

After an unexpected night involving a one-night stand, Tatsumaki soon discovers that she is pregnant with Saitama's child. As the two struggle to find a resolution and decide on their priorities, more problems continue to arise—not just by a monstrous cause, but one in the political and industrial realm.

Bilit_Anant · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The One with the Naming

(A slender blonde woman swiftly made her way across the dim office halls.)

(She was dressed in a suit, her hair was neatly tied in a bun, and her clear glasses reflected the warm fluorescent lights.)

(Her designer heels tapped audibly against the polished marble floor, pausing when she stood in front of a metal door.)

(After a quick biometric and retina scan, she was granted entry into the conference hall.)

Gentleman: "Ah, thank you, Gina,"

(a gentleman fully dressed in business formal thanked the woman as he took a digital tablet from her.)

(Gina nodded wordlessly as she made her exit.)

(The gentleman stood proudly at the end of a digitally-advanced conference table.)

(Folding his hands behind him, he commenced the brief meeting.)

Gentleman: "Thank you all for coming in today despite the short notice. As I have already indicated in the e-mail, our agenda would be to discuss the performance of the S-Class heroes—most particularly, the Tornado of Terror."

(He placed the tablet on the conference table, projecting the windows to his colleagues.)

gentleman: "Let me show you all the weekly and monthly activities of the S-Class hero…"

(Tapping on a small icon with Tatsumaki's ID, the man then revealed the Esper's activity monitoring sheet for the previous months and this gentleman actually Mr. Sitch.)

Mr. Sitch: "As you can see here, it's been four months, and Tornado has only defeated two monsters, each a demon-level threat."

Mr. Sekingar: "Mr. Sitch, if I may."

(raised a clean-cut man with a metal prosthetic eye that one can't miss.)

Mr. Sitch: "Yes, Mr. Sekingar?"

Mr. Sekingar: "While we can make assumptions of each hero's activity based on distal and proximal monitoring, I would also just like to remind you that monster activity may be less frequent since the so-called Monster Association has just been recently eradicated,"

(Mr. Sekingar said calmly.)

Mr. Sekingar: "Furthermore, isn't it a bit too much to say that an S-Class hero like Tornado has not been doing anything for four months just because she was only able to defeat two monsters? She fought hard during the battle with the Monster Association. We should give her a break."

(Mr. Sitch gave a single firm nod.)

Mr. Sitch: "I acknowledge your insight, Mr. Sekingar, as always. However, as we compared her activity with other heroes—both in A-Class and S-Class—you would see that she is significantly falling behind."

(Sitch leaned in closer, scanning the pairs of eyes before him.)

Mr. Sitch: "Moreover, haven't any of you heard of the news last week? A threat-level dragon of a monster arrived in City B. A witness, whom I will remain anonymous, reported to me that Tatsumaki was in the area, apparently hoarding some granny smiths from a local store. If it wasn't for the S-Class Genos with some assistance from A-Class Caped Baldy, the city would have been in grave danger."

another executive: "So, are you saying that Miss Tornado is actively and deliberately disregarding her responsibilities?"

(another executive asked.)

Mr. Sitch: "It would seem too far-fetched to conclude so. Nevertheless, we should continue to closely monitor her, as well as the rest of the upper-ranked heroes. Perhaps, something may be up. If the need arises, I may acquire the assistance of one of our former S-Class heroes,"

(Sitch concluded.)

Sekingar knowingly leaned against his seat.

Sekingar: "You'd ask Child Emperor for help, wouldn't you?"

(Sitch slowly sat down on his chair, internally wishing he could undo the tie around his neck and let out some steam.)

(He gazed at the Tornado of Terror's ID photo projected right in front of him.)

(Even as a hologram, the Esper had that feisty and fearsome glimmer in her eyes.)

(Then there was that small smirk that harbored an attitude and power unbecoming for a girl of her stature.)

Mr. Sitch: "I… Yes, I would. Though I wish I wouldn't have to."


(With the four months slowly turning to a fifth, Tatsumaki knew she could no longer hide her pregnancy from anyone.)

(For the past weeks, all she's been wearing were oversized shirts and sweaters that were once upon a time hidden away in a dungeon—that is, her wardrobe—since there is no way in hell that she would be caught dead wearing a maternal dress.)

