
The Announcement (3)

"Who are they? They're so beautiful."

"I think I'm in love."

"Why does she look familiar?"

"Hey isn't that Xi Mei Xing?" whispered a girl to her friend.


"That famous international model. Xi Mei Xing. She was covered on Today!"

"Xi Mei Xing?!"

"Oh my god! It is. Should I get her autograph?"

"Do you want to get in trouble? Don't you see all those bodyguards around here? Anyway, who is the other girl next to her?"

"I don't know. She looks familiar though."

As Li Hua and Mei Xing walked through the crowd, they could hear the whispers of the people around them but ignored it. Heading up the elevator, they arrived at the fifth floor. As Mei Xing dragged Li Hua around to shop, Li Hua's bodyguards were carrying bags from different stores.

Within 30 minutes, they had visited ten shops and had swiped their card whenever they saw something they liked. Without any care, Mei Xing and Li Hua walked into the next store. As they exited the store after buying another batch of clothes, Li Hua stopped as she spotted something that drew her attention.

"Let's go there next Li Hua."


Noticing that her friend wasn't replying to her, Mei Xing turned to see her looking at something. Curious, Mei Xing turned to see what it was that Li Hua was looking at. Seeing that her friend was looking at a set of sapphire cufflinks, she sighed inwardly.

"Do you want to go in this store?"

"Eh?" Hearing what Mei Xing said, Li Hua turned to look at her.

"Let's go here. I just remembered I wanted to get my dad and brothers something."

Without waiting for her to reply, Mei Xing dragged Li Hua into the store and began to search for something for her father and brothers. While Mei Xing was looking for her gift, Li Hua's attention went back to the cufflinks she saw earlier.

When she saw those cufflinks, she immediately thought of Longwei. 'They would look good on him.' thought Li Hua.

Without a second thought, she grabbed the cufflinks. Just as Li Hua grabbed the cufflinks, another hand reached out, grabbing them as well. Looking up, Li Hua saw a man in sunglasses looking at her.

"I'm sorry, but I'd like to buy this if you don't mind." a deep, mellow voice came out from the man's mouth as he looked at her.

"I do mind. I saw it first." Li Hua said as she pulled her hand and cufflinks out of the man's grip.

"Wait. I really like those. Can you give them to me? I'll buy you something else to replace them."

"No. Why should I?"

"Um...you probably don't know this, but I'm pretty famous. So if you give me those I'll give you an autograph and photo." said the man as he took his sunglasses off.

Tilting her head, Li Hua stared at the man blankly. She somehow felt like she had met him somewhere before.

"Have we met before?" asked Li Hua.

"What?" asked the man as he opened his eyes wide.

He has hit on plenty of girls in his life, but he's never had a girl hit on him before. As he stared at her black obsidian eyes, the man couldn't help but think that she was pretty cute. He had to admit this girl was beautiful.

"I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before," mumbled Li Hua.

Coughing, the man flashed his famous smile. "You probably have seen my posters outside this mall. I'm Li Kai."

Hearing his name, Li Hua was surprised since she was trying to get in contact with his manager and work out a deal with him. She had never thought she would meet Li Kai somewhere, such as the mall.

Seeing that she was startled, Li Kai chuckled. "So what do you say? A deal?" Li Kai was expecting the girl to scream and give in to the deal. Who wouldn't want a photo and autograph of 'the' Li Kai.

Looking at him, Li Hua turned away as she walked towards the register. "No deal."

"Wait. What?" said Li Kai as he grabbed Li Hua's arm.

Annoyed, Li Hua looked at Li Kai. "I said no deal."


"Because I don't care if you're a famous star or not. I'm not giving these up. Anyways I saw these cufflinks first and grabbed it first. So as a gentleman, you should relinquish it to me."

Baffled, Li Kai stared wide-eyed at Li Hua. This was the first girl who had ignored the fact that he was a famous star and even refused to give him what he wanted. Meeting this girl, Li Kai couldn't help but want to know her more.

"Fine. How about a date with me? You don't have to give me the cufflinks, but at least let me treat you to dinner." asked Li Kai as he continued to hold Li Hua's arm.

"No, thank you. Please let me go, Mr. Li."

"Say you'll go. It's just dinner."

"Let go Mr. Li."

"No. Tell me you'll go."

"Mr. Li, please be mindful of where we are. I don't want to anger your fans with photos of us being taken together."

"I don't care. I'll deal with them if it happens. Just say you'll go out with me. Just this one time."

"Please let go Mr. Li. This is my last warning for you."

Tightening his grip, Li Kai firmly looked at Li Hua. "I refuse to."

"Fine." Sighing, Li Hua looked past Li Kai and signaled for her bodyguards who were on standby outside the store.

Seeing that their Young Miss seemed to be in trouble, they had wanted to go in earlier to help her, but a glare from her warned them that they should not make a move if they wanted their lives. So waiting outside the store, the bodyguards were on high alert, waiting for her to signal to them to make a move.

Swiftly moving in, the bodyguards quickly apprehended Li Kai and got their Young Miss away from him.

"Ah!" shouted Li Kai. "Who are you people? Let me go!"