

Rain San Miguel, 19 years old, a teen in his bed sweating profusely. He dreamt another nightmare where the ending was being killed for the last six days.

"It's only a dream." he muttered but strangely he didn't believe himself.

For the past eight days, Rain dreamt a long nightmare where he first surrounded by darkness followed by a voice that was calling him. 'It' knew his name but without the control of his own body he followed the voice. At the end of the darkness there was light. A bright light that hypnotized him to keep going as if it's calling his soul. When he arrived, he saw an orb, at least it looks like an orb, in the middle of the room floating where the voice came from. He took a step forward without hesitation and touched the orb. Then suddenly, he ate it. He ate it. Yes, he ate it.

The nightmare came afterward. Something arrived, a gruesome monster that he never seen so far and never imagined to see one. It came from nowhere and he knew. He knew that he did something bad. Something he ate that should he should never have touched… then he died. He can't remember how or why but he died and he felt it in his heart. He knew that he died. On the very first day, he thought he was lucky because he's alive. But then, it actually kept repeating everyday like it's a broken record. He can't avoid nor prevent it, because the bed was calling him to lie down and sleep.

He knew how inevitable it was, so he let it happen. Everyday, he suffered from that dream. Woke up at exactly 5am. Yes, everyday, it's the same time. It confused him and asked himself why but he can't find an answer, so he let it happen. He was tired but he was not at all, and that confused him more.

"Is it related to the people disappearing from nowhere?" he mused.

Every week someone's missing in the middle of nowhere like they vanished without trace. A lot of people said it was an alien's work. The other said it was the start of the apocalypse. The religious people said the end is near so they should welcome god again to their lives. Repent, yes, a lot of people in their country believed that, but he doesn't. He is a fan of anime and he read and wrote stories. It was all about fantasy. Yes, a fantasy world, where people disappear and appear in a parallel world, that he wished to be in. Maybe, that's what he have been telling to himself to make it believable.

"Or that I am crazy and an M." he smiled bitterly with his own output.

He only wished that it would end somehow because it made him look crazy. Yet, he hoped it was not.

At the same time on another place, someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Where am I? Where is this place? Why is it dark? Where am I?! HELLO! ANYBODY IN THERE?! ANSWER ME!" a man said over and over again but no one replied. The man kept walking and walking with the endless darkness but he can't see nor feel anything. He kept walking until he saw a light. Then, he fell... only to disappear in midair.