
OPMC in the Multiverse

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Your usual reincarnation story but the MC ends up as glasses in One Punch Man and quickly realizes the situation he's born into. No cheats, no systems, no OP rewards, just your knowledge of the show and others to get you by in the gag anime One Punch Man. Using his meta knowledge anime logic which isn't much and breaking his limiter to become the next One Punch Man he becomes the next OP character in his world than the Multiverse! What will he do in the Multiverse? "Of course one shot duh."

Jovami6729 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Path to Power

~Third POV~

[Time Skip 1 Year.]

1 year has passed since the day Saito Yagami finally decided to become the strongest One Punch Man Character while keeping his social life activities as well as keeping a steady relationship with his girlfriend.

1 year has passed in the world of One Punch Man making Tatsumaki and Saito both 18 years of age and Fubuki 13 years old.

At this time the two finally graduated from high school as they did their part-time jobs helping and teaching at Bang's dojo once Saito has gotten full mastery of the fighting style there along with Nichirin and Bomb unique fighting styles.

But there was a reason to learn their fighting style to help him get better control of his powers physically since Saito knew in the future that controlling his powers would be very difficult as shown with Saitama's incredible strength proving to defeat his foes in One Punch.

That was the reason he went to Bang dojo at a young age to properly learn how to control his physical strength and hope he gets used to it soon because he fears he might lose his emotions as well as get bored easily like Saitama.

But another reason was that he would need time to properly learn how to control his body as his a normal average person it took him longer to master the fighting style and learn self-control of his movements. He wasn't Garou nor was he a genius to get everything under him in those 17 years of his life.

As he did the most, he can he started to do the Saitama training program of finally removing his limiter once and for all and truly becoming the most OP character in One Punch Man.

The One Punch Man workout comes from the manga and subsequent anime series of the same name. ... Saitama claims to have developed his strength by following the One Punch Man workout, which consists of 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run.

To be able to do this every single day for years is practically impossible for the normal man as it rips the muscle fibers with too little to no time at all for them to recover with the Saitama schedule destroying the muscle fibers of the body over and over.

Currently, at a park in his free time doing his 6.2-mile run, Saito felt his heart race and his body screaming in pain as he continued what he called the torturous workout.

As he kept on jogging as his muscles screamed at him to stop as he kept talking to himself with sweat covering him in his green tracksuit, "Sigh… sigh… if anyone says doing Saitama's workout was easy in those fanfic novels before they didn't try it… sigh… my training with Bang made me more sturdy and strong than most but…."

Sweat began to pour off from him as he continued to struggle to finish his yearly routine at this point as he pushed himself forward as his muscles began to ache, "Mother fucker my body is sore as hell and aching in pain… sigh…. But I can feel something break or creak at least… sigh… oh god the things I do for strength…"

What Saito said was correct doing Saitama's workout as he tries mirroring his workout is near impossible, but out of sheer pure force of willpower, he began to continue promising himself to become the strongest that he ever was.

He continued to do this so that one day that he can become as broken as Saitama to be able to one-shot any foe that gets in his way and then reach out to the Multiverse to test his power as well learn new things.

While Saito continues his torturous training he grinned happily as he thinks of the benefits of getting stronger as he thinks to himself happily, 'All of this pain will be worth it once I get strong. I'll become so strong that most enemies would think twice about facing me as well as learn to see how strong and traveling the multiverse would be like with my strength as well maybe get stronger in the process. After all, I'm still by all accounts a human mortal.'

Saito continues to train as he realized something very important as he began to consider seriously as he makes a note to buy this item in his thoughts, 'Oh right there is the fact I become bald… hopefully buying enough hair shampoo and conditioners will leave my hair standing. I'll do what I can for power but I would not like to bald in the process but if it's the case then sometimes it takes the greatest of wills to do the hardest of choices.'

With those thoughts in his head, he continues his regulus training to become the strongest One Punch Man Character that he can be even if his muscles want to rest.

All of this to one day travel the Multiverse and to hopefully survive in his world full of crazy OP characters like Saitama, Blast, Borous, Garou, or God.

So, Saito Yagami ran like the great Forest Gump to become the best that no one ever was just like the immortal 10-year-old.

Later on a few days, Saito took this chance to properly train in the gym along with the Esper sisters as he worked on the treadmill as he kept his tracks and steel mind working on his goal of becoming OP.

