

OP HERO AGAIN! This is not my first fanfic, but you can consider it my first fanfic. because I didn't improve in any way and decided to start with a clean slate. chapters will be released in a free schedule that is either at the beginning of the week or in the middle or at the end or in the next week. there will be a lot of holes in the plot, but I will try to avoid this. inspired by many other fanfiction, and do not compare this fanfic with others where the quality of the software is better. I tolerate criticism only in a light form, and not by the type of hating. I write only for my own satisfaction, but there may be times when I ask for advice and hope you will help. tags: # winx # harem # travel #magic #friendship #OP #Comedy #family #travel through the worlds #from weak to strong #from poor to rich --- Synopsis it is not known who, it is not known how and it is not known why - dies. and what do you think happened to him? he went to meet the God, who in turn gave mu wishes and re-conquered in another world! what will happen to the person who received all this, will he collect the harem right and left, or will he still decide to settle down? just do not look at the tags, because they are spoilers! and we don't like spoilers! --- I only own my character --- any image I used is also not mine, they belong to their authors

lazy_door · Cómic
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7 Chs


Chapter 5

Currently, Ryan is fully prepared, he went to change into an official suit. The contestant in front of him finally finished his performance.

After the performance of number 16 ended. The announcer introduced him, and Ryan went on stage.

Ryan took a deep breath and walked onto the stage with a smile on his face.

- Ryan!!!! Good luck to you! - Suddenly, from the hall, he heard a child's voice and looked in his direction.

While Ryan was leaving, he saw that the girl was sitting next to her mother and sister, but her gaze did not get stuck on her, but the one who looked closely noticed that Ryan was looking in a certain direction, at a certain person.


Sitting in the audience chairs, Vanessa and Bloom saw Ryan on the stage, Bloom screamed.

- Ryan!!!! Good luck to you!

Vanessa smiled and was a little embarrassed by Bloom's action, many people were afraid of her scream, to be honest, they are a little annoyed.

The girl who was sitting next to her heard her scream, thought: "Does she know Ryan? Maybe she's his sister." Then she looked at Ryan, who smiled at her, she suddenly felt that her temperature had increased a little.

Vanessa, who saw that this beautiful girl blushed from her son's actions, only smiled, because now her attention is focused on Ryan's performance.

The girl was looking through the list of participants at that time and couldn't help but think when she saw that Ryan's play was quite simple-Mozart (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) she thought: "It's not a difficult play, and it's not an easy one, but still... whatever it is, let's see what he will do."

Finally, Ryan sat down in a chair and started playing the piano.

When he did this, the audience suddenly became enthusiastic, the melody that he created made them feel nostalgic for their loved ones.

Imagine that from the moment they played the piano, the atmosphere became different, the girl realized that Ryan's skills were much superior to her partner. She thought:

Vanessa knew that he had become better, but she did not expect this! This is too much for her, from the moment she realizes that he is in a completely different league than before!

And she continued to listen to his song.


The audience fell silent, listening to Ryan, who plays the piano, the melody was so beautiful that they began to remember their loved ones.

The audience enjoyed the wonderful atmosphere, and the teenagers held back tears. Because of the melody that Ryan performed, some began to remember their former girlfriends, remembering those funny memories with them, they began to cry and thought: "I miss her.. should I contact her? No, I have to contact her! And look at her face like a man."


Ryan smiled while playing the piano, he thought: "Has it reached them? I hope that was the case... " - after these thoughts, Ryan began to demonstrate his skill as a pianist, and this made the chief judge in the audience open his eyes wide.

The chief judge mentally shouted: "How?! How did this child reach the level of a great master! Unbelievable! His talent is more than a genius! He's a monster!"

He had met several great master pianists in his life and respected them all, but he did not expect that he would meet a great master pianist in this small competition! And the pianist is not as old as they are, wait, and how old is he – taking the folder with the participants, he saw that he was only 6 years old – a 6-year-old child!?

No one in history has ever reached the level of a great master pianist at the age of 6! And Ryan is the first, and one hundred percent the last! The Chief judge thought: "I am a witness of history! I am glad that I was here!" - and without the slightest hesitation, he puts the highest rating, like the rating of Ryan.

Despite the fact that the play is not quite difficult or easy, the great master can turn it into a good play, and Ryan is in the final moment and finally he has finished playing the play.

Ryan gracefully stood up and bowed to the audience, the audience finally came to their senses and suddenly started clapping loudly, as if they were on the world football field, Ryan's performance is considered flawless.

The audience started shouting his name and praising him. However, this did not affect him, he went backstage as long as he could hear the audience clapping loudly.


The girl had a complicated feeling, she definitely felt their breakup, and it wasn't small, but it doesn't matter to her, what bothers her most is the melody saying "I love you" as a pianist – not as a musician, she could definitely say that the melody that Ryan was playing says "I love you".

She knew it wasn't for her, and that's why her feelings are so complicated right now, she thought: "Is it because of that girl who screamed earlier?" - she is not mistaken, but this applies not only to Bloom, but also to Vanessa.

