
Ordverse Adventure 2.0

Im still new to writing and im bad with english and any form of planning, so low expectations. This is also a Restart/Rewritten version of Ordverse Adventures, so expect something similar but hopefully better. Uploads should be between Once Weekly to Once Bi Weekly, Wednesdays at 12PM/AM depedning on zones and stuff. Hopefully it works out and thanks for reading.

imperial_demon · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


( "Speaking", *System, 'Thoughts', [Skill/Title names/other], **World Voice, (Author Shit) )




On a platform surrounded by void we can see a orb floating across of a of a pillar coming out of the platform, the pillar and platform are a warm gold color, the pillar itself is squared and a smaller square on the pillar facing the orb is glowing in a soft blue light


'Man, I feel like a otaku teen again, sitting in front of a screen for years on end playing some idle clicker game, you would think a magical gold pillar in the void would have like, Doom or Left 4 Dead, but no, just this cookie clicker rip off. Sitting here for centuries really tempers one mind, after all THE GOD DAMN GAME HAS A TIMER ON IT, craps probably put their so I can't forget time, its like watching one of the googol counters ticking for all eternity.'


The orb having lost itself to insanity long ago, continues absentmindedly pressing a button with its tendril, watching as the USD counter continues to rise, to infinity and beyond. Suddenly a calm mechanical voice resounds throughout the entire void, somehow, and says


**Notice. Player 2,495,848,294,482 is the first to reach the end of the game.


**Notice. All other Players have been erased and their progress transferred.


'What? Over 2 trillion people were going insane in a black void too?'


**Notice Player 2,495,848,294,482 has been gifted a System, and 5 Wishes [Restricted]


Suddenly the blue screen on the pillar in front of the orb flashes before turning into a small blue ball which is absorbed by the orb, while the orb is wondering whats happening, a screen appears before the orb which says


-Progress Deleted-




(Thanks for reading, we will truly get the show on the road in the next chap, Just wanted their to be a chapter other than the Aux chaps)

—Next Chapter—

Our majestic orb finally getting over the trauma of losing all his progress finally looks at the screen again and sees.








Please fill out each wish and you will be altered if it breaks the restrictions



'Alright, lets try Omnipotence, ya never know'



'Alright I guess I should have expected that, what world am I going to'

**Answer. You will start in Harry Potter

Following the voices response five new wishes appear on the piece of paper thought up by the orb


1.Reactive Adaptation 


2.Lordship of lots of old and powerful houses


3. Godly talent in all fields

**Partially Granted. Innate Talent for all Magical fields has been granted

4.Supreme System

**Partially Granted. Status has been granted

5.Empower all my previous wishes



Following the final wish being granted the orb gets thrown at light speed into the mouth of a tentacle monster

'Eugh, why does this feel familiar?'

With one final thought of the MC he gets swallowed by the eldritch monster slowly moving through its digestive tract before being pooped out at light speed.

In a room made of cold stone filled with nothing but the infinite comforting darkness we can see a young boy around the age of 10 curled up into a ball laying on a moss covered mattress, the boy with back length white hair draping around his skinny pale body opens his dark void like black eyes that seem to pierce through the abyss itself and absorb any light if were to exists suddenly groans awakening from the previous zombie like state that the body was in

(Please note that POVS might be all over the place until I remember how to write, even though they were all over the place in everything else I write anyways)

-Pov Change-

'Arghh, why do I feel like someone put my body into a food dehydrator before regrowing me like one of those grow your own monster things you wanted as a kid?'

The boys body quickly twitches to life trying to stand up only to realize his body has been shackled to the bed he is laying on

'Snickers, what in the absolute hell is happening, why am I in some dark dreary stone jail cell chained to a bed, system do you exist?'

*Answer. Yes host. a voice reminiscent of google translate echoes in the young mans mind

'Where am I?'

*Answer. Host is currently in a dungeon under castle Ford

'Is there any way for me to get out currently?'

*Answer. Currently the host has no means to escape 

'Crap, do I at least have a status or something I can see?'

*Answer. Showing hosts current status


Name: James 

Age:10 years old



Soulbound Items:None

World:Harry Potter




Physical Strength:F

Magical Strength: E


Ailments: Emaciated

Talents/Skills:[Physical Pain Resistance](Lvl.1/100), [Mental Pain Resistance](Lvl.1/100), [Reactive Adaptation](Lvl.Max),[Astronomy Talent](Lvl.Max), [Charms Talent](Lvl.Max), [Herbology Talent](Lvl.Max), [History of Magic](Lvl.0/100), [Potions Talent](Lvl.Max), [Transfiguration Talent](Lvl.Max), [Arithmancy Talent](Lvl.Max), [Care of Magical Creatures Talent](Lvl.Max), [Divination Talent](Lvl.Max), [Muggle Studies](Lvl.10/100), [Ancient Runes Talent](Lvl.Max), [Alchemy Talent](Lvl.Max), [Apparition Talent](Lvl.Max), [Dark Arts Talent](Lvl.Max) [Flying Talent](Lvl.Max), [Wards Talent](Lvl.Max), [Astronomy Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Charms Mastery](Lvl.0/100). [DADA Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Herbology Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Potions Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Transfiguration Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Arithmancy Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Care of Magical Creatures Mastery](Lvl.0/100). [Divination Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Ancient Runes Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Alchemy Mastery](Lvl.0/100). [Apparition Mastery](Lvl.0/100), [Dark Arts Mastery](Lvl.0/100). [Flying Mastery](Lvl.0/100). [Wards Mastery](Lvl.0/100)


'Say system, why are all the mastery's at level 0?'

*Sigh, Answer. Host wished for Max level talent not the knowledge or experience in said field, the max level talent will allow the host the ability to learn and use these fields quicker and better, however, do not give the host the knowledge of the field.

'Did you just sigh?'

*Answer. The system has no sentience. The system cannot sigh.

'Hm, just my imagination I guess'

Following the boys thoughts the iron door to his room is slammed open as a crazed looking tall man in a long black robe with short black hair quickly stumbles in muttering under his breath before releasing the boy on the bed and stunning him before floating him out of the room

'What the minister fudge?'


A/N Haiya all, how do yall like the new chapter? I kept some of the old bits and rewrote the rest with some of the wishes, Im hoping to actually give my character a personality unlike my previous ones, also the MC will be overpowered its just actually gonna require him to put in some effort so uh eh yeh.