
one night day

The world best thing is sleeping time

yeah now iam told this one

A wolrd reaches a unlimited living things

that's a one man sleeping in a bed with so tired and depressed so much

he thinking a life whole day , but he cant haved any mood of living , atlast time they gone to sleep , now .

deep of sleep is happened here , then he have to see some magical or lonely planet drop to leg on there freshly

he search somebody to took there.but nobody is visible.

he traveled with helping of some traveled machine

but there no oxygen to he can breath the own world yeah current world i mean already slept planet ..

then he moved to some other place , no male or females are there , then he see a brightfull vision door .he moved there .he step the door ..across the door he reached the sleepy planet , ..he is dead on that bed he saw this ....suddenly he wakeup ...and is soul is oppent of opposite there ....he sudden sock ...he asked that mirror how my soul is leaved out ...these says your soul is not have a good way so am care on your life he feel good ..then one alarm is buzzerd he wakeup a bed with early morning ...

let after continue the what happen on door to crossing a current planet ..will say soon ....ask me what happen to me to the notice