
Chapter 37: Broken Things

Continuing right from the last chapter...

Ekuto: *laughs hysterically*

Takahashi: Die! You brats!

Takahashi then blast her Sands towards everyone

Kamoyo In His Head: Just as expected, her Sands are much faster & stronger at this rate!

Hira then gets to Tenni & carry her on her back as she was evading the Sands

Hira: Consolation!

As Zukkei was evading...

Zukkei In His Head: If there's a chance. I have no choice now!

Ekuto & Takahashi keeps attacking them with their Winds & Sands but then

Zukkei: Snow Spray!

Takahashi: Damn brat, You've come to die!

Zukkei was terrified by the huge difference of her voice from before

Zukkei: & Freeze!

Zukkei then freeze the Snow he sprayed towards Takahashi & it frozed her arm completely

Matohi then comes

Matohi: Calibur Chain Smack!

Zukkei In His Head: He went for her legs! Now's my chance!

Takahashi then gets sprayed by Zukkei's Snow Spray

Zukkei: & Freeze!

Zukkei In His Head: We can't see her completely, even these sands protecting her is almost impossible to penetrate through!


Hira punched him right at his back spine

Hira In Her Head: Gianki Smash!

But Ekuto then laughs

Hira: What?!

Hira then goes to a different direction to avoid getting hit from Ekuto but then...

Ekuto caught up to her speed easily


Hira In Her Head: Damn it!


Hira then opened her eyes & saw

Hira: Rising Glassier?! Wait!

Zukkei: Matohi! Kamoyo! Now!

Matohi: Chain Smack!

Kamoyo: Punishing Senetsu Blast!

Kamoyo then pushed Ekuto who just got smacked by Matohi through the basement door

Kamoyo In His Head: We'll leave the Sand Lady to you. Zukkei! Hira! Tenni!

Hira In Her Head: They're trying to seperate these two so that they can't work together...I see

Hira: Zukkei! What's our of winning now?

Tenni: Thank you, Hira for carrying me

Hira: Hmm, thank me later. Oi Zukkei

Hira saw Zukkei in shook & silence...

Hira then watched what Zukkei was shook of & they then got silenced

Tenni then touched their shoulder

Tenni: What's happening?

Hira: That Sand Lady...She didn't get freeze by Zukkei's Ice Spray

Zukkei: After all that, it only ended up helping her showing her True Form

Hira & Zukkei were terrified as they saw two completely Red Eyes behind the horrifying Mask Of Sand blocking her face...

Hira: Wh-What?! The Ice...Shattered?!

Takahashi: You runts...You should've run away with your friends & try to get under our radar...

But now that you're here, I'll give you the pleasure of seeing...

My Inner Demon...

The Environment Changed...

Zukkei, Hira, Tenni's face were all in shook as they sensed

Tenni: This Aura...

Hira: & Its Scent...

Zukkei: An Aura Of A Raging Killer

Takahashi: *laughs hysterically* Me & Ekuto has the same way of transforming...Once we transformed...

Takahashi then just attacks them with her Sands

Zukkei In His Head: Did she just intentionally decide to not end her sentence just now?

Hira In Her Head: Her body...They are completely covered by Sands

Takahashi: I am...The Sand Demon!!

Hira: Damn it!

Hira In Her Head: 5th Bell, Kitanai Flow!

Hira: Zukkei!

Zukkei: Don't say anything! I get your point!

Tenni In Her Head: If they let Takahashi hear even a little bit of their plan, they could be doomed.

They've no choice but to understand each other's plan as fighting her

Takahashi: Tenni...

Tenni: Huh?!

Takahashi: Do you think you can survive this?

Don't you think you should run away to save yourself? I'll only kill these two, no need to worr-

Tenni: You scum...I won't let you kill anyone else, I'll kill you right here & now!!

Hira In Her Head: How can she has the courage to say that?!

Takahashi: Blind idiot...

Tenni then rushed towards Takahashi without knowing what Hira's plan is when she talked to Zukkei earlier...


Vakoro just stands behind Kiuji & watch as he's destroying Tori

Tori In His Head: Damn it! I can't evade his punches!

Kiuji: What's going on with you, Tori?! Fighting a bunch of kids doesn't seem to help you, huh

Tori: Shut up!-

Tori then was about to punch Kiuji but...

Kiuji caught him first

Kiuji: Your anger gets you out of your brain.

How disappointing...Having vengeance as a Weakness...

Tori: Sh-Shut-

Tori starts coughing

Kiuji: Do you think this is like an average kids Anime where the protagonist just suddenly gets a huge boost to their power just by pure agony?

