
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasía
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472 Chs

Chapter 140: Orphanage under attack part 7


[The Valkyrie leader, Bladel point of view]

For a lowly knight like me to be recognized by Princess Diana herself, and not to mention, being appointed as the leader of the newly founded Valkyrie, is the greatest honour of my life.

Women in the army and those who are in the field of magic, are always being look down as we are smaller in number and most of us are weak as compared to our male counterparts. This is totally different as compared to the adventure, while their female adventure are small in number, the ration between male:female isn't that staggering, plus, most of the male adventures treated their female colleagues as an equal.

And making our job even harder is that there's only one prominent female figure among us, and that's Qis, the personal and main bodyguard for Princess Diana

(We will prove ourselves to be just as capable!) [Bladel]

With the heirloom of my family, I will prove it, and first, to tackle this situation

"Who do you think you are! We are the Duke's army, and if you know the consequences of blocking us, you better move!" [Vice captain of Duke's army]

"How cocky, still, by our lord order, we won't let a single one of you pass!" [Bladel]

"!" [Duke's army]

Better get ready and

"Tchh! Gentlemen, charge!" [Duke's army vice captain]

"YES!" [Duke's army]

"Valkyrie! Adventure! Stand on your ground!" [Bladel]

And thus, the two unit collides. We have the advantages in number, however, we are told not to kill the opposing unit, they however, have every intention on doing so, which will make our victory all the more satisfying

(Night Blade! Help me!) [Bladel]

With a single charge from my family heirloom sword, a strong slash of darkness magic push those armies away.

(If we fan get our own personal pegasus, this will be cooler) [Bladel]

But, let just prove ourselves first




"Tchh! You lowly adventure!" [Duke's army vice captain]

"Haha, don't mess with us adventure" [Borg]

"And aren't you the guild master! Do something about it!" [Duke's army vice captain]

"I am, I don't want your army to employ dirty tactic and dragging the innocent with it" [Ram]

"!" [Duke's army]

"Way to go boss!" [Hunter adventure]

"That's the spirit!" [Bladel]

We are slowly getting the upper hand when suddenly

~Loud Roar~

"What is that!?" [Ram]

"It's coming from the church!" [Valkyrie A]

"I got a bad feeling about this" [Swordman adventure]


"He's going insane!" [Duke army C]

"Night blade! Bind him!" [Bladel]

~Darkness rope~

"GAAAH!" [Duke army B]

That guy literally tore off his friends ear by biting it, plus

"Just what is this energy?" [Valkyrie B]

"Tchh! Everyone, apprehend those who are acting strange! Plus, watch each other back!" [Ram]

"Yes sir!" [Adventure and Valkyrie]

Good decision from the guild master, we can't just kill them just because they're acting suspiciously, and thus, we started to bind them one by one

(They suddenly become stronger!) [Bladel]


Another shouting, and this time

"AAHH..." [Ram]

"That is!" [Bladel]

An SS rank monster, with a blue scarf covering her hair, holding a blue sword. What is she doing here!?


[Adventure Syah, point of view]

"Charlotte, Savel, Cupid! Are you guys alright!?" [Mimi]

"""Aunt Mimi!!!""" [Savel, Charlotte, Cupid]

Descending from the old sewer that Ash uses during the endemic disease, we navigate the underground drainage system with the help of a dwarf. That dwarf apparently is close with another dwarf called Erinmorlin that help to repair this country drainage system, and one of the pathways seems to be connected to an ancient tunnel that in turn, connected to the church

"Who are you!" [Old follower A]


Overflowing with emotion, Mimi and other female adventures charge ahead. Usually, I will stop her from doing that reckless action but now, I can't help but to do the same

"Earth spear!" [Syah]

"Light spear!" [Old follower A]

Our magic collides. That strange staffs they're holding, it's powerful alright, but


We still has the advantage through this surprise attack

As the two side collides with one another, Mimi and I instructed Charlotte to hold the water barrier for a little while longer, and she quickly abides to it

"Apprehend them! No, kill them!" [Knight]

"Use the children as a bait!" [Old follower A]

""DON'T YOU DARE!"" [Syah, Mimi]

I can't tolerate such action, thus, with Mimi charging ahead, I prepare a spell to make my earth spear larger and stronger, and

"Mimi! Dodge!" [Syah]


"Ughh!" [Old follower A]

Two earth spear penetrate the feet of the old follower, and

"Keep ongoing!" [Dwarf adventure]

"We are winning!" [Mimi]

"""Go Go Go!!!""" [Savel, Charlotte, Cupid]

They're cheering on us, which makes us even more spirited! Even these vicious bloodhounds aren't nothing!