(Truth be told, she wasn't much troubled with how inactive she was when it came to her hero duties—she was surprised at first when the number of monsters she had slain was countable with fingers from a single palm—albeit it bothered her that she wasn't able to go out when she wanted to.)

(Unless her psychic powers could mutate into invisibility or something, then she'd still have to deal with those stupid onlookers who appear as if they've never seen a pregnant psychic heroine before.)

(After concerning herself with how she could get outside more, she got hungry and grabbed the first thing she found on the small fruit basket idly sitting on her nightstand—a small banana.)

(Tatsumaki didn't even stifle her chuckle.)

(Every other week since their first visit to the doctor, Saitama regularly passed by her quarters to leave her a small bundle of bananas.)

(Small wasn't even an understatement—the man gave three fucking pieces of bananas in one bundle.)

(When she had asked why bananas, he frankly told her that they were 1) always available and 2) very cheap, so it was idle for a gift.)

(Tatsumaki regarded his frugal mindset as either an advantage or another little annoying feature of his. Maybe if they were married, it could be the former.)

Tatsumaki: Marriage? Whoa there.

(Since when did she even start thinking about that word? It felt icky on the tongue to say, and Tatsumaki suddenly cringed when she visualized herself in a white wedding gown, walking on a crimson carpet to that phlegmatic bald man in a tuxedo who was waiting for her at the end of the aisle.)

(A soft rapping relieved Tatsumaki from the marital thoughts she had been lingering on for a bit.)

(She went over to the door and found Saitama standing there, both hands holding on to three or four plastic bags of groceries.)

Tatsumaki [grouched]: "What took you so long?" "I was hungry, and all there's to eat are your stupid bananas!"

Saitama: "Oh, you had one? Was it good?"

(Saitama asked simply, oblivious to her whining.)

Tatsumaki: "I don't know! Do I look like some banana expert to you? How the heck am I supposed to judge that gross yellow fruit?!"

(Saitama took a sidestep and cocked his head, looking towards the kitchen.)

Saitama: "Are you going to let me in? You wanted me to buy your groceries and cook dinner for later, but I don't know how I could do that from all the way here,"

(he bleakly remarked.)

Tatsumaki: "Trying to be a wise-ass?"

(Tatsumaki challenged, folding her arms over her engorged belly.)

(When the man merely gave her a blank stare, she rolled her eyes and stepped aside to let him in.)

Tatsumaki: "Put the groceries in the kitchen and don't make a mess. I'll tidy up the living room."

(Saitama placed the plastic bags on the island counter before peering over to the woman.)

Saitama: "You haven't cleaned up while waiting?"

Tatsumaki: "I was busy doing something else!"

(she retorted.)

Tatsumaki: "And if you know what's good for you, you'd shut your pipe and cook in silence so I can do my thing in peace."

(Saitama groaned inwardly.)

Saitama: "Geez, what's gotten up your ass?"

(he mumbled.)

(If trying to make amends with the Tornado of Terror before she was pregnant proved more difficult than nailing jelly against a wall, then dealing with her now was something he didn't even want to speculate further.)

(Nevertheless, the Caped Baldy remained resilient—he was on the verge of insanity, but still pretty resilient.)

Tatsumaki: "What was that?!"

(Tatsumaki fumed from the living room.)

Saitama: "Uh, I was just asking what's for dinner!"

Tatsumaki: "Whatever you can manage not to burn, Caped Baldy."

[Few hours later...]


(It was just past sunset, and the sky was shifting rapidly from shades of burnt orange into a deep violet-blue.)

(Fubuki and Genos arrived at almost the same time for dinner at Tatsumaki's apartment.)

(While Fubuki had the more legitimate reason for visiting her pregnant sister—that is, to provide her with some assistance and accompany her for dinner, Genos had merely asked where his mentor currently was and immediately followed suit.)

(Though it wasn't too challenging to convince Tatsumaki to have Genos stay for dinner, it did require both Saitama and Fubuki to chime in and argue that it would only just be for one evening meal. Tatsumaki agreed, yet with the condition that everyone leaves as soon as they all finish dinner.)

(While Saitama busied himself in the kitchen, Genos and Fubuki took the obligation of setting up the table.)

(Tatsumaki, on the other hand, was still cleaning up the living room—or was at least pretending to.)

Genos: "Master, I do hope that this woman is not overwhelming you with paternal duties."

(Genos suddenly said as he laid out the plates.)

