
Chapter 42

"You lied to me. You said that I was gonna be able to see you in that apron again." I was talking to toga at the kitchen table. We were eating breakfast and was about to head out. I was gonna take eri to school this morning.

"Sorry. I was very stressed about yesterday and I couldnt stay awake." I nodded then put my head down. "Its okay papa. I'll wear an apron for you." I put my head up and look at the small eri. Her cute school uniform really went well with her looks.

"Thank you eri but theres no need." I patted her head a little bit and got up. "I'll be right back. Eat without me." I then went to a room that I've never described. It was a room that looked okay.

"So? Did she accept the offer?" I was talking with candice now. "Yes she did but she had a request." A request? "She said that you have to pick eri up and drop her off every day at school." I was planning that already so it's fine. "Call her now and tell her that i said okay." Candice said okay then hung up.


"See you at school toga." I was leaving the house while waving at toga. "Papa. Carry me on your shoulders." I nodded at her and placed her on my back. She smiled brightly and we continued chatting. After a couple of minutes, we arrived at the school front gates. "Mr. skies. How are you this morning?" said molly. That's her name and I hope I didn't say another in the past chapters.

"I'm doing well this morning. How about you?" She closed her eyes and smiled. "Perfect." She then walked up to me. She got very close to my face and went closer. "Let's go eri." She took eri off my shoulders and carried her down. "Bye papa!" said eri as she was leaving. I waved back at her.

What was she thinking. Is she teasing me or something. Well since I'm the author, I know that she is.

I'll tease her back later.


"Izuku. How do you do it man?" I was asking the question of the century. "Do what?" I stared into his eyes and said. "Dosent that scare you." I was pointing to Aoyama. He's always starring at izuku. Izuku noticed this before but didnt say anything. "It doesn't bother me at all. I just pretend that hes a fan of mine." So he's trying to get used to stares? I guess that's one way to do it.

"Class. Take you seats." everyone sitting down sad sensei. "School has came to an end-" The class flew into an uproar. Bakugo stop making explosions. Your hurting the poor desk. "Shut it." said aizawa with red eyes. The class then calmed down. "As I was saying, school has come to an end because of summer break but I guess you figured that. Anyways, we'll be doing summer school training so dont get to happy."

The class was dead silent. Being the mc, I had to speak up. "Let's all go to the waterpark before camp starts." I obviously had an end goal to this. The class looked at me and cheered. "You guys have one week until we leave."

"Kenji. Let's-" I stopped izuku. "Class just started mane. We can do it later in the actual fighting room." It sounds wrong but he just wants to train. He smiled and nodded.


"If you can leave me locked up in your black whips for 5 seconds then I'll be your slave for the rest of the day." Izuku smiled when hearing this. "Let's begin." Izuku immediately rushed at me. He punched at me multiple times but I dodged them all. "Gotta be quicker than that." He heard that then jumped back. "Fine." He then started throwing things at me with the whips. I jumped over some and I even punched some.

"Shit." Said izuku under his breath. "Izuku. Your very mobile with your base quirk but that's not enough to get me." Izuku was now breathing very hard. "You'll never be able to get me with that speed." His breathing intensified. "Float!" yelled izuku.

Now I did say that another quirk won't come out unless I want it to but damn. He did It on his own. Kinda. "Wo-Woah kenji. I'm floating?!" I put my thumb up. "Good job man. You unlocked another quirk right?" Izuku smiled and nodded. "Now come down. Your gonna hit the ceiling." He nodded and tried to stop float. "Just use black whip and grapple onto my arm." I then stuck my arm out. He shook his head and used black whipe on me.

I forgot to mention that it feels like pillows. I 'read' into it and found out that the original user black whips felt like thorns almost. Guess this one reflects that happy go lucky side of him. "I'm coming." said izuku. He was reeling his way towards me. As he was doing this tho, float deactivated and he fell down.

