
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Cómic
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26 Chs

Chapter 15



(AU - this single quotation mark ' is for thinking like a monologue. This is for " dialogue.

Please remember it. I will use like that starting from now. Even if I forgot about ' , you will know it is monologue when you read but I will never ever forget about this ")


'Oh, what a nice plane'

Now I am currently sitting in the plane drinking blood with the wine glass, traveling to Africa.

After asking about the ways of ascending Vampire linage to the system, I got to know that shits aren't simple and there are two ways to ascend the linage.


By strength, forcibly breaking the linage and ascending.

This means you get stronger and thus the linage will ascend and double your increase strength.(double increase).

For example, you become stronger and your stats will be higher by training or by some serum, you was able to ascend the linage and so after ascending, your increased strength will be doubled(your stats got doubled because of ascending one lineage).

So, your strength increases twice,

first by training or serum and second by doubling the stats because of ascending linage.


It is what I will get after ascending to the true vampire bloodline.

The method is by absorbing blood which means you can ascend your linage sucking blood. The stronger person from which the blood you absorb, the better for ascending, your strength will also increase because of absorbing blood.(double increase too)

For example,

First you drink blood so you get stronger and then you ascend the linage because you become stronger. After ascending the linage, you become stronger again by doubling the stats.

In conclusion, they can both increase your strength by two-fold.

What a fking pervert bloodline.

I need to thank that mfer old geezer when I see him again.

So, for the greatest strength,

I chose to do both, first and second method.

By training or scientific means and by sucking blood.

"𝑆𝑜, 𝑂𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑎 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛 𝑜 𝑦𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑧𝑜! 𝐽𝑜𝑗𝑜—-!!

𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝐽𝑂𝐽𝑂 ℎ𝑎ℎ𝑎"

Shit I am getting to be more like DIO.

So In the war, I will suck the blood out of the Nazii.


The only goal I have in my mind for transmitting this dangerous world is to get more strength, to be able to fight stronger people, and to conquer every woman I like.

So, If I can get more stronger by killing and sucking blood, why not? I don't need a moral complex shit.

For the plane I got , I just ask 'nicely with my Sharingan' to one of the richest guy in New York. But don't worry about it, I only just punched him a couple of times because he looks like a dick. I have brought Dr's serum. If I get to Africa, I will only need to ask the border guard to take me into Wakanda with my Sharagin.

After flying for another 1 hour, the plane finally landed. I told the pilot to go back. I then move on to the Wakanda nation. After walking for half an hour, I finally see people near the Wakanda border.

I think they are border tribe guarding the border. I then get close to what he seems to be a leader. Before arriving him, his people stops me and one of them asked

"Foreigner what can I do for you?"

"I need to talk your border guard leader" as soon as I said, the man narrowed his eyes looking at me and then he soon called his leader.

"Hello foreigner. What can I do for you?" he said.

I then activate my Sharingan and then looked into his eyes without letting others see my eyes" I know your king Azzuri. Take me to him" I said.

He fell into my genjitsu. I called it Jitsu but I don't even use any chakra. I am just using Sharingan in exchange with my longevity. He then lead me inside the country. After that, he took me onto the plane.

Looking at the window, I then noticed that Wakanda now is not as developed as the latter shown in the movie. I assumed that is because of Shuri that Wakanda become more developed technologically. Still Wakanda is now ahead of the world about 25 years.

𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚,

King Azzure(father of T'chaka, grandfather of T'challa) sits on the throne looking at the man in front of him. He is reporting about the outsider coming with the border tribe leader, he then said

"My king, the border tribe leader said that the King knows the outsider and is coming to the throne room with the outsider. He said that the outsider wants to discuss something with you."

The King was puzzled, Wakanda didn't contact any outsiders since their ancestors. Then who is this man? But the king doesn't worry about it because he is coming without any weapons and this is his kingdom. He is the king with protection and finally, he is a black panther, The avatar of 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓. No outsiders have their kinds of technology and they cannot be stronger than the black panther. So, he is confident in himself.

Soon, the door opened.

A figure which is about 6 foot 7 inches came into the throne room wearing a mask but his eyes are red with two columns in it. It is the last thing the King Azzure remembers before his mind stopped working.

'Shit fking mfer. He is nearly twice stronger than me with the heart-shaped herb. Even with two tomoe sharagin, I can't control him for longer than three days.

"OHHH my friend. We haven't seen each other for years" The king said.

