
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · Fantasía
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472 Chs

Chapter 104: Crystal factory


[In the middle of the open field dungeon]

A light blue sword can be seen glowing brightly in the hand of its owner. The owner, having a lifeless eye, will only react to a hostile intention, and with the white Attire men having such intention

"..." [Baju kurung lady]

"She is, isn't she the SS rank monster of the open field dungeon!" [White Attire A]

"You mean her? The one where..." [White Attire C]

"Fall back! We can't win against her!" [White Attire E]

The group of white attire men, having sense that they're no chances of victory quickly fall back, but, a wall of ice surrounded by a raging sea current prevent them from doing so.

"Such power..." [Adult man]

In awe, everyone can't help but to appreciate the contrasting landscape that appears before their eyes. A wall of transparent iceberg surrounded by bluish sea in the middle of open field.

"Damn it!" [White Attire A]

"Take this!" [White Attire D]

They try their best to break the iceberg, but it proves to be difficult even with their enhanced staff. The lady with a lifeless eye simply walk towards them slicing each and everyone of them until two persons remain

(If I'm not mistaken, she will only react to hostile intention, so...) [White Attire A]

"Please, forgive me. I have a son and daughter back home. Please spare me!" [White Attire A]

But it falls to deaf ear, or not. The lady can clearly felt that he is just lying, and still holding a grudge over his fallen comrades, and as for the other one

"Shit! This is the only way!" [White Attire G]

With a peculiar portal stone at his hand, he tries to transport himself away from here

(If Mrs Agnes can do it, so do I) [White Attire G]

And with the nick of time, he managed to escape from a certain death


I'm stuffed. As someone with enormous amounts of mana, I'll really appreciate a mana potion that can fully restored one mana in just one consumption, just like those rare items in the game. But nope, here I am having to gulp down 25 expensive mana potions of various qualities and effects just to get back half of my mana. Of course, all of them looks at me, worrying about my condition

"Brother Ash, please don't drink more! You will get mana intoxication!" [Kara]

"Kara is right! You are already sleep deprived and now you want to have mana intoxication!" [Mara]

"Don't worry, my body is sturdier than most people. The only downside now is I'm too tired gulping down this mana potion one by one, and my jaw hurts" [Ash]

Yeah, it's like seeing someone taking pain killer, 25 at the time. If I see that back on earth, I'll force that guy to come with me to the hospital, it basically suicidal. But not me, I guess when Goddess Achalasia say that my blessing will make me OP, this is one of it.

"Can't you just wait until tomorrow?" [Seo Ah]

"I thought since your king is here, I'll just show him the factory" [Ash]

"The what?" [Elise]

Well, easier to show them then explaining it in this case. I brought them all to the unused space behind the mansion and with my earth magic, I'll make a big size cement hut here. Just when I am about to get started

"!" [Others]

"Good job Karon!" [Ash]

"Thanks" [Karon]

Such a nice boy, he must have noticed the earth mana that I'm about to unleash. He is a quiet boy, but I can tell that he just didn't want me to expense any more mana. Still...

"Here, drink this potion" [Malsia head Magician]

~Shaking head~

"Here, take this" [Ash]

~ Nod~

"I see..." [Malsia head Magician]

Well, he is a shy boy, so I'm sorry if that hurts your feeling, plus, it's logical that a child will not take something given to him from an unknown person. Even if you're the head magician and famous for that, you're just a stranger in the child eyes

Well, what important is that I get myself a hut. It size might be smaller than the one that I will make, plus there's no ventilation. Plus, it's quite rough. Well, instead of doing it by myself, I guide Karon and other interested children on what to do, in which they gladly did it

"Here, make some window here and there" [Ash]

"Yes!" [Young girl]

She makes a circular window, and then

"Karon, use glass magic" [Ash]

"Yes!" [Karon]

And we got a glass window. Erinmorlin must be proud of Karon, seeing as how almost effortlessly Karon made one.

"Here, use this and pour some light magic" [Ash]

"For light bulb Isn't it?" [Elise]

"It sure is" [Ash]

"Right!" [Elise]

"We can make it as well!" [Young boy]

"Alright, alright, some spare light bulbs will never hurt" [Ash]

Just when I wanted to tell them

"I make some wooden tables and chairs with them!" [Farhah]

"It's hard..." [Elf girl]

"Just how did she make it effortlessly" [Elf boy]

"Because I'm strong!" [Farhah]

"Thank you the three of you" [Ash]

"Rean, can you..." [Elise]

"Install it? Sure!" [Rean]

"Rean, let me do it. I felt uncomfortable seeing someone younger than me doing all the work" [Kanji]

"That make the two of us" [Rean]

Well, they try to be the one installing it. But...

"Thank you Singa!" [Kara]

"You're welcome!" [Singa]

""Ehhh!!!"" [Rean, Kanji]

"You guys sure take some lovely time arguing, so we asked Singa instead" [Elise]

The girls just ask Singa to use his space magic, teleport and install it. Yup, simple, problem solved.

