
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Cómic
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26 Chs

Chapter 17

𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒆

All the people in the room including Steve Rogers are focusing now on the back muscles of Edward.

His back muscles look like a figure.

A Demon?

Yes it is a demmonnnn.

His back muscles are like a demon face looking at them with his eyes open.

'WHAt the fkkkkkkkk. Is this serum that fking powerful? We need to give that Dr a noble prize for creating that serum' is the only thought that came into Generals and government officials minds

while Steve is wandering

' Is the one I got a fake?'

Peggy is also now looking at her husband's back figure and she couldn't control her desire anymore and kissed him while hugging him tightly.

She can feel his muscles being sweat and heating her body.

Meanwhile, Edward was puuzzled but replied her kiss

[Master, it is because of Demon face fully displayed, all the people are amazed at your beauty Master]

'Ok OK then where is the fucker now. He is supposed to kill the Dr.'

not even finishing his thoughts, he heard a gunshot and Erskine kneeling beside Steve. I can see the bullets slightly slow down. His senses are now shaper. Then, another gunshot sounded this time it is towards the serum and then the assassin took a serum with him after making sure all the serums being destroyed.

Edward is waiting for the assassin to finish destroying all the serums.

After he saw him finished,

Edward doesn't even think anymore and chases him. Of course, he doesn't fking want to lose that remaining serum. More importantly, he doesn't want Hydra to get the serum.

He then chased him running out of the facility. The Hydra agent is now on the car driving towards the harbor.

(Edward POV)

I just chase him on foot. I can feel myself getting stronger at least thrice. My scenes are stronger, my brain is calculating with a high speed. My agility also become at least thrice faster. I can catch up a car running at full speed easily.

After getting past to the car, I punched the window breaking it and bringing the mfer out of the car, not forgetting to take the serum, immediately storing the serum in my inventory.

I then punched the shit out of the Hydra agent forcing him to suicide.

Of course, I don't stop him, I can't let them know I took the serum and I can just tell them the serum gets destroyed along the way.

After about 3 minutes,I can sense another man running toward me behind at a high speed. I think it is Steve.

"Edward are you ok? Is he just suicide? And by the way. Everyone is watching you right now because you are running shirtless on the middle of the day."

"Oh I am ok. I think he is a hydra agent. Is Dr ok?" I asked putting my worried face on.

"No, he. He passed away" he replied with sadness full on his face.

'of course fking idiot. A bullet went through his heart.. He is gonna die.'

"I am sorry. I should've stopped it." a slight 'guilt' can be seen on my face.

"No No Edward. This is all because of Hydra and Nazi. This will be our duty to end this war now." he replied.

"Of coruse Steve" I said looking at a running figure coming towards me.

While I was talking to Steve, I am also communicating with Amanda.

[System show me my stats and inspect Steve stats]

[Yes Master


(++ means updated info)

Bloodline - Origin Vampire (|True Vampire - 1st stage++)

Strength - 365

Agility - 365

Endurance - 365

Vitality - ∞


Charm -800




- Edward Joestar, Yujiro Hanma, Val Armorr (Physique + learning)


𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀

(++ means updated info)

Indefinite Longevity, Origin Vampire authority

(turning someone else into whatever lineage he wants) ,

++True linage level healing,

++True linage level enhanced senses and reflexes,


++Vampire charm

++blood absorb(strength increases by absorbing blood)


(Which means there are more skills but locked)

𝗨𝗻𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀

- Inner World, Doomsday potential Adaptability, ++Sharingan(three tomoe)

(A/U - which means MC is not currently at Dooms potential Adaptability)

𝗣𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀

- Will of D, Sex Pleasure, Hand to Hand combat (expert 3 stage),

Marksmanship training (expert 3 stages)

𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀

- Interest Indicator, Demon Face,

LP === 20000]

[Master got stronger by twice because of the serum and then by ascending one linage, master got stronger by twice again and thus your stats become by fourth.]

'Thanks I unlock vampire mind-control so I can use it with Sharingan and my healings become as strong as Wolverine's healing. My senses become stronger again. The skill blood absorbs also unlocks and from now on I can increase my strength by absorbing blood.

'Show me rogers'


Name -Steve Rogers

Bloodline - Human

Strength - 170

Agility - 170

Endurance - 170

Vitality - 100

Charm -50


Hand to Hand combat - practitioner 1 stage.]

Then I saw Peggy running towards me.

"Honey, you are ok right? " Peggy asked.

"Yes don't worry about it Love"I replied.

Steve's face changed a bit listening to our conversation but he said nothing. I know he has a little crush on her

and so I make my kiss more passionate with Peggy so that the Brooklyn boy knows that he has no chance at all.

After returning to the facility, the General said we will be taking a test tomorrow and they will handle about the Hydra agent.

And then I returned home with Peggy.

Thinking about Rogers stats,

'I think he somehow balanced his stats because of the serum. And tomorrow they will take our blood and that will be a problem.

If they get my blood, I will have to worry about clones shit or something like that'

and then Amanda interrupted my thoughts

[Master I doubt that they can take your blood because of your regeneration and if even they can get your blood or saliva or DNA, they will be destroyed as soon as they got it. The system has protection against your DNA.]

