
Oneshot/Lemon Book

This is where I’ll put my shorter stories from various games, movies, tv shows, most filled romance but all of them filled with smut.

DeadHydra · Otras
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7 Chs

A Bet Among Gods (Hera X OC)

Description: Romance, Smut, Incest (Aunt and Nephew)



Personal OC Taylor.


Taylor the son of Hades and Persephone, nephew of the god of lightning Zeus, he is the god of Darkness and Shadow similar to the god Erebus.

He was raised within the Underworld where his father taught him how to use a blade and to strengthen his mind during difficult situations.

His mother taught him to be kind and selfless and to see the beauty within the the world despite all it's flaws.

Both loved him equally and he loved them just the same.

Many years laters under his parents teachings, Taylor excelled at almost every blade and became a strategic warrior while staying humble and honourable which greatly impressed most of the gods.

He even duelled his cousin the god of war Ares. The dual was long and tiring but in the end Taylor was able to defeat him, much to the shock of everyone, but he didn't leave without any scars, especially the one scar across his face.

Ares was able to swing his sword diagonally upwards and sliced his right cheek all the way to the left side of his forehead and left a large scar and missing his left blue eye and his right amber eye.

Despite losing to Taylor and scarring his face the two held great respect to one another and continued further duals in the future, both losing and winning against each other.

Taylor then duelled his cousin the god of wisdom Athena in a game of chess. The first round he had lost but managed to keep Athena on her toes. Then when they played again he was able to win much to her shock.

The two also continue their chess games much to the enjoyment of Athena as she finally has a challenge with another great strategic mind.

Taylor continued to visit other gods and see their hobbies and skills and duelled them or learned from them.

Taylor became well loved and greatly respected amongst the gods, even Artemis, and with his achievements his father had gifted him his armour and swords.

But there was something that none of the gods knew was that Taylor had a soft spot for a certain Goddess.

Queen Hera the goddess of marriage, women and childbirth.

When he first saw Hera he was smitten by her almost immediately. Seeing how loyal and determined she was had made an impact on Taylor.

He first met her in her garden tending to some lily flowers and the two spoke to one another. They had talked and laughed together for hours until they retired for the night.

The two often met with one another. They talked about their interests, hobbies and dislikes to one another. When Hera needed help he was there to assist, when she was angry he calmed her. The more time spent together the more Taylor fell in love with the queen of gods.

However she was already married to Zeus and she took the roll of a wife very seriously even though her husband did not.

It was there Taylor had a disliking to the god of lightning. He was bewildered by how Zeus could ever be unfaithful to Hera. She was beautiful, kind, determined and strong willed. 

What madman would cheat on a woman like that?

But because how faithful Hera was, Taylor knew he wouldn't have a chance with her unless they divorced or Zeus died and neither was going to happen anytime soon.

And so he did not try to woo her out of respect for her but he still continued to be smitten by her and hoped that one day he would at least have a chance with her.

Unknown to everyone he was about to get his chance.

Zeus had invited all the gods for a party and Taylor and his parents also attended just as the rest of the gods did too.

Drinks and food were passed around, laughter and music filled the air. Taylor was sitting beside Hephaestus and discussing his latest invention and if Taylor could assist in his work but he thanked him and refused.

Hera was across from him sipping some wine and was enjoying the music and listening to the duo's conversation and she slightly smiled at how Taylor offered his help.

She was always impressed by how kind and helpful Taylor was. 

Then Zeus clapped his hands, Hera immediately lost her small smile and everyone went silent as they listened to him.

"I thank you all for coming here and drinking all my alcohol" Zeus says getting some laughs.

"And I do hope you are all enjoying yourselves and are ready to be wasted and have the time of your lives tonight" Zeus says and everyone cheers and resumes the party.

Hephaestus takes a swig of his drink but realises it's empty and leaves for a refill. Taylor leans forward at the table and grabs a few grapes and tossing them into his mouth. He's about to eat the last one when suddenly he feels two very familiar slender arms grab his shoulders and slide down to his chest. 

Taylor doesn't look back but smiles.

"Aphrodite" He greets the blonde goddess, she hums in response.

"Hello my prince" She coos into his ear, giggling. 

Taylor and Aphrodite have indeed fucked but they were not lovers, more like friends with benefits. After Taylor defeated Ares, Aphrodite set her eyes upon the god of darkness and after much difficulty she managed to seduce him.

She was of course surprised that Taylor denied her requests. He told her that while she was beautiful and would gladly have her, she was still married to Hephaestus and did not wish to disrespect his friend like how Ares did.

And so she dragged Taylor to Hephaestus and she asked him if she and Taylor could have a night of passion. Hephaestus gave in as he knows how his wife is and he trusts and respects Taylor and since Taylor denied her because of him, he was thankful to his friendship and loyalty that he allowed it.

But of course one night with the god of darkness wasn't enough for her and the three settled into an agreement and the two continued their affair with Hephaestus permission.

"Having fun dear?" Aphrodite asks still holding him from behind.

"I am and you?" He says giving her the last grape and she eats it out of his hands, making sure to suck his fingers a bit.

"I am as well but," She says leaning down to his ear.

"We could have more fun in my chambers" She says whispering.

Taylor sighs and places his hand a top of hers and gives her an apologetic smile.

"While I would love that I'm afraid I'm to busy this afternoon" He says and she pouts.

"Whyyy?" She whines playfully.

"Duties call I'm afraid. Since everyone is going to be drunk for some time I'll need to make sure everything is going as it should be" He explains.

Before she could respond they hear loud laughter and look over to see Zeus laughing.

"Come now Taylor! Stop worrying and drink lad!" He says sliding a drink to him to which he catches before it falls off the table.

"I wish I could but someone should stay sober and stop any of the disasters that are about to happen" He says just as someone falls off a table while they were dancing.

"Bah! Come on! Even your parents are at least drinking!" Zeus says gesturing to his mother who is sitting on her husbands lap while taking a few sips as well as his father.

"They deserve a break for all the work they do in the underworld. I'll look after it while they enjoy themselves" Taylor says still not budging.

Hera listens intently to the conversation and once again smiles at Taylor's kind and helpful nature.

"Oh to leave a woman in her time of need" Zeus says shaking his head.

"I'm pretty sure what she she needs is more of a want" Taylor says.

"Wellll" Aphrodite says earning a playful glare from Taylor.

"You see! Even she agrees! Now help your love and have fun!" Zeus says.

Taylor slightly flinches when Zeus said love and glances at Hephaestus who also seemed disturbed by what he said. By now almost everyone was hearing their conversation.

"Zeus she isn't my love. We are but friends helping out one another. No offence" He explains and apologises to Aphrodite.

"None taken" She says with a shrug and a smile.

"Oh please. With how much you too fuck I'd say your a married couple" Zeus says rolling his eyes.

Taylor glances at Hephaestus again and sees him shifting uncomfortably.

"Zeus. Enough" Taylor says sternly.