Genos: "If you do need any assistance—any at all—do know that I am fully at your service."

Tatsumaki: "Are you really a disciple or an errand boy?"

(Tatsumaki commented from her end.)

Genos: "If it matters that much to you, then I will answer your question. Know this, runt, I am a disciple of Master Saitama. I far out-qualify you as the measly vessel of his—"

Tatsumaki: "No, no. Shut up. That wasn't even a question."

(Fubuki watched as the two exchanged fierce, intense stares.)

(She placed the last silver spoon on the side of the plate and walked over to her sister with slight unease.)

Fubuki: "Big sis, I think we can put the fruits on the—"

Genos: "Just because you are pregnant with my Master's child does not mean I will allow you an easy leave from the insults and vexation you throw at him. You should be grateful that you are carrying his heir."

(Genos reprimanded.)

Tatsumaki [poisonous smirk]: Oh, so you aren't backing down so easily.

(Tatsumaki gave the Demon Cyborg a poisonous smirk.)

Tatsumaki: "Come closer so you can say that to my face one more time, Genos."

(she dared, her voice lowering an octave.)

(As the furniture began to quake and the air pressure compressed, Fubuki held on to her sister's arm and shot Genos with a warning glance.)

(But the Demon Cyborg remained unwavering, and the ignition within his system started heating up as light and steam emerged from his body.)

Saitama: "Food's here!"

(If any, Saitama's sudden excited exultation ceased the two from any further fighting.)

(Coming out from the kitchen, the bald man held out the whopping hotpot with both hands, actually wishing he could have the whole meal to himself.)

(Though it was tempting to throw the steaming meal across the room and into the cyborg's face, Tatsumaki restrained herself, considering it would be a waste of good food.)

(Instead, she folded her arms and scornfully told Saitama to "control his pet.")

(When Saitama was about to obviously respond with an inquiry, Fubuki levitated the hotpot and wine over to their table and, with a forced grin, demanded that everyone just start eating.)

(If laughter was the best medicine, then food was the miraculous peacemaker.)

(As soon as everyone settled themselves around the coffee table in the living room—Tatsumaki did have a proper dining area, though it only had two chairs since she never really needed anymore—a sense of tranquility and civility surrounded the group.)

(Genos initiated small talk, asking Saitama where he learned to cook, jumping to where Tatsumaki was able to buy out-of-season granny smiths, then to some superficial issue on whether Genos really found Fubuki attractive since Saitama unknowingly pointed out that the cyborg wanted to take her out on a date when he had lost his memory.)

(Their latest topic of conversation changed route when Fubuki, having been embarrassed, asked what they would name their baby.)

Fubuki: "How about something along the regal lines of Reo—the spirit of the mountain—or Meishu, which means leadership?"

(she proposed dreamily.)

Genos: "It is a ridiculous suggestion to give the name of a child if one does not know whether it would be a boy or a girl first."

Fubuki: "That is why we come up names for either."

(Fubuki answered, a hint of annoyance in her tone. She turned to look at Saitama, thinking that he would care more about this stuff than Genos or her sister.)

Fubuki: "What do you think, Saitama?"

Saitama: "Uh…"

(Saitama droned.)

Saitama: "That's actually a pretty tough question."

(He placed a thumb under his chin and closed in eyes in deep thought.)

Genos: "Whatever the gender of the baby, the name must symbolize a power reflective of its father."

(announced Genos.)

Genos: "We must call him Saitama Junior."

(Tatsumaki crunched a bored brow.)

Tatsumaki: "What a stupid name. What if it's a girl?"

Genos: "Did I not just mention 'whatever the gender of the baby'?"

(Genos answered firmly, not even blinking.)

Genos: "And how dare you insult the Master's name! You clearly have no sense of due regard for such impeccability."

Fubuki: "So, what do you think the baby's name should be, big sis?"

(Fubuki chimed in, turning to Tatsumaki before she could pour hot water all over the cyborg and, consequently, end their civil exchange on a bitter note.)

Tatsumaki: "I don't want to think about it."

(Tatsumaki yawned.)

Tatsumaki: "Just lay out your suggestions, and I'll approve or not."

Fubuki: "But if we don't come up with something you like, you'll eventually have to give us something,"

(Fubuki insisted.)

(Tatsumaki laid on her back, irritated not only with her sister's persistence on the topic but also with the discomfort of merely being pregnant.)

