
Chapter 98

My eyes opened slowly and I immediately felt at peace. Something so soft that I couldn't even replicate was squeezing me. It also smelt nice so that was a plus.

"Stop..Moving.~" I looked up and saw her face. It was red all over. I looked around and noticed that I was between her thighs. I smiled a bit and touched on them.

She moaned out a bit and tightened even more. "I cant get loose..Your gonna kill me.." Although, dying like this wasnt too bad. I may go out like this in the actuall end.

She undid her thighs from my head and I shot up. My hair was wet in the back but I assumed It wasnt dry from the shower still.

Yes, let's assume that. "You pervert! You were serious about ravishing me!?" I turned towards her and shook my head. "N-No. I was actually just joking. I don't know how I ended up line this. I'm serious."

She stared me down but I only smiled. "I wouldn't come onto you when your like this. You just had a kid and your husband has died recently. You need your time and I'll give it to you."

I didnt want to jump onto her. She needs her time now and I'm just here to cheer her up. "Really?" I nodded at her. "When you ready then you can tell me to go for it. Is that fine?" I think this was okay. I'll just wait for her to give me the go ahead and then I'll try to do other things with her.

"Fine. But you have to prove yourself until I'm ready." So she wants me to flirt with her but she doesn't want me to make a serious move? Thats..Fine by me.

I'm sorry. I'm taking your wife and shes allowing it. I'll put in a good word for you so you can forgive this right? "Okay. I can agree on that." She smiled and I shifted my body around.

I grabbed under her thighs and she blushed. "A-Already!?" I was surprised myself to be honest. I guess her words must have awakened my true thoughts on the mattet.

"I'm sorry. They're just soft and warm." I placed my head into them and she hit the top of my head. "S-Stop! That tickles!~" Whe covered her mouth and I got up.

"Its 8am shinobu. You dont have work but I have school so I have to go." She undid her hand and slowly nodded. "Tell henry and Jamie-" I heard a yelling noise. I sighed out and slowly walked towards her room. Shinobu followed behind me with a satisfied expression.

I walked into her room and she instantly stopped crying. "Your child is really something." I picked her up and faced shinobu. "Yeah she is huh?" She cupped her face and smiled.

"I have to go Jamie. Please dont be sad." She stared into my soul which made me flinch. "I'll be back. I promise so please dont be sad." As you can see, a god is begging a human baby to accept his simple demand.

Jamie stared into my soul and nodded. It surprised me and shinobu both and I smiled. "Thank you. I'll be back so take care of your mother for me." I placed her into shinobu hands and left.

I got changed into my school uniform and left. I then got outside and saw henry. "What are you doing here? You should be at school by now." He looked up at me and grabbed onto my legs. "I-I want you to take me." My eyes widened for a moment.

I calmed myself back down and picked him up. I placed him on my shoulders and we walked off. I didnt mind taking him to school as we go to the same one. He just goes earlier and gets off before the rest of us do.

We walked down the street together. "Wow..I can see everything from up here." I started having flashbacks to a similar scene. "I can even see the school now." I nodded a bit and kept walking.

We soon arrived at school. We were near his grade section and I let him down. "Have a good day Henry." I waved at him and he smiled. He ran off into the school gate and disappeared.

I stared for a moment then turned around. I walked down the sidewalk for a while until I arrived at main front gate. I walked in and noticed that no one was around.

'I'm late huh.' I kept walking down the path until I came into the school building. I walked the hallways for a while before coming into my classroom. "Your late." I walked in some more and closed the door. "I was helping this lady cross the street." I went up to my seat and sat down.

"Yeah, Yeah." He continued teaching. "Where were you really kenji?" I looked over at him and stared. I guess he figured out that I was lying. "I was telling the truth." I turned my head away and stared out the window.

I could tell that Gasper was starring at me but I just ignored it.


"Alright. Your dismissed." We all started talking while getting up. I grabbed my papers and put them into my bag. "Kenji. Where are you going after this?" I kept putting my papers up and said "To the store. I have to buy some stuff."

