
OPMC in the Multiverse

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Your usual reincarnation story but the MC ends up as glasses in One Punch Man and quickly realizes the situation he's born into. No cheats, no systems, no OP rewards, just your knowledge of the show and others to get you by in the gag anime One Punch Man. Using his meta knowledge anime logic which isn't much and breaking his limiter to become the next One Punch Man he becomes the next OP character in his world than the Multiverse! What will he do in the Multiverse? "Of course one shot duh."

Jovami6729 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: The Greatest Enemy… Trees…

~Third POV~



Whole Cake Island is a New World island under the control of Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors. It is her crew's base of operations and the central island in Big Mom's 35-island archipelago known as Totto Land.

In addition to other minor islands in the Totto Land archipelago, Whole Cake Island is the primary setting of the Whole Cake Island Arc.

The island is quite large, and until about 62 years ago, it was a regular island with several round hills. It was renamed "Whole Cake Island" due to Charlotte Linlin and Streusen working to fulfill the former's dream, which was inherited from Carmel, and its new resemblance to a gathering of frosted cakes is due to the enormous cake buildings constructed there.

Due to the buildings' enormous size, visitors tend to be awed at the first sight of the island. Atop the largest central building, the Whole Cake Chateau, there are massive poles shaped like candles, making it look like a birthday cake being even depicted as lit, although it is unknown if their "flames" are real and the anime implies that they are trees. Most buildings appear to be covered in what looks like icing. The interiors of buildings in general look as if they are partly made of icing.

At least the island's southwestern coast is covered in a kind of hardened whipped cream, namely meringue.

The island east bay was shown to have a coral-like structure, resembling those on Fish-Man Island.

The sky above the island is sometimes covered by unique purplish and pinkish clouds, and the island's special weather phenomenon of edible cotton candy snow may stem from those clouds.

Sweet City is the capital of Whole Cake Island, and, by extension, of all Totto Land. The city is situated northwestern to Whole Cake Chateau, roughly in the center of the island. Its structures and buildings are made of edible substances, such as candy or biscuits furnished by the Minister of Biscuits, with some of the buildings being living.

Some of them also bear "BM" or "BIG MOM", as an obvious reference to the island's queen. A juice river, seemingly connected to the sea or Lake Aprico, runs through the town. Sweet City is seemingly surrounded by living hills, and a pathway links the Whole Cake Chateau to Lake Aprico.

The citizens of the city appear to be quite diversified, as in all Totto Land. Some balloons covered with frosting can always be seen floating over the town, regardless of the weather. However, some of the towns were destroyed when Big Mom started eating it during one of her cravings.

Whole Cake Chateau is the three-layered massive castle of Big Mom, and the largest cake building found in Sweet City. It had a total of ten floors and dwarfed essentially all the other buildings and landmarks of the island being larger than Sweet City as a whole. It was situated roughly centrally on the island, being surrounded by Sweet City.

Whole Cake Island is populated primarily by Big Mom's crew and allies, which include members of races from all across the world except giants, even talking animals, and most of her over 80 children, as well as her grandchildren. At least one of her ex-husbands also resides on the island.

In addition, an extremely wide assortment of anthropomorphic singing animals and objects the latter including primary food live on the island via the powers of the Soru Soru no Mi.

All those seem to have a habit of repeating their noun name by way of singing or saying it melodically; even living objects with a specific name use the noun and not their actual name; however, they are not limited just to saying their names and are capable of rational thought. Anthropomorphic fragments of Linlin's soul known as "incarnations" also exist freely on the island, collecting souls and performing other tasks for their owner.

Those incarnations live at the place that is where the MC Saito is currently residing at this moment the Seducing Woods.

The Seducing Woods have situated in-between Whole Cake Island's southwestern coast and the outskirts of Sweet City. Consistent with the island's theme, the forest is quite bizarre, being largely edible and full of homies, like trees, lollipops, cakes, and flowers, which can be seen happily talking and singing with each other.

More specifically, the forest includes a river of melon juice running through it, a waterfall of apple juice, and Brûlée's house next to it. A talking crocodile seems to inhabit the river, his role being to destroy a certain donut bridge leading to the coast.

Pound also used to be buried there, until Charlotte Cracker came to pull him out of the ground. The forest's master was Kingbaum, the largest tree homie. In the anime, it was shown that the entire forest was brought to life by Charlotte Linlin's soul.

