
one week with possessive CEO

Reena was potential writer and wrote for time pass Writing is her hobby.... her patention. She can do anything for her hobby. She is Romance book writer but there was one thing Missing into her story because she was inexperienced. Her online friend suggested a club where she can gain experience without sting. After thinking so much, she decided to join that club and met very handsome and sexy. She spend whole seven days and nights with him. Later, she got to know he is Ceo of company in which she works for her earning. She trapped with him and she didn't know how to come out from it.

kanman · Fantasía
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44 Chs

chapter 22

Reena and Kashyap came into Kashyap's cabin. After sitting, Reena took deep breath and told, "Actually, I met him few months ago. we didn't know that time about each other except names. We spend some time together. Yesterday, when he called me into his cabin, then I got to know he is this company's CEO."

Kashyap tried to understand what's going on. but Reena told him briefly that's why he couldn't understand exact suitation. After thinking a while, he asked, "Now, What's the relationship between both of you?"

She said with lowered her head, "He said I am his girlfriend now."

Kashyap asked with hestitation, "Did he force you?"

She sighed deeply, "It's not like it." She postured her hands one up and other down, "We are like it. I am confused."

Kashyap asked with frown, "Reena, don't you think he is many years older than you? By the way, how did you pester him? I don't think you have that quality." He knew her very well. She never talk nicely to opposite sex. Mainly, who interests into her.

She glared her boss, "I didn't pester him. It's him who came himself here. I wanted him to drop me a far from company building."

Kashyap waved his hand into air, "ok... ok... It's really confusing. As you know, he never like to be in relationship in working place. Now, he is in relationship with you."

Reena nodded, "I am also confused."

After thinking, Kashyap said, "Don't forget tomorrow is meeting. and you have to attend."

Something clicked on her mind and she said, "

ok, I have to complete the budget."

When she came to from Kashyap's cabin, her colleagues circled her and asked with curiosity, "Are you and CEO in relationship?"

She said helplessly, "I think so. now let me do my work."

Her colleagues looked at her with disappointment but they couldn't afford to offend her. What if she complaint to CEO about them? They said in unison, "do your work. if you need anything, tell us."

They only want to bootlick her as they can get promotion quickly.

Reena understood every thought but didn't say anything. She came to her desk and thought helplessly 'Did he need to do it?'

After sorting out her thoughts, she started to work.

Meanwhile, Jitish was in good mood. He didn't want anybody had think about his baby in his company.

After entering into his cabin, he called Shivraj. When Shivraj entered, Jitish already sat on his chair and started to his work.

Shivraj greeted him, "Good morning sir"

Jitish nodded and said indifferently, "Today's schedule?"

Shivraj looked at his iPad and told Jitish schedule. After listening, Jitish added, "Keep free weekend. If there is urgency, adjusted on Monday."

Shivraj noted into his iPad and reported, "noted sir."

Jitish gave order, "Now, you can go."

Shivraj wanted to ask about yesterday but Jitish was his boss. How can he question him? Shivraj took deep breath and came out cabin. But he didn't miss to notice that today his boss didn't shout like other days. He didn't think much and started to do his work.

But soon he heard rumours about his boss. Everyone in company was talking that CEO has girlfriend which works in finance department. When he heard it, he startled. He asked a employee with glaring eyes, "What nonsense are you talking? Do you know you can get fired because of gossips about CEO?"

that person startled and said with lowered voice, "Mr Secretary, I am sorry. But everyone was talking about it. I only said what I heard."

Shivraj scolded him, "From where did you hear?"

He told truth, "When I was in pantry for coffee, there was few colleagues of finance department. They were talking that CEO send his girlfriend himself into department and claimed she was his girlfriend."

Shivraj rubbed his temple with frustration. He warned him, "Don't gossip more from now. it's last warning."

He left and went to his cabin. He called Kashyap and told him with gloomy voice, "Mr Kashyap, you should discipline your subordinates. They are spouting rumours about CEO."

Kashyap asked with confusion, "Mr Secretary, can I ask what they are gossiping?"

When Shivraj told Kashyap, Kashyap didn't know how to say it. He took deep breath, "Mr secretary, you should talk CEO directly. Because it's true. I saw with my own eyes."

Shivraj opened his jaw wide, "What?"

