
Chapter 34

The internship was over now. A week passed and alot happened. That stain guy that killed heros was defeated by izuku. Me and rumi now had a sexual relationship. Also we barely did hero work. We mostly went out on dates and stuff. I of course did not ignore toga. Some could say she got even better treatment when i got home.(Yes. Rumi was a virgin. They all will be one unless they are married.)

I was in class right now looking out the window. I came here early today so I can bash bakugo more. Speaking of bakugo, he was walking in now. "Bruh. What happened to your hair man." She scoffed at me and said "Shut up bastard. It wont come down no matter how hard I try to make it." I laughed at him at him while he was trying to fix his hair.

I then took out my phone then started taking pictures of him. He tried to take my phone but failed. Izuku then walked in with uraraka. They were holding hands now and... Wait a minute. This mane wasnt a virgin anymore and she wasnt either. I see now. So hes done it now.

"Izuku. You finally done it huh." He dropped uraraka off by her desk and came toward me. He then sat down and blushed. "Shhh. Dont talk so loud." I could only face palm. "You guys are the ones making it obvious. Anyways, check it out." I point toward bakugo who was trying to hid his head. Izuku looked for a moment then burst into laughter.

"So how was it?" I asked him. He then got close to my ear and said "It was amazing! I did what you told me and it worked. Tho I barley made it in." I nodded my head then looked away. Wait what did he just say. "what does that last part mean?!" He blushed and said "I was kinda to big."

Thought so. He was ok in size. He had a 5 inch do it was average right. Well for an American atleast. For a jap, he was god.


"Alright izuku. Make a cage." He nodded and tried to do it. Black whip can take shape of most things.(dont look to much into it) If he can make a cage with him being the key then it should be 'impossible' to get out of.

He started forming a cage that could hold 3 people. "Good. Now capture me." He then put the cage on me. I set my body to that of an ordinary person and tried to escape.

"Its pretty strong man. Great job." I gave him a thumbs up. People from the audience were also watching and cheering. "Now let me out of here" I said to him. He then made a villian smile and said "If you call me-" I didnt let him finish the sentence. I disappeared and reappeared behind him. I kicked him in the leg which made him kneel.

I then made my way in front of him. I then started to take my belt off. He made a confused and scared look but also looked happy. Wait a minute. I gotta get to the bottom of this. He's been acting weird ever since the day he told me his feeling. I look into his heart and saw..

What. The. Actual. Hell. He's a hardcore M. I'm at a lost here. I was gonna whoop him with my belt but.. I still kinda wanna see how he reacts. I then started hitting him with my belt. The class laughed at this scene. They knew that we were friends for a while so they didnt take this situation in a bad way. "Kenji! Stop it. It hurts." That's not what your heart is saying tho.

I then stopped and put my belt back on. My pants sagged a bit while my belt was off and izuku saw a questionable thing. I could describe what he saw in detail but I dont want to loose readers- I mean, It would sound weird to describe a guy looking another guys stuff.


It was the next day now. I was sleeping in the class when aizawa woke me up. "What is it now sad sensei." Crap. I said it aloud. He twitched for a second then continued. That didn't stop everyone else from snickering. I realized that everyone, besides me , is scared of him still. That tuff. "We are doing our final exams." The mood of the class changed from giddy to dark. It was all to easy for me so it didnt bother me.

"I'm not finished talking." He said while his scarf was going crazy. "This 'exam' will be different. It will be like the entrance exam except for the fact that your fighting teachers instead of robots." The class got happy again. Well kinda. "The rest of class is over now. Go practice and study. You have exactly 1 week. Class dismissed." He then walked out the classroom. I just went back to sleep but before I could, "Kenji! Let's practice." Said izuku. "I'm tired. Go ask someone else." He looked around and said "But no one in here can keep up with me like you do." I could feel the air getting cold and I could also hear mini explosions.

"Smh. Come with me." I then got up and told eri that I'll be back. She was sitting on minas lap the entire class. She nodded and i left. Izuku was behind me a little bit. I was walking toward the 3rd years bathroom but izuku didnt know. It took us 5 minutes to get there. "Wh-Why are we at the bathroom Kenji." He said to me with a 'scared' face?

"Stop thinking weird shit izuku. Yo mirio, I know your in there." I was knocking on a stall. "Kenji? Hold up a minute."


'Hold u a minute' , my ass. Hes been if there for 15 minutes. Come yo ass out bruh. As I was thinking that, he came out the bathroom. "So, what's up? Oh, aren't the guy who let out those black ropes. Man was that crazy. Also, you actually managed to capture Kenji which is impressive." Izuku heard that and was baffled. He knew who this guy was so that's why. "It-its an honor to me you." said izuku. "Stop stuttering izuku. You've been doing it lately." I then looked at miro.

"Train him for me. You guys can actually do it while I only embarrass him." He gave a funny look and said "Ok. Sure. Listen up kid. I got a few more classes so go to the training grounds. I'll meet you later." While he was talking, I left. You see, maybe he would stop 'being weird' if he was hit by someone else 'stronger' than me. Then it would become their problem and we can go back to being normal friends instead of this weird one sided fetish.


