
One Slash System

Status : Currently rewriting. Without a blade, I am weak. With blade, I am invincible. ONE SLASH to cut rivers and mountains! ONE SLASH to cut the stars in the sky! ONE SLASH to cut your dreams! ONE SLASH to cut your life! In a random old dojo, there was a master that could cut through anything even in the ghost of the underworld! Ding! [[ TEN THOUSAND WORLDS APOCALYPSE ONLINE INVITATION. [ Accept? (Yes) or (No) ]]  

Man_Doggo · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Complication and Deal

While things were happening between the vampiric winged creatures and the teenager earlier.

'Damn it.'

Slyon had a hard time getting out of the truck that hit him.

The rusty knife on his hand disappeared and he is not in his invincible mode.

'It hurts.'

He said to himself while checking if he has a deep injury.

'But only a little.'

Slyon thought. 

Wondering why he is not that hurt.

It was the feeling of being hit by ten watermelon in the stomach.

'Is it because I'm already a creature in tenth order?'

Before he could reach the 11th order, Slyon fought a lot of high level massive bunnies.

Whenever he stabs, punches, kicks, or even pushes them, they are all durable.

Especially the one in level 9 and 10.

He had to use the One Slash to finish them off quickly or they would take a lot of time.


When he turned to look, he could hear them speaking at each other.

'Helmut Family?'

He didn't know what family it was.

So Slyon decided not to make a scene or sound while getting out of the truck.

His eyes wandered everywhere, trying to find the knife.

'My weapon, where are you?'

Slyon tried to crawl at the back of the giant tree.

After that he saw his knife.

Without wasting any more time, he reached for it.

"Finally, I have this."

Slyon said.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He was startled.

With his sight being improved as he reaches the 11th order.

The battle was so clear in his eyes.

Their words, their breath and their heartbeat.

"I can't hear the heartbeat of those two?"

Slyon eyes the biggest vampiric winged creature in front and the teenager who was covered in armor, riding his black dragon.

"Awesome, I feel like I'm in a movie."

Slyon said as he watched them.

"A group of vampire bats and dragon knights, if I didn't awaken my system, I would be stomped on by these monsters."

He said 

While living his best life.

At the center.

The black dragon knight was breathing heavily.

The coordinate attacks are ordered by the most vampiric creature in the group.

'My past life experience is useless.'

The black dragon knight looked in the direction of the beggar.

He was now on the top of the tree, leisurely watching him fight the vampire.

Both are looking at each other.

'Is he really that young master of the Helmut Family?'

The black dragon knight thought.

The beggar however, just ignored him and decided to turn his head away while picking a booger at his nose.

Suddenly, the black dragon knight remembered why he was fighting with these blood suckers.

When the black suit man earlier who was already turned into a bloody paste said that the Helmut family needed someone as a sacrifice.

The black dragon knight remembered that before the ten thousand world apocalypse Online started.

The four of the five leading families destroyed one of the five families that protects humanity, the Trinity Family.

The Helmut Family used a nameless useless son or a brat to start a war with the Trinity Family and massacre them all together with the four families. 

'It's possible that it's him.'

The black dragon knight spoke in his head while his black dragon was defending the attacks from the winged vampires.

'Should I test it?'

He thought.

He gazed at the winged creatures and knew that if the one in the center attacks.

He and his summoned black dragon would definitely die.

All of a sudden, the dragon knight raised his spear and waved it.


Slyon and the winged vampire leader caught his attention.

"Helmut Family bastard, they came for you! Run away as fast as possible now!"

The black dragon knight looked at Slyon.

Slyon could feel a foreboding feeling from this guy.

'If you are that sacrifice and the reason for the downfall of humanity before the ten thousand apocalypse Online game started.'

The black dragon knight thought.

His breath became a little heavy with determination on his head.

'I will protect you.'

He thought.

He didn't expect that he would meet him here.

His goal here is to find the source where the apocalypse started.

However, since he found the reason for the fall of humanity here, he might as well save him to avoid the reason for humanity's first downfall.

All the winged creatures stopped attacking the black dragon knight.

All their eyes landed on Slyon who was just chilling on the side.

Whirling his little finger and picking his booger.

He shook the bad feeling earlier and he knew this was none of his business.

Suddenly, the kid screamed.

"They are planning to kill you!"

The faces of the vampiric were silent.