Contrary to its seemingly merry atmosphere at first glance, the forest has a strong sense of maliciousness, as there are skeletons of past wanderers laying around, and the trees and other homies constantly move around to block off exit routes and evermore shift the forest's very layout to confuse their visitors, regarding it as a "Game of Death", joyfully singing about how those visitors' brutal deaths might look like.

The Homies, led by Baum, will not let go of unauthorized visitors relatively regardless of how strong they are. There is also a strong interference with magnetic fields to prevent visitors from finding a way out via Log Poses seemingly due to strange clocks secured on some tree homies, whose clock hands spin uncontrollably…

~Saito POV~

Ok, so far this has been the weirdest experience I have ever been to before?

First off, I knew traveling the multiverse was dangerous, but I didn't expect my first world to be Disney land though. Honestly, I don't know how to feel but be weirded out by these darker versions of Disney.

They just keep on standing their existing smiling at me as they care… honestly, I'm a bit disturbed by that seeing as they seem to be happy but the skeletons here beg to differ… Is it possible these living objects sucked the joy out of them?

Only Disney Evil could be that twisted and cruel… and market off them in the process…

"Look here no one would die by tripping onto hot chocolate!"

"No, he's going to die by trees!"

"Nah he going to die screaming! YOLO!"

"Nah uh! This nobody is going to die by the guards!"

"No, it will be the mouse that gets him!"

Although those plants making death threats are the very least concerning, I mean the ones at that elementary school had better taunts than this. Wait why am I encouraging such behavior, to begin with?


Ignoring the living plants and rocks as well as candy I began to move away from this spot calmly as I began to search around the place. But seriously though what exactly is this place?

I know for sure it can be Disney now that I think of it. They can't afford to have such foul taste in their shows and death… but then again, they did buy Star Wars so anything is on the table with the Mouse running the show…


That was when I heard some rumbling sounds coming from the ground as I began to see at the distance some kind of mutant monster tree coming my way as it approaches me. That was when I heard the happy but disturbing plant and whatever they are speak happily about this.

"Ah! So, it's death by Kingbaum! Yeah!"

"Oh, so it's Kingbaum then?"

"Hip hip hooray for Kingbaurm murder party!"

"That poor four eyes never stood the chance."

Ok, that is enough from the peanut gallery I raised all of them the finger as I spout off my response to them with an angered face raising my fist, "OI! You fuckers want to see me dead then come at me, bro! I know you are pussies for not fighting because your fucking plants, rocks, and candy as well as Furies fucks here don't want none of my Fist of death! Come at me, bro!!!!!"

However, they only laughed at my face as they spoke.

God damn it!

It makes me have the urge to go on a damn murder spree against Tress and maybe develop a racist tendency against plants and trees… definitely the tress…

Shaking my head of those thoughts away I began to finally see whatever this Kingbaurm guy they were talking about was. Except it's a moving and talking tree with teeth… wait do trees even grow teeth?


Questions for later…

The Kingbaum is an extremely large tree cartoon of Disney with a wide light gray trunk and a large amount of blueish gray foliage. He has small eyes, a very long and pointy nose, a very long handlebar mustache, a mouth full of sharp teeth, a large tongue, and two rather small arms that cannot even reach across his body.

When he finally arrives with his crew of more trees he began to speak to me in a serious but looney toons fashion about me, "You damn intruder! I won't let you leave this place alive for so long as I live in the honor of-"

"<Normal Punch>."

My war on Trees is just beginning…

~Third POV~

Kingbaum for the first time in his whole existence and his other homies never thought they died like this…

The one punch from the intruder was enough to DISINTEGRATE them into nothing…

Kingbaum takes his duties very seriously and will ensure that all intruders in the Seducing Woods are killed. He carries some pride in his position, viewing outside assistance as unnecessary and being confident in the abilities of himself and his subordinates. He is the only homie so far to not fear Charlotte Cracker.

But against the brushing force of death of that one punch from a <Normal Punch> all of its soul instincts kicked in but rather late as the air pressure from the <Normal Punch> was simply too strong for even the proclaimed strongest homie to withstand and survive nay…

Only death welcomed him… along with the largest portion of the forest in the whole process from that one attack as the shockwave from that attack managed to destroy the landscape in its wake.

The sheer force of the air pressure created a split between the Seducing Woods to the New World ocean as the split then caused large waves to be formed from the punch as well as uplift any poor bastard homies in its wake as all of them soon got tossed in the open seawater of the New World as they all died or got purified from the powers of the sea.