I came back in class and uraraka asked me where izuku was. I told her that I left him with my friend to practice. She understood and sat back down. "Kenji. We are gonna study at momos house for the next week. You should come." said kaminari. I, being a beta Male, said "I dont need help." I then walked over to my seat but before I could sit down, eri AND momo said "Please." I couldn't handle the cuteness so I shook my head.

They cheered and hugged me. They then went back to their seats. I pulled out my phone and texted toga. I told her my plan and she told me to ask momo if she could come aswell. I then remembered that she looked like a boy at school so how will they react when seeing a girl with the same name as a boy.

For some reason, she registered her real name for school. Due to me being a trash ass writer, I'm gonna use my rewrite skill. I used rewrite to make it so toga was a girl this whole time at school.

"Momo. Toga said she wants to come." She just nodded her head with a smile. The others now knew that she was girl from a different class. The guys for some reason thought that she was my sister tho. I went back to my seat and texted back toga, saying that she is able to come. She responded with a 'thumbs up' emoji. I then put my phone down and went to sleep.


We were at momos house now. Everyone from the anime and a few new people were also there. We ringed the gates buzzer and she answered. Speaking of her gates, hers was as long as 25 busses. How In the- No, Why in the hell did they make it so long. She then opened the gate and let us in. We walked down a stone path until it lead to her house. Calling it a house is actually wrong. More like a sideways hotel with the height being the size of a blue whale if the whale was facing vertical.

We came in and was greeted by momo. Holy shit. Her mom was hot. Well, I wont cuck momos dad since he made an even hotter version of his wife. His wife actually looks like she was hand made by god. He looked regular tho. No hate. Momos mom then looked at me and licked her lips.

I might actually have to cuck him. Anyways, momo welcomed us and lead us to the dining room where we will be studying. Toga was also amazed by the size of the mansion

"Young man. Can we speak to you for a moment." said momos dad. Everyone looked at us and stared. "Dad. You promi-" I cut momo off by saying. "Ok." Mr. and Mrs. yoyorozu both smiled and took me away.


"Please treat our daughter with care. Shes never been so happy around someone till now." said momos mom. "Shes always been to focused on studying that she ignored romance and we were scared. That is, until she came home one day and couldnt stop talking about how you. She said that you worked well with her and never had lost in your eyes. You also listen to her and always tells her what she does wrong."

Wot? I mean, I guess I'll take the compliments.

"Yea, she said that he had perfect white hair with perfect blue eyes. She also said he was quite tall and looked mature." said her father. I only look like that because of skills. "She was right. You are quite handsome. And you are quite strong from the video we saw of you. How about working for me. You could even be my personal~ bodyguard." said her mom.

Her bodyguard huh. That means that I'll only be around her at when we go out to places. She can protect herself at home is what I mean. "I can be your bodyguard but you have to promise me one thing." They looked me in the eyes and nodded. "I'm going to put my child in school. I need someone to watch over her at all times. She has a powerful quirk so I fear for her. Can you send someone capable of watching over her." They looked at each other and nodded. "Deal" said Mrs. Candice.

(AN: Momo has unnamed parents so I'm gonna make some names up. I know I will forget later so... Yea. Mom will be [Candice.] Father will be [dick fit in yo mouth.] I'm kidding of course. Father will be [John] )

"Now that that's out of the way, can you start now?" said candice. I stared at her and said "Sorry, I'm studying today." John then said "But momo said you're the smar-" I was already gone.


"I'm back everyone." I arrived in the dining room and sat down next to toga. Eri was in momos lap. "What did they say to you kenji?" She was blushing deeply. "I'm yours moms bodyguard now basically." Everyone looked surprised. "Damn you mother." said momo outloud. "She ways gets what she wants." I looked at her and smiled.

"Eri. I'm sorry but it's time for you to go to school. Know I know this is sudd-" She started crying. What the hell man. That's not fair. "Papa dosewent want me anymore!" she said while crying. I got up and went towards eri. Guess I'm gonna have to use my special move. I then kneeled and look down like a knight.

"Lady eri. Please let this peasant speak with you." Eri looked at me with teary eyes and said "You may" I cough a little then said "You can make friends at school and you can also become as smart as your daddy. He would surely be proud. Also you can make good social skills and impress him with that."

I looked up only to see everyone, yes everyone, even the maids and butlers, watching me. I got kinda embarrassed but kept a straight face. "If-If it would truwly make Papa happy then I guess I can go." I continued kneeling and took her hand. I kissed it then got up. I picked eri up and swung her around. She was quite happy now.

Everyone watching smiled at the scene. I then carried eri back to my seat. All the maids and butlers went back to doing their jobs. Candice and john were also watching. Candice had a mistivious look her eyes tho. I read her mind and it said 'So hes good with kids huh.' Momo seemed to know what she was thinking aswell because she said "Mom. Dont you have work to do?" She gave momo a glare and left with John. "Alright. Let's begin." When she said that, eri fell asleep. She has the right idea even tho she wanted to come.