I rushed to him before he hit the ground and caught him. "Th-Thanks kenji." He said with sparkling eyes. I threw him down and walked away. I waved off aizawa and left. I told him that school ends early for eri and he didnt mind. As I was leaving, I felt a glare on my back.

'Shit. Hes starring at me now. I literally talked my way into this one.' It was Aoyama. I guess he found a new target.


"Molly. I'm here." I walked into eris class. I guess I got here kinda early. I say this because the class still had children in it. It was 2:15 now that i realized. "Oh Um Mr. skies. Your here early." I smiled at her a little. "Papa!-" I shoved my hand in her face. "No eri. Pretend I'm not here." She rubbed her forehead and nodded a bit.

I looked around and saw all the cute children. One had 2 horns coming out of his head while another had blue fur. 'Teleportion is his quirk huh?' It was really ironic. Tho he could only travel to places where he... Bro what the hell.

Where he poops at. The my hero power system is an actual troll. "Mister. Come play with me." said a young boy. It was the boy that caused eri to go crazy. "Ok." I then walked over to him and sat down. He was apparently done with his work already. "So, what do you want to play?" Carl looked at me funny and said "I dont know."

i stared at him and decided to use an old trick. "Watch this." I then started making a galaxy type illusion in his face. His smile brightened and he tried touching it. The odd thing about the whole thing was that his eyes were glowing.

Ah! I see now. What a weird quirk. It's no where near like his mom or dad. He had a quirk that allowed him to copy anything physical besides people. He could go really far with that power. "It wont work." I whispered in his ear. He blushed a little then pouted. Kids never ask questions thankfully.

"I wanna see." said one girl. "Let's me see it please." said another. All the kids were gathered around. Even eri was in the crowd. I smiled then looked at molly. She understood what I was trying to say and nodded. "Look closely kids." I then made a mini rollercoaster with planes flying around. The kids were amazed at me.

Some tried to touch it but failed as their hands went thought it. "Wow! Mister is amazing!" I blushed a little from all the cute compliments. "Mister. Please come tomorrow." I smiled at the little child. I patted his head and nodded. All of the students seemed happy at that.


"You were amazing in there." I smiled at molly. "Thank you." She smiled back. "Let's go eri." We then left. But before we walked out the gates, I blew some wind under molly skirt. She squealed and looked at me. "You, You, I know you did this. I'll get you back." She then stomped off. She was blushing deep and made the scene even better.

"Papa is so mean." That hurts and she knows it. "Ice cream?" She held my hand tighter. "Yes!" We then left the school and went to a nearby icecream store.


"Eri. I gotta do homework so watch tv or something. If you need me just call." I was talking to eri right now. She nodded and went towards the tv. I was on my way to invent something that would change the world.

It was gonna be flying cars. Yep, cool right. Tho they wont really fly but hover. I was now in my basement which was the same size as a factory. "Let's do this but first.."

"Mrs. yoyorozu. I'm starting to make things now and I'll need a backi-" She started talking. "Of course! If you need anything, just ask of it and we'll help you." A smiled appeared on my face. "Thank you candice." She was shock for a moment but I hung up.

"Now its really time to start."


"Izuku. You don't have to do this you know." He shook his head and blushed a little. "Its fine as along as it's you kenji." I hit the back of his head. "Stop making it sound weird." He chuckled a bit and got serious. We were at the mall with the rest of the class but... he insisted on taking me to the arcade. I told him to go be a regular person and hang out with his girlfriend but he declined and that lead to the start of the paragraph.

"Everyones choosing swimsuits and I already have my own so.." I sighed and shook my head. "Let's go then. We haven't went out like this in a while anyways." He smiled and tried to drag me but it didnt end well for him.


"Get me that one Kenji." He was pointing at an all might figure that was in a claw machine. "You owe me 25 cents after this." I then proceeded to get the figure. My quirk alone allows me to get lucky with these types of things so it wasnt hard at all.

"Thank you Kenji. Now onto the photobooth." I stared at his back while he walked away. This whole things seems like a date now that I think about it. Nah I'm trippin. Yea, friends do this all the time right?