"..." [King Malsia]

"..." [Guards]

"Something wrong?" [Ash]

"Our common sense, it's crumbling..." [Malsia head Magician]

(We have become what we used to call Brother Ash) [Elise]

(Agree) [Rean]

"I heard that you know!" [Ash]

""Sorry!!"" [Rean, Elise]

How rude, my little brother and sister sure need a scolding or two about talking behind people back. I wonder is it because of the influence of people closest to him. Well, Claude and Rafiah are fine, so that just leave... no, of course not... I hope... Well, I will just blame Diana, she's close to them as well

"How rude!" [Diana]

"Yeah, yeah mini Gizzere" [Ash]

"Kids, don't follow his bad example! Got it!" [Diana]

"Ehh..." [Young boy]

"Brother Ash is cool!" [Cat boy]

"And strong!" [Cat girl]

"Oh my, did I hear it wrong" [Diana]

(Scary...) [Seo Ah]

"It has been some time since I last saw that scary smile" [Ash]

"And this is exactly what I say, don't follow his manner of speech or else everyone will hate you!" [Diana]

"Yes!" [Kids]

"Ouchy..." [Ash]

Yeah, hate to admit but I guess she's right about this kind of thing

". ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / .-. . .- -.. -.-- ..--.." [Housey]

"Yes, everything is ready Housey" [Ash]

"I do know you understand Housey since you are the creator, but it sure is mysterious as to how" [Haliza]

"Yeah, even with us together performing the fortress defense magic, only one of us can actually understand them, and we still can't figure it why" [Malsia head Magician]

"I see" [Ash]

".-- . / .- .-. . / --. . - - .. -. --. / -.. . .-. .- .. .-.. . -.. / .... . .-. ." [Housey]

"Yeah, we are getting derailed, sorry about that. But, you sure are more assertive than the Estel's Housey" [Ash]

Well, time to integrate the Crystal spawning block here. Well, all I need is to link Housey here to the crystal and also give large amount of Earth, fire and golem mana to it. All the finer details like the amount it can make at one day, the quality of materials etc, I'll fine tune it later based on Mira's feedback. And most importantly, I'll give it more mana to make the crystal that Diana's ask.

"And done, Diana, if you would" [Ash]

"Sure" [Diana]

"Huh? Why Diana?" [Haliza]

"Well, I had asked her to help me for quality control, and she agreed to it" [Ash]

"I see" [Haliza]

A lie, but I have to. The real reason is simple, I wanted this crystal spawning block here to process and make eleven set of what Diana is currently wearing to mask her blessings, and thus give it to those ten with Rafiah included. And...

"So fast!" [Mira]

"This sure is fast, you can get rich in no time!" [Guard]

"Not quite, don't you understand the basic of economics!" [Mira]

"No, no. I mean..." [Guard]

"Well, it is fast because I purposely give it huge amount of mana just to test run it. Think of it like your normal human, sure, it can run quickly from one end to another in record time, but it requires more energy and that person will become tired and the quality of it works will deteriorate for a while. The same applies here" [Ash]

"I see" [Qis]

Well more importantly, we got ourselves the crystals now. That's good. Ohh, one last thing

"Mira, pour your mana to Housey and the Spawning Block now" [Ash]

"Huh?" [Mira]

"I have put some seal with it as well. That way, only those that are certified can use it. So, I'll register your mana, that way you can have total control of it as well" [Ash]

"I see. I will then" [Mira]

So far, only the two of us can use it. Based on Mira feedback, I might increase the number of people that have total control over it.

"Can I test it?" [Mira]

"Sure" [Ash]

"Then, a simple one first. Please make a set of dining glassware" [Mira]

Oh, it is a simple one. And after around 10 minute of waiting

"This many" [Haliza]

"Perfect, now I don't have to worry about dining set!" [Mira]

"She is in full director mode already" [Ash]

"That's good then. Plus, I thought of the same thing as her just now" [Kana]

Like Kana said it is a good thing.

"Alright, how about this. A set of platinum armor" [Mira]

It shines so brightly and at the same time

"Ughh!" [Ash]

"Ash!" [Diana]

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" [Mira]

"Yeah, I'm fine" [Ash]

That really caught me off guard. Guess with Mira tone just now, Housey must have thought that it is an urgent request, so they use my mana to compensate.

"Thanks Savel" [Ash]

"You're welcome" [Savel]

Savel gave me a tissue for me to wipe my mouth. As for the vomitus, Housey clean it off for me. Plus

"It becomes dim" [Kara]

"Guess it overworked itself" [Zerolith]

"I see. Still, we get some valuable data from it" [Mira]

Well, like Mira said, we get some data out of it. And

"I'm tired, I will go to sleep first. Sorry that I couldn't send you off properly your highness" [Ash]

"It's fine. You should get some rest for now. You do have the mapping job to be done tonight after all" [King Malsia]

I'm glad he is quick to understand.

"I'm sleepy as well" [Cat boy]

"Same here..." [Charlotte]

"Let sleep together..." [Savel]

"Yeah" [Singa]

Well, no good. I can't let them sleep with empty stomach. So

"Let have some light tea first then we nap together? [Ash]

"Yes!" [Younger group]

"I shall join in as well" [King Malsia]

"Dad, we have works to do!" [Haliza]

"Right... excuse me" [King Malsia]

I feel bad, but nice job Haliza