
Op In the Overlord Wait! he can also travel other world's?

Hello dear people as I am new here please don't blame me if it is not to your liking and please comment to your heart content and give me suggestions for gpw you want this story to go

DRAGO · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Not a CH ..Some glimpse of power

AN.....(Powers are enhanced due to limitations removed and him being a ultimate celestialsepien)

He is teir 1A high and can become a boundless being in time


Celestialsapiens are an incredibly powerful alien race native to the Forge of Creation - a section of space lying outside of any individual universe. Celestialsapiens are dormant at most times, requiring agreement between their two conflicting personalities in order to make any action. Developing (Child) celestialsapiens do not have this limitation, but still display limited movement or action. Celestialsapiens have an uneasy relationship with Professor Paradox, and have barred him from entering the forge of creation.

Celestialsapiens follow rules established by other Celestialsapiens (Like the Multiverse Preservation act), and make use of a judicial system when their rules are thought to be violated. Their legislative system is similar to that of twenty first century Earth democracy.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-A, possibly 1-B

Name: Celestialsapiens

Origin: Ben 10

Classification: Powerful race of reality-warping aliens from the Forge of Creation

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Invulnerability, Size Manipulation, Body Control, Forcefield Creation, Mind Manipulation, full-Omniscience, Spatial Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Summoning, Telekinesis, Creation, Portal Creation, Dimensional Travel, Black Hole Creation, Cosmic Awareness, Self-Sustenance , Teleportation, Duplication, Immortality , Regeneration (Mid-High), Multiple Selves , Information Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Existence Erasure (Comparable to Alien X ), Acausality, Life Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Existence,

i: Resistance to Space-Time Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Fire Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Transmutation, Unconventional Resistance towards Soul Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Possession, Mind Manipulation

(AN....I can add many ability that are not given above as he is going to be a true God character so just wait until the next chapter)....