars? Yes. I remember the name now Kars, the naked kid who often do strange poses." The woman answered.

"OK.But to cultivate his bloodline, we need to send him to another world after he becomes strong in MCU world. Haha I am looking forward to it" The man said.

"Me too I also want to meet my daughters-in-law too hahaha"