
OREUS: new beginnings

onin_vandella · Fantasía
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13 Chs

chapter 5

A few days after a couple of the races that were sent to figure out what was the cause of the Great disaster of the vibrant star were sent. However upon their arrival the crater was empty only leaving a large circular mattress merge to the ground and a blanket and very little energy residue.

Three camps for currently there The jackal race of the Nubians and the human race that are nearly extinct on this world. The final race the Draconian race or the serpent race then call by other races.

Angered by this the generals of each army partially scolded and even injured some of their scouts who were meant to search for the area. The first one to get the sent of the resident and find in the path of its New direction and they desperately rushed in the direction.

The human night Michael seeing this quickly ordered all of his generals to follow them before the dragon race realized that the jackals were on to something. They are gathered and quickly left the area immediately and eventually followed a river and we're getting closer to the Target.

. . .

Meanwhile deep in the forest on the river arena was sitting there really back and confusion and slight panic as someone with some terrifying jobs was smiling too close to his face. He let on a manly cry as he quickly flung himself backwards yes it was indeed manly and not squeaking like a girl or some woodland creature.

My energy reacting to my panic immediately summon things on my body to protect itself based on my thoughts and subconscious. Quickly some floaties were attached to my arm as well as a big rubber duck one to my belly as well as a bulletproof vest.

The carrot on the cake was the mask and earphones that appeared with steel toe boots making for a ridiculous site. The girl finding this humorous couldn't hold back a giggle and begin laughing at his silly attire and actions.

Now embarrassed instead of scaring he immediately desummoned all the stuff on him by grabbing it and ripping it off of him turning back into energy. And the energy missed blew off into the wind and with dazzling little swirls he was back to normal.

Things made her slightly surprised however she believed he should be it a spiritualist dabbling and illusions. And just smirked at him Chico and causing him to feel embarrassment and look down with a defeating expression and sad face.

He believed he would actually cry this rate due to his younger body and emotions affecting his decisions. Distraught he desperately tried to think of a way to change the situation.

" D don't look at me sniff"

I broke down in tears crying and wailing causing the girl to freak out. Quickly she hopped onto my boat and ran over to me panicking eventually she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug and trying to calm me down desperately.

" There there ssh it's okay ssh"

She managed to calm me down to the point where I was only just sniffling gently caressing my head. I heard your side note relief as I was enjoying the sensation of being held and careful this was new to me even my mother was not this caring.

We just sat there in comfort and silence embracing each other. I couldn't help but taking her smell and she was so close to me while she had a slight River smell to her there was a nice sweet smell I couldn't describe.

I froze in my thoughts as I felt breathe in my scent before gently sign seeming to enjoy my smell. Embarrassed but not thrown off I did the same snuggling closer and taking deeper breaths of her scent

causing me to be intoxicated.

"I'm sorry I don't have any friends I didn't know how to act I didn't mean to believe you I get bullied all the time"

I felt a grip me tighter after saying those words as if she was afraid I would disappear. I realized my reaction for the first time of meeting someone new was a bit exaggerating but I blamed it all on my younger body.

I couldn't help but instinctively wrap my tail around her feeling her to do the same I'm deep in our embrace. I began mulling over what she told me as we were currently holding each other with breaths of each other scent.

I couldn't help but realize what we were doing how embarrassed I was my face was burning red however I thought it would be more embarrassing to pull away right now.

. . .

I snuggle deeper to whatever I was holding pressing my face against it softness and taking in long deep breaths. I was slowly waking up and at the moment didn't realize I was holding someone.

I thought someone squeeze me slightly as something nibbled on my ear gently. I couldn't help but let out of a little whimper annoyed on whoever was doing that I look up to see a ear fin in my line of sight.


The loud screams family woke me up as she began playing around and screeching and my body send flying and eventually we fell off the boat. I panicked however instead of flailing around. I watched on the nearest thing to me which was the panicking girl that had caused this whole situation.

My serpentine physique did me well as my body began coiling around her like a serpent.

After a few minutes of panicking we eventually come down however I didn't let go.

She just floated there holding me confused and dazed and seeing that I was able to breathe underwater like her she was more calm. After all that she eventually begin moving towards the boat so it wouldn't just float away without us.

When she reach the boat I couldn't help but reach my arms out grabbing it and pulling us above the deck. I forgot to breathe out the water ended up coughing it up and late exhausted on the deck not wanting to move.