"I mean come on! It's clear Hephaestus can't-"

"I said enough!" Taylor yells slamming his right fist on the table and everyone and everything goes silent as he glares at Zeus.

"We are friends who help one another. We are not in love. And that's all. Am. I. Clear?" He says sternly while light black smoke wraps around his right arm and out of his amber eye.

Out of fear of a fight, Aphrodite steps back and, like everyone else, stares slightly wide eyed at the glaring god of darkness and the god of lightning who has his eyes narrowed at the young god.

It was a tense few moments as they stared each other down before Zeus backs off and raises his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright I'll stop" He says stepping back a bit.

Everyone relaxes and the smoke disappears from Taylor.

Hera meanwhile had watched the scene with interest and admiration. She admired Taylor for standing up to Zeus and for Hephaestus. While she didn't like how unfaithful Aphrodite was she was glad to see the three come to an agreement and she had greatly admired how Taylor respected it. 

"But speaking about love" Zeus says next.

"When do you intend on getting yourself a wife?" He asks.

While everyone was still enjoying themselves they all were very interested in if Taylor was in love with someone. Taylor leans back in his seat.

"When I find the right woman" Taylor says and Zeus groans.

"Oh come now. Surely there's a woman that you could woo. Hell you might get any woman if you tried hard enough" Zeus says.

"Maybe. If I tried hard enough" Taylor says shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh? You think so?" Zeus says slightly narrowing his eyes.

Hera glances at Zeus wondering what stupid plan he is making now.

"Then how do you feel about making a bet?" Zeus asks.

Everyone glances at Zeus as they know how his bets are.

"What did you have in mind?" Taylor asks sceptically while raising an eyebrow.

"If you are able to make a woman of my choosing fall in love with you within the year, I'll allow the two of you to marry" Zeus explains the bet.

"And who would be this woman I'll be wooing?" Taylor asks rolling his eyes.

Zeus grins widely and leans down on the table and stares Taylor dead in the eyes.


The music stops as an instrument string breaks and a few people choke on their food and drinks. Hera spits out her wine in shock and Taylor stares wide eyed at Zeus in disbelief just like everyone else.

"W-what?" Taylor stutters slightly as he is truly shocked by what Zeus had said.

"That's right. If you are able to woo her successfully within the year, she and I shall divorce and she will then be married to you" Zeus say's confirming what he said.

Again the room falls into an utter and shocked silence.

Hera stares wide eyed at her husband. She truly couldn't believe Zeus was using her for a reward in a bet. She was his wife. The one woman he would never allow anyone to touch even though he sleeps with every woman he comes across.

Taylor meanwhile was shocked but it was more so the fact that he now had a chance, even if he failed to woo her, to finally be able to at least have a date with the woman he loves.

"I will not agree to this bet" Taylor says.

Hera glances at him a little offended by what he said.

"Unless Hera is alright with this" Taylor says and everyone looks at her.

Hera was surprised that he would ask for her permission first before agreeing to using her. Still shocked she composes herself and nods, giving her consent.

"Wonderful. Now for the stakes" Zeus says with a grin.

"If you fail to make Hera fall in love with you," Zeus says with an evil grin.

"Then you can never be able to fall in love ever" Zeus says.

Hera and Aphrodite gasp and Taylor tenses at what he said. He looks down for a moment before lifting his gaze to Zeus and standing up from his seat.

"Alright but if I'm able to," He says walking to Zeus until they are standing in front of each other.

"Then you are never allowed to touch another woman ever again" Taylor says.

Everyone's jaws drop at what he said as they don't believe for a second that Zeus would ever agree to such a stake.

But to everyones shock he doesn't flinch and holds his hand out.

"Deal" Zeus says and Taylor shakes his hand.

Then a black tattoo burns on their hands, symbolising the bet is on.

"Good luck nephew. You'll need it" Zeus says grinning widely and letting his hand go.

Hera stares wide eyed at Taylor for what he had done. She couldn't believe he would risk something like that and how bold at what he countered with Zeus.

A small blush appears on her cheeks at what Taylor was risking just to woo her.

"The bet begins tomorrow. Will that do for you my lady?" Taylor says smiling at Hera.

"Yes. That'll do lovely" She says smiling in return.

"Excellent. Now I do believe it is getting late and I think we should all retire to our chambers" Zeus says and everyone agrees as they wish to wrap their minds about what just happened.

Everyone disperses and the party ends and everyone leaves to their homes.

When Taylor arrives at his chambers he closes the doors and leans his back on them as his eyes widen at what is going to happen.

Tomorrow I'm going to go on a date with Hera. He repeats in his mind and a smile and a blush spreads across his face

I'm going on a date with Hera. And he does a silent cheer.

Meanwhile Hera was in a similar state as she was in her chambers that she no longer shared with Zeus, a punishment meant for him but one that he doesn't care for, and was leaning on her own doors.

Tomorrow I'm going on a date with Taylor. She also repeats in her mind and a blush also appears on her face.

I'm going on a date with Taylor. And a smile stretches across her face.

And so when tomorrow arrived Taylor knocked on Hera's chamber doors and waited patiently but nervously for Hera.

Ok you got this, you got this. He repeats trying to calm his nerves but fails miserably.

Taylor adjusts his normal attire, fixing any small mistakes left.

Then the doors open and he straightens up and gives a smile but the smile disappears as his jaw hangs open at her attire.

His breath hitches as his eyes roam at her clothes and whatever he was going to say was thrown out the window.

Hera obviously notices how Taylor had frozen and a cheeky smirk appears.

"What's wrong? Did I over do it?" She asks shyly but cheekily.

Immediately his head snaps to her head.

"No! I-I mean uh no" He says shifting nervously.

"I-I was just caught off guard by how amazing you look in your dress" He says composing himself and smiling warmly at her.

"Thank you and you look lovely as well" She says still slightly smirking.

He smiles gratefully to her then looks down for a second before looking up at her.

"Before we go on our date I wish to make something clear" He says shifting slightly.

She raises an eyebrow at him and he continues.

"I wish for you to know that should you ever feel uncomfortable you can always end the bet whenever you wish and we can go back to what we were before" He says.

Hera smiles at him. She was grateful that Taylor was worried about making her uncomfortable but she also noticed the small sad tone at the end of his sentence.

"Don't worry about me. To be honest I'm actually looking forward to this date" She says surprising him.

"Really?" He asks with his eyebrows raised.

"Well when do you think was the last time I went on a date?" She asks raising an eyebrow and placing a hand on her hip.

"Ah. Right" Taylor says looking slightly down and narrowing his eyes.

"Besides nothing wrong with going on a date with my friend is there?" She asks smiling.

Taylor looks up at her and his face relaxes.

"No I suppose not" He says smiling then offers his arm.

"My lady. Shall we begin with our date?" He asks.

"Of course" She says smirking and intertwines her arm with his.

"So what's your plan for today?" She asks.

"I thought that we should start small and at a place where we'll be comfortable with" He replies.

He leads her to her garden where a small table with two seats, tea and food are waiting for them.

