
One World

Waking up in a strange room was bad, but finding he was in a whole new world left Dan reeling. This earth had suffered an arrested development following a series of meteor strikes 100 years before. There is no technology, a new set of rules to obey and everything is under the control of the sinister One World Government. How will he find his way in this unfamiliar place.

Fiona_J_Roberts · Acción
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77 Chs

Chapter 45

During his research into his new world Dan had learned about the tragedy which had befallen the east coast of America. He remembered seeing a documentary about what would happen if part of one of the Canary Islands fell into the sea. There would be a massive tsunami which would cause untold damage and kill millions. On this earth that had happened.

There had been fears that Cumbre Vieja, on the island of La Palma, would erupt and cause a land slip along a fault line. Dan had watched a number of CGI imaginings of the wave sweeping into New York and other towns and cities along the coast. That had been so abstract and sensational, but here it was fact.

It wasn't exactly how the experts had predicted the tragedy would be caused. It was a meteor strike which dislodged the huge land mass on the side of the island and sent the tsunami racing towards America. The country was already suffering from the effects of the meteors and then came the wave.

Dan tried to envisage the horror that the approaching wall of water would have engendered. Giant waves tumbling people and debris through the streets. He then thought about the superheating of the earth in the wake of the meteor strikes and the way it would have killed. Drowned, scorched or starved, not much of a choice for those on the east coast of America.

Around the world huge disasters and small tragedies were occurring everywhere. There were no satellites or social media sites bouncing the news around the world, so it must have been many years until the full extent of the event was realised. When the strike happened there would have been around 2 billion people living on earth. This number was cut dramatically afterwards.

There was no way to tell how many had died. Pockets of survivors lived in all corners of the world. Those that lived in inhospitable places or on small islands were left to their own devices by the OWG. The One World Government had ensured that those areas which had the resources that they required were occupied and run by them. There were slim pickings for anyone who chose to live outside of their environs.

It was probable that there were groups of people who knew nothing of the OWG and their rule. Dan wondered what their lives were like. Did they live in a Utopian paradise as hunter gatherers? Maybe they were ruled by ruthless tyrants. More likely they were just about existing on whatever food they could produce.

The ports along the east coast of America had been devastated by the tsunami. The ships which crossed the Atlantic went to recently constructed docks which had appeared on the newly sculpted shore of the continent. What had been Norfolk, Virginia was the destination for the container ship which was due to collect wheat for distribution around the world.

The vast vessel was taking a small load to America. Some of the cargo holds had been empty and it was in one of these that a stowaway had been found. The ship had already set sail and they would not be turning back. It was likely that the injured man in their hold was the fugitive Rebel A, aka Bertie.

Before the ship had left England, they had been asked to search for a criminal. It was most likely that the man had drowned, they were told, but all precautions were being taken. The ship was huge and time was short and no one had looked for the man. The discovery was inconvenient to say the least.

When he was going under the water again and facing his death Bertie had caught hold of a rope which was trailing from an enormous ship. The water was swirling around him and he had been smashed against the hull. He had clung on desperately until he had found the massive anchor chain. He climbed it and scrambled aboard before finding an empty area in which to hide.

For two days he lay undiscovered. Bertie was dehydrated and in pain. A sailor came across him and he was taken to the ship's doctor who tried to help him, but had limited resources. Bertie's leg had been smashed and broken. How he had managed to get aboard none of them could work out. His handsome face had been ravaged too as he was slammed into the hull. His nose had been broken and a ragged tear ran down his right cheek.

The clumsy stitches in his face would leave a scar and he would ultimately be left with a slight limp where his bone had not been set correctly. Bertie's nose had a kink in it which, with his other injuries, made him look like a desperate villain. Which, of course, he was.

"Sorry I can't do more for you lad. Your pretty face is all banged up now. No more getting by on looks alone."

Bertie managed a smile for the doctor.

"I don't car. I'm alive, that's the main thing. I've got my wits, which is much more important than a handsome face. I'll be fine."

The captain of the ship was facing a dilemma. He should keep Bertie under lock and key and then deliver him to the authorities in Virginia. This would result in an investigation which would lead to delays. Was there an alternative?

Like many people around the world the captain had a certain amount of sympathy for those who opposed the OWG. Bertie's appearance had changed because of his injuries. If he was released when they reached America no one would know who he was. The members of the rebel's gang had been killed or captured, so it would be difficult for him to cause further trouble.

There would be problems aplenty for Bertie if he was let loose at Norfolk. He had no documentation and would therefore find it hard to get work. He now had a slight disability from his broken leg which would be another handicap. It was not clear whether he would survive for long living on the edges of society.

The ship's captain was not responsible for the stowaway. He would set him free once they reached America and then he would be on his own. That would be the best course of action for his crew, who would be mired in red tape if Bertie was arrested. They would all keep the secret of their unwanted passenger. A collection was made and Bertie would leave with a few pounds in his pocket. He also had some old clothes to replace his torn ones.

"I've considered what to do with you. I don't want the authorities sticking their nose in my business, or delaying me. I'm going to let you go. Don't mention the name of this ship if the authorities catch you. We've had a collection and here is a bit of money to start you off. Good luck, you're going to need it."

"Thanks. Don't worry, I won't be dropping anyone in it. I hate a grass."

Bertie hobbled from the ship with the help of a makeshift crutch, which a sailor had made for him. He left at the same time as the rest of the crew and followed them into the town. There were quite a few people around so he drifted away from his shipmates. He had eaten, a lot, before he disembarked, not knowing when he would get the chance to find more food. He would wander around the area to get the lie of the land.

The docks had a temporary feel about them. There were lots of wooden structures which had been speedily built. There was some work going on to replace the old buildings with teams of builders using concrete and brick. Ships and their crews, construction workers, stevedores and traders crowded around the harbour.

The residents of the town gave the shuffling scarred stranger a wide berth. It was going to be a challenge, but Bertie would find a way to survive. He was battered and bruised on the outside but nothing had damaged his inner resolve. He wanted to live. He hated the OWG. He would find a way to thrive and then he would return to England.

People had headed for America before the meteor strikes. Bertie had heard it referred to as "the land of opportunities". He hoped that it was still true. Looking like he did and being wanted by the OWG would make life very hard for him.

The incident at the port in England hadn't put him off. He was heading for America anyway. He had just got there by a different method. He didn't have the gas or his friends. He didn't have Serena. He did have the will to succeed.

Revenge was on his mind, too. He would see Dan again and he would kill him. First, he had to find a way to survive here. Rather than be despondent, he found himself smiling. Another challenge. He had the brains to make this work. All he needed now was a bit of luck.