Ryan again with his smile, went backstage and went to meet with relatives and one girl.

Going out on the street, Ryan saw that his mother and sister were waving to him and smiled when he saw that girl next to them, he thought: "I have to talk to my mother," op went up to the girl who was waiting for him.

The girl looked at Ryan walking towards her, outwardly she could look calm, but inside she was nervous that her heart was ready to explode.

- Did I keep you waiting?

- No, I'm not…

- Oh, I see... about your request…

His words were interrupted by the new arrivals, Bloom and Vanessa, they looked at the girl curiously, and Bloom asked.

- Brother, do you know her?

Ryan nodded and said. – I know... but I don't really know her name....

When the girl heard these words, she felt guilty, it was almost unbearable that she wanted to scream to let it all out, but she held on and said.

- Oh! I'm sorry, Ryan! I forgot myself and forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hana. - There was a forced smile on her face, Hana couldn't stand it anymore, so she decided to move away so that they wouldn't see her embarrassment.

But before she could leave, Vanessa stopped her and said. - Wait!

- what? Are you his mother? Sorry.. But I have to go…

– And what about the contest? - Ryan asked in confusion.

- What competition? - this time my mother asked in confusion.

- Hana doesn't have a partner, so I volunteered to help her, but now she just leaves…

- I'm not leaving... - but a woman's voice interrupted her.

- Hana! There you are! I'm looking for you, all over the building! We agreed that you will wait at the registration desk, and I will look for an accompanist at this time.

- Mom, I found an accompanist, so you don't need to look for him anymore. - inviting me, Hana said. - here, meet this is Ryan, the best pianist among his age.

At that time, Ryan thought: "Ha! The best pianist among his age? "

While he was thinking, he was distracted by the voice of the girl whom Hana called mom.

- It's nice to meet you and Ryan, my name is Arisa Hoda, I'm the mother of this girl! I heard how you played, and it was beyond praise, but I have a question, can I?

- It's nice to meet you too, Aunt Arisa, yes, I don't mind the question, but can I ask you a question first? - Ryan said, slightly embarrassed by the sudden praise.

- Of course, why not? - Arisa said, waiting for Ryan's question.

- Do you have anything to do with the" princess violinist " Arisa Hoda? And if it's really you, then why did you stop playing? - Ryan's question aroused interest among them, mainly Vanessa and Ryan showed interest.

- Yes, it's me, but I'm surprised that you recognized me, because it was so long ago! And I stopped because I got bored, and Hana was born to me! I have answered your question, now listen to mine! - she said.

- So, I looked at the forms of the participants, and I saw that you are registered in three more competitions, since you are going to participate in the doubles competition, if you have 3 more competitions before it.... Before Arisa could finish her question, a shout interrupted her.

- Whaaat? 3 more contests? - after the words left Hana's lips. Their group became a universal target for discussion.

- Hey, did you hear that guy, participates in at least 3 contests!



- Yes, I saw him, he played the piano so beautifully that I still decided to confess to my childhood friend, and you know what, she accepted him, I'm so happy!




After a while, everything settled down.

- Okay, let's go somewhere and talk, because it's too crowded here. - Vanessa said a common thought, and they went to a cafe near the entrance to the building.

- Yes, come on, let's go eat! Mom, I'm hungry. - after what was said, everyone let out a light laugh, and the owner pouted into her mother's chest.

After a while they were sitting in a cafe, at a table opposite the window.

- Excuse me! It's just that I also participate in more than one competition, and to be honest, it's already annoying, and you signed up for four competitions, if you don't count the doubles competition.

- Yes, nothing, I understand that this may be unexpected, but as I have already said and I will say now – I will cope. - Ryan said, and then added. - And what competitions do you participate in, if it's not a secret, otherwise we have a chance to be not only partners, but also opponents.

- I am participating in a competition with a violin.

- And so am I, so let's give it our all!

- Yes!

So, during the conversation, it was time for the start of other competitions, and they went to the venue.

Some time later, Ryan took the stage in the final single competition in his plan. The audience of these contests were only happy to hear the performance of the master, and caught themselves thinking "A great future awaits him" or "How can such a monster exist". All the audience had their own opinion, but no one dared to leave, as they did not want to miss his performance. On the stage, the boy was playing the violin, and when he finished, there was applause all over the hall and everyone was already congratulating him on his victory, and there were no those who were against it.



Mission Accomplished-Win music competitions (4/4)…

Reward: 3 tickets.

To use 3 tickets... having agreed, the wheel began to spin, and when it stopped, I fell out:

1. "Programming 100/100"

2. "God's Language - (Improved) 100/100"

3. The mythical devil fruit nem nem no mi-type Nemean lion.(not available for up to 10 years)


Ryan and Hana were holding hands. Hana doesn't mind, but it's still too awkward, they were walking hand in hand, and Ryan said.

- 30 minutes before the start of the competition..

- Yes, we should go. - Hana said, and they went to the competition venue, still holding hands.