I have a free period now so I was able to do whatever. "Oh okay. See you later then I guess." I nodded at him and walked out the classroom. I started walking towards the entrance to the building when a sword came at me.

I caught it then threw it into the ground. "Not today." I frowned a bit and kept walking. I reached the gate and called for a taxi.

A taxi soon came and stopped infront of me. I got in and he turned around. "Where too?" I ignored him and put the place in on the GPS monitor. He seemed surprised but he turned back around.

He started driving and I looked out of the window.


"Wha..." Bell watched the scene go down infront of his eyes. He watched me leave and he slowly stumbled a bit. "What's wrong?" Gasper came up behind him and he turned around quickly. "D-Did you see that!?"

Gasper tilted his head in confusion. "K-Kenji caught my sword! He, I mean, no one should be able to do that!" He shook Gasper aggressively while he thought about what he just said.

"H-Have you n-noticed that kenjis been acting weird lately." Bell stopped shaking him and stared. "Yeah...Every since that day...He's been kinda cold towards us." Bell let go of Gasper and turned back around.

They both stared at the huge door that led to the outside. "I know why." They both turned around and saw their classmate. "You...do?" They stared at him and he shook his head.

His name was Recurd and he could record things. "I should have showed you guys a while ago. Follow me." They nodded and followed behind him.

They came to a room where they saw everyone else that was in their class. "I'll show you so sit down." They did what he said and sat down in a chair. There was a bit of chatter but it died down quickly.

Record then transformed into a projector. He jumped up just before and he landed on a table. He started flashing white and everyone saw. "That's..Kenji?" They saw me ripping out the greens guys heart.

It then changed too me squishing the spear guys head and it exploding. They saw us talking a bit before and they came to the conclusion that the guy said something to me which made me mad.

"T-Turn it off!" Somebody started puking from the gore. Recurd flashed black then the clip stopped. He turned back into a person and waited. "The guy must have said something which made Kenji mad."

They all agreed with their mouths covered by their hands. "I-I do think that we should confront him but...He must need his alone time right now. I didnt tell anyone about this but you guys. I can trust you all to keep this a secret right?"

They nodded at him. They were all grateful to me for many things so this is the least that they could do.


I gave him the money and got out of the taxi. I heard the man snicker before I closed the door. I then walked into the little flea market and started looking around. "Can I help you with anything sir?" I looked up and saw a women. "Where is the silverware?"

She fliched when she saw my face and even more when she heard my voice. "I-Isle 3!" She backed away a bit and I nodded. I walked over to the isle and checked it.

There were things for your kitchen all over. I then went back to the front of the store and grabbed a buggey. I went back to the isle and started picking some stuff up.

I didn't care about price as I have the money to buy a planet now if I wanted too. I picked up a set of plates and looked at it. I checked it out all around and placed it back.

There was a dragon design on it and it didnt look right. I sat it back down and went down the isle a bit more. I saw some plates with nothing on them so I chose those. The same for bowls aswell.

I got some silverware and finished. I went around the store and picked up some more things. I decided that I was finished and went up to the check out.

I placed my stuff down and waited. The lady took a while as she was old but it didn't bother me. I just hoped that that guy over there doesnt pull his gun out when I leave.

"$64.21 is your total sir." I nodded at her and pulled my wallet out. I gave her a hundred and told her to keep the change. She seemed surprised but didnt refuse it.

I left the store and got outside. I then thought, 'Where am I gonna put all this?' I could put it in my inventory but still..

I did however do that and decided to buy a car later on. It's useful and I wouldn't need to pay for rides. I got out from the alley and walked out to the street.

I called for a taxi again and went back to school.


I was in my last period now. We were receiving training from experienced martial artists. I was fighting with my instructor was known to be the strongest amongst the group of 10.

He threw a punch at me and I dodged. I caught his arm and jammed my elbow into it. He quickly got loose and jumped away.