After hearing everything, he decided to report his boss. What if his boss didn't know about rumours? After all, every employee would follow CEO's path.

After knocking, he entered into CEO office and reported, "Sir, there is rumour in company about you."

Jitish didn't look him and said, "hmm."

Shivraj didn't know how to tell his boss. He gulped his saliva and told with horror. He was scared his boss would get angry. But When Jitish heard it, He stopped his work and said with curling his lips, "It's good. Everyone knows now."

Shivraj thought he heard and saw wrong. Jitish gave order him after looking clock, "Ohh.. it's lunch time. Arrange two boxes of lunch quickly."

After hearing it, Shivraj came out in daze. what's going on? Who is that girl? But he came into his senses and arranged to lunch boxes immediately.

Reena was doing her work when her mobile rang. She thought to avoid it but looking at screen, she frowned, 'What does he want now?' She was listening about her since morning. She was really frustrated. She was just a simple employee. If everyone suddenly know that their colleague is company CEO'S girlfriend, everyone would be shocked. Even, everyone is guessing how they met? what happened between them? It's true some were awe, some were curious while some were jealous.

She took deep breath and attended call, "Hey."

When he heard her voice, his mood got better, "Baby, it's lunch time. I am waiting for you. Come quickly into my cabin."

She felt warmth after hearing his smooth and caring voice. But she controlled herself and said, "You eat. I will eat in cabin."

After hearing it, he asked her with anger, "Will you come yourself otherwise I will take you here in my arms? It's your choice. If you don't come in five minutes, I am coming to you."

Before she says something,he hung up call. She heard the tune and looked her mobile with confusion. She rubbed her temple with frustration. Why does he never listen her? But had she choice? She understood very well from morning incident that he will definitely come if she wouldn't go.

She stood from her chair and took steps towards top floor. On top floor, everyone was looking her with mixed emotions. Yesterday, she spend time with CEO and both of them left together. Even, they heard rumours and she came at lunch time.

Shivraj looked at her and said, "Sir is waiting for you."

She nodded and went into Jitish's cabin with flushed cheeks. When Jitish looked her to enter, he called her with cheerful voice, "Come quickly otherwise lunch will be cold."

She stomped her feet on floor and went to couch. She sat with gloomy mood and started to eat without looking at him. Jitish looked at her and asked with confusion, "What happened?"

She shook her head with no. He took her into his arms and asked softly, "Baby, please tell me what happened?"

She looked at him and asked with anger, "Did you need to do it? Now, everyone was gossiping about us."

After hearing it, he was relieved. He said with curling his lips, "Baby, isn't it good? Now, everyone knows you are mine and I am yours."

She said with glaring him, "What's good in it? You are CEO that's why you don't need to meet or look anyone but I am simple employee. I have to meet or look other employees."

After thinking, he said with coaxing voice, "ok... I will send mail everyone that don't gossip about us. and don't need to disturb you."

She held her head with headache, "Jitish, I am serious."

He chuckled lightly and kissed on her cheek, "Then tell me how I make for you? I told you transfer to my floor. Then you don't need to meet anyone except me."

He felt her body softness and felt relaxed. He was tired because of work but now she was in his arms, he was relaxing.

She pouted because she knew there was no use to talk him. He will never listen her. She said with making her face, "Let's eat otherwise it's will be cold."

He nodded and left her. They sat side by side and started to eat. After eating, he looked at her with playfully, "Baby, it's desert time."

She looked at table. They already eat everything. She was confused what's to left. Before she understood, He took her into his arms and started to kiss her lips.

She looked into his eyes which were glittering with desire. She started to respond because she couldn't resist him. Soon, their kiss got deeper. When they became breathless, he broke the kiss and hid his face into her shoulder. He was kissing lightly in her neck while she was catching her breath. His fingers automatically started to unbutton her dress. When she noticed his fingers on her naked skin, she came into her senses and called him to stop, "Jitish... stop."

He wanted her right now. He looked at her with dark eyes and asked with hoarse voice, "Can't I?"

Reena bit her lips. It's hard for her to resist herself when he was looking at her. She gulped her saliva and said in low voice, "We can't. We need to do work."

He hid his face into her shoulder and said with husky voice, "Baby, why do I lose myself to you?" She felt his hot breath on her naked shoulder and shivered.

