
Awakening again after "eras"

The world is ending ....

We need a life to sustain this world....

A life which is the strongest and supreme...

You....are you sure....that you wanna be the.....sacrifice.

It's the only way...and It's not like i won't reincarnate....I'll wait for the time i remember everything.


Fine then...soread your arms wide and let the world force enter your body.


The moment those words were said the world started to shake enormously and a golden light spreading in all horizon came towads him as if engulfing him whole...the next moment he started to turn into dust made of gold and the world calm down as if digesting his energy .after whole 7 days passed he disappeared and the world shooke again and enormous amount of vitality flooded the world as if rejuvenating the world.

Hmm looks like master really succeeded but ...haah. I'll wait for you ...master..



After several eras

A boy suddenly materialized in the deep parts of a dangerous forest.

He could hear the world speak and even understand it's words.

It said "welcome back"

The boy couldn't understand what was going on and why was it saying what it was saying..

? first timer .

? don't know how to write.

? just chilling right now.

? will try really in the future.

? English is not on par with the author status.

? and you can guess .

aurthor name i dont know.

World_driftercreators' thoughts