Tatsumaki: "How about…I kick you all out of my room now so I can think of a name in peace?"

Saitama: "I got it!"

(Saitama declared, pounding a fist against his palm.)

(Genos and Fubuki gave him elated smiles, while Tatsumaki lazily glanced up from her side.)

Saitama: "I'd rather you all hold your applause for this. It took me a rigorous process of mental trial-and-error to get just the right name,"

(he boasted.)

Genos: "Tell us, Master!"

(Genos couldn't hold his eagerness. Even Fubuki seemed to lean forward from the edge of her seat.)

Saitama: "The baby's name should be…"

(And raising a pointed finger, divulged his suggestion with confidence.)

Saitama: "Mob."

(Fubuki and Genos' eyes remained agape.)

Fubuki: "M-Mob…?"

(Fubuki repeated, perplexed.)

Fubuki: "You mean like an unruly and angry crowd of people?"

Genos: "It…is indeed… um, a unique name, Master."

(Genos stuttered.)

Saitama: "Isn't it?"

(Saitama beamed. It was apparent that he didn't really care much of what Fubuki or Genos genuinely thought.)

Saitama: "What do you think? I actually based it off a Manga I recently read. Pretty good too."

Fubuki: "You're seriously going to name your baby after some fictional character from a Manga?"

Saitama: "And an Anime,"

(the bald man pointed out.)

Saitama: "Mob's a pretty cool dude. You should read—!"

Fubuki: "This is ridiculous!"

(The younger Esper exclaimed, then turned towards her sister.)

Fubuki: "Tell him, big sis! Tell him what a load of crap that name is."

(Tatsumaki leisurely moved her head to gaze at Fubuki.)

(Subconsciously, her hands found their way to her firm enlarged belly and started smoothing down its surface involuntarily.)

Tatsumaki [muttered]: "Mob sounds…okay,"

(Fubuki's mouth was as agape as her eyes.)

(The abrupt answer of her older sister disconcerted her.)

(Has her pregnancy made her lose her mind?!)

(Genos found himself in the same bewildered boat as well, yet remained upright in his seat.)

(Saitama, on the other hand, couldn't stifle a small cheer of victory.)

Fubuki: "Tatsumaki…big sis…are you okay?"

(Fubuki asked, placing a hand over the expecting woman's.)

Fubuki: "You have no qualms about it at all?"

Tatsumaki: "Fubuki, I am in no mood to think about names, all right?!"

(But Fubuki was too invested with the current name nominating competition.)

(It was going to be her niece's or nephew's name anyway.)

Fubuki: "Hmm…Mob sounds too much like a boy's name,"

(she said, turning her attention to Genos and Saitama instead.)

Fubuki: "So maybe I should start thinking about girl names…"

Saitama: "Well, it's settled then!"

(Saitama proclaimed, crossing his arms with a satisfied grin.)

Saitama: "If the kid's a boy, then he's gonna be named Mob."

Genos [applauded]: "You have overcome yet another challenging task, Master. It is no easy feat to choose a child's name. There is nothing you can't accomplish."

(Tatsumaki rolled her eyes.)

(There is no way she is going to allow this slap-stick comedy of a conversation to carry on in her quarters.)

Tatsumaki: "Okay,"

(she began.)

Tatsumaki: "The party's over. Now everyone go home!"

(Just then, a mighty earthquake struck the city.)

(The walls of the sturdier buildings and the concrete ground began to crack open, and numerous structures have almost instantly collapsed into a heap of stone and rubble.)

(Street lamps were uprooted from the ground like trees, and the untangled electric wires flung wildly across the pavement like bullwhips.)

(The car alarms blared along with the screams and cries of the unsuspecting citizens.)

(The earthquake lasted no longer than fifteen seconds, but the damage it left was a devastating memory that only those who had survived would remember.)

(Back in Tatsumaki's apartment, everything remained as is, due to the vigilant Espers.)

(After the violent tremors have ceased, they returned all furniture and household items to where they once were.)

(The new building was supposed to withstand any earthquake scaled on a magnitude six.)

(It was evident that the recent one was tremendously more powerful.)

Saitama: "Let's head outside,"

(Saitama said, suddenly serious. His companions agreed, and they all marched out of the building to survey the area.)


(The collateral damage of the aftermath was significant.)