She sees her favourite sweets and baked food and then looks to Taylor with a smile.

"My, my, a small tea party with all my favourite sweets. Classic but very basic" She says smirking.

"Well if you don't like it we could always leave" He replies with his own smirk.

"Not at all" She says smiling warmly and they sit.

Taylor starts pouring her tea before pouring his own. She takes a sip and she hums in delight.

"You remembered my favourite tea as well" She says closing her eyes and enjoying the warm drink.

"Of course I do. It wouldn't be a good idea to give you your favourite food without your favourite drink now would it?" He says with a chuckle.

"No I suppose not" She says with a small giggle.

The two then continue their small date with some silence, just enjoying each other's company and the food and drinks. 

However they can't stay silent forever but neither one really knows what to talk about despite all the times they talked together before.

Until Taylor sighs.

"I'm trying to think of a topic we could talk about but I've got nothing" He say shaking his head with a smile.

"I wish I could say I have something to talk about but I'm not sure either" Hera says rubbing her eyes in slight annoyance.

Taylor holds his chin in his hand as he tries to think of something.

"How do you think the mortals are doing?" He says finally.

The two haven't really discussed about the mortal world before and they need to talk about something so Hera agrees with the idea to just talk about something random and hopes that'll help get more conversations going.

"I think despite all their flaws they've made impressive achievements" She says.

"Oh? Like what?" He asks.

"Well flying to the moon was impressive for starters. Then there is their creativity for entertainment" She says listing some random things.

Taylor's ears perk up at the entertainment part.

"I suppose that is true. But what sort of entertainment are you referring to?" He asks intently.

"I suppose their movies are the first thing that comes to mind" She says.

It was there that Taylor knew exactly where to take her for their next date.

"And what type of movies would you like to see?" He asks sipping his tea.

Hera glances at him now realising where he plans to take her next.

"Hmm I did hear a movie that was supposedly well liked" She says smiling at the chance to go on a movie date.

"Oh? And what's this movie called?" He asks.

"I believe they called it 'fifty shades of grey' but I'm not sure what it's about" She says taking a bite out of a biscuit.

Taylor takes a moment to think about this movie. He recognises the name and knows it's suppose to be some sort of romance movie but that's all he really knows about it.

"I recognise the movie but I too am unsure of the story behind it. Although I do believe it's suppose to be a romantic movie" He says refilling their drinks while glancing at her.

"Sounds like a perfect second date" She says smirking at him.

"Indeed it does" He replies with a similar smirk.

They then notice the sun dropping and their food and drinks almost gone completely.

"I do believe our date is over now" Hera says disappointed that the day ended to soon.

"Not yet" He says standing up and confusing her.

"I still need to escort you back to your chambers" He says offering his arm once again.

Hera smiles in amusement and stands to take his arm again.

They walk back to her chambers in a comfortable silence. Upon returning to the doors he opens them for her and she enters.

"Although basic, I enjoyed the date greatly" She says jokingly but also sincerely.

"It pleases me to know that my lady. And I hope that you will continue to enjoy our future dates" He says slightly bowing, grateful that the first date was a success.

"I'm sure I will" She says. 

The two bid each other goodnight and retire for the night. As they both lay in their beds they both can't fight off the smiles, the blushes, and the excitement for the next date.

The next day Taylor visited the mortal world and tried to figure out when the movie 'fifty shades of grey' was supposed to be on at their cinemas. And to his luck a cinema was going to play it in two days.

So he returned to Olympus and discussed with Hera when their next date would start and she was excited that they would be going to a cinema for the first time.

And so after waiting the two days they travel to the mortal world, disguised as mortals of course, and went on their way to their movie date.

"I must say I'm surprised that we're going to see a movie so soon but nonetheless excited" Hera says smiling.

"I too was surprised at how soon as well but I'm not complaining" He says smiling as well.

They arrive at the cinema and see people entering and leaving the building. They enter and get the tickets Taylor had already bought yesterday.

"You already bought tickets?" She asks.

"Of course. I didn't want to risk getting them after all the seats were taken" He explains and she smiles at how prepared he was for their date.

They buy a box of popcorn and two drinks and the worker informs the two where their door is and Hera takes Taylor's hand, causing him to blush, and they walk to their destination.

After finding the right room they enter and travel to their seats which happens to be in the front row. Hera sits to Taylor's right and he her left.

"Front row seats. Very nice" Hera says smirking.

"Only the best for the greatest" He replies back with his own smirk and causing her to blush at the compliment.

The lights dim and the movie begins. Throughout the movie they watch with smiles and a blush. They reach into the popcorn and brush hands multiple times. Each time they do they glance at one another and quickly look away with a bigger blush.

Then Hera, feeling a little bold, lays her head on his shoulder. Taylor stiffens at the sudden move but quickly relaxes and smiles. Then, feeling bold himself, he wraps his arm around her and her breath hitches but smiles at the contact.

Then the scene happens.

It was then the two realised why this movie was well liked.

Throughout the whole scene the two had massive blushes. They glanced at each other wide eyed and their blushes increase, if it was even possible.

After the movie ended they left very flustered and embarrassed. Neither said anything when they left the cinema but then Taylor chuckles.

"An interesting choice of movie you picked" He says grinning.

"N-no! I didn't know it was a movie like that!" She says her blush darkening.

"Oh really? You suggested it. I wonder what else you'll suggest in the future" He says grinning.

"I swear! I wouldn't pick it and give you such an impression that I would want that" She tries to explain.

"Oh so you wouldn't wish to lie with me?" He says making a disappointed and hurt face.

"N-no! I mean yes! I mean I would like to lie with you but not right now-no wait!" Hera stumbles over words.

Then Taylor bursts out laughs and soon Hera laughs as well, just as loud as him. After a moment of laughter they calmed down and returned to Olympus and once again he escorts her back to her chambers.

"Well despite your choice in movies," Taylor says chuckling earning a playful slap to the chest and a playful glare from Hera.

"I had enjoyed myself immensely tonight" He says smiling warmly at her.

"As did I" She says returning the smile.

They arrive at her chambers and bid each other goodnight again.

They lie in their beds with large smiles as they think back to the fun they've both had.

This is better than I thought it would be. They both thought the same thing with blushes.

And so for months they continued this. Taylor arriving at her chambers and taking her to their dates, enjoying themselves the whole time until Taylor escorts her back to her room.

And when they weren't out on their dates they were performing their duties. Although that didn't stop Taylor sending gifts to her. He would send flowers, poems, and some desserts or sweets.

Hera was very thankful for the gifts as her duties always seem to take a bit of a toll on her but with the gifts she was able to do them with a smile.

Hera hasn't admitted it aloud but she knew she was falling for the god of darkness. She wasn't fully sure about their relationship and her relationship with Zeus. But the more time she spent with Taylor, the happier she became.

All the gods noticed her cheerful and happier attitude now and they wondered whether the queen of Olympus was falling in love with Taylor.

With Taylor he too was in a more cheerful mood. Everyone noticed how he was smiling more and seemed to be humming a tune while he worked.

