
OP Mutation In Marvel

Henry is a boy who grew up in a loving home, lovely neighbourhood and had many friends in school. This all change when he suddenly gained his mutation when he turned twelve. At the time his body was changing, his screams alone decimated the whole town. What would become of this boy in this cruel world that is Marvel? NB: I do not own the Marvel franchise or any of its characters. This is a work of fanfiction. ALSO, Harem sect, go go go away.

Smithie_Smith · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Mutant On Demand

Henry woke up the following day with a refreshing look on his face and relaxation in every part of his body. His parents had paid for his own room in the hotel so he was all alone here. Henry went to the mirror and looked at himself. He gasped in shock when he saw how he looked. He was thirteen years old, a senior in middle school but he looked like he lived in the gym his whole life. First of all, he was five feet seven but now, he was six feet two! His muscles might not be the biggest but they were very well intimidating. On his stomach was a ten pack! Yes, a ten pack! Last he checked it was a six pack! He ran his hands on them, feeling awed by what he was seeing.

He then decided to brush his teeth. He got hold of the tap then wrenched the whole thing apart. He looked at the destroyed sink, dumbfounded. He thought he used the same method he usually used everyday but it appears he had grown stronger, stronger than he imagined. Afraid to destory anything else, he went to take his phone as carefully as he could so that he can call one of his mothers. Just when he touched the phone, he heard something hit his room's wall then an explosion.

He didn't do anything because it was all so sudden for him but the explosion did not harm him at all. When it subsided, he looked down at himself and was amazed by how strong his body was if it could tank an explosion, shockwave and shrapnels without even feeling uncomfortable. He then looked at the door and saw men wearing uniformed armour and strange guns coming towards his hotel room. He frowned as he had never seen any government enforcer group wearing that uniform. Just then, his parents were about to get out of their room but one of them butted his gun onto their faces, throwing them back in and closed the door.

Henry gritted his teeth in anger and charged at him. The armed man fired his gun at him but the bullets, no matter how special they were, couldn't pierce through his skin. Henry tackled him to the floor then punched him in the face. The head gear he was wearing prooved useless as Henry's punch went through it and his head exploded like a ripe tomato when thrown to a rock. Henry was frightened by the sight beneath him that he quickly got off of him and scrambled as far away as he could from him.

"What...What have I done?" he asked as his mind went back to when he tried to help Ashley with a chest compression. He then doubled down and vomitted the remaining things in his stomach as his mind went back to the destroyed town, a town he had destroyed. The men had by then surrounded him and one of them quickly put a metal collar onto his neck. Henry felt his strength leave him but not all of it. He looked around and saw two men training their guns at his mothers. Just then, a man wearing army decorative uniform came forward with a smile on his face. He first looked at the two women restrained by his men then turned to look at Henry.

"Good thing we got to you before those mutants did or else such a powerful mutant would be a pain in the butt," he said then squatted in front of Henry. "What is your name, boy?"

"Go fuck yourself," Henry answered with venom in his voice. The man chuckled then punched him. He suddenly felt pain in his arm bones when the punch landed and be quickly whipped back his hand as he winced in pain.

"That is quite impressive. All of your body has been enhanced parmanently so that you can handle your mutation. This is quite a bonus for you and for us," the man said as he removed a deagle from his holster. He pointed it at Henry's chest then fired. Henry cried out in pain as he felt the bullet hit and sink in just a little bit into his body. The man looked at the chest with his eyes shining bright.

"Fascinating, even with your mutation blocked you can still tank an adamantium bullet from small firearms. It looks like Christmas came early for me," the man said, excitedly, like a kid who can't wait to tear apart his Christmas gift wrappings. Just then, all the men felt their guns rattle and they looked at them with frowns on their faces. The guns then seemed to come alive as they wrangler themselves out of their hands and floated above them, aiming their muzzles at them. The man looked around, fright in his eyes.

"Magneto, quite brave to show yourself here," the man said, his hand not bothering to go for his gun. Henry looked up and saw an elderly man wearing a strange suit, cape and a helmet floating down.

"Stryker, why wouldn't I move when one of my kind is in trouble?" Magneto asked with a smile on his face then turned towards Henry. "You have suffered a lot in the hands of humans, child. Come with me and I will take you to safety. You will be among your kind, living free from the persecution of humans." Henry looked at him with a frown on his face, so did Stryker. He knew once the boy joined the Brotherhood, he would be another threat to humanity. For once, he wished the X-Men were here. Henry got onto his feet then pried the collar on his neck apart with the strength he got left. He felt his strength return then he looked at the people in front of him. With a sigh, he was suddenly gone and so were his mothers. Everyone was surprised by how fast he was.

"Looks like we lost this one," Stryker said with a smile on his face. Magneto scoffed at this.