All the people in the throne room were bewildered, they didn't think the king really know this outsider.

The king then continued

"Oh don't be worry my people. He was my savior. When I was outside of the Wakanda for a mission, he helped me back then. But my people, today's visit of outsider will only remain here. No one will talk about it, don't talk others, don't talk among each other after today, and don't even talk to me about the visit again. You understand my people?" the king asked five people including the border leader who is present in the throne room.

I can only control one at a time now, so I only have to use this method. Even if the king remembers or someone talks to him about today's visit. He can't do anything because I am wearing a mask.

I bought it for like 2000 lp. I used the lp I got when having sex with Peggy. Fkk. One day, I will come back to Wakanda and after that I will take your granddaughter you motherfucker.

I then followed with the King to the tech lab. And then, I ordered the king to get 3 heart-shaped herb for me without notifying anyone.

After the king left, I asked Amanda

"Amanda? Is it ok with this hardware" , because I customized her to be able to use as an AI as soon as I give her a hardware.

[Yes master, it is more than ok]

"So, after transferring your conscious to the hardware. I can still use system functions right?"

[Yes master, I am only sharing my conscious. Not transferring. My main conscious is bond with master]

her voice become low at the end.

"What I didn't hear that"

[Umm I am bond to master's soull]

She then said with a slightly shy voice.

"wait Amanda you have feelings right?"

[Yes, master. Although master customized me to be able to use AI. I am still a conscious bound with you master. Should I close my feelings master? I can forcibly close my feelings if you want it]

"No No don't do it alright. It is ok if you have feelings and I promised you I will get a body for you. You want vibranium or Dragonite for your body?

If I get reality or mind stone, I will make a body for you"

[Thanks, Master. Whatever you think is suitable for me. Then I can also do what Mistress do with you everynight master] Amanda replied with a happy voice.

"What? Ahmm Alright Alright but I am sorry but youu need to wait a lot of time after all both mind stone and reality stone are not on this planet"

[It's ok master. I can wait eternity. Being bonded with the master is enough for me]

"Ok Ok then start transferring and check this super-soldier serum.

Also build a device for me with nanotech or something. It is ok if the design is like mobile phone or a watch or a necklace or as you like, the point is that although there is no internet this time, there will be satellites in America a few years. So I need you to be online every time and check if Wakanda has satellites,hack them and remain hidden, not to be found whatever method they use. Is it ok Amanda?"

[Yes master.

Super soldier serum ingredients checked.

Hacked all the satellites and information in Wakanda and I can access all Wakanda technology every time, everywhere even in the universe with this watch master. ]

As soon as Amanda finished saying, I can see machines working on and constructing a watch. After a minute, the watch becomes ready.

The king also come back and I asked Amanda to check the herb.

[Image of the watch]

I asked Amanda to check the herb because in the comic, the cause of the herb is because of mutation with the Vibranium meteorite but in MCU they also say the Bast gifted them. Moreover, in comics, only loyalty and approval by the Bast can get them. Otherwise, they will be poisoned. But in MCU, Killmongur can eat it without the challenge being finished and he is fine. In comics, Killmongur can't and he needed to develop an artificial version. And then again, in MCU after Killmongure eats the herb, he didn't enter the ancestral plane which is for the black panther kings. He only went to the ancestral plane where his father was present. In comics, the ancestral plane is the dimension of the Bast created for the black panthers.

So, I don't want my soul get stucked in the dimension with a batch of dogs.

I know the system can protect me from soul attack but with super-soldier serum, I don't know what shit will happen. Being careful is also a great thing.

[Ding Master I have checked the herb. If you eat the herb then, your soul will be bound by the Bast God. Although I can protect it from happening, your strength got by herb will be lowered. So, I advise creating

synthetic version of heart-shaped herb.]

"Ok then create a synthetic version of the heart-shaped herb and try a way to combine it with super-soldier serum. And how long will it take?"

[Don't worry master. I can easily outsmart JARVIS,VISION AND ULTRON at the same time. I am the smartest and so I will only take 5-10 minutes master]

"Ok then after doing that,hijack a plane from Wakanda and modified it with the best technology so that you could hide the plane at the Wakanda in their plain sight so I can always carry Vibranium from here every time. I will come back after 30 minutes. Just bring the best out from the two serums"

[Ok master]

Power stones pls xD

Htun_Linn_Kocreators' thoughts