Tori couldn't say anything as he was choking & coughing...One after another

Kiuji: You need Spirit, Will, Concentration & A living brain inside your head to do that...Not just-

Tori: Shut-

Tori then starts coughing again...

Kiuji: Vakoro, you mind fighting me?

Vakoro: No...

Kiuji: Hmm, I see...But I'm getting tired of fighting people who fights for nothing but themselves, Tori. So if you don't mind, get up & fight me now


Tori then tries to stand on his two feet...

But as he was trying to stand...

Tori: What...What do you know about people fighting for others, scum?

Kiuji: Hmm

Tori: You're just the same as what you said you're tired of fighting. You kill innocents just for nothing but to entertain yourself...& you think you have the rights to call out other people?...

Kiuji: It's a story i rather not tell to anyone...A Complicated twisted story, twisted methods of Misunderstanding...

Twisted Methods Of 'Justice'

Vakoro: Tori, stand up & finish him now! He's all yours!

Vakoro In His Head: You better finish him before he gets to your head...

Tori: *pants* Fight me...

Kiuji: Hmm...

Tori: Come at me! & Fight me!-

Kiuji then suddenly stands in front of Tori...

Tori: ...Hit me! What are you waiting for?!

Kiuji: Hmm, you think i can't sense your Aura Trap?

Tori: ...Damn you...

Tori then tries to lay a finger on Kiuji but he moved slightly to the side to avoid getting touched by his finger

Kiuji then punches Tori's cheek...

He then got sent walking away drunk & he also struggled trying to stand properly

Vakoro In His Head: His cheek bones are broken...

Tori: *pants*

Kiuji: *sighs*

Kiuji then walk straight towards Tori

Kiuji: Tori, is this all you got? You've missed all your chances to kill me or even to hit me...

I only punched you a couple times & you're already walking like a dead wood...

Tori: Shut up!...Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!!

Tori then roars in anger & starts gathering more Aura

Kiuji: Hmm, I hope you didn't put all your power just to that scream...

Tori In His Head: I only have one way of killing him but to do that, everything must go according to my plan...This is it now...This is my last chance of redeeming myself!

Tori: Shallow Sound Spread!

Tori then used the sounds to hurt Kiuji's ears

Vakoro In His Head: How can he knows what Kiuji hate hearing?

The Sounds is only hurtful to Kiuji's ears

Kiuji: Damn these screeching sounds

Tori In His Head: Spirit, Will, Concentration & A Brain...I have all that now. Now, all that's left

Tori: Soundwave!

Kiuji then evades all his moves

Kiuji: Fall!

Kiuji tried to drop Tori from the sky & ramped him against the ground but

Tori: Bubble Of Sounds!

Tori then falls but managed to stand properly...

Kiuji In His Head: He made the Sound Bubble to get my Gravitational Force to follows the Flow Of His Sounds therefore weakening my Force & could only make him fall slowly...

Vakoro In His Head: He's using his brain now, Kiuji

Kiuji: Hmm, I'm Amazed...

Tori then close his eyes as he was making Soundwaves towards Kiuji one after another...


Tori then gets behind Kiuji & punch him but he blocked it

Kiuji: Arghh!

Tori: That was a...Drum Spark!

Tori says that as he was backing away from Kiuji

Kiuji: Hmm

Tori In His Head: I can't push farther anymore, i need to keep my Aura under control or else...

Kiuji: Pulling Force!

Kiuji In His Head: Hmm, he's not fighting back?

Tori then got pulled by Kiuji but as he was about to get to Kiuji's hand

Tori: Bubble Of Sounds!

Kiuji: What?

Tori: Impact Strike!


The environment felt different...

As Tori finally successfully land his first Hit on Kiuji!

Vakoro: Tori! Don't get over yourself just yet!

Tori: Hai!

Tori then backs away by jumping & flipping

Kiuji: *laughs quietly* Impressive...

Tori: You're still acting like you're polite at a time like this?!

Kiuji: Hmm, you want me to go full power, huh

Tori: Give me all you got! I'm not gonna hold back now!

Kiuji: *laughs quietly* Glad we could reach an agreement...Then

Vakoro: Tori...

Tori: Vakoro! I don't care anymore! It's not about my pride! Or his pride now! It's about killing this scum! Now, let's fight him together!

Vakoro: Hmm

Vakoro In His Head: You've noticed that for a while now, huh

Tori: I know you only refuse to fight up until now so that i can get the full satisfaction of beating him alone!

Kiuji: *laughs quietly*

Vakoro: Alright then, I'll join in...

Vakoro then gathers his Aura...

Tori has decided to fight Kiuji together rather than fighting him alone...

But is it enough to beat the leader Of The Top Parade?...

To be continued...