
Operation Orphan Mission: Guarding the Billionaire's Son, a Headache!

Lian Qiang is an orphan who grew up hating criminals and later became a member of the Orphan Mission. As an intelligent and unfazed woman, she is given a mission to protect the son of a billionaire. Lian Qiang, a skillful woman, is always excited about the missions assigned to her. She's one of the members of Orphan Mission, it is a unique special organization group that consists of people who no longer have families. The purpose of this organization is to transform the lives of its members and empower them to make a significant contribution to society. This organization encourages every orphan to join and considers it an obligation to be part of this special group.   Lian Qiang, once had a family. However, her life took a tragic turn when a notorious group caused the death of her father. Meanwhile, her mother succumbed to disease. As an only child, she was left alone in the world the reason why she was part of the organization. She practiced with herself well and did her best no matter what. Fighting with criminals is the only thing she could make her feel better. She hates them so much and she's planning to deplete them as soon as possible since that is the only way they could repay her father's life. Meanwhile, Zhang Jin, known as a party-goer and a source of trouble for his family, Zhang Jin's reckless behavior has earned him threats from a notorious group named the Black Wing Society. To ensure his safety, his father entrusts him to Lian Qiang's care. Though Lian Qiang was excited about accepting assignments, it was her first time rejecting this new mission. But would she agree? or will Zhang Jin allow someone to protect him? And will Lian Qiang be able to successfully complete her mission?

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37 Chs

Cat Fight

The game had already finished.

They both exchanged greetings, acknowledging the intense battle they had together. Lian Qiang left the Battle Field Simulation after her battle with Liu Xian. She saw those who were part of the Orphan Mission leaving the stadium. Meanwhile, some congratulated her on her victory, which she appreciated.

She quickly scanned the surroundings looking for Zhang Jin, assuming he might still be inside the shooting range. As she made her way in that direction, she stopped upon hearing her name called.

"Old Sis, Qiang." It was Ling Xue, the 16-year-old, and the youngest member of the Orphan Mission. Her gaze shifted to Ling Xue's right arm, which was coiled around Zhang Jin's left arm.

Zhang Jin acted aggressively, pulling his hand away from Ling Xue. "Can you stay away from me? You're annoying!" he complained.

Ling Xue frowned, and both of them approached Lian Qiang.

"Let's go, Zhang Jin," Lian Qiang commanded.

However, before they could leave, Ling Xue had something to share with Lian Qiang, prompting Zhang Jin to wait.

Ling Xue stepped closer to Lian Qiang and whispered, "Old sis Qiang, I just want to know his name." Her eyes sparkled.

Lian Qiang chuckled. "Do you like him?"

Ling Xue fell silent, her cheeks turning red.

Lian Qiang gave a soft laugh. "Don't worry, I'll help you to go out with him."

"Really?" Ling Xue sounded incredulous. Lian Qiang simply nodded with a smile. "But what is his name?" Ling Xue's voice hinted at confusion.

"Zhang Jin," Lian Qiang answered.

"Nice name." Ling Xue's eyes shimmered.

"Are you two done talking? I want to go home," the grumpy Zhang Jin remarked from behind them.

"We're leaving. See you," Lian Qiang bid Ling Xue goodbye.

"See you too, Old sis, and you too, Zhang Jin!" Ling Xue exclaimed, causing Zhang Jin to bristle.

Once inside the car, Lian Qiang tried to start the engine, but Zhang Jin's constant complaints interrupted her.

"Why did you tell her my name?" he asked, sounding upset.

"Why shouldn't I have told her?" Lian Qiang replied, raising an eyebrow.

Zhang Jin looked away. "I didn't want her to know. She's been hovering around me all day!"

Lian met his gaze, started the engine, and then said, "You're acting so immature. You're being childish!"

Zhang Jin scoffed, "So you're calling me a kid?" Anger evident in his voice.

"Did I say you're a kid?" She retorted, keeping her eyes on the road.

She revved the engine, taking in Zhang Jin's words.

"No, you just said that a while ago!" He replied heatedly.

"I said you're immature, not a kid!"

"It's the same thing!"

They were both yelling in the car. Lian Qiang was upset, and Zhang Jin was very grumpy. They were so busy arguing that they didn't see the houses, trees, or kids playing outside.

Suddenly, a cat ran into the road. It was a white cat with brown spots. Lian Qiang was scared. She didn't want to hit the cat. She pressed the car's brakes hard. The car made a loud noise as it stopped just before the cat.

Both of them felt the car's quick stop. The seat belts pulled them back. They both looked surprised and a little scared. The cat seemed scared too. It quickly ran away into the bushes. Its tail looked big and puffy.

Zhang Jin, still grumpy, said, "What did you do that for?"

Lian Qiang answered, "I didn't want to hit the cat!"

Zhang Jin huffed, "Well, you could've told me you were going to stop like that!"

She rolled her eyes in frustration. Lian Qiang was a bit upset but tried to stay calm. "Sorry," she said, "I just reacted."

Zhang Jin crossed his arms. "Just be careful next time." He said angry tone was still evident.

She wanted to go home and rest. "Let's just go home," she said with a huge sigh.

Zhang Jin agreed but still looked grumpy. "Fine," he said. Lian Qiang started the car again. She drove more carefully this time. She hoped Zhang Jin would feel better soon. And she was glad the cat was safe.

They drove to the mansion.

The car's engine was the only sound in the quiet evening. When Lian Qiang and Zhang Jin arrived at their big house, they parked and got out. But they didn't walk together,  there was a clear distance between them.

The house's large doors opened, showing a bright and spacious interior. Although the house was well-lit, there was a cold feeling between them. Some staff members greeted them with a "hello," but both Lian Qiang and Zhang Jin barely responded, their minds occupied with their disagreement.

They went to their separate rooms, leaving the big house silent and empty. As night fell and the wind picked up outside, both of them sat in their rooms, thinking about their recent argument. Even in the same house, they felt worlds apart.

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