I ran at him and punched toward him. I put 4 fingers out and moved them to the side slowly. He followed with his eyes and I punched him with my free arm. He flew into a wall and didn't get up.

I squeezed and opened my hand a bit then turned around. I saw everyone starring at me but I ignored them. I went over to the bleachers and sat down. I opened my bottle of water which was next to me and drunk some.

While drinking, I saw someone walk up to me. I saw her through my bottle and pulled it down a bit. She had purple hair and was carrying a wooden staff in her hand. "Who are you?" She stared down at me and smiled.

"I'm Saeko. Nice to meet you!" She held her hand out and I starred. I sat my water bottle down and got up. I towered over her which made her back up in surprise. "What do you want?"

She gulped then closed her eyes. "I want a sparring match with you. Will you give me the chance?" She bowed down and waited for my answer.

"Sure." I walked past her and put on some bandages. I wrapped them around my hands and waited. She walked up a bit behind me and started swinging her staff around.

"Dont hold back please!" She got into a stance and waited. I nodded at her and got into my own. She then rushed at me. She swung her staff at my side and I caught it.

I then put my foot out and kicked her in the stomach. She coughed out some spit and flew back. I had her staff in hand but I threw it down to the floor.

"D-Damn it!" She screamed out at me and rushed towards me. I did the same and pucnhed at her. She went under my punch and passed my body.

I quickly turned around and saw a staff going towards my face. I put my hands up and she hit me. I quickly flew into a wall and dust flew up.

That's some quirk she has... I got up from the rubble and stared at her. Not a single scratch was seen on me. "Wha.." I appeared behind her and got her into the choke hold. "H-How are you so fast!? You basically disappeared!" She tried bitting me but it failed.

I didnt say anything and squeezed harder. She gasped and gasped for air until she stopped moving. Her body fell limp in my arms and I layed her down. I then stepped over her and started taking my bandages off.

I was getting stares from everyone but it didnt bother me. I sat back down and looked down towards my arm. I held it out for a second and thought.

She has a quirk which let's her move faster then her opponents eyes. That's why when I turned around, she was already at my face even tho I turned around almost instantly.

"You're too hard on them." She walked up to me and sat down. "You never hold back against them when they want a fair fight." I nodded my head at her and stared out.

"I do give them a fair fight. I just dont like to loose." I picked up my bag and left. I walked to a small room that was in the corner of the gym and changed into my normal clothes. "Kenji?..." I continued putting my clothes on while he walked up to me. "Are you okay?"

I closed my locker and looked at him. "I'm just fine. Why?" I patted his head and smiled. He blushed a bit but shook his head. He held onto his shirt and said "Y-Your lying! Why are you lying to me kenji?.."

I took my hand off of his head and frowned. I realized this morning that I do change things without knowing and I guess that it shows on my face. "Its nothing. Really. I just have a lot of my mind right now that's all."

I smiled at him and left the room. I had my hands in my pocket while walking out the building. "I-I challenge you to another fight!" She pointed her staff at me. I just walked past her which made her mad.

She swung her staff down at me and I caught. I moved my fingers a bit and her staff broke into pieces. I looked over my shoulders a bit and said "Your annoying."

Her eyes widened and she fell to the floor. I left the school and stood outside of the gate. I decided to get the car now while I'm out so I went towards a dealership.

I arrived there and was stopped immediately. "What do you need boy." I stared at the man. He was short and fat. "I'm here to buy a car." I walked passed him and started looking around. He followed behind me while rubbing his hands weirdly.

I looked around and saw some pretty cool cars. "What's your budget by the way young man?" I kept walking and said "A billion." He stared for a moment before his eyes turned into dollar signs.

I soon walked up to this specific car. It was similar to Camaro ZL1. Black was its primary color with yellow strips as it secondary. "Does this one interest you?" I looked at the old man then looked back at the car.

I liked it. It was a car that Ive always looked at in my past life but I could never afford it. "Yes. How much is it." I looked at the man and he was..drooling? "That'll be $150,000." I nodded and we went into a building.

