
One Slash System

Status : Currently rewriting. Without a blade, I am weak. With blade, I am invincible. ONE SLASH to cut rivers and mountains! ONE SLASH to cut the stars in the sky! ONE SLASH to cut your dreams! ONE SLASH to cut your life! In a random old dojo, there was a master that could cut through anything even in the ghost of the underworld! Ding! [[ TEN THOUSAND WORLDS APOCALYPSE ONLINE INVITATION. [ Accept? (Yes) or (No) ]]  

Man_Doggo · Ciudad
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10 Chs

New life 2/3

"Baby, Oh, Oh."

"You're just a little loco, like what's in Acapulco…."

Currently, Slyon is singing while walking at the end of the city's influence.

The city that alienated him.

The fluttering of leaves in the trees, the hot air making him inhale, and the sunlight blinding his eyes.

Slyon can see the mountain already, and he is near his destination.

Slyon finally made it.

He is not hungry as he thought he would be because this place is not a third-world country like in his past.

People are rich, and their houses are so far away from each other.

The problem here is that in the highway's rumble strip and pedestrians.

One must run to cross the street for only three seconds, or they would have to wait for two hours again.

What's only good for Slyon's being is he could eat too many wild berries along the way.

Suddenly, he stopped and sighed.

"I hate this coping feeling I'm having."

Slyon thought life would be exciting if you were reincarnated or transmigrated to another world, especially to an internet hoodlum like him.

However, the reality is hopeless.

He was so bored.

"If I go back to the city, whenever I talk to people, they would not understand me."

Slyon felt terrible because of it.

An alienation despite there being people around him.

"Here I am."

Slyon spoke to himself.

Looking at the unknown and dangerous forest in front of him.

He looked back. He could see the city full of the unknown.

In his mind, there were young, old, middle-aged people living a life in the city. However, there are crimes, killing, scheming, etc.

However, if he turned to the forest, his mind would let him wild bears, spiders, and poisonous snakes.

Slyon could see himself being poisoned, eaten, and sick, while he didn't have a slashing weapon or not a doctor that would cure him like in the city.

He's having trouble choosing.

"Am I here so I can completely isolate myself?"

Slyon felt like he was guilty of watching too many YouTube survival tutorials.

He felt confident living alone. 

However, now that it's in front of him, he realises that things are more challenging than they look and sound.

Slyon, however, is okay with this.

Gripping his rusty knife, he felt he became invincible.

Slyon punched the tree! He expected to crumble.


This made his jaw drop while his mouth was opened.

He learned common sense.

The tree has no clear indication that a part of it has a single scratch.

Just standing stronger there with no visible mark.

''Is this because I am weak?''

Slyon asked.

The tree was just still there.

His mind thought that this tree felt like it was mocking him.

He is not strong, and very likely, it's the reason that no human could bring a tree down barehanded.


With a swing of his hand, the tree that was standing solid and proud suddenly disappeared!

At first, it was split into two. 

However, the damage expanded until all the fibres of the tree crumbled into a powder and into nothing.

Slyon stared at the hole where the tree disappeared, including its roots.

He is wearing a sceptical look.

'I am invincible.'

He said.

The feeling of only needing to perform slashes to be invincible feels incredibly unique to him.

Suddenly, Slyon gripped the tool in his hands tightly.

He thrusts it again into another innocent tree to his side because he feels like doing it again.


Just like last time, the attack did not destroy the tree.

Slyonh stared at it for a long time.

The exhilarating feeling and the Deja Vu of thinking something was there for a moment ago, and then now it's gone, was haunting him a little.

"The only thing I can use to obliterate everyone or everything is slash, right?"

Slyon didn't need to question anything. He is just talking to himself as he tries to manipulate himself to test it.

Straight down, straight up, stab left, stab right, stab down, stab below.

Slyon tried different kinds of attacks to ensure the system's power was in his hands.

As the system says, it can only slash. However, it only needs one slash.

That's why it's called One Slash System.

"So I can fight in this invincible state without slashing."

Just think of using guns, spears or other weapons while holding a knife, etc.

Slyon tried fencing by thrusting again.

It stabbed the tree. However, there was no clear sign that it went inside it.

"My other attacks besides slashing are not strong because of my still weak physical ability."

Slyon smiled.

He never thought that this system was this easy to use.

Slyon was celebrating in his heart. 

He was having a heart attack from the need to do those performed slashes.

He needed to pay for it using a lot of slashes.

It's tiring for him.

Slyon is glad he can minimise the need to use it if the enemy is weak.

He didn't need to slash and slash and slash for the performed slash and avoid the harmful reduction of performed incisions in his invincible state.

Slyon stared at the sky. The desire to dream and rest resurfaced in his mind.

'It's getting dark.'

He thought.

He tried to look for a resting place, but the forest's dangerous insects and animals made him hesitant.

What if he went to sleep and was injected with venom?

'I prefer to sleep in the city.'

Slyon said.

Sounding very defeated.

Slyon knew that in his heart, he wanted to rebel against the city that alienated him.

He felt like he didn't belong there.

However, seeing the unpredictability of the darkness of the unknown forest changed his mind.

This is not his earth. He is sure that there are different kinds of species in the forest.

Just thinking about it, sleeping on the sidewalk rather than on the grass with thousands of crawlers is always better.

All of a sudden, Slyon heard scuttle near him.

"What's that?"

Scuttle! Scuttle!

It was there again, loud. 

Telling him that a neighbour is there, not shy enough to hide its presence.

Slyon's eyes landed on the random tall grasses near him.

'It's there!'

He chose to point at the random grass.

Slyon felt like the wind had changed in that direction. It might be his imagination, but he is sure it's in those grassy areas.

His mind was telling him that something was going to jump in there.

The fear of the unknown was making his nerves tense.

Scuttle! Scuttle!

A shadow shows its head from the tall grasses. 

When Slyon saw the creature, his tongue was tied.

Need to figure out what to say.

The creature's head is not a small, furry mammal with long ears. 

It has two pairs of sharp incisors in the front teeth, one on top and one on the bottom. 

It also has two peg teeth behind the top incisors.

"What the?"

Slyon exclaimed.

He rubbed his eyes to see if what he was seeing was real.

Such a familiar creature shouldn't have that kind of massive head.

Seemingly wanting to play with his thoughts, the creature suddenly withdrew its head.

When Slyon opened his eyes, the creature's head was gone.

If it were a normal situation like the robbers earlier, Slyon would think of it as a hallucination on his part.

"That rabbit head was as big as my fucking stomach."

Slyon thought so.

"What is that?"

Slyon hurriedly gripped his rusty knife tightly.

Somehow, he can feel his heart throbbing.

He didn't understand why.

Maybe because he needed to be convinced that his slash system would work.

Slyon had a foreboding feeling. He could even hear his breath.