Of course Zeus also noticed the more cheerful gods and after ten months of dates and such he decided to confront Hera about it.

Hera was with some gods and goddesses as they wished to know how she and Taylor were doing. 

"I must admit I was shocked by the bet from the start but after the first date it felt so wonderful" Hera says smiling.

"We can tell from how much you two have been smiling" Poseidon says grinning.

"Indeed. You seem to be much happier with Taylor these last few months than you have been with Zeus for thousands of years" Athena says smiling.

"I suppose i am" Hera says humming.

"But I wonder if your in love with him now" Athena says inquisitively.

The rest of the gods practically lean forward to hear her response. Hera doesn't confirm it but she doesn't deny it either. 

"Your silence speaks volumes sister" Poseidon says chuckling.

"In truth I do not know" Hera says sighing.

"Well you better figure it out quickly" A voice behind her says.

Everyone turns and sees Zeus standing there with his arms crossed. He has a smile stretched across his white beard but his eyes are narrowed.

"Zeus? To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" Hera asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Is it not normal for a husband to check on his wife?" Zeus says still smiling with narrowed eyes.

"It is. But it's not normal for you" Hera replies narrowing her eyes.

Zeus smiles falters a bit but then he grins and shrugs his shoulders.

"Well I was worried" Zeus says.

Everyone present narrowed their eyes in suspicion. Zeus was not one to worry and when he was, he would be planning something.

"After all we don't know what he is truly like" Zeus says uncrossing his arms.

"I'm sorry? What are you talking about?" Hera asks.

"Taylor. We see he is an honourable and strong warrior but we don't truly know what he is like" Zeus explains.

Hera and the rest of the gods knew what Zeus was planning now.

"Indeed. It would seem that he is also a caring romantic" Hera says with a smirk.

"Perhaps you should take lessons from him. Maybe then you could be able to keep some of your flings" Hera says smirking wider.

Everyone snickers at the insult but Zeus glares for second but relaxes a bit.

"Perhaps I do, maybe I could be able to sleep with Aphrodite more than once" Zeus says cupping his chin.

Hera glares at Zeus, trying to figure out the rest of his plan.

"I mean he seems to be able to woo you and still sleep with her" Zeus says.

Hera glares harder.

"I do not believe that for a second. Taylor is not the one on cheating" Hera defends Taylor.

Zeus smirks and leans down a bit.

"Then why have I seen him sneak off with her these last five months?" He asks smirking widely.

Hera falters a bit and is unable to respond for a second.

"As matter of fact they are together right now" Zeus says and her eyes widen.

"That's a lie" Hera states firmly.

"Then why don't we find out?" Zeus says grinning.

Everyone was caught a bit off guard by what he was saying but none the less they followed the god of lightning.

They arrive at near the entrance to the underworld and to much of their shock they see Taylor and Aphrodite walking towards the entrance together.

Hera heart breaks seeing the two together but composes herself.

"All I see is two friends hanging out together. Nothing more" Hera says but she wasn't convinced.

"I suppose but I wonder what they do together down there. Such a mystery" Zeus says shrugging and walks off.

Hera watches Taylor and Aphrodite stop at the doors and speak with one another but then Aphrodite spots them and grins.

Hera recognises the grin on her face. It was the one she wore when she had something up her sleeve. 

Aphrodite spoke to Taylor and he turned around and saw Hera standing some distance from them, he smiles and waves to her.

Hera was confused, as well as the others, but she waved back although a bit hesitant. However it seemed Taylor noticed her small hesitation and the two of them decided to come over.

When he arrived he gave her a smile as well as everyone else but he noticed the small shift of tension in the air.

"My lady. Is there something wrong?" He asks with a smile but glances at the gods behind her.

"We were just discussing about some of our duties when we noticed you two. Might I ask what you were doing?" Hera asks with a smile but her eyes showed a hint of betrayal.

Taylor and Aphrodite glance at one another before looking back at them.

"I asked for Aphrodite's help with... a project of mine and hoped that should could give me another's opinion" Taylor says.

"And why didn't you ask for mine?" Hera asks with a slight venom in her voice.

Taylor glances to Aphrodite in slight worry.

"Because I'm afraid I can't ask for yours" He says with some worry.

"Oh? Well might I ask what exactly you needed her opinion in?" Her tone getting angrier.

"Let me guess. Is this position good or not?" She asks with venom.

The two were confused by what she meant but a second later it clicked in their minds.

"No! That's not what we're doing!" Taylor says raising his hands.

"Then why have you two been sneaking away together?" She asks her voice raising.

"I can't tell you" He says with some hesitation.

"Can't or won't?" She asks bitterly.

Before this escalates Aphrodite places a hand on Taylor's shoulder causing him to look at her.

"I think it's time dear" She says giving a small sad smile.

Hera heart practically shatters hearing this. 

So he was still sleeping with her. She says bitterly and sadly.

But Taylor shakes his head with wide eyes. 

"No! It's not ready!" He says firmly.

Everyone, especially Hera, became very confused by what he meant by that.

"I know but you need to show her now. She won't believe anything you say until you do" Aphrodite says.

"But it's almost finished! Just another month or two and it'll be ready!" He says worriedly.

"Then let me ask you this. Can you go on for that long while Hera seems to hate you while your on your dates?" Aphrodite says with an eyebrow raised.

Taylor opens his mouth to respond but nothing comes out and he closes it.

"Didn't think so" Aphrodite says with a smile.

Taylor shifts back and forth.

"Fuck!" He cries out throwing his hands in the air before running a hand down his face.

"I know you don't want to but I don't think you have much of a choice now" She says placing a hand back on his shoulder and giving him a sad smile.

He looks at her then to the confused Hera then sighs sadly and tiredly.

"Your right" He says with some annoyance.

"Come with me" He says holding his hand out to Hera.

"I'm sorry? What in the pits are you two talking about?" She asks still angry but more confused.

"You wanted to know what we've been doing? Then let me show you" He says still holding his hand out.

Hera was greatly confused by what was happening but she wanted to believe that he wasn't sleeping around behind her back and decided to give him the benefit of doubt.

So with some hesitation she took his hand and he led her to the underworld. The rest of the gods were going to follow but Aphrodite stopped them.

"No. This is something between those two. But don't worry I'll tell you what we've been doing" She says smiling at the two as the doors close behind them.

As the two travelled through the underworld neither one said anything throughout the whole time but Taylor kept glancing at her.

Hera noticed the glances and saw he was nervous and worried. This confused her more but stayed silent.

They walked for a few minutes until Taylor stops at a certain doors and turns to her.

"Close your eyes" He says.

"I'm sorry? Why would I-" She tries to say but he cuts her off.

"Hera. Please" He says quietly.

Hera saw the vulnerability in his voice and hesitated but eventually closed her eyes. She heard the doors open and was lead inside the room.

She heard water running and some other familiar sounds but couldn't place a finger on them. Taylor continued to lead her a few more steps into the room until they stop.

"Ok. You can open them now" He says.

