
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Cómic
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26 Chs


A figure comes to light in the darkness facing the soul called Edward Joestar.

It was a figure of an old man with a holy aura surrounded by lights.

And then the old man speaks

"Enough thinking about your life my child. I can give you another chance now. A better chance. I can give you a chance to go to where you can fall in love, where you can grow stronger and where you can fight strong people.How about it?"

(Edward Pov)

'Oh a chance? FIGHT? STRONG? Haha I am in. I think he is a god or a deity. But I need to know why and where to go and what is the goal of giving me a chance. I will just ask him. Or May be he is already reading my mind'

"Yes, I can read your mind my child. As for who I am. I am a supreme being. I mean supreme being. The one and the only powerful in this universe. I want to give you a chance to go to the world you want to go.

You can choose whatever the world you like including fictions. And Yes, they exist and it is because of people imagination. Earth is particular and unique. The world you live is called Prime Earth. People from your world have a unique power that is called imagination. More people like the imagination one created, they become in existence. That's how those fiction worlds come into existence. As for why, I will tell you when you become stronger. I can give you 3 wishes and a system for your journey. So think carefully about what you want to wish"

'What shit that is deep shit? I understand now why fictions become an existence. That means?'

"Yes clever. That means the god you believe also come into existence but they works under me and I am the only true god. Just choose your wishes and your system and get over with my child. I have something to do"

"Thanks GOD for this chance. Can I also choose the way I go to like reincarnation or transmigration? Or will I have to use my wish?"

"No, you don't have to use your wish my child. You can choose what you look like and how you will go "The GOD answered my doubts.

"Ok then, for the world I want to go is MCU with no SONY? I mean no X-Men and no mutants shit coming in. Is it ok GOD?" I asked.

I mean I didn't watch all the mutant movies. They are so complicated and so many mutants in it. If I want to go MCU with mutants world, I will have to use a wish to know X-men timeline and shit and I don't even consider the variables. I can't assume the movies I watch is all that is. I mean they will become reality and there will be variables that will include what I didn't watch and what I didn't know. So, MCU is good and X-men are trouble.

"Ok I can do that. You can go to MCU world."The GOD answered.

"For my wishes, first my own dimension like my own space inside me where I can bring people. In that place, I can do anything and create everything and I can control the time difference between my space and the world outside. Is it ok?"

"Yes but you can't create life forms in your space. You can bring life forms but you can't create. But lifeforms can give birth in your space. You can't only create a life form from nothing. As for the time difference, you can limit up to one month in the real world equals one day in your space. And you will not age for the time difference in your space but if you train in your space and comes back to the real world, you will improve." God replied.

'GOod. That means I can train there and I will not age when I come back to the real world. The difference is a little small but it is ok.'

"Thanks. For the second wish, I want talent. The physique talent and learning talent of both Yujiro Hanma and lastly Karate Kid(Val Armorr) from DC. Hehe"

I requested. If I get all of that, I can become op.

"My child, you are greedy. Yes, I can give you but you can't get their experiences. You can get their physique talent and learning talent but you can't get Val Armor and Yujiro Hanman martial arts which means you will not know the martial arts they learned and you need to learn and practice on your own. "GOD replied.

'That is fair. If I know Val Armor martial arts, that will be so op. I can even single out Thanos. I mean he was able to one on one with Kryptonian and also Superboy with only his martial arts. But I can say his talent is also op because he already mastered all the martial arts from the whole galaxy

(nearly 3000 martial arts) when he is in his mid-twenties. I only need to find martial-artist from MCU and learn from them.

I mean I have only learned normal martial arts in my previous life. I didn't learn weaponry arts. But with my original talent plus their martial arts learning talent and their physique talent, I believe I will become the greatest martial artist in marvel too.

Yujiro Hanma's talent is even better than him. He can instant learn whatever the fuck martial arts he see.

But Val Armor is more talented in weaponry.

Yujiro Hanma's physique and Val Armorr's physique talent are also op. I mean peak Yujiro Hanma's physique is only slightly less than Hulk's but better than Captain America and Spiderman. He fking stops an earthquake with a punch.

"Yes yes just go on with your last wish. And remember that physique talent is not Physique. You only get their physique talent and you need to train your physique to achieve their physique level. " God said.

'sighed. That's right. I need to think about it too. Yujiro and Val Armorr trained their physique since they were born to get their physique' I signed.

" Ok, the last wish is the adaptability of Doomsday. " I said.

"OK I can give you that but the adaptability will work according to your power. You can't just dive into the sun and adapt it or you can't just pick up infinity stone and adapt it. You will first need to strong at least Thor level strong to adapt the infinity stone. Ok then pick the system."As soon as the god said, I can see the interface in front of me.

(Author-Just take it like Doomsday potential adaptability. You can adapt and evolve but it depends on your strength)