

The tall, steep mountain stood majestically, its imposing presence casting a dominant silhouette against the purple horizon.

Rising tirelessly from the earth, its snowy cap seemed to reach for the swirling mists in a breathtaking display of nature's grandeur.

As his eyes followed the rugged contours, Hade marveled at the sheer magnificence of this snow-capped colossus.

"Now what?" Samal asked the question that was on everybody's mind. 

The mountain's base was in a clearing. Here, there were no dense layers of thick forests to provide them cover.

Also, the mystic purple fog that had enveloped them thus far had halted 20 meters back, as if it too was afraid of getting too close to the sacred mountain.

If anything, they were more exposed now than they were before.

 "There," Hade pointed at a crevice on the mountain wall that was roughly 30 to 40 meters above the ground.

..."We can start there."