However, it wasn't all that happened as it split the sea apart causing them to create tsunamis from the aftermath of the <Normal Punch> sending its waves to the other sides of the islands where Whole Cake Island was in the process of the others as well getting hit badly in the process.

But air pressurized punch however still kept going onward as it reaches the sky splitting the atmosphere in the sky even splitting the clouds from the sky in half seeing the punch of Saito managed to disrupt the patterns of the clouds easily.

Doing so he managed to destroy the magnetic waves in the air for Log Poses in the sea to locate them to be normal like from the Blues of the North, East, South, and West from that one punch alone that caused damage in its wake.

The Seducing Woods looked like a shell of its former self as the homies that once mocked Saito with their laughter and promise of death soon stopped at the sightseeing the forest was destroyed like an ant that was tossed into the trashcan or stomped hard.

A smoking trail of his fist was seen from his fist as Saito stretches himself as he began to move his arms around leaving the homies shocked as he spoke, "Welp… that was something. Guess I have to limit my strength even more if that was enough to kill one of the Disney characters. Now then…"

Suddenly turning his head to the last and possibly only survivors of the attack that was turned away glancing at the trees that mocked him death now turned pale as he heard his words making them more fearful, "Now then…. I promised myself I would make war with you damn trees for testing my patience. Seeing that the furies and everything else went towards the sea… I promise to make war with you trees…"

What happened next could be called a holocaust as Saito began to mercilessly hunt down the trees as he began to punch them to death the innocent plants could only look on in horror as if they see their favorite dogs being put down one day by their parents or got traumatized by the fact they saw their daddy banging mommy one day as they were so traumatized that they couldn't realize what happened confused the shit of them.

But only the floors were left as witnesses seeing the horror of Saito mercilessly destroying the trees as if they were like nothing…

Elsewhere standing on the top of the destroyed home landed Katakuri holding his very damaged and harmed sister Brûlée along with the missing home now destroyed…

Brûlée's house is situated in the Seducing Woods, and the Mirro-World, with a large mirror in its middle, acts as a sort of bridge between the two worlds.

On the Seducing Woods side, it is next to an apple juice waterfall. It consists of a watermill activated by the aforementioned waterfall, biscuit-made walls, and a large roof, on top of which is a black cat figure, fitting Brûlée's witch theme. Inside, its walls are covered with mirrors. In its center, a large cooking pot is used by Brûlée to boil her captives.

However, she became a casualty as she was dying as she coughed her breath managing to get her big brother Katakuri out in time…

It was extremely unfortunate that she died in the crossfire of the <Normal Punch> because of the tree… it was always going to be the trees fault this happened… and the very questionable reason why living in the Seducing Woods taunting people how they die to them is a very depressing reason to live in such a place.

Charlotte Katakuri is the second son and third child of the Charlotte Family and the elder triplet brother of Daifuku and Oven. He is also one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates and serves as Totto Land's Minister of Flour, governing over Komugi Island.

But at times he likes to enjoy eating in peace inside the mirror world thanks to his sister Brûlée.

During their childhood, after Katakuri beat up some bullies who ridiculed his mouth, they took their revenge on Brûlée, scarring her face. Brûlée did not hold any grudge against Katakuri, saying that he was fine the way he is. After unleashing his revenge, Katakuri started hiding his face to protect his family.

But now said sibling is dying in his arms as she breathed out her final breath to her big brother in a gentle tone, "Cough! Cough… Katakuri… thank you for being my brother and… and… protect the…e oth…ers…"

Closing her eyes in her final hours she was glad that Katakuri was here to see her off as tears ran down his face as he glares in the direction of where the attack was as he began to walk his way to the direction, "Don't worry Brûlée… I'll make sure you won't go to hell alone… I'll bring this bastard down along with you…"

Vengeance in his heart he began to go towards the direction of where Saito was as he was now down taking down the enemies of man… trees as he left the area to go ahead and see what the place has to offer not knowing what he had done.


Then a loud yelling was followed next…


A/N: Finally, some drama happening and an unimportant death already! Guess Saito managed to piss off Katakuri first before Big Mom. Now that she is dead how will Saito come to find out that he's in One Piece and not Disney Land as well as his new nemesis of trees?! Will Katakuri ever get his revenge and how did Big Mom get angry this time! Find out more about the OPMC in the Multiverse!