
All mine

Once their airplane fell, they managed to jump in the last moment and escape the explosion, but then the fire drakes approached. The invisible enemies, skilled in covert tactics, took advantage of the distraction caused by the fire drakes. They struck swiftly and efficiently, targeting the guild masters when they least expected it. The element of surprise proved to be a formidable weapon, causing confusion and chaos among their ranks.

Tragically, some of the guild masters fell victim to the invisible attackers. Their lives were cut short, and their bravery and expertise were snuffed out by this treacherous assault. The loss weighed heavily on the survivors. Their grief was evident in their somber expressions.

"They used elemental magic and invisibility… they are high ranked spells and traits," Vanessa said while furrowing her eyebrows. "What they said about receiving power from something wasn't a lie."