I guess it reasonable considering that it could hover.

Yes, it was one of my cars. I did say that I wanted it so I made my first ever design after it. "Now sir. That is one of these news cars out. It can fly at an low altitude and can go up to 450 mph."

I nodded and took out a piece of paper. "Sir. You can buy off this car for an extra 50k. You wont need to pay monthly notes at all" I stopped for a bit and continued. "That's fine. Here."

I gave him a paper with over $300,000 on it. He took it and threw me some keys. "You'll have to sign some things before leaving so please.." He pulled out stacks of papers and I sighed.

After about an hour, I finished. "Now you'll need to show me your license to finish it off." I nodded and took my wallet out. I passed him my driving license and and he checked it.

He only glanced at it and gave it back. "Your good to go. Have fun!" I nodded and got up. I went to the car which they pulled up for me and got it.

There were alot of controls but it's fine. It's my own car so I knew everything about it. I put my seat belt on and checked my mirrors. I eventually drove out of the dealership and headed 'home.'


I pulled up at Henry's house. My car screamed out and I turned it off. I got out slowly and closed the door. "Ken..ji?" I looked over and saw henry. He was holding onto shinobus leg while she was carrying jamie.

"Who's car is that?..." They walked up together and looked at me. I spun my keys around on my fingers and smiled. "Its mine. I just bought it." They made a surprised face and looked around my car.

"Really!?" Henry was looking all over with an excited face. "Yep. Do you want to see it in action?" He looked up at me for a while. "R-Really?" I picked him up and smiled.

"Ofcourse. Let's go." I got into the car with him on my lap. The passenger door opened and shinobu got in. "You were going to go without me?" I smiled a bit and passed henry my keys.

"Put it right there okay?" He nodded slowly and took my keys. He put it into the ignition and the car started. I put my seat belt on and wrapped it around henry. Shinobu did the same.

"Get ready." I put the car in drive and drove off. I went at a steady speed so that they'll be okay. "Wow...Its so fast mom." Henry looked at her and she smiled. "It sure is huh?" She looked at the side of my face but I just kept forward.

We drove down the streets with people starring at us. My windows were tinted very dark so no one could see in. "Can you stop by the store for me?" I nodded a bit and kept driving.

We went to the store and she passed me jamie. "Dont leave without me." She made a teasing face at me and I nodded. She got out of the car and closed the door. I put the car into park and layed back abit. "Its so cool Kenji! I want one just like it!"

I laughed a bit and patted his head. "Maybe you can have this one when you get older." His face lit up and he quickly turned towards me with sparkles in his eyes. "Really!?" I nodded at him and he smiled even deeper.

"Thank you!" I nodded at him and smiled. This was the first car out of many so it doesnt matter how many I give up.

I played with jamie a bit by tossing her up in the air.. She giggled a lot and placed her hands on my cheeks. "What's wrong?" I tilted my head a bit and she kept starring at me. She squeezed a bit more which made me laugh.

I brought her close and kissed her on her cheek. "Dont tell your mom. She might get mad." I placed my finger on my lips and they both nodded. I dont know how she'll react if she found out that I kissed her daughter.

I soon heard my trunk opeing. I looked back and saw her putting some bags inside. I wanted to help but henry wouldnt move. The trunk slammed a bit and she got back into the car. "Sorry..." I rubbed the back of my head and started the car.

"Its fine. It wasnt much for me." I nodded and backed out. I drove back to her house and helped her then. I got done putting the groceries up and went back outside before anyone noticed.

I started my car up and I heard a knock on the window. I put it down and starred. "So your saying goodbye already huh?" She layed down on the window frame and stared at me. "I have to go home. I have a paper to finish."

She smiled a bit and nodded. "Well come back. Your always welcomed remember." She then leaned in closer and placed her lips on my cheek. "That's for everything so far." She leaned back out and left.

I touched the spot where she kissed and put my window up. I shook my head off the idea and drove away.