She opens them and when she does she gasps and lifts a hand to her mouth.

Inside the room was a beautiful garden that held some fountains, a small river, some of her favourite animals and so many flowers.

Hera couldn't believe her eyes as she looked around the room until she looks over at the nervous Taylor.

"Do...do you like it?" He asks hesitantly.

"I love it" She says smiling wider than she ever has.

Taylor gives out a sigh of relief.

"How long have you been working on this?" She asks still in disbelief.

Taylor tenses and shifts his body a bit.

"...three years" He says embarrassed.

Her head snaps to him immediately and she can't hide the shock on her face.

"The first year was planning how and where to do this. Took me several plans before i decided on this" He says smiling at the memory.

"The second year was building all the foundations without letting anyone find out about it. Took awhile but I've got most of it done" He explains further.

"And this year was deciding what plants to grow and actually growing them. I asked my mother for the seeds I needed and was more than happy to assist me. Although she offered to use her powers I refused, I thought it would be better if I did by hand" He says rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

Hera couldn't believe her ears. He had worked on this garden for so long and hard.

"But when the bet was made I had to speed up the progress and I asked Aphrodite for her opinion on whether or not you would like it or not" He explains.

"But why her of all the gods?" She asks a bit confused by his choice.

"Remind me, what was she the god of?" He asks with a smirk.

"She's the goddess of beauty and Love" She says.

Then her eyes widen with realisation and slaps herself mentally for it.

"Exactly. As the goddess of love she would know exactly how to help with this" He says still smirking.

Hera shakes her head in disbelief and relief.

But a question was burning inside her mind.

"But why did you start building this before the bet?" She asks.

Taylor freezes and his eyes widen. His mouth opens and closes. Then he sighs and looks down.

"...because I love you" He says quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

Hera freezes as well and her jaw hangs open.

"W-what did you say?" She whispers.

"I designed, built and grew this garden because I love you" He says looking up and blushing madly.

A massive blush also spreads across her face and she is unable to say anything.

"I've loved you from the moment we met. You were just so... perfect," He says taking a step towards her.

"You were so gentle when you cared for the plants in your garden. You had this fiery spirit that no one could stop," He keeps going, taking another step to her.

"Even if I tried I doubt I could have stopped myself from having these feelings. Everyday I saw you my heart raced, my throat dried. When I hear you laugh and see you smile, my body melts" He says taking a final step to her.

"It's why I love spending my time with you the most. It's why I'm standing before you right now" He says lifting a hand up to her and cupping her chin.

"It's why I'm going to do this" He whispers.

Then his lips are on top of hers. She gives out a small surprised muffled yelp, caught off guard by the sudden kiss. But she slowly melts into it and places her hands on his chest and kisses back.

They kiss for as long as they had breath until they didn't and pulled away.

Hera looks into his eyes and saw no ill intent, no mischief.

Only pure unconditional love.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asks in a whisper.

"Because you took the role of a wife the most serious out of everyone, even if your husband didn't care, but that only made me love you more" He explains with a whisper.

Hera's heart was racing and her mind was blank at everything he has said and done for her.

But much to her disappointment he stepped away from her and looked at her with sad eyes.

"And I know it's also the reason why I'll lose the bet" He says.

Hera was shocked by what he said.

"You never intended to win?" She asks.

"I had hoped I would but I know that despite everything he has done you still love Zeus" He says sadly.

"But this bet allowed me to go on at least one date with you. So right now, I'm the happiest god to ever live" He says smiling sadly and turns to the doors.

"I'll leave you be. Thank you for this chance" He whispers and walks out the door.

Hera stood there frozen. She couldn't believe that he was giving up his chance to love merely to go on a single date with her.

Her heart soared when she thought about it but then her heart breaks as she knew she still, in some way, loved Zeus.

And so for the next few hours she sat in the grass enjoying the scenery until she decided it was time to retire to her chambers.

When she left the underworld the gods were waiting for her as Aphrodite had told them what Taylor had planned but they stayed silent at her confused and sadden expression. 

Athena asked if she was ok but Hera did not respond and instead just continued to walk to her chambers.

The gods were left greatly confused and worried thinking that something went terribly wrong and decided to keep an eye on the two gods.

For the last few months the two didn't go on anymore dates but Taylor would send an occasional gift from time to time.

The gods noticed the smile on Taylor's face but they also noticed the sadness in his eyes. And with Hera, she wasn't able to perform her duties well due to how distant her mind was, so the rest of the gods took over or assisted in her duties while she tried to think about the matter.

Then the final day came.

Hera was in her chambers styling her hair but like every other day her mind thought about Taylor.

She thought about how much fun she had this year, how she laughed. 

A smile spreads across her face as she thinks back. But suddenly a knock Is heard on the door. Her heart soars thinking it's Taylor so she quickly finishes her hair and opens the door with a smile.

But her smile falters when she sees it's Aphrodite.

"Morning Hera" She greets with a smile.

"Morning Aphrodite" She greets back glances around trying to spot Taylor.

Aphrodite saw her glances and mentally smirked.

"I thought perhaps you would like some help choosing an outfit and a hairstyle. Might I come in?" She asks.

Before Hera could respond she slips past her.

"Oh lovely. Thank you" She says grinning.

Hera knew she was up to something but decided that maybe talking to her could help and closed the doors.

"Now sit down and let me tend to your hair dear" She says.

Hera sits back down and Aphrodite starts brushing her hair.

"Mm big day today isn't it?" Aphrodite says.

Hera merely hums in response.

"I must admit I'm kind of jealous that you get to marry Taylor. I mean he put our activities on pause because of this bet and he said that if you did love him then he would end things between us" Aphrodite says.

Hera doesn't say anything but is still a little shocked by what she said.

"Hell I kind of hope you refuse him" Aphrodite says.

Hera looks at her in utter bewilderment.

"Zeus said he couldn't love again but he didn't say anything about fucking" She explains with a cheeky grin.

Hera rolls her eyes but can't fight off the small smile.

"There it is. There's that smile he loves" Aphrodite says smirking in the mirror.

Her smile falters a bit.

"Has he really loved me for so long?" Hera whispers but Aphrodite hears it.

"I'm not sure" Aphrodite says honestly.

"But I do know this" She says next and Hera looks at her in the mirror.

"Ever since this bet began, neither one of you have barely stopped smiling like two little kids playing" Aphrodite says with a warm smile.

"And now you must ask yourself. Are you still happy with Zeus? Or are you more happy with Taylor?" She asks and sets the brush down.

"There we go. My work here is done" Aphrodite hums and leaves the room.

Hera, still seated, looks down in thought.

Half an hour later everyone is in the throne room where a grinning Zeus is waiting.

"So Taylor were you successful?" Zeus says mockingly.

"I think we both know the answer to that" Taylor says with a sad smile.

Zeus was confused to why he was still smiling.

"Yet you smile?" He asks.

"Of course. We both knew I wasn't going to win the bet" Taylor says.

"Then why did you accept?" Zeus asks with a raised brow.