"Smile kenji." said izuku. "If I do then I'll break the machine." He seemed to remember something then laugh. Yea, gojos smile literally breaks anything. When we were younger, me and izuku took photos or tried to atleast but I broke the machine with a simple smile. I had to make a skill just for this.

"Your right. Just pose atleast." I did what he said and put up 2 fingers, making a peace sign. "Take those dark shades off man." No! These make me look cool. "These never come off. You know this." I never mentioned it because I just thought of it but I actually wear dark shades outside.

The sun doesn't hurt me or anything. Heck, the sun is actually scared of me. Anyways, I put shades on because they look cool on me. Well, on gojos body atleast.


"They came out amazing! I'm going to show all might and my mom these." No the hell you aren't. You got closer to me every picture. "Hey guys. Whatcha doing." Shit now the guys are here? Hide those izuku. "Nothing just playing around. Look at the pictures me and Kenji took." F.

"Wow those are some cool filters." said Kirishima. What? He didn't notice? If he didnt notice anything wrong with the pictures then nothing's wrong at all. Yes, nothing is wrong.

"Izuku. I have to find a swimming suit so I gotta go." I then walk past bakugo who was eating a popsicle. It fell on the floor when I walked passed him. "Oh yea izuku. Go buy some shoes. You cant wear those forever." I felt something hit me in the back but I kept walking.


"I hope eri likes this one." I was in the children bathing suit area. Eri was in school for the summer break but being the cool parent, Im obviously gonna let her enjoy the break with me. I have to or I will get lonely. That's a lie but it will feel like shes being left out.

Back to the main topic tho. I think she would look good in this. I picked out some more outfits and left. It cost me around 200 dollars in total but it's fine. As I was leaving the store, I saw shotos mom in the ice cream place. Is she allowed to roam out the hospital?

Endeavor must be brain dead to abuse her tho. If I was in his place then I would have never left home without tapping. Anyways, we managed to lock eyes. I guess I'm quite famous all around because of the festival.

She stared at me for a while then left. I also decided to leave aswell.


"Let's see who can get the highest" said Kirishima. All of us guys were at one of those punching machines. We were allowed to use our quirks so the max was very high. "Move out of the way. I'm going first." Bakugo then stepped up to the machine. He managed to use his quirk and he got a score of 2,187. "Thats all man?."

He stared at me with fire in his eyes. "Let's see you get higher then." I sighed and walked up to the machine. He knows how strong I am but still challenges me. I then punched the machine. The numbers kept getting higher and higher until it stopped.

It stopped because the machine broke tho. The max was 100,000. Apparently only all might has broke it before but there were many people who got close. "Why did you say that to him bakugo. We should have made him go last." Kaminari was right. "Yea bakugo. You know that he donsent back down from a challenge aswell." Bakugo grunted when he heard that.

"Its fine. Theres another one over there." I pointed to the one that was a couple of feet down. We then went over to that one and everyone went. Some people barely managed to get above 2,000.

Izuku got close to 30,000 so that's something. "I'm getting bored. Let's eat." I was hungry right now. "Yea I'm starving too." We all then left and went to the food court. Izuku somehow managed to get a free skip card so we didnt have to wait in any food line.

(AN: These numbers shouldn't make sense.)

"How did you get that?" Izuku looked towards bakugo and said "All might gave it to me." Is it okay for him to say that outloud? Bakugo only smirked at that. "Your paying right kenji?" Everyone stared at me. "I'm poor. Besides, izuku and bakugo are rich. You guys know that right?"

Everyone then stared at them. Izuku and bakugo only looked at each other. "Guess we gotta settle this like men." said Kirishima. We all nodded our head.


"Since I won. That means I get to choose who pays right?" We had a arm wrestling challenge. They really dont learn. "Your paying." I then pointed at bakugo. He looked pissed but still payed. I was gonna let izuku pay for it but nah. He gave us the free skip so I guess this is fine.