

After breakfast, Hade managed to sneak out of the dorm before Dorian could begin to ask him about his ring.

Making his way to Professor Greenbolt's Combat class, Hade was taken by surprise by a pissed Iolana waiting for him around the corner.

"Figured you will come out sooner or later," she growled threateningly.

Hade grinned bashfully as he scratched the hair on the back of his neck. It had been a while since he and his cousin last had a heart-to-heart talk.

It wasn't entirely his fault.

Hade had been swamped with training and such for the past two weeks he had had little time to focus on anything else. Nevertheless, even he knew that that was no excuse.

Iolana was the only person at this school whom Hade knew he could trust wholly and it was definitely not a relationship he wanted to sully.

"I shouldn't have to stalk your dorm mates to learn what you are up to," Iolana grumbled with pink, puffed-up cheeks.