"Hey, what is he doing!" [Dwarf adventure]

That old follower that I impeded, he brings out a strange stone... A PORTAL STONE. The one responsible for the undead and ghost monsters attack back then! He poured out all of his mana into it, even his life force

"Stop him!" [Syah]

"On it!" [Mimi]


"Too late!" [Old follower A]

Consumed by a strange and malicious energy, the portal stone bring something unbelievable out, and with it thousands arms, they grab each of us.

(This is!?) [Syah]

A water wall... must be Charlotte doing, no more importantly

A Drakaini! A giant female serpent that's said to have thousands of arms.

With not enough space, it quickly ascend upward, and quickly the view change and the water wall magic disperse, and

(A strange magic... is that... Elise!?) [Syah]


[Elise point of view]

I hate it. Why are they so cruel to us! They take away everything important from us, and to cover it up, they play the religion card and said all of this is by the will of Goddess Achalasia. Nonsense! They only did that because of their greed!

And now, because of their actions, my siblings, my siblings, they will be killed!

(GODDESS! I Know you are out there! Please, help me! Help us!) [Elise]




Hahaha... of course, who am I to ask her...

(You appear to be in distraught young hero) [?]

(Who's there!) [Elise]

There's an old male voice communicating directly inside my mind, just who is it?

(Your blessing aren't awaken, Yet. Not to worry, I will awaken it, and I will also lend you a portion of my dark magic. Too bad, you have zero affinity to it, but that shouldn't pose a problem. I should also share some of it to that Black hair boy over there and your demon siblings back at home) [?]

"Elise! Elise!" [Rean]

What's happening. This is like Savel and Charlotte back then... plus, they're two different powers within me right now. It's painful, and my body temperature keep on rising, but


"Ughh..." [Rean]

(There's no time to waste!) [Elise]

"Meow!" [Behe]

"Behe, help me!" [Elise]

Since that strange voice did tell me he will lend me a portion of his power, I wonder if this will work

"Chrono Mellontikós!" [Elise]

A time spell to move time forward. It's a high tier spell, even Brother Ash has difficulty controlling it, but I couldn't afford to fail. Not with their lives are on the line

"That is..." [Diana]

"An adult Elise, no, more importantly!" [Qis]

So this is what I will become in the future, an evolved beastly transformation of mine, the mysterious elusive nine tail fox, and as for Behe

"Roar!" [Behe]

"Let's go!" [Elise]

An empress light behemoth, said to be the goddess pet, and the trusted companion of the ten heroes back then

The Drakaini try to push Behe back as Behe charge straight to it. Behe simply blocks it with its wing before

"Heaven and hell fire!" [Elise]

I need to detach its arm and free them all!


"ROOOARR!" [Drakini]

It's far stronger than I thought, but it's working

"Darkness bed" [Rean]

"Thank you Rean!" [Elise]

We safely rescue them, time to kill this thing

"Behe! Light laser!" [Elise]

"Roar!" [Behe]

I should help Behe with it. As we keep on charging our attack, so does the Drakaini, and just at the last second


"!" [Others]

"Elise! Watch out!" [Rean]

No, please, just one more second! Please, I

(I, I don't want to die!) [Elise]

The darkness laser, it will surely kill us all

Please, please, please

"Brother Ash! Save us!" [Elise]

"Sadly, he isn't here" [?]


The darkness laser... it's being pushed back inside of the Drakaini mouth by torrent of raging water, and not only that

"Foolish Drakaini. Being a servant of a foul god" [?]

The caster keeps on sending more and more water into the Drakaini stomach until


Gross... the abdomen, the flesh, the blood. It stinks. Thank goodness for the large amount of water diluting it

"You did well holding it out young hero, but now..." [?]

An adult woman with a blue scarf covering her hair, with a blue sword and a traditional wear resembling that of a baju kurung. Her face looks like that of an adult Charlotte

"Your brother asked me to take care of you, so, just leave it to me" [Mahsuri]