He chuckled softly and said with hot voice, "Baby, but remember I will continue at night where we left right now. Whole night, I will not let you sleep. You will only scream my name with your sexy voice. Baby..."

Reena took deep breath to control herself and said in trembling voice, "Stop... Jitish please Stop." It was tortured for her.

He grinned because he can impact her like it. He hugged her tightly. After calming down himself, he looked into her eyes and said, "Baby, there is party on weekend. would you like to go with me?"

She shook her head, "No, I don't like party. you go." She likes to spend time with her friends rather than useless parties.

He nodded with understanding and said with smile, "Then get ready on weekend. We will go somewhere."

She asked with surprise, "Won't you go to party?"

He shook his head, "There is no fun if you are not with me."

She asked with excitement, "Then where will we go?"

He laughed lightly to look her like it. He pecked her lips, "It's surprise. But be ready for fun."

She pouted, "Can't you tell now?"

He shook his head and asked with evil smile, "What about I make love with you here and tell you?"

She blushed deeply but pushed him away, "I am going now." Because she knew if they start, they will not stop soon. She didn't want everyone gossip about them more.

He chuckled softly and kissed on her cheek, "ok"

With red cheeks, she came out. She shook her head with unbelievable that she went into cabin with anger but she came out with blush. He really had big impact on her. She took deep breath and decided, 'Let them gossip. She will not take seriously any rumour.'

After sitting on her desk, she got busy again. Shit, she forgot to talk him about tomorrow meeting. She decided to talk him about it evening.

In evening, when she was packing her stuff, she received the call from him. She curled her lips. As expected, it's him. She attended the call and heard his voice, "I am sorry, baby. I have to attend a urgent meeting. I can't come home with you. But I arranged car for you. Take dinner at time. I will try to come soon."

She didn't know she should laugh or cry. she didn't ask him. She knew he is busy person. She said with soft voice, "It's ok Jitish. I can understand. But you don't really arrange car for me. I can go myself."

He said her without negotiation, "The driver is already waited for you at parking lot."

She agreed with helplessly, "Then fine."

He said with curling his lips, "And be prepared when I will come. don't forget what I say at noon."

She blushed deeply and said with anger voice, "Don't you have meeting now."

He chuckled lightly, "I am hanging up now."

when he hung up, she smiled and packed her stuff. As Jitish said, driver was already waiting for us. When he dropped her to his house, she looked house with complex emotion. It was her second time to enter into house. She took deep breath and entered into house. Surprisingly, Sheela was waiting for her. Sheela asked polietly, "Mam, do you want to drink something or eat something?"

She had no habit anybody cares her. In her apartment, she lived alone. When she came back from office, she had to think what to cook or order before eating. She said after drinking, "please one cup coffee."

Sheela nodded and left. Reena went to into bedroom and thought to change. When she opened wardrobe, surprisingly, there were many female outfits. She took one and looked. It's her size and new. She was shocked when did Jitish arrange it. She wanted to call him and ask him but she stopped after thinking that he would be in meeting.

Sheela took coffee into bedroom and told her, "Mam, your stuff is here. It is in spare room. If you want to look, tell me."

Reena felt warmth after hearing her belongings were here. It's her thats why it won't compare to expensive stuff.

After drinking coffee and eating snacks, she arranged her stuff according to her.

She didn't notice it's already dinner time. When Sheela came and told her, she looked clock and sighed.

At dinning table, she was alone. She was eating silently. Jitish was not there that's why she walked into garden with listening music.

After an hour, she came to bedroom and laid lazily. Her mind was running the events of two days. It was like dream for her.

She didn't notice it was already 10 pm. He didn't come home till now. He was busy person that's why she could understand. He was with her yesterday. It's hard for him to take leave off.

She went to office next day that's why she tried to sleep. But without him, it's hard to sleep. She turned and tossed for one hour. As she was going sleep,she heard someone opened the door. Her eyelids were already heavy that's why it's hard to open it.

After few minutes, she left he laid beside her and took her into his arms. He kissed her forehead and murmured, "Good night." She took comfortable position into his arms and said with sleepy voice, "Jitish"

He looked at her with surprise, "Did I wake you up?"

Without opening her eyes, she hugged him tightly, "No"

He smiled and kissed her forehead again, "Then sleep."

She nodded and they slept soon.