Inside the gym where Saito was training but also Tatsumaki and Fubuki inside the gym as well to take care of some weight gains and lose them quickly as they work it off in their gym uniform with Saito at times or not.

The sisters took notice of him wearing their working out clothes as Fubuki asked Tatsumaki curiously as they work with weights, "Uh… Tatsumaki-nee do you know why Yagami-kun is working himself to the bone with his training?"

Tatsumaki for her part shrugs at this having no clue only a few words spoken as she responds to Fubuki equally as confused, "No idea. He went off saying he's going to become stronger without using the Bang training method. I have no idea how he's going to pull it off but hey go him right?"

Fubuki slowly agrees as he sees his figure sweat showing his muscles as she drools a bit before getting herself to normal as Tatsumaki narrows her eyes at her, "Uh-huh…. Oh! Sorry yeah, I was uh… daydreaming sorry Tatsumaki-nee."

Tatsumaki loses her narrowed glare seeing how Fubuki was well developed compared to her as she calms down before pointing her finger away from the scene, "Sure… since were done and Saito-kun seems to be hyperfocus want to grab a bite to eat?"

Fubuki nods at this quickly changing the subject leaving Saito to his time becoming stronger…

[Time Skip 2 Years.]

2 more years have passed making this the year that Saito and Tatsumaki are 20 years old and Fubuki at the age of 15 years old.

After the torturous pain of suffering his body and destroying it to completion but out of sheer willpower managed to become the strongest that he could achieve…

In the far distance was an average-looking young man with black hair and a pair of black-frame glasses with his green tracksuit looks to be damaged as if abused from the sheer intensity of the workout.

But standing proud with his ripped muscles in front of an open beach somewhere from the cities he glances at the sky as he felt that he finally did it as he speaks happily, "Finally… after those long training… those torture training created by a mad man Caped Baldy… I finally achieved what I wanted from this world… Hahahaha!"

Laughing happily he looks at the distance as he gets himself into a punching stance that has been used too for the longest time training under Bang and Bomb.

Calming his nerves even though he felt tired he took a chance to look at the distance of a calm open beach sea as he began to test his new power, "Alright it's time to see how strong my punches are… Let's see how about say <Normal Punch>."




With one punch of Saito's fist as he punched the air, it began to break the air it was punched in the direction as suddenly the punch created a highly pressurized air attack as it left behind the destruction of the direction in the open air.

The sheer force of the air pressure created a split between the beach ocean as the split then caused large waves to be formed from the punch as it split them apart causing them to create tsunamis from the aftermath of the <Normal Punch> sending its waves to the other side of the world in the process.

But air pressurized punch however still kept going onward as it reaches the sky splitting the atmosphere in the sky even splitting the clouds from the sky in half seeing the punch of Saito managed to disrupt the patterns of the clouds easily.

Reaching to the outside of the Earth as shown from an outsider's point of view and if one were to check the current world, they would've noticed that a noticeable arrow on the Earth sky has been split as the air currents shown seems to have been split.

If it was shown on the globe at this moment it would show that the <Normal Punch> managed to punch out the clouds shown in the sky and space to be split by an unstoppable force of power originating from somewhere….

If scientists or the Hero Association were here to witness this, they would classify it as a Dragon Threat.

If they knew it was a normal attack, then it would be jumped to God Threat a threat endangering the survival of humanity in general…


Despite his years of training under Bang, Bomb, and Nichirin he always had a basic average level of strength despite the other students. It took literal years for him to reach his current strength and even then, it won't be much.

After all, he was just an average human and does very badly in math.

Saito only had his wits and future knowledge from his past life but otherwise, he was a normal mob unrelated character filled with more mobs just like him.

No talent and no advantage in this world as even the weaklings die a majority of times with destructions of cities or towns.

But what he fears most is that if no one would care to miss him one day if he were to suddenly die one day in this world or the fact that he died in such an insignificant way fearing that everything his done…

Was for nothing…

That was partially the reason why he trains so much to become the most OP character in One Punch Man and the other was not to die easily in the future.

While Monsters do appear in this world it's not as often at times to those unlucky but even then, there was usually some kind of death when a monster is nearby. It was fearful at times for him because he was easy prey to monsters like them or like him.

