
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Cómic
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26 Chs

Agent Carter?

[Ding Host

Quest accepted]

"Hi. Hello?" Edward said again.

Carter re-organizes her thoughts and replies " Hello and why did you fall from the sky?" Carter asked. Of course, everyone will go crazy when you see someone falling from the sky and nothing happens. This is MCU but still there is no mutants and no alien and superhumen yet.

"Um. I don't know. I just opened my eyes and when I noticed I was free-falling from the sky and then stopped before falling to the ground. I don't recall anything before." Edward replied with a puzzled face and continued" the only thing I remember is that my name is Edward Joestar. You can call me Edward"

Having introduced his name, he let the woman in front of her process the information she just heard and then asked " And can I ask where am I right now?"

Carter thought this situation rather funny. Why this had happened to her. He didn't even remember where he came from. I don't know what to do. Maybe bring him to SSR?(Strategic Scientific Reserve). No. They will think I am crazy. I mean this is 1940. I only got this job because I tried really hard for this position. Although they don't discriminate against women openly, they don't give women enough opportunities. Sure If I talked about someone falling from the sky and coming out completely normal, they will think stupid woman. I will later find out about his origin. And also he seems to be really forgotten about his memories. I also want to know about him. And so I replied

"Oh this is New York. Have you ever heard of it? And my name is Peggy, Peggy Carter. Nice to meet you, Edward. You can call me Peggy."

"New York? First time hearing about it. Nice to meet you too Peggy" Edward warmly replied. Peggy then said " I assumed you don't have anything with you and you don't even have a place to live. You can come with me if you want but only for a week. ". Edward became puzzled. He didn't think she would invite a stranger to come and live with her. Of course, he didn't know about his own charm affecting Peggy Carter. He replied "

Oh Yes I don't have anything on me. And I think I will have to trouble you for a week"

Carter found his puzzled expression amusing and told him to follow her to her apartment. She lived in New York in the place which is also not center and which is also not devoid of people. As Carter led Edward, she saw many women were looking at Edward as a piece of meat. Looking at Edward, he is even not aware of his surroundings and he looks lost in thoughts. It is normal to confuse after all you don't remember your past.

But the thing is Edward is not losing his thoughts. He is focusing the interface in front of him and communicating with system in his thoughts.

"System show me categories. And don't call me Host. just call me Edward or Master. I will also name you. Your name from now is Amanda".

[Yes Master. Thank you for giving me a name] System replied with a cold voice. Of course that is to be expected, I only customized the system to be AI so that I can make AI like Jarvis in this world. I only need hardware and I can make it online and produce someshit.

[Ding here are the categories






Quest ]

So far so good. It turns out to be as I wished.

'Show me Status'



Name - Edward Joestar

Bloodline - Origin Vampire(unactivated)

Strength - 20

Agility - 20

Endurance - 20

Vitality - 50


Charm - 65

[Note - Peak human in this world has 50 stats each]

'This body is pretty weak. If it was my previous body, it would be around 30- 40 because in this world humans are a little stronger. Look at Hawkeye he is just a martial art guy. Black Widow has serum but he is just a normal human but in this world the human body is slightly stronger. For Charm, it is to be expected. After all I am Edward Joestar.'


"Um did you say something, Amanda?"

[No Master]

"Ok open the gift the old man said and tell me how to activate the bloodline"


To activate the bloodline, you need to drink a drop of blood.

Opening gift package.

Successfully opened.

1.Got 10000 LP(Lust points) (System gift package)

2.Got interest indicator skill(System gift package)

3.Got will of D(System gift package)

4.Got sex pleasure(System gift package)

5.Got one random extra power ticket from a random world (GOD Gift)

6.Got Joestar physique talent and learning talent (GOD Gift)

7.Got a message from GOD

Will you accept all the gifts?

[Accept] [Reject]


"Amanda next time for both quest rewards and gifts, accept automatically. Now open the message"


Order received

Turn off accepting requests for Gifts and Quest rewards

Opening the message


My child, I forgot to tell you something. The world you are in is MCU without mutants but this MCU is a little complicated. What should I say like some sort of alternate version? No, I mean for example the HULK may or may not be from The Incredible Hulk Movie and so is the Spiderman. It may or may not be from MCU spiderman or sony spiderman or amazing spider. That's it. Bye Bye my child.


"Mfer I am gonna really kick that old geezer ass when I meet him again. Amanda, open the skill page. And thank you for the gift, Amanda."

[It's ok Master

Here is the skill page


- Edward Joestar, Yujiro Hanma, Val Armorr (Physique + learning)

Bloodline Skills

- Locked

Unique Skills

- Inner World, Doomsday potential Adaptability

(A/U - which means MC is not currently at Dooms potential Adaptability)

Passive Skills

- Will of D, Sex Pleasure

Active Skills

- Interest Indicator ]

"Nice use the ticket now Amanda"