

In the Ironheart orc village, amidst the primal roar of the beasts, a fierce battle erupted between Goru and Ryoku. Muscles rippled beneath their thick hides as they clashed with raw ferocity. Goru, a towering brute known for his unmatched strength, sneered at Ryoku, taunting him with disdain.

With a swift kick, Goru sent Ryoku hurtling through the air, crashing into the hard-packed earth outside the fighting ring. As Ryoku struggled to rise, his pride wounded more than his flesh, Goru's mocking words pierced through the chaos of battle.

"You're nothing but trash, Ryoku! A disgrace to the honor of our orc kin!" Goru's voice thundered, the scorn in his tone fueling the fire of rivalry between them.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, the judges, declared Goru the victor. The Ironheart orc village erupted into raucous cheers, celebrating their champion's triumph over Ryoku. Despite the disappointment burning within him, Ryoku bowed his head in acknowledgment of defeat, his eyes smoldering with a silent promise of vengeance.

Goru, basking in the adulation of his kin, approached Ryoku with a triumphant sneer, reveling in his victory. "Know your place, Ryoku," he growled, his voice dripping with contempt. "You'll never be worthy of standing against me."

As the medics tended to Ryoku's wounds in the dimly lit hut, his small frame trembling with pain and frustration, tears welled in his eyes, betraying the facade of strength he tried to maintain.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" Ryoku's voice cracked with emotion, the weight of his failures bearing down on him like a crushing burden. "No matter how hard I train, how much blood I shed, it's like the world itself is conspiring against me."

His words hung heavy in the air, echoing the silent torment that gnawed at his soul. For Ryoku, being the smallest orc in the village meant constantly fighting an uphill battle, both in the arena and in life. The sting of defeat cut deeper with each loss, leaving scars that ran far deeper than mere flesh and bone.

As Ryoku stepped out of the dimly lit hut, the remnants of his treatment lingering on his skin like a ghostly reminder of his defeat, he made his way to the familiar pond on the outskirts of the orc village. It was a place of solace for him, a sanctuary where he could escape the judgmental stares and whispered scorn of his kin.

As he approached the tranquil waters, the moon cast its silvery glow upon the surface, illuminating the night with an ethereal radiance. Ryoku's reflection stared back at him, a solitary figure amidst the darkness.

But then, amidst the stillness of the pond, something caught his eye—a faint, pulsating glow emanating from the center of the water.

Intrigued, Ryoku leaned closer, his heart pounding with anticipation.

With each step he took, the glow intensified, casting an eerie darkness over the surrounding area. And then, as Ryoku reached the water's edge, he beheld a sight that sent shivers down his spine—a mysterious object, pulsing with an ominous energy, nestled within the depths of the pond.

Drawn by an inexplicable force, Ryoku extended his hand towards the object, the water parting before him like a curtain of shadows. As his fingers closed around the cool surface.

As Ryoku's finger made contact with the glowing object, a searing pain tore through his mind like a tempest, engulfing him in a torrent of agony. His vision blurred, and his thoughts were consumed by a cacophony of piercing sensations as if a thousand needles were stabbing into his brain. The glowing object seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, its dark light intertwining with the very fabric of his being.

Unable to even scream, Ryoku was paralyzed by the overwhelming torment, his body convulsing involuntarily as the mysterious object embedded itself deep within his psyche. Waves of anguish crashed over him in relentless waves, threatening to consume his very essence.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the pain receded, leaving Ryoku gasping for breath, his body trembling with exhaustion.


[System Online..]

As the mysterious sound echoed in Ryoku's mind, he was gripped by a sudden wave of fear and confusion. Who—or what—was communicating with him in this strange manner? His instincts urged him to flee, but he found himself rooted to the spot, unable to escape the unseen presence within his mind.

"Who are you?" Ryoku's voice quivered with uncertainty as he addressed the enigmatic entity.

In response, the voice resonated once more, its tone tinged with a hint of disdain. "Host, it appears your intellect is lacking. Allow me to enlighten you. I am the system—a repository of knowledge and power beyond your comprehension."

Ryoku's heart raced as he listened, his mind struggling to comprehend the implications of this revelation. A system? Knowledge beyond his own? What manner of sorcery was this?

Before he could voice his questions, the system continued, its voice resonating with a sense of authority. "Fear not, host. I shall impart upon you the knowledge of my functions and how to wield my power to your advantage."

And with that, Ryoku felt as though a floodgate had been opened within his mind, inundating him with a deluge of new memories and insights.

As Ryoku eagerly accepted the system's offer of assistance, he wasted no time in selecting the "newbie package" it had prepared for him. With a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins, he reached for the first item on the list—the bloodline enhancement potion.

With a determined gulp, Ryoku ingested the potion, feeling its effects coursing through his veins like a surge of primal energy. Instantly, he could feel his body undergoing a transformation, his muscles bulging with newfound strength and vitality. His stature grew taller, his form becoming more imposing with each passing moment.

But it wasn't just his physical attributes that were enhanced. As the potion took effect, Ryoku felt a surge of power awakening within him—a resonance with the ancient bloodline that flowed through his veins, granting him abilities beyond those of an ordinary orc.

With the transformation complete, Ryoku turned his attention to the second item in the package—the spider senses. With a focused concentration, he activated this newfound ability, feeling his senses heighten to an almost preternatural level.

Every sound, every scent, and every movement in the surrounding environment became crystal clear to Ryoku as if he could perceive the world with unparalleled clarity and precision. It was as though he had become one with the very essence of the wild, attuned to its every whim and nuance.

As Ryoku gazed up at the moon, a burst of maniacal laughter escaped his lips, echoing through the night like a primal roar of triumph. His eyes glittered with a newfound fervor, reflecting the dark ambition that burned within his soul.

With a sense of exhilaration coursing through his veins, Ryoku clenched his fists, his muscles pulsating with the raw power granted by the bloodline enhancement potion. The promise of yearly rewards from the system fueled his hunger for dominance, igniting a blaze of determination that burned brighter than ever before.

"Now," Ryoku declared, his voice resounding with a chilling intensity, "let the world tremble before me!"