Slyon could hear the whistle of the wind.

He never would have thought that this kid would sell him.

Seeing familiar faces, the winged creatures' faces, changes!

Killing intents was felt by him.

Slyon realized that the world became heavy and dark.

'Is it raining?' 

He thought, when he looked back, several killing intent are all pointing in one direction.

To him

Slyon was shocked.

'What a bas-'

Slyon thought as he stood up in panic.

However, he soon calmed down, knowing that the sword was in his hands.

'You are already fighting them, why did you have to point your finger at me too!?'

He cursed.


The winged creature leader shouted in anger. 

Slyon did not understand, however, it's clear that the words this bastard was saying were to him.

'Enemy of the owner of this body?'

Instead of backing down, Slyon sized him up.

'How many experience points would I gain if I kill this one?'

Recently, the experience from killing rabbits became low to him.

Slyon is just hunting the rabbits earlier because of their meat.

Maybe because he became homeless and he was just eating wild berries and fruits, the rabbit meat became tasty to him.

Also, the higher the level of the protein rabbit, the tastier it is.

Even if it's raw.


The winged creature palpitates its wings while he is looking madly at Slyon.

The veins on his colored soft bald vampirice heart appeared.

The wings on his back suddenly straightened at the back!

His wings instantly went forward.


A wind attack was generated.

The branches of the tree at the side were cut!

However, the wind attack is not done and went straight up to Slyon's direction.


He shouted.

However, the next scene scared the hell out of their souls.

Slyon jumped straight to the wind attack with his arms wide open.

The black dragon knight, the bald winged vampire, the black dragon and the leader of the vampires were shocked.

Why did he jump in the wind attack instead?


Slyon was gripping his rusty knife tightly, this time, he won't let anything blow it away.


Instead of killing him, the wind propelled him to fly up in the air.


Slyon said while in the sky.

'I almost sang the song I believe I can fly.'

He thought with embarrassment showing on his face. 

Everyone's tongue was wide open that a fist could enter them.

The black dragon, the winged vampiric creatures and the teen riding his black dragon.

'I never thought it would send me flying.'

Slyon closed his eyes.

He thought the attack earlier would only pass through him and won't let him experience rare occasions like this.

"Thank you "

He said.

Everyone who was frozen clearly heard it.

What, thank you?

All of them think so too.

It's like he is humiliating them.

They woke up from their stupor, but still, they couldn't move.

"What just happened?"

The black dragon spoke with questioning eyes.

The level of the beggar young master was only in the 11th order.

What happened to the attack that came from a creature that's in 18th order.

Why did it not kill him?

The vampiric creatures were also wondering about it too.

The black dragon knight or the teen tried to think it through.

He never thought that he would witness a ridiculous scene that even he, a regressor cannot explain.

It's also right here and right now.

"Maybe he is immune to wind attacks?"

He assumed.

However, he is not sure since if he is immune, he won't be carried by the wind.

Still, that's the only possible answer he could think of.

Some people or humanoid creatures are immune to poison, fire, etc

It's possible that he is immune to wind attacks too.

Slyon was looking at them with mixed feelings. 

Contemplating on what to do with them.

'A black komodo dragon that can talk, a teenager in a school uniform that can understand me, vampires that have hostility towards the owner of this body I occupied?'

Slyon didn't have a hatred for them but he was extremely curious.

These monsters can only be seen or read in novels and mythical stories.

Who wouldn't want to see them?

Slyon suddenly thought of a solution.

'Hold on!'

He said in his head.

'When I reached the 10th order last time, I had a new slashing ability.'

Slyon said with a creepy smile resurfacing on his face.

'I can now cut and split a creature, a tree, into two.'

'Unlike last time where I would obliterate everything just by slashing indiscriminately where nothing would be left, even their ashes.'

His smile became wide.

It's almost reaching his ear.

Slyon eyed the black dragon knight and it's black dragon mount.

'Let me see…'

He observed.

'A talking black dragon and its rider, I will just ask them about anything. They are valuable but if they resist, I will slash them.'

He turned his attention to the vampires.

'Since they have animosity against me, I will just kill them and split them into tiny pieces.'

Slyon didn't know that his smile became like that of a devil.

'After that, I would put their body parts hanging in my house in the future as a display like hunters would put wild animals as trophies of their successful hunt.'