
Orc Calamity

Phillip is more than downtrodden. Born with only his sister, he is as poor as it can get in the Kingdom of Chadia. After tragedy, after tragedy hits his life, he only preserved in the memory of his sister. Forsaken, shunned, and schemed against, Phillip is known as the wretch, the pig, the oaf, and many other names by his co-workers, his neighbors, his former school mates... Let's follow Phillip as he attempts to live his life, and see if it is worth living... Because everything isn't always what it seems.

Voidmirage · Fantasía
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70 Chs

Remorseless Sisters

"Shonah, where is my smart sister?" Hellie asked her house servant, as she had just returned from her cultivation.

"Reporting to princess Hellie, princess Demze is with her study. She has left a message not to be disturbed during this time." Shonah bowed her head deeply as she spoke

"Oh fiddle winds, what I'm the hell is the phrase for this week…" Hellie spoke aloud while holding her head with one hand.

Shonah stood patiently, for Hellie's response.

"Come on, Shonah… It's me…" Hellie whined.

"Yes, princess, but you know that I can't…" Shonah bowed low again.

Hellie racked her brain, until she blurted out, "Liver sandwich with ghostberry jam!"

Hellie crossed her arms triumphantly, while Shonah sighed, "That was supposed to be in the form of a question…"

"Close enough, I need to see her quickly!" Hellie finally stamped leaving a pattern of spider web cracks on the mansion's stone floor.

Shonah bowed again, and with that, she turned to lead Hellie to the back of the mansion estate to a hatch that led to the mansion's basement.

In the gloomy darkness of the flicking torches, Shonah moved a number of mead barrels in a pattern to open the basement wall. As the wall opened it revealed a grandiose well-lit alchemy laboratory.

Hellie walked in as Shonah closed the door behind her. Hellie passed several orcs, all of which wore bleached shaman robes.

Hellie continued until she passed the laboratory area, and entered into Demze's personal hallow. The room looked more of a war room than a business office Demze claimed. It was even complete with a table in the center of the hallow with which maps were laid out with markers indicating places of interest.

Demze looked up from her desk, as she was reading various reports. She had one hand propping up her head as she continued to skim through the latest report that concerned an escalating lack of hunting game in the surrounding mountains.

It was uncanny how similar her seated position mimicked her adopted father, but anyone that noticed would never say such to Demze's face, lest they find themselves missing.

"Sister, I have great news and some okay news!" Hellie exclaimed while pulling a chair from the map table and sitting on it backwards, with her busty bosom resting on the chair's crest rail.

Demze looked up from her report, and smiled, "I could really use some good news." She put down her reports and listened.

"I've broken through to champion rank!" Hellie squealed with glee.

Demze nodded, "It was only a matter of time. I told you to keep trying. Congratulations are in order... Now, who else have you told?"

"You're the first one I've, uh... Told." Hellie thought about the okay news she needed to report.

"What do you mean... Told?" Demze sighed, knowing this was going to somehow segue into the 'okay' news.

"Well, then I'll tell you the okay news... I just killed General Zaagul's, I think, the second son... And his friend, I forget his name... They were both good friends of Slugga."

"If you mean the taller of the two, then that was Garnak. You killed both? How long ago? Where are the bodies? Did anyone see you?" Demze leaned back in her chair, and rapid-fired questions.

"Yeah, Garnak was his name. Ummm... I don't know maybe half an hour ago. I was cultivating on my mountain top, and those two 'dung from brains' came to bother me." Hellie described the encounter.

"Well, they were just looking for trouble. I take it you finished your breakthrough and killed the both of them... No other witnesses is a very good thing... But where are the bodies? Don't tell me you were able to shred them to nothing?"

"Well, not really... I mean one of the two's heads is missing... I just picked up the two of them and tossed them down the backside of my mountain top."

Demze got up from her desk, and walked to the center table, and looked at the maps of the area.

"So here." Demze pointed. Hellie craned her neck, but didn't leave her chair as she responded, "That looks about right."

"That means their bodies should have rolled over here... Or it could be hung up on the mountainside... It would be best if it was just hung up for retrieval." Demze thought aloud.

Hellie shrugged.

"You know this part is your fault right?" Demze spoke with humor.

"Yeah, I know, but I kind of don't really care..." Hellie laughed.

"I know; I know. Still, I'll send someone to get those two and bury them... I don't want pair of undead orcs rolling into the clan, and explaining how they became zombies, to begin with... I think it would be best if the two 'disappeared' while on a hunting trip... Yes, this works well..." Demze spoke, and laughed.

"What are you plotting on again, sister?" Hellie smirked.

Demze tucked a lock of hair behind her ear cuff, which Hellie furrowed her brows as she saw it again. She made a mental note to talk about that ear cuff, as soon as business was done.

"Well, I'm sure General Zaagul will want to know where his son has gone missing, and even Garnak's mother is the seamstress of the upper district... She will want to know as well. I'll spread the word that the two have gone hunting, and leave it at that... After enough time has passed, General Zaagul and Madam Trula will come to me wanting information. I'll just wrap everything in a nice neat bow, and collect the money for the information." Demze explained her thoughts, as she returned to her desk.

"You're so bad!" Hellie laughed again, "You already know the two are dead, and you'll make them pay for the information to be found."

"No, no... You misunderstand. They will pay me for the information, not for it to be found. There is a very big difference. My reputation of knowing everything that happens within the clan isn't for show, and they will accept that."

Demze knocked on her desk a specific pattern, at which time a side door opened to the hallow, and a smaller frame slim orcess walked in, wearing dark purple cloths and a facemask, with only her sharp blue eyes revealed.

The orcess kneeled, awaiting Demze's orders.

"Go to the west side of Hellie's peak, and look for two orc bodies. You'll know it's them if they are broken to pieces and one is missing a head... See that they are disposed of proper." Demze ordered.

The orcess nodded, and left through the same door, as it slide in behind her sealing it.

"I see, well that's done, but on a serious note, Demze..." Hellie's voice hardened.

Demze hearing the harshness of her sister's voice, cause alarm, "Just what could be worse than killing two clan members outside of a challenge?"

"We need to talk about that ear cuff." Hellie spat.

"Oh... That..." Demze sighed.

Voidmirage, the Blind Idiot God here!

It's that Daemon Sultan, as always!

Something about a discord server, yada yada... Seriously though, for anyone that actually reads these notes, the next chapter will finally focus on Xa'Gun and the day after. After those chapters, it will finally be the arena fight of him 1v3 some stupid 'umies.

So here is that discord link. Come say hi and talk about OC and chill with my court of chaos.


I'm once again asking for your financial support, like always...

But times are tough and the money is tight... So leave me a comment instead if you can't give some financial aid, you can use nice cheap words to encourage this ole' Deamon Sultan.



Voidmiragecreators' thoughts