(Buildings were crushed into rubble, skyscrapers were leaning like the Tower of Pisa, several cars, trucks, and buses crashed against each other on the street, and fires from a nearby area began to spread.)

(Varied sounds of sirens from ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars were muffled in the background.)

(The four heroes stood there, silenced.)

(Dealing with monsters was one thing, but natural disasters? Not even they could foresee such.)

Genos [muttered]: "Could this be the prophecy that the seer, Shibabawa, was foretelling?"

Fubuki: "W-What?!"

(Fubuki cried out alarmingly as she sharply glanced in his direction.)

Fubuki: "What prophecy? What foretelling?"

(Suddenly, they were hushed by Tatsumaki.)

Tatsumaki: "Pipe it! I sense something…"

Saitama: "Another earthquake?"

(asked Saitama.)

Tatsumaki: "No, it's—!"

(Out of the blue, thick black clouds began to swirl, masking the bright stars that covered the evening sky.)

(The four simultaneously faced upward, bracing themselves for whatever was to befall them.)

Cosmic Entity: "HUMANS…"

(bellowed a low and menacing voice.)

(It emerged from nowhere, and it was difficult to discern its source as it seemed to have echoed surrounding the city.)

Saitama: "Whoa…"

(began Saitama's usual commentary.)

Saitama: "Whoever this guy is—he's got a good set of tonsils, for sure."


Tatsumaki [fussed]: "What the hell is he blathering about?"

(As if answering her question, the voice proceeded.)


(Tatsumaki and Saitama exchanged glances.)

(The woman pierced her emerald eyes in a fierce gaze.)

Tatsumaki: "Whoever's talking must have some nerve making empty threats like that,"

(she seethed.)

Genos: "We are not even certain if the entity is speaking about your child,"

(Genos mentioned.)

(Tatsumaki clenched a fist.)

(The voice clearly mentioned 'phenomenal cosmic powers and overwhelming strength.')

(Wasn't that a bit much of a giveaway? For someone developed with a superfluous artificial intelligence, he sure was slow.)

(And as if nothing had happened, the noir clouds dispersed from the sky, revealing the diamond-coated evening once again.)

Saitama: "What…what was that all about?"

(Saitama asked simply.)

(Fubuki shot the man a glare.)

Fubuki: "That voice just threatened your child and the planet! And you're just standing there with that dumb look on your face. Aren't you going to do anything about it?"

Tatsumaki: "Fubuki, stop it,"

(scolded Tatsumaki.)

Tatsumaki: "We don't even know what we are up against. We need more information. The Hero Association may know something."

Fubuki: "Hero Association?"

(Fubuki repeated, perturbed.)

Fubuki: "Don't tell me you're planning on paying them a visit? After all, you can't hide that…that bulging eye-sore of a stomach of yours!"

Tatsumaki: "Argh! You don't have to point out the obvious!"

(yelled Tatsumaki, regaining her typical hot-headed façade with a haughty toss of her head.)

Tatsumaki: "And it seems like I have no other choice—they already sent an emergency notice to all remaining S-Class heroes. If I don't come, they'll come barging in my quarters. They'll find out sooner or later anyway,"

(she said more relaxed this time.)

Saitama: "Hey, I got the message too,"

(Saitama said, holding up his beeper.)

Saitama: "What about you, Genos?"

Genos: "Yes. I have received it as well,"

(confirmed the cyborg.)

(Fubuki interlaced the fingers on her hands.)

Fubuki: "Well, I guess all I can do for you now is hope for the best."

(She turned to Tatsumaki, knowing she probably wanted to go straight back home and collapse into bed.)

Fubuki: "I'll visit you again soon, big sis. Let me know if anything comes up, okay?"

(When Tatsumaki decided to remain silent and send her younger sister an icy glare, Saitama intervened and gave Fubuki a thumbs up.)

Saitama: "Count on it, dude.

Fubuki: Thanks for the concern."

[To be continued...]

In this chapter, we witnessed a blend of lighthearted banter, familial dynamics, and sudden peril as our heroes faced the unexpected appearance of a cosmic entity threatening their world. The interaction between the characters revealed their individual personalities and relationships, setting the stage for future developments.

As they embark on their journey to the Hero Association headquarters, the stakes are high, and the unknown awaits them.

Stay tuned for the next chapter as the story unfolds and new challenges arise.

And next chapter something happened in Hero Association headquarters.

Bilit_Anantcreators' thoughts