As they walked, the two had a fun time talking about fun topics. And every time Ryan teased her, and Hana blushed every time she was teased.

When they were approaching, they stopped, and Ryan smiled at her. - It's here, let's go.

– Aha! - said Hana, she also smiled in response to her friend. She is determined to win the competition, since her friend is her accompanist.

They continued to chat casually, not caring about what was going on around them, and finally entered the hall where the competition was being held, and then went backstage to prepare.

This time, Ryan is No. 14, the competition was about to begin, these two were already dressed in suitable outfits for the competition.

Contestant #1 is about to start his song, but first he bowed, and then looked at his accompanist, it was the signal to start.

And he began to play his violin, the melody of the song was heard, and the audience listened to it.


Meanwhile, behind the scenes of Ryan and Khan happily talking, laughing and smiling, the other contestants felt weird looking at it, they could not help but think "These two take this competition seriously!"

As time goes on, it was a way out contestant No. 13, Ryan understands that the next – it is they.


In the audience hall, Vanessa, Bloom and Arisa are sitting in the middle, and Arisa asked. – It's Hana-chan's turn after that, right?"

- Yes, Hana and Ryan will be next! Vanessa said, looking at the performance of participant No. 13, and then thought: "Hana is such a good girl!"

After the performance of contestant No. 13 ended, it was Hana and Ryan's turn.


Behind the scenes, one of the members of the competition commission said: - No. 14 of Hodo Hana? Please be ready, it's your turn now.

Hana nodded, looked at Ryan and said. - Come on!

Without waiting for an answer, she pulled his left hand, Ryan smiled and did not resist, after which they were next to each other on the stage, Hana took a deep breath and said. - Let's make a show that they will not forget!

Ryan grinned. - Of course! But first, for luck, kiss me on the cheek.

Hana looked at him and said. - what? Now?

- Yeah, now, why is something wrong? - Ryan said, grinning. Hana moved closer to him, about to kiss him on the cheeks, Ryan turned his face, and they kissed on the lips.

- This is much better! - Ryan said with a teasing smile.

- Oh, my God! L-let's go already! - Hana said, pouting and blushing at the same time.

Ryan thought, " Nice… I want to tease her even more... " and then he dismissed these thoughts, because they had to win an important competition.

Before, she didn't win the violin competition just because of him, this time he will do everything perfectly, and they went to the stage.

When the audience saw them, Arisa screamed. "Hana-chan, you're so beautiful!"

- Ah! and here's Ryan! - Bloom shouted, she was happy to see him.

Some of the audience recognize Ryan.

- This boy is familiar to me... can it be?

- Isn't that Ryan?

- What is it really? It's really him!

- Is he an accompanist?

Both looked at the crowd in front of them, and both bowed, and Ryan slowly sat down on a chair.

He was so calm at this moment that he looked at Hana with a smile, and she nodded, and she began to sing to get rid of her nervousness.

Today she is more determined, because this is probably the best day of her life, the person next to her is her first real friend and the one to whom she gave her first kiss.

- Hey, Hana, why are you red again, maybe you're sick?

But when she saw Ryan grinning, she immediately realized that he was teasing her again, so she said. - L-let's go already.

The piece they are going to perform is called [Saint-Saen's Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso.] Ryan steps on the pedals and starts tapping his fingers on the piano and starts playing.

Hana also started playing her violin, for a few moments she was gentle and calm, and then suddenly Hana started playing her violin wildly.

And Ryan followed her example, and so he plays faster and faster, the most amazing thing is that they were synchronized, the two melodies perfectly combined.

This made the audience numb, as well as some of the judges, they could feel that the song was shining with endless joy and love.

They continued to play, Hana looked at Ryan, smiling broadly, who in turn also gave her his smile.

After a few minutes, they finally finished their song, after a few minutes of silence.

The crowd started clapping madly, showing that they were enjoying their performance, they applauded and shouted praises.

After the performance, it was time for the other participants to play, some of the audience were already satisfied with the performance of Hana and Ryan, they did not listen because they felt that they were playing some boring and simple songs.

After the performance, Hana and Ryan changed into casual clothes and both came out of the backstage holding hands.

They were happily talking about what had happened, as if "I was really nervous" or "It was exciting."

When they went outside, they were met by Vanessa, Bloom and Arisa.

Arisa was stunned, she looked at them when they were holding hands, opened her mouth and said. - You guys... - but before she could finish, Hana and Ryan stepped away from each other. And Bloom ran up to Ryan.

- Brother, it was just amazing, teach me the same way, sister, you were also amazing.

- Yes, I agree with her, you were good, although no, this is not the right word... but yes, it was definitely great. - Arisa said as she approached Hana.

- Thank you! - Ryan and Hana said at the same time, when suddenly:


The mission is completed - To win the doubles competition.

Reward: 3 tickets.


I was lucky:

1. Ice Magic 100/100

2. Mechanic 100/100

3. Divine Memory 100/100

After the contest, the two families walked around the park for a few more hours and went home later in the evening.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

lazy_doorcreators' thoughts