"Don't act like you don't know Zeus. You knew I was in love with Hera for a long time, haven't you?" Taylor says keeping his smile but crosses his arms.

Everyone present was shocked that Taylor was in love with Hera before the bet.

"Of course. And it's why I made the bet" Zeus says smirking evilly.

"I knew Hera would never betray me but I didn't wish for you to keep ogling over at my wife. So I gave you a chance to try and woo her and have you fail" Zeus explains his plan grinning wider.

"And yet there was something you didn't account for" Taylor says still smiling.

"I never believed I was going to win but I saw a chance to at least have one date with one of the greatest woman I have had the pleasure of meeting," Taylor says stepping towards him.

"And so you made me the happiest man to have ever live. And I thank you for this" Taylor says.

This truly shocked everyone, even Zeus was taken aback by Taylor's announcement. Hera's heart however was aching as she was still puzzled by her feelings.

"Now then let us conclude the bet shall we?" Taylor says holding out his hand.

Zeus grins and reaches for his hand.

And time seemed to slow down for Hera.

Memories flash before eyes. Her dates, her gifts, the garden and the love Taylor showed her. Her heart raced, her cheeks flushed and her mind melting.

She looks at Taylor and sees him looking at her.

They lock eyes and neither one dares to look away.

Then she whispers quietly three words.

"I love you"

And the two shake hands.

Magic swirls around their hands for a moment before disappearing.

"I hope you can live without loving a woman" Zeus mocks laughing.

But it falls on deaf ears as Taylor's eyes were wide when he saw what Hera said. He did not hear her but he understood what she said.

Zeus calms down and notices his nephews disbelieved expression and looks over to where he is looking.

"Aw what's wrong? Can't believe your love for her is gone?" Zeus laughs again.

But he stops laughing when he turns back to him and sees tears in his eyes and a large smile stretches across his face.

"What are you smiling at?" Zeus asks utterly confused.

Taylor doesn't say anything but looks at Zeus's hand. Zeus looks down as well and his eyes widen.

He still had the tattoo.

Zeus's head snaps to Taylor's hand but it was gone.

"No" Zeus whispers in disbelief.

Everyone quickly realises what happened.

Taylor had won the bet.

He had won Hera's love.

"No" Zeus says again.

Taylor looks at Hera and sees tears in her eyes as well and a happy, loving smile was plastered on her face

"No!" Zeus yells.

Everyone turns to Zeus who was red with rage and yellow lightning crackling all over his arms.

"No! I refuse to believe you have won!" He yells.

"Brother! Enough! You made a bet and lost! Do not make this worse for yourself!" Poseidon yells, trying to calm him down.

But he ignores his brother and lifts his palm to Taylor and fires a bolt of lightning. Taylor raises his palm and a shadow dome surrounds him. The bolt strikes the dome but the dome remains intact.

"You must have cheated! You used a spell of sorts to escape your punishment!" Zeus yells.

Taylor disperses the dome and he is shown in his armour with his twin swords in his hands.

"The only cheater here is you Zeus! I won because I was truthful about my love! But you? You only saw Hera as some fucking trophy!" Taylor angrily yells back.

Zeus scowls and rushes at Taylor with lightning wrapping around his fists. He swings a fist but Taylor ducks under it and slashes at Zeus's side. He roars in pain and backhands Taylor away.

Taylor falls to his side but regains his footing. Then he summons two shadow clones, one holding a spear and shield while the other holds a battle axe.

Zeus fires another bolt but the shadow clone holding the shield jumps in front of it and blocks it. The one with battle axe charges and swings down on Zeus but he jumps away.

Unfortunately for him, Taylor snuck up behind him and kicked him in the back, making him stumble forward. Then a spear pierces through his stomach. He cries out and grabs the clone and snaps it neck, making the clone disappear into smoke.

Then a battle axe buries into his left shoulder. Zeus roars out in pain and grabs the axe head but Taylor punches him in the face and he falls to one knee. The clone pulls out the axe out of his shoulder and swings the blunt side into Zeus face.

He spins and falls to his stomach. He tries to push himself up but Taylor stabs a sword through his hand and into the ground. Zeus groans tiredly and painfully as the clone disappears into smoke.

"You lose again Zeus" Taylor says.

Zeus glares up at him.

"I'll... never stop... Hera... is mine... not... yours...she will... love me... whether...she wants to... or not" Zeus says breathing heavily.

"You won't get the chance" Taylor says.

He raises his other sword and plunges it through Zeus's back and into the heart. Zeus let's out pained gasp and falls still. Then his body disappears in small lights and Taylor's swords disappears in smoke.

The throne room falls silent as they stare at Zeus's dead body with Taylor standing over him. After a moment of stunned silence Hera stands up and walks over to Taylor.

Taylor looks at her and she stops a few feet away. They stare at one another before she runs up to him. He wraps his arms around her just as she crashes into him and they hug tightly.

"I love you" She whispers.

"I love you too" He whispers back.

Though everyone was still shocked about Zeus's death they nonetheless smile at the two gods in love. Aphrodite ushers everyone out, leaving the room last but sends a smirk at the happy couple.

The two hug for some time before pulling away but still holding each other. Taylor reaches up and caresses her cheek.

They lean forward and their lips crash against one another. 

They kiss for a minute before pulling away for air and lean their foreheads to together.

"This isn't a dream is it?" Taylor asks with a laugh.

"If it is then I hope we never wake up" Hera says smiling widely.

They embrace each other again.

A month had passed since the bet ended and much has changed. 

With Zeus dead someone had to lead Olympus. Now while Taylor was the obvious choice, he did not wish to rule Olympus and gave it to his uncle Poseidon who accepted with some hesitation.

With Poseidon now ruling Olympus, Hera was no longer burdened by doing all her previous husband's duties and was now able to relax after centuries.

And with the burden lifted from her shoulders, she and Taylor were able to spend much more time together, and somehow getting closer each day.

Hera finally felt the loving and loyal embrace of her new love.

And for Taylor, he still believes he is either dreaming or dead but he doesn't care because he finally has the woman he loves in his arms for the rest of eternity.

But today was a special day for the loving couple.

For it was their wedding day.

Music and laughter had filled the air all day until night to celebrate the newly wedded couple. It was a great ceremony for them and they would treasure this day within their memories for a long, long time.

After the ceremony had ended, which had stopped at around midnight, the wedded couple were giggling and laughing as Taylor carried Hera to their now shared bed chambers.

After entering and closing the doors to their chambers, the two immediately started another round of a make out session. 

As their tongues wrapped around one another, Taylor gently set her down on the bed and lied on top of her until they pulled away for air.

"I love you my god of darkness" Hera whispers breathless.

"I love you my queen goddess" Taylor whispers back.

(Warning Incest Smut)

The two grin and lock lips again. Their hands roam each others bodies until Taylor's hand reaches her round ass and gives it a squeeze. Hera moans and he slips his tongue into her mouth.

Hera moans again at being dominated like this and Taylor pulls away grinning.