'That's good'

After resting and thinking of a plan, I called Peggy who is reading in the library room,

"Peggy my love, I have other books you need to publish. Make it with the best qualities. This will be the first work of Joestar Publishing company."

I said to Peggy.

"Yes honey, you got another books?"

"Yes this time it is ❞𝑺𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒎𝒆𝒔❞ with my name and here

❞𝙅𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝘽𝙡𝙪𝙢𝙚, 𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙂𝙤𝙙❓ 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙈𝙚, 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙩 ❞ with your name "Peggy Joestar" "

"Oh with my name? I also like your last book honey. I am also gonna read them " she replied smiling at me.

"Yes sweety and after the war, we can arrange our wedding. And sweety I also have a gift for you. Do you know what it is?" I asked looking at her eyes.

"What is it, honey?"

"Here, as I promised, I got you your combat suit, here" I then took out the bracelet and continue " tap the bracelet twice and the suit will be put on. It is made of vibranium, the strongest metal on earth. Try it on"

As soon as she put the bracelet on and tap twice,

vibranium covers from her bracelet to her arm and then the whole body.

"You like it?"

"Wow. Yes honey. It is so light and I can't even feel the suit" she answered.

'Amanda is there a way to show Peggy his stats?'


Master because of herem ring, she can use status but she can't see yours stats. She can only see her stats and skills]

"Sweety you can just think 'status' and an interface will appear in front of you. It is one of my power" As soon as Edward said it,

Peggy muttered"status"

A blue interface appeared startling her

she can see the interface as

[Name - Peggy Joestar

Bloodline - Ancestry Vampire (Oridinary Vampire - 1st stage)

Strength - 120

Agility - 120

Endurance - 120

Vitality - ∞


Charm - 65


-Hand to hand combact(Practioner 1stage)++

-Marksmanship (expert 3stage)++

-Oridinary vampire senses

-Oridinary vampire healing]

"WOW honey then now I can see my strength clearly now. I also ascend one linage. I think because you ascend linage, I also ascended one linage and my stats get doubled." she said feeling astonished how a blue thing appear in front of her. She then calmed down after all her husband is an origin vampire.

"Sweety, I need to tell you something about increasing your strength.

As you know if I ascend one stage you ascend one stage, if I ascend one lineage, you ascend one lineage.

Every time youu ascend lineage, your stats will get doubled.

But, if you want to keep up with me dear, you also need to train to increase stats just

not by only relying on me ascending linage. So that your stats will increase twice." Edward explained, indeed his bloodline is so op. The more you train, the more you ascend linage, and because of ascending, your increased strength will get doubled. What a fking pervert bloodline.

[Yes master, and also in addition to unlocking bloodline skills, there will be skill paths to choose at the true vampire 2nd stage.]

'Oh is that so? but I can only choose one of them right?'

[Yes master, but don't worry because for example when you got to true vampire 2nd stage and chose a path and then when Peggy also become a true vampire and choose another path, master will get the skills from both paths.

Because as Master is Peggy's Alpha, whatever skills she will choose, you will also get but she will not get the skills you choose.


'That means that I can get all the skills from the path my subordinates will choose.

Then, I need to build a vampire empire so that I can get as much skills I want.

I can even evolve these skills with my talent and doomsday potential adaptation.

Although I am happy about being able to op but I can't drop my guard down. I don't even know which MCU version the old man drop me.

Maybe there will be other vampires or may be this MCU version also includes phase 4.

I hope there will be no phase 4 version because that will be a fking disaster not because of Eternals but because of celestials sleeping on every planet. There will be also Fantastic 4, She-hulk, Moon knight and other shits. I haven't even watched phase 4 movies. After dropping my depressing thoughts I said to Peggy who is now looking at her interface,

"My love after you got to true vampire 2nd stage. There will be a choice of which skills you will want to unlock. There will also be a skill"blood absorb" which will increase strength by absorbing blood. Ok? But relax, if you don't want to devour blood don't. Just keep training with me and you will be able to ascend linage" I said to Peggyy.

"Yes honey. I wants to become strong. Strong enough to be able to stand side by side with you" Peggy replied with a determined look on her face.

"Oh I love watching you being serious. It looks kindda sexy" I then kissed her lips bringing her into my chest with my hands squeezing her butt.

"but as much as I want to be strong, I am also disgusted by the mere thought of drinking other men's blood other than you, honey." she replied with a slight blush on her face.

"Oh! If you don't want to drink those filthy blood, you can just pierce their skin with your hand and absorb it directly.

As for drinking?

You can always drink my blood.

Every night" I replied with a smirk.

"Ah then let's go to the mansion honey" she replied, removing her clothes.

(Skip lemon)


(A/N - I am thinking not to include Eternals and other phase 4 MCU in this fanfic because I want Thanos to be the final villain and I don't want mc to comfort cosmic beings yet because I like him to travel to the new worlds.

Or do you want it?

Ahh I will just make a vote decision in next chapter)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Htun_Linn_Kocreators' thoughts