The will to survive and surpass everyone was what fueled his thoughts to ensure he survives and become strong…

Strong enough that he wouldn't fear ANYTHING ever again…

~Saito POV~


Those what fueled my thoughts seeing the destructive power I finally wield…

The power to easily get past everything in this world has to offer…

Viewing the power, in my fingertips as I saw all of this through my phone using google maps to view the scene of everything changing, I smirked at this as I managed to finally get to this level of unfathomable power.

Like I have said before amazing.

Anyone would get drunk with this kind of power but still, everything this world has to offer is now within my grasp of true power…

Now though how do I exactly test my new power since I need some test dummies to try out my new level of power?

I'm too excited to test out my power on practically anything its honestly very scary to see how I become so powerful as well…


I know just the perfect location too and that would be to pay a visit to the Monster Association and get the chance to get the Monster Cells to ensure I WILL become the strongest there are no questions asked.

Monster Cells are what seems to be a very largely mutated virus cell that transforms humans into monsters upon entering the human body.

A monster cell is a pulsating organic lump of flesh and is roughly the size of a normal human hand. When a human ingests one, they undergo a physical and mental transformation that allows them to exceed their human limitations and turn into monsters.

Those who consume a monster cell are also given a longer life span. Monster cells were produced by Orochi through unknown means and then collected and nurtured in large machines in the Monster Association Headquarters.

Monster cells build upon the talents of the subject, but it comes at the cost of losing the potential to grow stronger. The monster cells also depend on the potential of the human itself to create monsters.

The stronger the human, the stronger the monster transformation will be.

It appears that humans with strong natural power transform into more hideous creatures than weak people who still maintain a lot of their human appearance.

In the manga Benpatsu, for example, only gained a third eye, sharp teeth, and elongated fingertips after eating a monster cell, and Rosie only gained an abnormal muscular physique and throbbing veins on his forehead with spinal protrusions sticking out his back.

On the other hand, stronger humans such as Choze, Volten, Hamukichi, or Gouketsu have more monstrous and inhuman appearances.

When a human becomes a monster, they experience bloodlust, sadism, ecstasy, insanity, and a loss of humanity, morality, and even rational thought, in which they will bend only on mayhem and destruction.

Furthermore, the transformation effect is also very similar to when a human takes steroids, with some hosts showing intense pain upon ingestion. In exchange for this, they gain great strength that allows them to surpass their previous abilities.

However, this is not considered a limit remover since becoming a monster is just putting a new limiter on the transformed human. A particular weakness when a human becomes a monster through this method is that they will become extremely reckless due to the heightened bloodlust caused by the cell before learning to hone and control their new instincts.

Newly transformed monsters often attempt to attack without gauging the power of their opponents and the monster cell also brings out the worst of a human's personality when they become a monster.

If the consumer has a weak will, they will lose their ego and intelligence, and some stronger-willed individuals can alternate between their human and monster forms.

Such was the case with Haragiri, Gale Wind, and Hellfire Flame, all of whom were experienced warriors with a mastery of mind and body something I trained as well. I trained under Bang, Bomb, and Nichirin to train the mind and body.

I kind of had to make sure I keep my mind safe from the Esper Sisters as well as keep my appearance as well as ensure I retain my power with complete control of my body.

Eating more than one monster cell at a time can also either knock out the consumer or cause them to self-destruct since the human body cannot handle the power of multiple cells all at once.


Whoops, I forget that they are formed when the Hero Association came to exitance as of right now only The headquarters of the Monster Association was previously the home of the Subterranean People who were all slaughtered under Z-City.

Well, I have plenty of time to become stronger in the future so for now though I have time to wait before Saitama does the job for me.

I can't wait to become stronger.

With that, I instantly used <Instant Movement> to quickly move away from the scene but everything seems to go very slow to me as my eyes widen at this as everything around me is so… slow…

In the past, it was only a brief burst of speed flash for me but to me, everything is so slow… now this is the power I wanted and it finally paid off…

Must be the incredible strength of breaking the limiter of my body as I couldn't help but smile brightly at this as I have plenty of time before the big events of this world happen. If I can even call this even big, to begin with.

No matter more power is fine but now comes the hard part of controlling unstoppable power but at least I have time to move forward now. Maybe I should show this to Tatsumaki by showing her the photo or just jump to the moon in front of her and get a space rock.

Either way, I can convince her with my power.


Now time to go ahead as they say I think… GOD SPEED!


A/N: Finally the MC has finally become OP to protect himself better as well as managed to keep his hair smooth and resistant thanks to daily uses of shampoo conditioners. But alas despite his power... he still needs glasses...