"Taylor... please, I need you" Hera whispers.

"As you wish my lady" Taylor says grinning wider.

They pull each other's clothes off and Taylor finally gets to see her glorious tits. He gives her another kiss before travelling down her jaw, to her neck until he reaches her chest.

He gives her right breast a few gentle kisses before sucking on the nipple. Hera gasps and holds Taylor's head closer to her chest. Taylor grins and nips at her tit.

After sucking her right tit for a bit he then gives the left one some attention. As he nips and sucks her breast his other hand travels down to her crotch and gently rubs her entrance. Hera moans and arches her back. 

He inserts a finger and thrusts slowly into her. Hera's breath hitches and moans louder as he puts in another finger. 

"Yes! More!" Hera whimpers.

Taylor speeds up and within a minute she releases over his hand. She breathes heavily as she rides out her orgasm.

"No more waiting! I need your cock inside me! Now!" Hera breathes.

Taylor grins and lies on top of her. He positions his dick at her entrance and slowly enters until he is all the way in. Hera moans feeling his cock inside her. Taylor waits for her to adjust until she nods.

"You can move now" She whispers.

He slowly thrusts into her tight pussy. Hera moans and wraps her arms around Taylor's neck. 

"Faster! Harder!" She says.

He does so and watches as her tits bounce with each thrust, soon he sucks on them again.

"You like my tits don't you?" Hera giggles.

"No. I love them" Taylor says and she giggles again. 

"Just like how I love your round ass" Taylor compliments while giving it a squeeze.

"Just like how I love you" Taylor says grinning.

"I love you too" Hera says and pulls his head up and kisses him.

Soon they feel their ends approach and they pull away.

"I'm close! Where do want it?" Taylor asks.

"Inside!" Hera moans wrapping her legs around him.

Taylor speeds up and after another minute they both cum.

Hera's eyes roll into the back of her head as she feels his warm cum fills her up and her own juices mixes with his.

After shooting ropes of cum inside her, Taylor pulls out with a pop and and his cum starts to leak from her. Hera breathes heavily but her eyes turn to hearts seeing him still hard.

"Still got some left in you?" Hera asks with a smirk.

"Much more" He growls seductively.

Hera shivers, then yelps as he puts her on her stomach and he slowly enters her ass. Hera's eyes widen and moans loudly.

Taylor waits for her to adjust before he begins to pound her ass. Hera moans as her ass ripples with each thrust.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" Hera moans out.

"You like that?" Taylor asks, leaning down to her ear.

"No. I love it" Hera says with her eyes rolled back and her tongue.

He grins and thrusts faster and harder while pushing a hand down on her neck.

"Yes! Yes! I'm close! So close! Finish inside me!" Hera begs.

After a few minutes of ass pounding, Taylor cums deep inside her again while Hera has her own orgasm. Afterwards he pulls out again and lies down beside her.

(Smut now over)

The two breathe heavily as they calm down from their orgasms.

"Tired?" He jokingly asks.

"A little" Hera replies, her breathing returning back to its usual routine.

"Then let's call it a night" He says pulling the blankets up.

"Don't you want to continue?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"Oh I do," Taylor says with a chuckle.

He then lifts a hand and cups her chin.

"But I have every night in the future to do this with you" He says with a grin.

Hera smirks and kisses him. They pull away and cuddle each other.

"I love you" She says.

"I love you too" He says.


It's been roughly a week since the wedding. Hera and Taylor continue their dates and they smile every day. And every night they fuck for hours.

But tonight Hera has a surprise for her husband.

Taylor was at his desk writing down on some papers when he hears a knock on his door.

"Enter" He says without looking up.

The door opens and Hera steps through.

"Hello husband" Hera greets with a smile.

Taylor immediately stops writing and looks up and smiles.

"Hello my queen" He says grinning.

Hera walks over to him with some sway to her hips.

"Are you busy?" She asks with some slight hope in her eyes.

"No not really. Just some paper work that can be finished tomorrow" He replies.

Hera's eyes light up and a seductive smirk spreads.

"Lovely. Then you wouldn't mind joining me in our chambers?" Hera asks.

Taylor notices the behaviour of his wife and wonders what she's up to.

"Of course" He says rising from his desk.

They walk out his office and down to their chambers. They enter and Taylor suspects somethings off but isn't sure what.

"So what did you wish to speak to me about?" He asks turning to her.

"Oh I don't want to talk," Hera says walking up to him.

She places a hand on his chest and leans up to his ear.

"I rather fuck you" She whispers seductively.

Taylor grins and grabs her, she yelps and giggles as she's thrown to the bed. Taylor lies on top of her and they make out for a minute.

They pull away and Taylor slides a hand up her thigh but she grabs his arm.

"Nah uh" She tuts.

"Your not allowed to feel me tonight" She says grinning while using her other hand to hold up a blindfold.

Taylor raises a brow at this but nonetheless intrigued.

"Kinky tonight aren't we?" He asks with a smirk.

He takes the blindfold and lies down on his back.

(Warning: Incest Smut)

Taylor feels Hera take his clothes off and hears her strip down herself.

"Here's what's going to happen. First I'm going to suck your fat cock. If you don't touch me then i'm gonna reward you by riding it like the beast it is. If you don't touch me again then you'll get a bigger reward but you must keep the blindfold on the whole time" Hera explains.

"Are you ready?" She says and he feels her warm breath on his neck.

He shudders slightly but nods. He feels her kiss his neck, then more kisses down until he feels her lips on his cock. Taylor breathes heavily as the sensations are now twice as strong thanks to the blindfold.

Soon he feels her lips wrap around the head and she sucks. Taylor grabs onto the sheets desperately, trying to not touch his wife.

Gods it was torture.

He feels her bob her head deeper and deeper until she starts to gag and soon he feels his end.

Oh how he wanted to grab her head and make her deep throat him.

"Hera! I'm close!" He rasps.

He feels her tongue swirl around and she speeds up. After a moment he explodes in her mouth. He feels and hears her moan as she continues to suck his cock.

After sending ropes of semen down her throat she pulls away with a pop.

"Delicious. And now for your reward" Hera says.

The bed shifts as he feels her straddle his waist. Then he feels her tight walls wrap around his shaft. Taylor groans and she starts to bounce on his lap and the room fills with the sound of skin slapping on skin and moaning.

Taylor throws his head back and grips the sheets tighter. 

He so badly wanted to grab her hips and pound into her but he doesn't want to lose. So with every bit of will he has, he resists touching her.

He then feels her hands on his chest and she slams her hips faster and harder on him.

"Fuck Hera! Gods be damned! I'm gonna get you back for this!" Taylor groans.

She doesn't respond but she does speed up. Soon he feels his orgasm building again.

"Almost there Hera! So close!" He says. 

After a few more slams he cums inside her. He feels her twitch as he shoots deep inside her and hears her moan.

"My my Taylor. I didn't think you'd succeed" He hears Hera praise.

"Now are you ready for your reward?" She whispers in his ear.

And he freezes.