"I have a mutant that can track him down. It is only a matter of time. As for you, I cannot leave it at chance that you might find a way to restrain him. Goodbye." All the guns then started firing, killing every single one of the men and Stryker. Magneto smiled at himself then flew away. He missed the part where Stryker's body started wriggling then his face morphed into a middle-aged man.

In a hidden base, Canada.

"General Stryker, sir, it appears Doppleganger is dead," a woman said to a man wearing decorated military clothes sitting at a large chair behind her.

"Did the knee mutant do this?" he asked her.

"No, sir. The mutant known as Magneto killed him. It appears the Brotherhood is after this new mutant just like the rest of us. What should we do?"

"Even more reason to get this new mutant. If Magneto is after him it means he has potential to be an even greater threat. How sure are you that you can induce my consciousness into this mutant?"

"With the help of a psychic them there is a ninety percent assurance that this mutant will become you," she answered.

"Good. Did they record his mutation?" Stryker asked.

"They did. As far as I can see, this mutant has invulnerability, superstrength and superspeed. There might be more for this mutation leans to the path of physical enhancement,"

"Perfect, then we can track down weapon X and using this new mutant, it might just be the straw that broke the camel's back."

Henry stopped running when he saw they were quite far away from the town. He put down his parents who were quite disoriented. One of them even doubled down and threw up. Henry apologized as he rubbed her back.

"Where are we?" Mom Stef asked him.

"I don't know. I just picked a random direction and just ran," he answered her. Mom Gina looked around and nodded to herself.

"Looking around and smelling the air, I believe we are in New York. It was a four hours drive from the town but we got here in minutes if not seconds," she said in amazement.

"Mom Gina, Mom Stef, I think I should stay away from both of you," Henry said.

"No way. You are our son, whatever the Universe throws at you we shoulder it together," Mom Gina told him as she hugged him tightly. Henry smiled as he hugged her back.

"What should we do if those two men come back?" Henry asked them.

"True, they did find us and from how...Hold in, baby, how's your chest?" Mom Stef suddenly asked as she looked at his chest. Henry also remembered that he had been shot by that military guy there. He looked at it and saw the hole had healed up nicely. He wondered whether the bullet is still inside as the hole healed up. Suddenly, he felt as if something had been lifted off from his eyes. He frowned when he started seeing through his skin, muscle tissues, bones and to the other side of his hand. He looked at Mom Stef as she was the nearest and immediately, her clothes disappeared. He suddenly felt nauseated by this and quickly looked away from her, making the two women frown.

"What's wrong? You look ill," Mom Gina said as she touched his forehead.

"I just saw Mom Stef's...everything," he answered, vaguely. The two were confused.

"What do you mean, everything?" they asked him.

"I can somehow see through solid materials and I saw through her clothes," he said. Mom Stef involuntarily covered her breasts with her hand. "Yeah, if you are using your hands, I can see through them too."

"That is quite...I don't know what to say. Maybe it was triggered by something. Just calm down, baby and not think about using that ability," Mom Gina comforted him. Henry tried to do as she said by thinking to himself that he did not want to see through objects. When he was sure he had succeeded, he waved his hand in front of his face and was relieved when he could not see through it. He sighed in relief and looked at his mothers who were anxiously looking at him.

"I can't see through your clothes now," he reassured them. They both sighed in relief but Mom Stef still kept her distance from him. That's when she noticed he had grown taller too. A little too taller!

"Jeez, you even got a growth spurt?" she asked him. Mom Gina then noticed it too.

"Whatever your mutation is I think those two men would go through a lot just to have you. We need to lay low, good thing I know a place we can spend a few days as we organise our thoughts," Mom Gina said and led the way.

"Professor, you called us," a man wearing a visor and black jumpsuit said to a bald man on a wheelchair. Beside the visor wearing man was a red haired lady, a white haired lady and a blue furred beastman.

"Scott, Jean, Ororo, Beast, I called you all here because I felt the awakening of a mutant whose powers put him in an Omega level mutant yesterday," the man on the wheelchair said to them, solemnly. "When he awakened his powers, he destroyed a whole town with nothing but his screams. Three quarters of thirty thousand people died tragically, their organs raptured, bones mushed and other horrible things."

"Then we should go after him before he takes more lives," Ororo said and the rest nodded.

"He is only thirteen years old," the professor said, making all of them shut up. "That's not all; it appears Magneto knows about him too and so does Stryker. We need to get him here before either of the two manage to either capture him or bring him to hate humanity."

"Rest assured, Professor, we will find him," Scott said.

"I really hope so, I tried to reach into his mind but he has a natural ability to block out telepaths so you have to do this the old fashioned way. I will send his looks into your mind. I also feel that he is is New York so your search radius just shortened," the Professor added.