
Only My Weapons Level UP

The End is finally here, but humans struggle and decide to fight to the bitter end and use all of their weapons. However, all of that was useless, and billions died. Until the first humans invaded the enemies' worlds and returned with powers after awakening them, they finally had the chance to fight back and defend their lands. Many years have passed, and humans have yet to obtain any real victories. Terry lost everything since the monsters and the overlords came to Earth, and he waited patiently and trained every day until he had the chance to awaken his power. Despite doing well on his first attack, Terry didn't awake any power... However, when he returned home, he confirmed that his power had indeed awakened... he could see weapons' status, and they could gain experience when he used them or killed monsters with them. Soon, he will come to realize that no other power is better than his!

TheVillain00 · Ciudad
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221 Chs

War Cry

The battle reached a perilous crescendo, pushing the guild members to their limits and beyond. The air crackled with an ominous energy as the clash between the guild and the relentless horde of monsters intensified. The once-ordered defensive lines now blurred, the battlefield becoming a chaotic maelstrom of swinging weapons, roaring creatures, and desperate shouts.

The monsters, driven by a frenzied bloodlust, surged forward with renewed vigor. Their sheer numbers seemed endless, overwhelming the guild members who stood their ground with unwavering determination. The ground shook beneath their feet as the monstrous horde closed in, their collective might threatening to crush the guild's defenses.