Hera is leaning on the bed next to his head with her arms crossed in front of her...

So who still had their hands on his chest!?

"Hera? Who is on top of me?" He asks.

"Take off the blindfold and find out" She replies with a giggle.

He immediately grabs it and rips it off his face…

(Image Insert Here)

And sees Aphrodite still sitting on his lap with his cock deep inside her cunt.

"Aphrodite!? What is this!?" He yells utterly shocked, looking back and forth at the two giggling women.

"Your surprise and reward" Hera says grinning.

"Surprise!? Reward!? Hera why would you allow me to fuck Aphrodite!?" He asks still confused.

"Well you see before I first confessed my love to you Aphrodite spoke to me and helped me figure out my feelings. So this is a surprise and reward for you but it's also a thank you for her," Hera explains.

"That and she won't stop complaining about missing your cock, though I can't blame her for that" Hera says playfully glaring at the giggling Aphrodite.

"But wait what about Hephaestus?" Taylor asks a little worried he's betrayed his friend.

"Oh don't worry, we divorced" Aphrodite says shocking him.

"He knew I wasn't satisfied with him and we both agreed to the divorce. It was his idea" Aphrodite explains.

"So your really ok with this?" He turns to his wife, still in disbelief.

"It's not cheating if I allow it" Hera says leaning down to his ear.

He glances to Aphrodite then back to Hera.

And he grins.

He grabs Aphrodite and spins them around. She yelps as her back hits the bed, then she screams in pleasure as he shoves his cock back into her cum filled pussy.

"Is this what you want?" Taylor growls.

He pounds at Aphrodite's cunt fast and hard all the while keeping his eyes on Hera.

"You want me to fuck this slutty goddess in front of you?" He grins.

"Yes" She says rubbing her clit.

"Oh fuck! Oh gods I've missed this cock!" Aphrodite screams with her tongue out.

Her tits bounce rapidly and Taylor gropes them much to her delight.

"Yes! Play with my tits!" She moans.

Taylor leans down and gives them some licks and kisses. 

"Mmm give her everything you got" Hera moans as she pumps her fingers inside her.

After a few minutes they feel their orgasms rising.

"Oh gods I'm gonna cum again!" Aphrodite screams.

"Me too! Where do you want it?" He says ponding her harder.

"Inside her! Fill her up!" Hera moans feeling her end approaching as well.

After few more thrusts he cums deep inside her. Aphrodite screams as her eyes roll into the back of her head and Hera cums all over her fingers.

After finishing inside her, for the second time, he pulls out with a pop. Then Hera jumps on Taylor and makes out with him. Her tongue wrestles with his but she moans as she loses the battle.

She wraps her legs around his waist and guides his cock into her soaking entrance. Her moans muffled by Taylor's mouth, she bounces on his cock without breaking their make out session.

After a minute they pull away and breathe heavily.

"Oh fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me!" She moans.

He grabs her hips and pounds her cunt faster and deeper and kisses her neck.

"You like this you fucking slut?" He growls.

"No. I fucking love it!" She says her tongue hanging out.

"I loved how you fucked that little bitch like the whore she is!" She moans bouncing faster.

"I love how you filled her up to the fucking brim!" She says as their ends are nearing.

"And I love how your going to fill me!" She moans.

After a few more thrust they cum together. Her juices mix with his hot cum as he fills her. After filling her up, Hera pushes him down to his back and spins around while his cock is still inside her.

Now in a reverse cowgirl position, Hera rolls her hips and slams them onto his lap. Taylor groans and holds her hips and helps guides them.

Aphrodite coming out of her daze looks over and sees the two lovers fucking. She smirks and crawls over to Taylor. She grabs his face and kisses him, Taylor hums and kisses back. Hera hears the kiss and looks over her shoulder and, much to her slutty delight, sees her husband making out with the whore goddess.

She rolls her hips faster and harder causing the two to split from their kiss and look over at her. Taylor gets an idea and whispers to Aphrodite who smirks. She stands up and walks up in front of Hera.

Hera, who is a moaning mess, looks up at Aphrodite who grabs her head and pulls it to her stuffed cunt. Immediately Hera licks up her husband's cum and Aphrodite's juices.

"Enjoying your meal?" Taylor asks grinning.

Hera can only give out a muffled moan in response.

"I think she does. She's licking it all up" Aphrodite giggles and moans.

Seeing his wife eat his cum out of another woman makes him harder and thrusts into her. Hera moans more but gives out a sudden yelp as Taylor slaps her jiggling ass.

"Oh she liked that" Aphrodite smirks.

Taylor slaps her ass again and feels her walls tighten.

"She certainly does" Taylor says, slapping her again and again.

With each slap she tightens and she laps at Aphrodite's cunt faster. Aphrodite eyes roll into the back of her head and she uses her other hand to grope one of her fat tits.

"Oh I'm gonna cum!" Aphrodite moans.

Hera moans as well and confirms she's close too.

"So am I" Taylor groans.

They keep going for a few more thrusts until the trio all cum together. Aphrodite moans and shudders, Taylor groans and holds Hera's ass tightly and Hera gives out her muffled moans.

The trio ride out their orgasms and collapse together on the bed.

(Smut is now over)

The three gods breathe heavily together as they rest from the mind blowing threesome.

"Well... that was..." Taylor breathes.

"Incredible?" Aphrodite asks.

"Yep" Taylor laughs.

"I will admit I did not think it would have been that fun" Hera admits.

"I hope you don't regret it" Taylor says looking at his wife.

"Not one bit" She says smiling.

Aphrodite hums and stands on her wobbling legs.

"Well I'll leave you love birds to rest or fuck again" She says looking for her clothes.

"Thank you. Same time tomorrow?" Hera asks.

Both Taylor and Aphrodite's heads whip around to the grinning Hera.

"I'm sorry? What? You want to do this again?" Aphrodite asks shocked.

"After the fun we just had? Absolutely" Hera answers.

"Really?" Taylor asks.

Hera looks back and forth at the shocked duo and rolls her eyes. She stands up from the bed and walks over to Aphrodite. Before she can do anything, Hera grabs her head and shoves her tongue into her mouth.

Aphrodite yelps but moans and kisses back as their hands roam each other's naked bodies. Taylor watches from the bed and immediately hardens from the scene. They pull away after a minute or so with a string of saliva.

"Does that prove what I'm saying?"

Aphrodite only nods with drunken smile. They look over at Taylor and giggle.

"Looks like he believes you as well" Aphrodite smirks.

The two walk up to the bed and then crawl up to him.

"I think it would be unfair to leave you in this state. Unless your too tired?" Hera says grinning.

Taylor scoffs and grabs Hera's head and kisses her. They pull away after a few seconds then he kisses Aphrodite too. They pull away after a few seconds as well.

"I can keep going for as long as I want" He grins.

And the three continue their fun for the rest of the night.

And for the rest of eternity.



11,000 WORDS!?

New fucking record!

Well despite my small achievement I hoped you guys enjoyed todays Oneshot/Lemon Chapter.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.